Illegal Aliens Set to Receive Driver’s Licenses in Massachusetts After State Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto – 17 States Now Allow Illegals to Get Gov’t Issued Photo ID

Illegal aliens who reside in the state of Massachusetts will now be able to receive a government-issued driver’s license.

On Thursday, the Bay State’s Democrat-controlled legislature voted to overturn Governor Charlie Baker’s recent veto of a bill called “the Work and Family Mobility Act.” With the passage of the new legislation, an estimated 200,000 illegals living in the state will be granted a driver’s license.

And, it’s worth pointing out – the ‘200,000 illegals’ estimate was calculated prior to Biden’s open border bonanza. It’s impossible to know how many more have flooded the state since he took office.

The new law is set to go into effect on July 1, 2023. Once enacted, Illegals will simply have to pass a written and driving test to receive the documents.

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Five Democratic senators broke ranks and joined Republicans in support of the Governor’s veto, but it wasn’t nearly enough, as Democrats overwhelmingly outnumber Republicans 37-3 in the state Senate and 127-31 in the House.

Opponents of the bill argued, rightly, that the legislation sends a devastating message; mainly, that it is okay to come to America and break the law – not only that but you will be rewarded for it. But that’s the way it goes in Biden’s America.

Plus, as Governor Baker pointed out when vetoing the bill last week, the law will likely enable illegal aliens to easily cast votes, therefore interfering with future elections.

From The Epoch Times:

Baker, a Republican, said in a statement that he opposed the measure out of concern that it could potentially lead to noncitizens registering to vote.

In a statement explaining his veto, Baker also said he was concerned with tasking the state’s registry of motor vehicle workers with the job of deciphering foreign documents and their authenticity.

“The RMV does not have the expertise or ability to verify the validity of many types of documents from other countries,” Baker said.

Unbelievably, the legislation had the complete support of the Massachusetts Major City Chiefs of Police and a majority of the state’s sheriffs and district attorneys, who argued that the law would make America’s roadways “safer” for everyone.

The same was argued by mayors from across the state, 19 of whom signed off on a letter in February advocating for the law’s passage.

From the Mayoral letter, via The Epoch Times:

“All Boston and Massachusetts adults deserve access to driver’s licenses regardless of immigration status,” the mayors said in a joint statement. “I support the Family Mobility Act because it will make all of us safer.”

Now that the law has passed, Democrat state Sen. John Keenan pushed for other states to grant driver’s licenses to illegals in order to turn this destructive policy into a nationwide movement.

Well, unfortunately, the US is way ahead of Keenan’s agenda. There are already 16 states that issue driver’s licenses to illegal aliens: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. And now you can add Massachusetts to the list.

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