Master Biden and others who think they own us are saying we don’t need to lockdown…yet…if we muzzle up and get the shots. But we should all be prepared, just in case the rulers decide to make more demands of the slaves.
After all, these same sociopathic liars also said they wouldn’t be mandating vaccines. But why don’t we need a lockdown yet? You guessed it. If enough of the slaves just bow down to big pharma and get the three injections they desperately need in all of us, we can avoid a lockdown.
Biden said he saw no need for a new lockdown “for now… if people are vaccinated and wear their masks,” ruler Biden said according to the BBC. So put on your ritualistic shame muzzle, get the shots, and obey your rulers. Then you can go about your daily slave activities and have the fruits of your labor stolen from you. And they’ll call it “freedom.”
We are certainly not out of the woods yet, and we don’t have enough people who have realized they were born slaves. As I have said often, if these sociopaths believe they can get away with another lockdown, they will try it. Honestly, I am surprised it took this long for more lockdown talk to surface.
Biden added that big pharmaceutical companies were making contingency plans for new jabs if they are needed, as we’ve already seen. He is urging the slaves to get the shots, but to not panic. This whole scamdemic is about these shots.
Biden then announced that on Thursday, he’s going to make another decree about vaccinations and boosters. “On Thursday, I’ll be putting forward a detailed strategy outlining how we’re going to fight Covid this winter. Not with shutdowns or lockdowns, but with more widespread vaccinations, boosters, testing, and more.”
Prepare. It’s hard to say just how totalitarian his announcement will be on Thursday, and it’s hard to tell how well it will be received by the public. So far, the sheep in the United States have been docile enough for the masters to continue to tighten the chains of oppression around everyone. We’ll see what happens in the coming weeks. Never put anything past these people. Government is slavery and that’s the one thing they hope we never realize.
The post Ruling Class: Omicron Lockdown Not Needed…Yet first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.