CDC Raises Travel Alert to ‘Level 2’ For Monkeypox

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) raised the travel alert for monkeypox.

A monkeypox outbreak that has resulted in hundreds of cases in more than 20 countries prompted the CDC to move its travel advisory from ‘Level 1’ to ‘Level 2’

‘Level 2’ alert advises people to practice enhanced precautions, such as avoiding sick people, including those with skin lesions.

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The CDC advised travelers to avoid contact with dead or live wild animals, including monkeys and rodents.

Travelers should also avoid eating bushmeat (wild game).

The highest alert is ‘Level 3’ which advises people to avoid nonessential travel.

Health officials confirmed last Wednesday the first case of monkeypox virus infection in Massachusetts this year.

The CDC expressed concern last Tuesday about the monkeypox outbreak in the UK and warned of the possibility that the outbreak could spread beyond U.K. borders.

Forbes reported:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just presented some next level stuff when it comes to traveling during the current monkeypox outbreak. The outbreak, which has already resulted in over 200 confirmed and over 100 suspected cases in over 20 different countries has prompted the CDC to move its travel advisory from Level 1 to Level 2. Level 2 is the “Alert” level, corresponding to “Practice Enhanced Precautions.” Level 1 was the “Watch” level, which simply meant “Practice Usual Precautions.”

The CDC has a total of three possible levels when it comes to monkeypox travel advisories. The highest level would be Level 3, which is the the “Warning” level and corresponds to “Avoid Nonessential Travel.” Clearly, like golf scores and the number of times a marmot hits you in the groin with a golf club, the higher the number, the worse things are. While Level 2 does not really restrict where you can travel, as the name of the level implies, it does mean that you should be alerted to practice some “enhanced precautions.”

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