President Trump was right when he said “Few can take on the Fake News Media like Kari.”
Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake stumped perhaps the most biased fake news media outlet in the state of Arizona. It was so bad that they didn’t even publish a story with the Trump-Endorsed Arizona Gubernatorial frontrunner’s interview.
This was one of her best fake news interviews yet. Lake made the reporter look like a fool at every turn.
Previously, AZ Central and The Arizona Republic refused to run Kari Lake’s “Defend Arizona” border policy op-ed because she used the word “invasion.” They are an open-borders propaganda outlet.
Kari Lake formerly covered Arizona for 27-year as a news anchor, which taught her exactly how to fight the fake news and WIN. Lake recorded this interview herself, as she does with all of her interviews. Then, she typically exposes the lies that follow.
The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on Kari Lake’s annihilation of the Fake News Media numerous times.
The Arizona Republic admittedly begged for the interview, but Lake was the first to share it two weeks later on social media. They had no words to twist and no story to write because Kari Lake is a true professional.
The botched media hit jobs have only boosted her polling numbers. Lake now leads in her primary race by double digits!
Kari told the interviewer, “you guys are on the side of the cartels,” and she didn’t even deny it!
Lake: I offered my border policy to the Arizona Republic. Your management refused to take it unless I took out the word invasion, which tells me that you guys are on the side of the cartels.
Reporter: Then why did you agree to do an interview?
Lake: Because you’ve been pestering me nonstop.
Reporter:That’s true.
Lake: The only discussion that the Arizona Republic is interested in is a far-left discussion. And Stacy, you’ve been here 10 months you don’t understand Arizona. I’m sorry to say that. I’m out with people every day. I’m out with hundreds of people every day, 1000s of people some days. They’re fed up but what’s happening at our border. I appreciate your time. We gave you one more question, you asked the question. We’ve given you probably what, five or 10 minutes longer? I appreciate your time, but I’m really prepared for another hit piece from the Republic. The good news is our polling is showing that every day you guys write a hit piece on me or every week, and it’s not sticking because the good people of Arizona—who I have a relationship with and I’ve had a relationship with for 27 years—are not buying the garbage that you guys are peddling.
Reporter: I don’t understand why you are attacking my you know, having lived here a short period of time. This is a state of newcomers.
Lake: I’m just saying Stacy you don’t understand what the people of Arizona want. You don’t understand the people because you haven’t had a relationship like I have for 27 years. And you’re here for 10 months acting like you know what the people of Arizona want when it comes to the border. The people of Arizona want to secure state. The people of Arizona want to make sure their kids don’t get their hands on drugs. The people of Arizona want to make sure that the cartels no longer have operational control of our border. And we will when I am governor, take back control of our border. We will finish President Trump’s wall, we will send our Arizona National Guard down to the border, and we will arm them. We’re not going to let people over and when we find people we’re going to send them back.
According to the reporter’s LinkedIn page, she has been working with The Arizona Republic since August 2021, and previously, she covered news thousands of miles away on the east coast. She was recently sent to Arizona to sell propaganda and smear conservatives with The Arizona Republic. Regardless, she still tried to play victim when Kari noted that Arizona was not her home.
Throughout the rest of the interview, Lake eviscerated the poor girl on key issues for Arizona voters, including illegal immigration and border security, the rigged 2020 election, and Joe Biden’s obvious dementia.
When Joe Biden and his mental health were brought up, Lake’s response was impeccable. The reporter was left speechless, and she immediately changed the topic.
Reporter: Are you saying Joe Biden is not sane?
Lake: I think Joe Biden is compromised in many ways.
Reporter: What does that mean?
Lake: Well, I mean, have you seen him? Honestly, he can’t form a coherent sentence when he’s speaking. I don’t know if it’s dementia. I’m not a medical doctor. But I’ve heard people who are doctors say there’s something going on. He can’t form a coherent sentence. He can’t speak off the cuff. He wanders around the lawn of the White House and can’t find the door. I mean, that’s just what I’m seeing. Not to mention that we had a corrupt fraudulent election that the media refuses to cover. And we have a resident in the White House who most likely shouldn’t be there. You cannot take an election that was fraudulent and corrupt and certified. And so I’m not going to take orders from a man who is intent on destroying this country. This country is in a tailspin heading down. And I’m not going to let Joe Biden take Arizona with him.
Reporter: Okay, let’s just because I know you don’t have a lot of time I want to stay focused on border security and immigration…
Kari never fails to talk about the rigged and stolen 2020 Presidential Election.
Kari Lake posted the full interview on her rumble page two weeks later with the following caption.
The Arizona Repugnant has been BEGGING us for a sit-down interview. They claimed that they wanted to write about my Border Policy. This was weeks ago and they STILL have not said a word about any of my policies or my vision for Arizona. Instead, they have thrown a handful of hit pieces our way. Oh well! If they won’t share what we gave them, I will just give you the full interview. Enjoy! (Audio issues clear up after 3 min mark)
Kari Lake is the Trump-Endorsed, America First Candidate for Arizona Governor. Patriots from all 50 States are chipping in to help Kari secure the Arizona Border & finish President Trump’s Wall.
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Vote for Kari! AZ Primary is August 2nd and the General is November 8th