Bill Gates Warns: ‘We’ve Not Seen the Worst of Covid’

What does this guy know?

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates says the world has not seen the worst of Covid yet.

“We’re still at risk of this pandemic generating a variant that would be even more transmissive and even more fatal,” Gates told the Financial Times. “It’s not likely, I don’t want to be a voice of doom and gloom, but it’s way above a 5 per cent risk that this pandemic, we haven’t even seen the worst of it.”

Last year it was revealed that Pentagon scientists working in a secretive united created a microchip to be inserted underneath the skin, that can detect Covid-19 before the body exhibits symptoms.

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60 Minutes interviewed retired Colonel Matt Hepburn, an army infectious disease physician, who spent years with the secretive defense advanced research projects agency or DARPA, working on technology he hopes will ensure COVID-19 is the last pandemic.

Dr. Hepburn told 60 Minutes that the microchip is like a “check engine light.”

Creepy Bill Gates heard about this new technology and immediately threw millions of dollars at the project. This should surprise no one.

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