NOTE TO STACEY ABRAMS – FIND A GOOD LAWYER: True the Vote Announces They Are Releasing Addresses of ALL Ballot Trafficking Stash Houses

The virtual premiere for the movie ‘2000 Mules’ was held last night live from Las Vegas.

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence on the stolen 2020 Election. The explosive documentary was released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.  

According to the evidence discussed in the movie, if you factor in just the Mule ballot traffickers: Trump won with 305 electoral votes. That does not even count all the other fraud that occurred during the election like the mysterious ballot drops at 3 in the morning or the questionable machines.

TRENDING: Investigator Gregg Phillips: FOX’s Lawyers Are Keeping “2000 Mules” Off of the Channel (VIDEO)

In April, TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk went on with Joe Hoft on 93.3 FM to discuss the movie.  Kirk, who is featured in the film, said this about the evidence collected for the film, “They saw that some of these mules would visit these drop boxes every night. And then go to Stacey Abrams’ headquarters and then go back to the drop boxes.

The movie discusses the Democrat-linked stash houses but does not mention any names or locations.

Last night Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses.

Stecey Abrams may want to find a good lawyer.

On Saturday night political columnist Brian Cates posted this on the stash houses:

Tonight during the virtual premiere of 2000 Mules, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips announced they will be releasing ALL the addresses of the stash houses run by the NGO’s that were orchestrating this massive criminal racketeering operation in multiple states.

This also helps explain how a radical Marxist candidate like Rafael Warnock can win in Georgia.

It’s about time for Democrats to lawyer up.

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