As an open conservative, the actor Jon Voight is a rare man in Hollywood.
He recently uploaded a video of himself calling for Joe Biden’s impeachment on his Twitter account.
It’s getting a lot of attention for obvious reasons.
Newsweek reports:
Jon Voight Calls for Biden Impeachment—’We Cannot Wait Another Second’
Jon Voight has called for President Joe Biden to be impeached, accusing the Democratic leader of having “wronged this nation’s glory.”
The conservative actor, a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump, called for Biden to be removed from office in a video message that was shared on his verified Twitter account on Tuesday…
“My dear friends, we’re all saddened by so much turmoil that has been brought upon this life we live,” Voight started his video message. “Can this darkness be lifted? Can we all share joy once again and see eye to eye?”
“We have a troubled nation with much horror from these criminals that are ruining lives,” he went on. “We must stop this now. We must bring back our nation’s safety.
“Our police must act on righteousness and guard our neighborhoods, our businesses, our children, our elderly, our veterans and our handicapped. We must protect this nation and bring back safety. We’re all feeling very unsafe.”
“We’re all angry, and let’s remember why,” the Oscar-winning screen star went on. “It starts with the seat of the president of the United States. He has wronged this nation’s glory. He has taken down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free.
Watch the video below:
Liberal celebrities will probably be disgusted by this but that’s just too bad.
They called for Trump’s impeachment for four years.
Cross posted from American Lookout.