Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a fearless opponent of the New World Order, where human rights are discounted and sacrificed for those in power, was interviewed recently by Attorney Reiner Füllmich.
We previously reported on Part I of this interview.
Today was have Part II of the interview:
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Below are some key thoughts coming from Archbishop Vigano’s interview with attorney Reiner Füllmich.
- …the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.
- False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly.
- Even the recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis significantly finds the globalist elite, NATO, the American deep state, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the entire media machine, and the Vatican all aligned on the same side. Putin’s intervention in Ukraine is considered a threat to the New World Order that must be neutralized even at the cost of a global conflict.
- …the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately provoked by the deep state in order to force the world to carry out the Great Reset reforms, in particular the so-called “technological transition” and the “green shift.” It is the second stage of the globalist technocrat coup, after the pandemic farce.
- Without a crisis, how could the increase in the price of gas and petrol be imposed as an instrument to force companies and individuals to make the famous “ecological transition” that no one has ever voted for and that has been imposed by bureaucrats who are enslaved by the elite?
- …the ideological – and infernal – purposes of the elite make use of the complicity of economic potentates whose aims are merely to make profit.
- The family is certainly at the center of the globalists’ attack.
- striking at the family leads indefectibly to the dissolution of the social body, which by nature is incapable of replacing the role of the family.
There is much more below in the transcript from the interview.
Interview Dr Manocchia June 2022 Part I and II by Jim Hoft on Scribd