Yesterday the Missouri Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel (OCDC) recommended no penalties for Soros-backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardener despite Gardner having committed 62 different acts of misconduct. Only a group of far-left attorneys could have recommended this result.
Despite having committed numerous acts of misconduct in the state of Missouri, on Monday we reported that the OCDC recommended no penalty for Kim Gardner. Anyone else would have likely lost their license for multiple acts of misconduct, but not this one.
A court last year found that Kim Gardner engaged in 62 acts of misconduct and 79 false representations in her prosecution of Eric Greitens.
Kim Gardner already faces a misconduct probe for illicit conduct in her plot to take down popular Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.
But none of this mattered to the OCDC. The Missouri OCDC received 1,709 complaints in 2020, per its latest report. Only half of these complaints were investigated (855). Of this here are the results of the investigations. Only 9 lawyers in 2020 were disbarred (less than 1%).
It appears that the Missouri OCDC is lax on its rulings involving its fellow attorneys. This results in corrupt politicians being able to commit 62 acts of misconduct and nothing being done. Add the Missouri OCDC to the list of corrupt institutions in this country. This is pathetic.