Pennsylvania Prison Guards Union Threatens Legal Action Against Dem Governor Tom Wolf Over Mandated Vaccines

The Pennsylvania Prison Guards Union threatened legal action against Democrat Governor Tom Wolf this week in his efforts to force the members to get the COVID vaccine to work.

WDAC reported:

The union representing about 10,000 guards in PA state prisons is planning legal action against Gov. Tom Wolf to stop his effort to force them to get COVID-19 vaccines over the next month.

President John Eckenrode of the PA State Corrections Officers Association sent a letter to the Democrat governor today after Wolf ordered the guards and some other state workers to get fully vaccinated by Sept. 7 or face weekly testing. Eckenrode called Wolf’s announcement “a slap in the face.” Wolf was asked about the letter during a visit to a public vaccination clinic in Lancaster to urge residents to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Wolf said he has not read the letter, but that correction officers do really important work and we want to make sure they are safe. Wolf’s Press Secretary Lyndsay Kensinger says the union’s opposition to the initiative “is extremely disappointing.”

You can read the union’s letter to Gov. Wolf by CLICKING THIS LINK.

The post Pennsylvania Prison Guards Union Threatens Legal Action Against Dem Governor Tom Wolf Over Mandated Vaccines appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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