Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 41. By now, some of you will have already heard our recent podcast conducted with TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy. Once again I’d like to thank Vlad for sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience with all of us and also encourage all of you firearms nerds out there to give it a listen as I think it demonstrates a very unique evolution of a foreign firearms industry that normally doesn’t get a lot of attention. In addition to that podcast featured further down in this article, we’ve also got a few CCW-oriented podcasts surrounding some decisions you have to make for yourself when it comes to carrying concealed. I’d really like to hear your thoughts on those down in the comments with regards to how you carry (modified, not modified, big handgun or small handgun, etc). Finally, we’ve got some very good information on the differences between the M16, M4, and AR-15 from the Vortex Nation Podcast and another short episode from them about the use of binoculars with eyeglasses. I don’t wear eyeglasses myself but I’ve got lots of friends who do and this was a pretty eye-opening episode for me (pun definitely intended). Enjoy this week’s episodes everybody!
Previous TFB Podcast Roundups @ TFB:
- TFB Podcast Roundup 39: Talking about Bad Habits
- TFB Podcast Roundup 38: Practicality and Gunfighting
- TFB Podcast Roundup 37: Episodes for Armed Citizens
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices
Vortex Nation Podcast #10MinuteTalk – Using Binoculars with Eyeglasses
Length: 20 Minutes
Eyeglass wearers use binoculars. That’s no secret, and a big reason our binoculars feature high-quality twist-up eyecups. But are there other things a person may need to consider? In this listener request, we grab Mr. Mike McDowell to take this topic on through his lens (pun intended).
As always, we want to hear your feedback! Let us know if there are any topics you’d like covered on the Vortex Nation™ podcast by asking us on Instagram @vortexnationpodcast
Like I said before, I don’t wear eyeglasses but I’ve always wondered if the effect that an additional pair of lenses of any type would be when looking through a magnified optic (binoculars or otherwise). If you wear eyeglasses let us know what your experiences have been and what optics you’ve found that have the most forgiving design to accommodate your glasses.
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices- Photo: Vortex Nation Podcast
Listen to the Vortex Nation Podcast #10MinuteTalk – Using Binoculars with Eyeglasses on YouTube
Firearms Radio Network 76 Tuesday Podcast Episode 045 – Black Diamond Guns and Gear
Length: 96 Minutes
Today we go go deep with Tony Merkel of The Confessionals Podcast. After a day of shooting guns we decided to bring Tony on the podcast to discuss Tony’s history with guns, training and giving advice that we’ve learned along the way, southern hospitality, Vols for life, and then the podcast takes a turn. If you’ve ever listened to Tony’s podcast then you’ll understand the path this episode took… Hope you enjoy and thanks for watching!!
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices- Photo: Firearms Radio Network
Handgun World Podcast Episode 591 – Keep Your Carry Guns Mostly Stock
Length: 32 Minutes
In this episode, the guys talk about pretty much what you’d expect from the title. This is a subject that I’ve actually gone back and forth on many times over the years and I’ve gradually settled somewhere in the middle when it comes to a vast majority of my concealed carry guns. I do carry with an optic most of the time now but I generally don’t mess with the trigger or any of the other controls. The only modifications I tend to make now are flush-fit increased capacity magazines and aftermarket night sights. What about you?
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices – Photo: Handgun World Podcast
Gun Talk Podcast: Training at Gunsite; Big Handgun Or Small Handgun; Georgia Is The 25th State With Permitless Carry: Gun Talk Radio | 04.03.22 Hour 1
Length: 44 Minutes
In this hour, live from Gunsite Academy: – Gunsite Academy’s CEO Ken Campbell discusses training at the famed spot – Should you train with a small handgun or a full size model? – Georgia becomes the 25th state to pass Constitutional Carry.
Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk 04.03.22 Hour 1
I’ll be headed off to Gunsite for a training course here in the next couple of weeks and this will be my first trip there. I’m extremely excited and hearing Tom talk about the place is just making me look forward to it more! In regards to the subject of the podcast, I’m still in the camp of training with the gun you carry as I think it gives you the best type of training on a one-to-one scale.
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices – Photo: Gun Talk Media
Listen to the Gun Talk Podcast 04.03.22 Hour 1 over on Google Podcasts
Vortex Nation Podcast Ep. 232 | M16 Vs. M4 Vs. AR-15 – What’s the Difference
Length: 62 Minutes
Tactical firearm names can be a proverbial alphabet and numerical soup. We hear their nomenclatures all the time, but what are the major differentiating features setting them apart from one another. In this episode of the Vortex Nation™ Podcast, we grab Vortex Edge® instructor, Mike Griffin, to break down a few of the most popular models.
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices- Photo: Vortex Nation
TFB B-Side Podcast: Pakistani Firearms with TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy
Length: 49 Minutes
Today on the TFB B-Side Podcast we have TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy. Vladimir is an expert on small arms from across the world but takes particular interest in firearms outside the united states. Vladimir has spent many years working in different countries as a security contractor, firearms instructor, consultant, and armorer. Most of you who read TFB will know him for his top-tier coverage of the unknown history of the Kalashnakov rifle and detailed and timely coverage of various foreign (non-US) firearms expos like IDEF DEFEXPO, DES, and WDS just to name a few. Please welcome Vladimir to the program as he talks about his extensive experience working with the Pakistani firearms industry and its two very different sectors of firearms manufacturing.
TFB Podcast Roundup 41: Talking with TFB’s Vlad, and CCW Gun Choices – Photo – TFB Behind the Gun Podcast
Listen to the TFB B-Side Podcast: Pakistani Firearms with TFB Writer Vladimir Onokoy on Spotify
That’s all we’ve got for this week folks! Let us know if you found any of these podcasts interesting or helpful! Furthermore, let us know what your favorite podcasts are down in the comments below so we can share them with others down the road! See you all next week!