Judges Confirm GOP Win in Virginia Beach House Seat, Cementing Republican Majority

A three-judge panel on Friday upheld a GOP win in a close Virginia Beach House race, AP reported.

The decision by the judges cemented the GOP’s new majority after Democrats tried derailing the Republican victory with recounts.

Democrats requested recounts in two races which left open the possibility of a 50-50 legislature, however the judges overseeing the recount reaffirmed the GOP majority in the House after making a decision on 85th District.

The other recount in the 91st District is still ongoing, however the Democrats have no shot at taking the majority in the House.

Democrats still hold a slim majority in the Senate.

Republicans won the governor’s race, the state Attorney General, the state Lieutenant Governor’s race in last month’s election.

The post Judges Confirm GOP Win in Virginia Beach House Seat, Cementing Republican Majority appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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