Tommy Robinson on War Room: “Anyone who Goes against the Narrative Will Be Silenced”

UK activist and journalist Tommy Robinson appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room Tuesday to report on how his new book Silenced has been, well, silenced.

Speaking about the Dutch farmer protests, Robinson called the EU attack on farming “the next phase of their climate agenda.”

“If you look at the EU budget, how much is going the Climate Change, whether it will be future Lockdowns due to Climate Change, they are going to push it. They will want you to eat bugs.”

“Whether it be Bill Gates buying up the farm land, whether it be the destruction of the farmers so they can control them, whether it be the food shortages which are coming, probably orchestrated, it’s very important to know what’s going on.”

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“Just as in Canada, where the truckers were on the front line of the battle against the vaccine, the Dutch farmers are bringing this to the world’s attention – even though the media are totally ignoring it.”

Bannon called the cult of Climate Change “high church, this Gaia theology, it’s almost like a pagan religion. You can’t go against the theology.”

“You can’t go against whatever their narrative is, whether that be Climate Change, or Transgenderism, Islam or Open Borders, whichever one you talk about, you will be Silenced.”

Tommy Robinson’s new book “Silenced” has been removed by Amazon after climbing the bestseller charts almost to the top. You can order “Silenced” here.

Robinson is holding a book signing event in Telford on the 10th of July at 6pm. Tickets are sold out.

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