DOE Employee Alleges Gender Fluid Drag Queen into Kink and Pups Did Not Meet Qualifications to Be Deputy Secretary in Nuclear Energy Department

Sam Brinton (left)

Sam Brinton, a genderqueer drag queen into BDSM, and prominent gay rights activist.

Sam was appointed by the Biden regime to oversee the US’s nuclear power plants.

“SAM BRINTON will be the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Energy Department’s Office of Nuclear Energy.” – Politico reported.

Brinton is a “non-binary” drag queen into “kink” with “they/them” pronouns.

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Sam’s passion is his gay and kink activism.


Brinton is also a “pup handler” — *yikes*

Sam Brinton announced last week that he is now officially serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy.

Recently an employee at the DOE alleged that Sam Brinton was pushed into the position due to his gay activism and did not meet the requirements for the position.

Does this surprise anyone?

According to the DOE employee there were “substantial irregularities” in the hiring process.

Exchange Monitor reported:

In a Feb. 2 letter to Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Deputy Inspector General Norbert Vint, the DOE employee alleged that “prohibited personnel practices” were utilized in selecting Sam Brinton for the position of deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition (NE-8) in DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy. The letter requested that OPM investigate the matter.

The employee alleged that “undue political influence and preferences were applied” at DOE to select Brinton for the position. The letter also raised concerns about Brinton’s qualifications for a position in the Senior Executive Service (SES) — the class of federal career officials who rank just below top presidential appointees in seniority.

The DOE employee complained that Brinton’s “background is limited to select advocacy work and an academic background at the graduate-degree level which together satisfy requirements for the competitive placement of a qualified GS-11 in federal career service, not a high-standing member of the SES,” the employee said.

Brinton, who identifies as genderfluid and uses “they” and “them” as third-person pronouns, announced Jan. 10 that they had accepted an offer to become DOE’s next NE-8 — a position that for long had been filled on an acting basis. In a since-deleted Tweet, Brinton said that they were joining the SES “as a career versus a political appointment.”

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