DEEP STATE’s Latest Assault on Eric Greitens Who Is Leading Missouri Senatorial Race – Bringing in Jan 6 Investigator to Run as Independent

Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove and other members of the Uniparty Deep State are doing all they can to stop formed Missouri Governor Eric Greitens from winning the Missouri GOP Primary. 

Now they’re bringing in a Jan 6 investigator to run as an independent against Eric Greitens.  Why waste the time and money?

No matter what they do, the RINOs and Deep State are having a very difficult time  derailing Eric Greitens in the race for Missouri Senator.

The corrupt St. Louis attorney Kim Gardner was behind the operation to remove the popular Missouri governor from office.  She was funded by George Soros in her run for office.  Eventually, the entire incident unraveled but not before Greitens was forced to resign.  Shady operatives were behind the accusations against Greitens that forced him to resign.  The case fell apart after he did.

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Greitens regrouped and decided to run for the open Senate seat being vacated by Senator Roy Blunt.  See the book Extortion by Peter Schweizer to learn more about Blunt.

Greitens has been in the lead in the Missouri race since he announced his run for the US Senate.

KMOV POLL: Former Governor Eric Greitens Leads Race for US Senate in Missouri

Because of this and his comments about never supporting corrupt Senator Mitch McConnell for GOP leadership, Greitens has been under attack.

One incident that was shocking was how McConnell and Karl Rove worked to target Greitens using his ex-wife.

“I Love My Boys – I’m Going to Protect Them from Cowards Like Rove and McConnell” – Eric Greitens Releases Statement after Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove Exposed as Masterminds Behind Latest Disgusting Smear

Now the Deep State and McConnell believe that they can bring in a Jan 6 investigator and run him as an independent and that will prevent Greitens from winning the GOP Senate race.

An attorney who resigned last week as a senior investigator for the House January 6 committee is running for a Missouri US Senate seat as an independent, seeking to stop a far-right former governor, Eric Greitens, who leads the Republican field.

John F Wood, who once worked in the administration of George W Bush, announced that he was beginning the effort to get on the November general election ballot for the seat held by Roy Blunt, a retiring Republican.

Some Republican leaders have expressed concern that Greitens might prevail in a 21-candidate field for the Republican nomination in the 2 August primary, then lose to a Democrat in November because of sex and campaign finance scandals that pushed him from office in 2018.

Note that Woods was general counsel for the US Chamber of Commerce which also does not ring well with Americans who have watched that organization promote policies that send US jobs overseas.

If McConnell and Rove think that an investigator on the Jan 6 Committee with a first name of “F” is a legitimate challenger in the Missouri Senate race, they are more demented than we knew.

Maybe they need “F” because it is easier to manipulate the vote?

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