In the coming days Dinesh D’Souza and Salem Media will release the much-anticipated movie “2000 Mules” on the 2020 presidential election heist. The movie will reveal how thousands of ballot traffickers working in all of the battleground states stuffed hundreds of thousands of ballots into the ballot drop boxes in order to steal the election for Joe Biden.
“2000 Mules” will focus on the extraordinary work by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and business owner and election intelligence expert Gregg Phillips.
During a recent interview with The Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up, Catherine and Gregg shared that they discovered that 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election. There were over 2,000 ballot trafficking mules in 2020 and they were able to steal the election in every single battleground state for Joe Biden.
So, it goes without saying that if you want free and fair elections in your state you would not allow mail-in voting.
For some reason, the news did not reach our northernmost state.
As The Gateway Pundit reported in March, will move to mail-in voting. And at the same time they dropped signature verification on ballots. Republicans just gave the state away. How tragic.
According to Joel Davidson at Alaska Watch:
Alaska’s Division of Elections will not verify the authenticity of voter signatures on the ballots cast in the upcoming June 11 special statewide primary to replace Rep. Don Young.
“There is no statutory authority to verify signatures, but voters will have to provide witness signatures,” a March 25 email from Alaska’s Division of Elections stated.
Since this will be the first time Alaska has ever conducted a statewide mail-in election, concerns have been raised about how the state will ensure that voters are who they claim to be.
Nationally, the most common way of verifying mail-in ballots is to have elections officials verify that a voter’s signature matches the signature on file with the division of elections.
The state won’t pass bills that prevent voter fraud through the verification of signatures.
Multiple bills have been introduced in the current legislative session to address voter integrity issues, including voter signature verification, but they have languished in various House and Senate committee assignments. Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer submitted legislation to the current Legislature to address this issue, but his Senate Bill 167 has languished in the Senate State Affairs Committee since Jan. 18th with no movement. Several other bills dealing with voter signature verification have been introduced, including House Bill 96 by Gov. Mike Dunleavy. That bill has stalled in the House State Affairs Committee.
But there’s more…
The Republican lawmakers managed to pass several new rules that ensure the state will be lost forever.
Seth Keshel reported:
Allow me to account for the most severe symptoms plaguing Alaska’s elections:
1) Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) automatic registration – On November 8, 2016, the same night Donald Trump was elected, Alaska’s voters approved Ballot Measure 1 (15PFVR), which automatically registers applicants for the PFD. The damage will be unveiled later in this article.
2) Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) – approved in 2020, and the first election using it will be run later in 2022 for the vacant U.S. House seat left behind by the deceased Don Young. Ranked Choice Voting allows a pathway for extreme candidates to supplant candidates who are most likely to be elected with strong pluralities, and practically entrenches incumbents in Democrat strongholds.
3) Experimentation with mail-in voting – as with RCV, mail-in voting will be the method for the U.S. House race coming later in 2022. With Alaska’s hostile climate and influence from west coast neighbors, it is only a matter of time until a full-on blitz begins to entrench mail-in voting.
These new rule changes will ensure the state becomes the next Oregon or California.
And, once again, the national Republican Party was AWOL. They don’t really care. They did nothing.
At what point do we all agree that the RNC is a subsidiary of the DNC?