Staccato Updates on Plans for 2021


Staccato, formerly STI, have given a state-of-the-union update about what we can expect from them in 2021. The announcement covers people, products and distribution updates. Staccato say that their 2011 pistols have been approved for duty with over 200 law enforcement agencies, new upgrades to the pistols themselves are in the pipeline and they are […]

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No, We Don’t Need a ‘Reality-Czar’: Let Truth and Falsehood Grapple


This article was originally published by Gary M. Galles at The Foundation for Economic Freedom. 

It is hard to see how Americans’ well-being would be advanced by a “reality czar.”

New York Times writer Kevin Roose recently surveyed “our truth-challenged information ecosystem” and found a proliferation of “hoaxes, lies and collective delusions.” As he put it, that limits the Biden administration’s ability to “unite a country,” because “millions of people have chosen to create their own version of reality.” In response, he called for the creation of a “reality czar”-led government task force to root out disinformation.

Roose admits such a call for a “truth commission” sounds “dystopian,” before proceeding to ignore many ways it would be exactly that. For instance, the Times, the Biden campaign, the Democrat leadership, and others on board with the idea have come nowhere close to pursuing “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Yet despite a history of disseminating misinformation, clear biases, and suppression of those with different views, they would select the arbiters of Orwellian truth.

So who could be trusted as the reality czar? No one.

Just ask Democrats why they never suggested having one when Trump was in office. In politics, truth is subservient to power. But since any attempt to provably establish the truth would be littered with obstacles and controversies, and often beyond possibility, while creating a substantial threat to Americans’ freedoms, only someone who was indisputably committed to both truth and freedom could possibly be trusted to lead such an enterprise. And there are precious few who would qualify. If he wasn’t long dead, I would nominate John Milton.

Why Milton?

Before America’s founding, he argued for freedoms of speech and the press, and against censorship, in England. His defense of freedom of conscience later powerfully resonated with America’s founders, reflected in our First Amendment. So it is worth considering the principles he would follow to establish the truth and preserve freedom, in his own words.
  1. If it comes to prohibiting, there is aught more likely to be prohibited than truth itself.
  2. Truth and understanding are not such wares as to be monopolized.
  3. When complaints are freely heard, deeply considered, and speedily reformed, then is the utmost bound of civil liberty obtained that wise men look for.
  4. Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.
  5. Truth…Let her and falsehood grapple.
  6. Whoever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?
  7. Truth…needs no policies or stratagems…to make her victorious. These are the shifts and the defenses that error uses against her power.
  8. There is no learned man but will confess be hath much profited by reading controversies–his senses awakened, his judgment sharpened, and the truth which he holds firmly established…should it not at least be tolerable and free for his adversary to write…it follows then, that all controversy being permitted, falsehood will appear more false, and truth the more true; which must needs to conduce much to the general confirmation of an implicit truth.
  9. Discern…in what things persuasion only is to work.
  10. No institution which does not continually test its ideals, techniques, and measure of accomplishment can claim real vitality.
  11. Liberty hath a sharp and double edge, fit only to be handled by just and virtuous men; to bad and dissolute, it becomes mischief unwieldy in their own hands: neither is it completely given, but by them who have the happy skill to know what is a grievance and unjust to a people, and how to remove it wisely; what good laws are wanting, and how to frame them substantially, that good men may enjoy the freedom which they merit, and the bad the curb which they need.
  12. None can love freedom but good men; the rest love not freedom, but license, which never hath more scope than under tyrants.
  13. How oft [have] nations gone corrupt…by their own devices brought down to servitude.
  14. What do terms…which are at once corrupt and misapplied, denote but a people…ripe for servitude?
  15. Is it just or reasonable, that…voices against the main end of government should enslave [those] that would be free?
  16. They who seek nothing but their own just liberty, have always the right to win it and to keep it…be the voices ever so numerous that oppose it.

In addition, Milton would have some other important qualifications in evaluating reality. He would not be misled by government promises that threaten the rights that comprise our liberty, just because the government doesn’t mention that fact.

Similarly, when benefit promises far out-weigh promised exactions from citizens, he would recognize that they are omitting some of the truth. As one of history’s most important poets, he would have expertise in what should be considered a poetic license. As the second most important author in the English language, after Shakespeare, he would certainly also be alert to the abuse of language not in pursuit of truth, but of power over others. Just some of the words that have had their meanings warped are unity, we, rights, freedom, fair, justice, social, capitalism, need, and greed. And there has been plenty of added word twisting recently, with insurrection being near the top of the list.

It is obvious that discussing John Milton as a reality or truth czar is not a serious proposal. But that discussion reveals the position’s necessary requirements of the love of truth and the love of freedom our country was founded on.

Further, it shows that anyone fully meeting those requirements, if given the task, would find a great deal about the positions, promises, and policies of those who appointed them both untrue and unworthy of freedom.

Consequently, no such czar would ever be appointed. And it is hard to see how Americans’ well-being would be advanced by anyone less trustworthy for the job.


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Even IF You Are Fully Vaccinated For COVID-19, You Still Have Comply With The Edicts


The “experts” are saying that even after you are fully vaccinated (got two shots of the Big Pharma COVID-19 vaccine) you have to still follow the same tyrannical edicts that everyone else does. Getting injected doesn’t mean you can go back to normal.

At this point, most people have hopefully figured out there is no “going back to normal.”  After all, you can still get and transmit the virus even if you’re fully vaccinated, so you are supposed to remain terrified and afraid of being a human.  But the control freaks say you’ll have “fewer symptoms” if you get the vaccine. It’s hard to believe that getting two Big Pharma jabs is worth it to some people.

Vaccine Trial Participants Warn: Side Effects After Second Shot Are “Intense”

The ruling class with the help of the mainstream media simply want to be able to change humans’ behavior on a whim, and so far, up to this point anyway, they’ve been overtly successful:

The key to being able to ultimately change our behavior is protecting a large percentage of the population through vaccination, said Stephanie Silvera, a professor of public health at Montclair State University.Widespread vaccination will reduce the number of people who become infected and not permit the virus to reproduce and continue to spread, she said.

Although vaccines usually prevent transmission, that was not confirmed in the clinical trials of the vaccines, said Silvera.

“Viruses need hosts to continue to reproduce,” she said. “If we reduce the number of possible hosts through vaccination, we can then prevent the transmission and resume activities that were put in place to counter the spread of this virus.” –

In fact, submitting to the commands of the ruling class won’t actually net you any more freedom. Shocking, right?

Nalin Johri, the acting program director of the Seton Hall Master of Healthcare Administration Program, said you should still follow CDC guidelines and at a minimum wear a mask, socially distance and keep washing your hands even after having two doses. The problem, Johri said, is that while the vaccine provides protection against severe illness, it does not provide 100 percent protection, but more importantly, even if you are vaccinated you may still be able to spread the virus to unvaccinated people.

These people act the unvaccinated care. If they lived their lives in a panicked state of mainstream media-induced fear, they’d have already gotten the shots like the other cattle. This is one of the biggest vaccine pushed in human history, and it’s global.  Wake up.  It’s easy to see this isn’t being done for your own good or the good of others.

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Prepare Now: Events Are “IN MOTION” To Remove The U.S. Dollar As Reserve Currency


The United States dollar will not be the reserve currency for much longer.  In its place will be a digital currency tied to your ability to be a good little slave to the ruling class.  Prepare now, because when this is rolled out, things could get ugly.

According to a report by ZeroHedge, events (which are preplanned by those wanting ultimate totalitarian control, including the United States government) are unfolding that would forever remove the U.S. as the reserve currency.  Incoming is a one-world digital currency.

Asia is not the only region taking steps to disentangle itself from the U.S. dollar standard in global trade and payments. The European Commission, the executive branch of the 27-country European Union (EU), released a communication explicitly stating the goal to strengthen the “international role of the euro.” This goal would “help achieve globally shared goals such as the resilience of the international monetary system, a more stable and diversified global currency system, and a broader choice for market operators.”

“At some point, the fiat currency is going to vanish,” says YouTube creator, Dahboo77. “You are going to have X amount of time to claim a credit for your central bank digital currency.” This has already been announced as the plan. This will be a part of the global totalitarian takeover and ultimate enslavement of humanity.  People will get their universal basic income, which will be a pittance, in exchange for the acceptance of their own slavery.  If you don’t want to live as a slave any longer and reject this beast system, you will be cut off.

“By design, this is all coming down,” Dahboo77 says. He also says to prepare, if you choose to not be a slave, you’ll need to be able and willing to barter.  Have some gold and silver and know its worth. There is not stopping this plan, much like the mass vaccination campaign.  The only thing that will end this system is the masses refusal to comply with it.

Be ready. “Who knows what they will do?” It’s time to wake up.  No human has any rightful power over another human.  It’s time we wake up to the simple fact that we don’t need these psychopathic power hungry masters, they need us.

The post Prepare Now: Events Are “IN MOTION” To Remove The U.S. Dollar As Reserve Currency first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Prepare: COVID-19 Cases Are Dropping Dramatically


New cases of COVID-19 nationally are dropping and quickly. In order to keep this scam going, the ruling class will either have to invent a new enemy to panic the public or enhance the danger of the one they’ve already created.

The biggest concern when cases go down is what the rulers will do to us next in order to push their agenda.

More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?

Just under 87,000 cases were recorded in the U.S. on Feb. 7. The last time John Hopkins recorded less than 100,000 daily cases was on Nov. 2.

Deaths are also down, according to data kept by The New York Times. It recorded 1,301 deaths on Sunday, compared to 4,101 deaths on Jan. 27 and 4,406 on Jan. 12.  The Hill

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. has administered over 41 million doses of the vaccine with more than 9 million people receiving both doses of the vaccines.

There will likely be an excuse to panic the public further.  This isn’t over and the ruling class will ensure their slave state is rolled out into permanence.  That could mean a “new strain” or “mutant variant” could actually be devastating unlike to hoax that is COVID-19.

We have to wake up and realize there are a lot of possibilities in the immediate future and the importance of discernment will be necessary during the rest of this year. We all know we are being played like a grand piano, and almost everything the mainstream media reports on is false propaganda designed to manufacture compliance to the state.  We all need to wake up and realize that the government is slavery and once we get there, discernment becomes incredibly easy.

Everything being done right now is to manufacture consent to the enslavement of humanity agenda.  That means, there’s a reason the mainstream media is reporting on “low COVID-19 cases and deaths” and “mutant strains” at the same time.

Pay attention, stay alert, and make sure you have a plan.


The post Prepare: COVID-19 Cases Are Dropping Dramatically first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

South Africa Halts Vaccine Rollout As AstraZeneca Jab Ineffective At Combating Mutant COVID


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: Be ready! This could be the advent of COVID-21 to cause even more restrictive lockdowns. 

As we previewed over the weekend, a new study suggests that AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, developed in partnership with Oxford, is significantly less effective at preventing patients from being infected by a new “variant” – aka mutant – strain first isolated in South Africa. We posited that the new data could be used by European regulators, as well as regulators from elsewhere, to justify another round of lockdowns and other restrictions even as cases and infections continue to decline worldwide.

Already, it’s looking like that assessment was correct. Because on Monday, Bloomberg reported that South Africa had suspended its vaccination rollout until developers finish working on the highly educated.

Meanwhile, Sarah Gilbert – whose name readers may recognize from her overly optimistic projections about when the UK’s AstraZeneca jab might finally be ready to face the FDA -a few months back  – is already doing it again, telling Bloomberg that the new jab should be ready to go by the fall. Of course, AZ’s jab isn’t the only one developed in the West to show less-than-ideal data so far.

“It’s easy to adapt the technology,” Gilbert said in an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr show Sunday. “This year we expect to show that the new version of the vaccine will generate antibodies that recognize the new variant and then it will be very much like working on flu vaccines.”

Readers can watch footage from the interview below.

Although vaccine makers said their shots appear to maintain efficacy against the UK variants, pharma companies are racing to develop booster shots against new strains, because AZ isn’t alone here. Other Western jabs, including one being manufactured by Novavax and another being manufactured by JNJ, have published data showing a surprising lack of efficacy against the South African mutant, which is increasingly stoking concerns about another wave of the virus even after the first wave of vaccines has been made widely available.

South Africa’s Health Minister Zweli Mkhize said on Sunday that the government would await advice on how best to proceed following the disappointing trial data on the 501Y.V2 variant that caused a second wave of infections starting late last year. Recent data shows that an overwhelming number of the new cases being diagnosed in South Africa are tied to the new variant.

Last week, an AZ executive vice president for biopharmaceutical research announced that expectations for the rollout would be scaled back.

All of this comes at a rough time for the EU, as Russia’s “Sputnik V” earns more accolades in the West. AZ, of course, isn’t alone. Even the leaders of the western vaccine race are rushing to revise their jabs to work more effectively against the foreign mutations.

That doesn’t exactly bode well for Europe’s vaccine rollout program, which has already been criticized for falling far behind the US, China, and other major powers.

The post South Africa Halts Vaccine Rollout As AstraZeneca Jab Ineffective At Combating Mutant COVID first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

How To Protect Your Local Economy From The Great Reset


This article was originally published by Brandon Smith of at The Birch Gold Group. 

Over the years, I have written extensively about the concept of economic “decentralization” and localization, but I think these ideas are difficult for some people to visualize without proper motivation. By that I mean, it’s not enough that the current centralized model is destructive and corrupt; it has to start breaking down or show its true totalitarian colors before anyone will do anything to protect themselves.

Sadly, the majority of people tend to take action only when they have hit rock bottom.

In recent months the pandemic lockdown situation has provided a sufficient wake-up call to many conservatives and moderates. We have seen the financial effects of pandemic restrictions in blue states, with hundreds of thousands of small businesses closing, tax revenues imploding, and millions of people relocating to red states just to escape the oppressive environment.

Luckily, conservative regions have been smart enough to prevent self-destruction by staying mostly open. In fact, red states have been vastly outperforming blue states in terms of economic recovery exactly because they refuse to submit to medical tyranny.

I outlined this dynamic in detail recently in my article Blue State Economies Will Soon Crumble – But Will They Take Red States With Them?

The data is undeniable: the states and cities that enforce lockdown mandates are dying, the states that ignore mandates are surviving. However, with a Biden presidency, there is a high probability that the federal government will now seek to force compliance from all states. In other words, lockdowns will become a national issue rather than a state issue.

For now, Biden is pretending as if reopening is right around the corner, but as I have noted in the past, the Reset agenda will never allow this. A reopening, if it happens at all, will be short and lockdowns will return. We are already seeing a new narrative being introduced to the public involving “COVID mutations”, which are supposedly “more deadly” than the original COVID-19 outbreak. So, there is a brand new and useful threat and the establishment will exploit it as a rationale for more lockdowns and restrictions.

Beyond the pandemic mandates, there are also numerous Reset agenda policies that will be implemented under the Biden administration, including insane Green New Deal related executive orders and legislation claiming to reduce carbon emissions. What they will really do is annihilate resource production. Millions of jobs will be lost and entire industries will be erased unless conservatives act to stop Biden in his tracks.

This means doing far more than stalling through political maneuvers. We are going to have to use concrete strategies to retake control of resource management within the states. Pointless globalist carbon policies composed by entities like the UN have no place in American economic planning. A message needs to be sent that they will never be accepted here.

Time is running out to prepare. Lockdowns will return within a few months and this time they will be federally enforced. Conservatives must be ready to defy these orders if they have any hope of saving their local economies. This is going to take individual efforts to stock necessities and secure their finances, but ultimately wider organization is going to be needed to weather the storm.

Conservatives must establish coalitions of counties and states, and certain economic measures will have to be applied to insulate from damage. The federal government and Biden will attempt to punish red states for refusing to submit, and we need to be ready for that eventuality.

Here are some ways that conservative communities can stop the Reset agenda…


On a smaller scale, conservatives can accomplish a lot by simply changing their buying habits. If you do 80% of your retail spending with big box stores and online outlets like Amazon and only 20% at local small businesses, then try to switch that ratio. Spend 80% at local businesses and 20% at corporate outlets. Yes, small businesses tend to cost a little extra, but who do you really want your money going to? Do you want your money filling the pockets of international corporate moguls that are working to destroy your freedoms and undermine your economy? Or, do you want your cash to circulate locally?

Individuals can also start their own business from home focusing on the production of necessities or necessary skill sets. They can establish a small business co-op and encourage the community to buy locally. Often, people just don’t know how many services are available from small businesses in their area, so they automatically go to big-box providers. Small businesses must work together to change the dynamic.

This strategy also extends to local farms. Consumers and grocery stores need to buy more of their produce from farms in the area and less from chains that ship in produce from other countries. There are millions of acres of farmland in the U.S. that do not grow food at all because these farms are paid by the federal government not to. Encouraging local food production is paramount to remaining free from centralized control.

Organized Refusal To Comply

The problem with conservatives is that we tend to be so independent that we avoid organization. This is a problem because it leads to self-isolation. During the pandemic lockdowns in blue states, some conservative-owned businesses refused to comply, but they were left mostly to fend for themselves with no aid from the wider community. If more businesses were to ally with each other and protested in tandem, dozens or hundreds of defiant businesses working together would be a lot harder to shut down than just a few.

By extension, it’s not enough for conservatives to merely argue against the lockdowns and demand businesses stay open, we need to also defend those businesses that take action. We need to support them with our dollars and stand in the way of anyone trying to close them down. They are taking a big risk for us, so we need to be willing to take risks for them.

Imagine if Biden tried to assert a national lockdown order and more than half the businesses in the country ignored him? What if patrons refused to allow federal agencies to intimidate those businesses? The lockdowns would be nullified, and Biden would have little recourse.

Establish Barter Networks

In the event that the U.S. economy breaks down completely, we must create contingencies to prevent total trade disruption. Without trade, populations become desperate because no one has the ability to provide every necessity all the time. People have to be able to barter goods and services in an open market.

Barter networks are a base fundamental, the universal go-to solution during an economic collapse. Every society in modern history has used barter markets to stay afloat during financial crises and to bypass government economic controls. We must be willing to do the same.

Conservatives must start organizing barter networks within their communities now. It does not matter if you are trading with a couple of people or hundreds; the process needs to start somewhere.

Why is this so important? Because there is a very good chance that the federal government will try to fiscally punish any state or county that opposes lockdown measures and Reset policies. This means that the government will first seek to cut off federal funding to red states. In the midst of economic crisis, many regions have become reliant on federal stimulus as a crutch, and this dependency makes them vulnerable to control.

To truly rebel against the Reset, local economies need to be free from federal oversight or consequences. With barter networks in place along with possible local scrip and alternative currencies, the public will be less fearful of economic retaliation.

Take Back Management Of Local Resources

We have already seen attempts by Biden to disrupt the production of carbon-based energy resources like oil and coal. Frankly, the time is long past due for states and counties to take back control of federal lands. The government has been stifling American production for decades and this has hurt rural communities in particular.

In my area, the EPA has essentially destroyed the timber harvesting industry through unfair regulations. This has led to federal mismanagement of forests to the point that fire hazard has become a major issue. All the young men in the county used to work as lumberjacks to support their families; now they have to leave or work as wildland firefighters. It’s completely backward. And this is happening while U.S. lumber prices are skyrocketing.

Conservative counties and states need to take back land and resource management and allow reasonable production to return. Biden should have no say in whether or not oil wells in North Dakota stay operational, or coal mines in West Virginia stay open, or trees Montana are selectively harvested. As long as the bulk of wealth from the resource production stays within the state where the resources were harvested, I see no downside to this kind of response.

If the federal government tries to retaliate by cutting off federal funds, it won’t matter because the states will be producing jobs and wealth for themselves independently.

Immunity From Cancel Culture

In our current political environment, it is becoming a fact of life that the hard left can and will try to harm people that oppose their ideology. Big tech companies and the government are helping them to do this. Now more than ever, conservatives that wish to remain free to voice their views and share facts that are contrary to the leftist narrative must seek protection from cancellation. But how do we do this?

For one, we can work for ourselves. Being self-employed means never having to worry about being fired because of your political opinions. Or, conservatives need to work for conservatives. This means conservative companies need to focus on hiring conservative employees, and if the leftist mob tries to attack an individual, those companies can easily ignore them. Of course, this also means that conservative consumers need to start making a list of conservative companies that have proven themselves to be immune to leftist pressure. We need to support these companies.

Conservatives should also look into the possibility of campaigns to build more platform alternatives to Big Tech and social media. We need more web service providers that are owned by people who respect free speech rights. We may even need our own internet.

All of these things are possible, but it takes organization and effort. Conservative communities can become safe havens for civil liberties, but this means we cannot be isolated from each other anymore. We have to be connected by more than our principles, we must also be connected through actions.

The post How To Protect Your Local Economy From The Great Reset first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Pentagon Will Deploy Active Duty Troops To Mass Vaccination Sites


The Pentagon has said that it will deploy active-duty troops to COVID-19 mass vaccination sites across the country in an effort to make sure as many people as possible are vaccinated. The Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has approved a Federal Emergency Management Agency request to “augment and expedite” the country’s vaccination rollout.

That means FEMA has requested the military under the department of defense to distribute vaccines. This sure sounds like there’s a war on us happening right before our eyes. According to a report by NPR (a state-run and funded propaganda outlet) part of the first contingent of more than 1,000 troops will arrive in California over the next 10 days and begin operations around February 15, he added, with more missions to follow.

“The military’s critical role in supporting sites will help vaccinate thousands of people per day and ensure that every American who wants a vaccine will receive one,” senior coronavirus adviser Andy Slavitt said at a press briefing. What is the military needed for if people actually want this vaccine though? These psychopaths actually think people want this toxic concoction injected into them or they intend for it to not be voluntary.  Either way, the show of force is unnecessary if this was something the public wanted.  Meaning for all intents and purposes, there will be ways to force or coerce people into taking this thing, even if they don’t want to.

The move is what Slavitt characterized as part of the Biden administration’s “whole of government” approach to combating the coronavirus pandemic, in which the vaccine plays a crucial role.

President Biden has pledged to distribute 100 million vaccine doses in his first 100 days in office. The U.S. is already meeting the targetpace of 1 million doses a day, and Biden said recently he may up that to 1.5 million. –NPR

As we all know, government is slavery, so the rulers are going all-in on making sure the slaves get vaccinated.  As part of that effort to vaccinate all of the slaves, Biden said FEMA would help set up 100 mass vaccination sites in his first month in office. FEMA has asked the Pentagon to ready up to 10,000 troops to support those sites, with the goal of dispensing 450,000 vaccinations a day nationwide.

Whenever FEMA sets up any “sites” or “camps” the public should raise some eyebrows and start asking questions. This could get ugly and turn sinister at any moment.

Stay alert and prepared.  Things are happening quickly under the radar and most Americans are still unaware of it.  Use your own discernment and make sure you have a plan if events unfold unexpectedly in your area.  Godspeed, preppers.

The post Pentagon Will Deploy Active Duty Troops To Mass Vaccination Sites first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

“Mutant Strain”: 3rd Lockdown Is Possible In France As “UK Variant” of COVID-19 Spreads


The ruling classes of the world will not stop. The French people are now being threatened with yet another lockdown (this would be their third) if the “mutant strain” of the COVID-19 viral scamdemic continues. The ruling class is claiming the new variant is responsible for 40% of new cases around France.

The rulers do say that is possible to avoid “re-confinement,” albeit with threats to comply and follow their orders now so they won’t be forced to be more tyrannical. Does anyone still not see what’s going on here? A handful of people are claiming the right to own and command others as their slaves.  We have got to wake up, people.

“Containment is not a choice of ease and safety, it is a choice of necessity when the epidemic situation escapes us. And that is not the case,” Health Minister Olivier Veran told France Info on Tuesday morning.  “It is possible that we will never be re-confined… I hope that we can as soon as possible give freedoms to the French,” Veran added.

Give freedoms? These people think they own us and get to decide when we can be free. This is the exact thing we all need to wake up to. We were free because we were born free, not because some government official declares it. It’s time to realize it. No one can make a rightful master and no one can make a rightful slave.

Caroline Gutsmuth, the director of a Biogroup laboratory in Paris, told BFMTV that the more contagious variant currently accounts for 37.7 percent of positive cases in Ile-de-France and is on course to become the most prevalent strain. “Unfortunately, this is the evolution that had been predicted by several people. At the beginning of March, I think that it will be the majority strain in France. It grows very quickly,” Gutsmuth noted.

Scientists have warned that the mutated coronavirus strain is on average 56 percent more contagious than the original version, but it does not appear to impact the efficacy of the vaccines in use.  These new “mutant strains” will likely be the newest propaganda to push fear in the mainstream media, as people tire of the lies and manipulation.

More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?

Prepare: COVID-19 Cases Are Dropping Dramatically

As the cases drop and the vaccines continue to cause irreversible damage and harm to those who have taken them, the propaganda outlets will have to come up with new ways to panic the public into their own enslavement.

The Science of Fear: How The Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free


The post “Mutant Strain”: 3rd Lockdown Is Possible In France As “UK Variant” of COVID-19 Spreads first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Dem Gun Bill to Require national registry, licensing, gov’t training. 25 Years in Prison for Those Who Violate!


Dem Gun Bill to Require national registry, licensing, gov’t training. 25 Years in Prison for Those Who Violate!

Welcome to Biden’s America! A Democrat gun control bill, if passed will create a national firearm registry, require licensing and psychological evaluations, government training and insurance in order to own a firearm. […]

This Article Dem Gun Bill to Require national registry, licensing, gov’t training. 25 Years in Prison for Those Who Violate! is an original article from OFFGRID Survival If it is appearing on any other site but OFFGRID Survival, that site does not have our permission to use our copyrighted content!