Gematria: Is It All Just A “Numbers Game” And Ritual?

Are we being controlled by numbers? Just how deep does this scam go?

This article is meant to provide information for those who are willing to look at something that may not agree with their already preconceived bias. If you have no intention of reading to learn and use your discernment, please close the article now.

Gematria is a numerological system by which letters correspond to numbers. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts. But is it still being used as a ritual to bring about further enslavement “by the numbers” using the English language?

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A gematria expert, Zachary K. Hubbard consistently uploads videos on YouTube (and many are deleted followed by the removal of his channels) that show this could go beyond mere coincidence. Our entire lives could be scripted by what those who “know the code” and are willing to use it against us.

So the real question is still: how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go? How many coincidences do we need? Or can these numbers just pop up to always support the use of gematria? Honestly, who knows, but the goal is to bring all of the information to as many as possible so they can make up their own minds. Considering Hubbard’s channels are consistently deleted, in this day and age of censorship, we could come to the conclusion that he is onto something.

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Admittedly, personally, the time it takes to go through the news as thoroughly as Mr. Hubbard does is impressive. Most of us do not have this time, however, he seems to be making it his life’s mission to educate the masses on something that could be governing our thoughts and actions that we are unaware of, and that’s why it needs to be brought to attention.

As a fellow person who believes in the “no masters, no slaves” as the moral code of how we should all live, is it possible Hubbard has figured out the “code” and how we are all allowing ourselves to be ruled over and enslaved? I would definitely concur, that it is possible and suggest if you are questioning things, you take a deeper look at why you belive what you do and where all of our “headlines” come from.

Information is just that. Take it or leave it, it’s up to you. Don’t just believe me or anyone else. Come to your own conclusions and be mentally free. Either way, whether you believe Hubbard or not, this information bears sharing and scrutinizing. If you have time, listen and discern. It is incredibly interesting, to say the least.



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