MORE MEDIA LIES: Salt Lake Tribune Hack Says Trump Had Small Crowd in Wyoming – Used Pic from Early in Afternoon – Real Size Was HUGE!

Trump’s rally in Wyoming last night was huge.  It’s doubtful that there ever was a political event this large in the state.  But the far-left Raw Story lied and claimed the place was empty. 

Dan Scavino shared a video of the crowd in Casper, Wyoming last night and it was huge.

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But that didn’t stop the lying media from reporting otherwise. Far-left Raw Story used a picture from before the event to claim no one was there. The lying media has been doing this since President Trump’s Inauguration.

According to RedState, the tweet by Raw Story was based on a tweet by someone from the Salt Lake Tribune.

Unfortunately for the Salt Lake Tribune guy and Raw Story, the place filled up.  Later in the evening, the Trib guy tweeted that he wasn’t able to update his tweet but the rally size was huge.

What pathetic people.

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