BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: US Postal Service Refuses to Release Investigative Report on Whistleblower Truck Driver Who Hauled 288,000 Suspicious Ballots Across State Lines Before 2020 Election

Pennsylvania Attorney Tom King says that the USPS refuses to provide the report from its investigation of the semi-trailer full of ballots that went missing before the 2020 Election in the state.  In addition, the PA Supreme Court has yet to rule in election cases involving Dominion machines used in Fulton County.

Joe Hoft from the TGP interviewed attorney Tom King from Pennsylvania.  Tom is from a family rich in history with the GOP and is now assisting Fulton County in a couple of court cases related to the 2020 Election.  Tom shared some breaking information on the status of the USPS truck driver who reported dropping off a trailer full of ballots in PA before the 2020 Election.

Truck driver Jesse Morgan was the truck driver who moved mail for the US Postal Service and who came out after the election and shared his story of how he hauled tens of thousands of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 Election.  We reported on this in December 2020.

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Today attorney Tom King reported on the current status of this matter.  King says that he was made aware of Jesse Morgan after the 2020 Election.

I was involved in that case and we worked directly with the US Attorney Bill McSwain who is now a candidate for governor…We got the truck driver over to the FBI offices in DC and to date we have met nothing but resistance from the postal authorities to release the report done by the postal police and the FBI.  We’re close to getting it but that’s still unresolved as I speak to you today…

… We provided Jesse with legal counsel for the interview with the FBI… We not only cooperated fully but I spoke on numerous occasions with Bill McSwain, the state’s attorney appointed by President Trump for the Eastern portion of Pennsylvania.

McSwain wrote President Trump a letter after the 2020 Election expressing his challenges in investigating the election fraud because of Bill Barr.  This is where Jesse Morgan’s story played out according to King.

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King continued:

Here we sit in April of 2022 and we still don’t have the report.  We’re persuing it and we’re going to get it eventually.

King confirmed that Jesse Morgan is still in Pennsylvania and is still cooperating with King.  Jesse has reported that certain people haven’t even been interviewed yet by the FBI or USPS.

King then continued and reported on lawsuits involving Fulton County and the state of PA.  One case where the county is suing the state is still with the Supreme Court.  The PA Secretary of the Commonwealth decertified the two election machines after the county performed an audit after the 2020 Election.  The state did this without looking at the machines.  The machines were never touched by the auditors.  Instead, the auditors did their work based on a copy of the machines provided by the county.  Tom mentioned the county has only two machines and one wasn’t even used in the election but the state decertified both the machines when it heard about the county’s audit.  The state then asked the county to pay for new machines.  When this occurred the county sued the state.  This case is with the Supreme court and has yet to be settled.

In another case the Supreme Court in the state allowed Dominion to join the state in attempting to prevent a forensic audit of the two machines in Fulton County.  The state sued Fulton County when the Senate arrived and asked to perform the audit on the machines held by the county.  Dominion and the state do now want this audit to take place.  The Supreme Court has yet to rule on this matter.

This is an incredible interview with King.  Please see it below in its entirety.

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