WATCH: Univision Anchor Compares Second Amendment to Radical Islam, Gets Completely Owned By Colleague

A Univision anchor ridiculously compared the Second Amendment to radical Islam while discussing the tragic school shooting in Uvalde.

Linea de Fuego host Luis Carlos Vélez argued that if you follow the “Quran to the T” you end up with extremism, and that the same was true with the Second Amendment.

Luckily, his colleague Franklin Camargo, who is from Venezuela, was there to explain why he was so incredibly wrong.

“Radical Muslims, for example. Radical Muslims, for example, follow the Quran to the T. The Quran to the T, right? And the Quran says, for example, that women should be completely dressed in black, that women should be covered and this has somewhat of a historical explanation due to the war, due to the way they move around as nomads,” Vélez said.

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Vélez continued, “I make this introduction on order to ask you: Dude- you can’t follow the Quran to the T. We’ve seen- we’ve realized that this is extremism. Following to the T and adhering to the Second Amendment- is there any explanation for that given the facts we see today? Franklin?”

Camargo shut him down gloriously — pointing out that it is estimated that in 2021, guns were used 1.6 million times in self-defense.

“Yes. The Second Amendment exists in order to protect citizens from the government so that in the event that a totalitarian government should attempt to use force and violate your individual rights, you are able to defend yourself,” Camargo began. “But it also allows honest citizens to defend themselves from criminals who simply do not follow the law. And there’s evidence of this. It is estimated that in 2021, last year, guns were used 1.6 million times in self-defense.”

Newsbusters, who first reported on the segment, noted that “the last time we took note of Vélez, he was blasting President Joe Biden on inflation. Vélez’ odd take betrays the industrywide anti-gun biases that pervade Spanish-language media, and their inability to wrap their collective heads around anything other than gun bans.”

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