Barnaul Ammunition Releases New Subsonic 9mm Ammo


Barnaul Ammunition has released a new subsonic 9mm ammo choice.If you shoot suppressed, you like the quieter experience that a silencer provides. Hearing-safe shooting is the main benefit to a can, right? One issue that may arise is that most common ammo isn’t designed to perform at subsonic levels. This means that even though your suppressor will help in containing the rapidly expanding gases […]

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SIG Sauer CEO Discusses US Army NGSW Program


SIG SAUER CEO Ron Cohen talks NGSW in a new statement/video released April 28th.Much digital ink has been spilled over the last several years regarding the US Army’s NGSW (Next Generation Squad Weapons) Program. Most of the rifles/carbines and machine guns currently employed by America’s soldiers are not particularly modern, by any stretch. Today’s M4A1 has seen some notable updates and improvements, to be sure, but at its […]

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Bergara Small Batch No. 1 – The Sidekick


Bergara Small Batch No. 1 - The Sidekick (111)Last week we reported about the launch of Bergara Small Batch, a new series of limited-edition firearms built in this Spanish company’s US branch in Georgia with their barreled actions and various aftermarket parts and accessories. Shortly after the introduction of the Small Batch, Bergara North America has released the first firearm in this series […]

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New Luth-AR Modular Trigger Assembly


Luth-AR Modular Trigger AssemblyTriggers for AR15 rifles: a simple yet so complex subject with as many opinions as there are people. Luth-AR now has a new single-stage drop-in trigger which is said to give a crisp, clean trigger break at around 3.5 lb. The drop-in functionality is something I really appreciate when building a rifle, as it saves […]

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New Poll: U.S. Is Running Out Of Adults “Willing To Be Vaccinated”

According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, the United States ruling class is running out of adults who are willing to be vaccinated. That could mean more measures to get this experimental gene therapy in the remaining holdouts could be rolled out.

The survey was conducted on only 1,558 Americans 18 or older. It was done from April 27 to April 29, and found that while the number who say they have already been vaccinated (57 percent) has continued to climb in recent weeks, just 6 percent now say they have not yet been vaccinated but plan to get a shot “as soon as it is available to me.”  That’s down from 35 percent in February and 17 percent earlier in April, according to a report by Yahoo News. 

This is both good and bad news.  The good news is that people stood up for themselves and said “no” if they chose to not get “vaccinated”.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

The bad news is that those who chose to not get the vaccine could be “punished” and soon for their refusal to comply like a good little slave.

Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY

If you have paid attention and applied critical thinking, you know this is far from over. Now the push comes to convince the holdouts to roll up their sleeves. According to the results of the poll, the share of adults who say they are unsure (7 %), are waiting to see “what happens to others before deciding” (10 %) or will “never” get vaccinated (20 %) has not budged.

What’s the problem? The ruling class needs people to take this shot. It is an obvious piece to their agenda of total control over making.

The implication is stark: Unless many of the unvaccinated Americans who have been saying for months that they’re waiting or unsure have a sudden change of heart, fewer than 65 percent of U.S. adults are likely to be inoculated against COVID-19 this spring — far short of the level experts say is required for the kind of lasting population-wide protection known as herd immunity. –Yahoo News

Of course, we won’t ever reach herd immunity anyway considering the master is already telling the gullible slaves they will need booster shots every year. It is fascinating that people cannot use critical thinking and ask if any of this makes sense.

BioNTech CEO Says “Booster” Shots of Pfizer Vaccine Will Be Required Every 12-18 Months

The Ruling Class And Big Pharma Team Up To Push A Third COVID Shot

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head medical tyrant in the United States has even said this thing doesn’t work. That means it’s either not a vaccine (which all evidence is showing it is not) or it just doesn’t work.  So which is it, Fauci?

Fauci: Vaccinated People Can’t Dine Indoors Or Go To The Movies Still

We have already been told this won’t end until the whole world is vaccinated.  The push is coming.  It’s time to wake up, stand firm, and continue to be helpful.  We will probably need each other if we continue to refuse this experimental gene therapy.

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Biden Considers Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines For The Military

Military members are refusing the experimental gene therapy shot (inaccurately dubbed the COVID-19 vaccine) in massive numbers.  Because of this, Joe Biden is considering mandating they take the shot.

The Pentagon is “sounding the alarm” when it comes to those in the military refusing to be “vaccinated” with the new experimental shot they continue to push.

Political Masters Call On Other Members Of The Ruling Class To Make Vaccines Mandatory

When asked if he was considering mandating the “vaccine” for those in the military, Biden said: “I don’t know. I’m going to leave that to the military.” He made those comments to NBC News’ Craig Melvin in an interview that aired Friday, in response to a question on whether he would mandate the vaccine for U.S. service members once it is fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Remember, the “vaccine” is not approved by the FDA, it only can be used during a state of emergency under emergency use authorization and those who created the “vaccine” are not liable for side effects of the shot including death.

“I’m not saying I won’t [mandate vaccines]. I think you’re going to see more and more of them getting it,” Biden said. “And I think it’s going to be a tough call as to whether or not they should be required to have to get it in the military because you’re in such close proximity with other military personnel — whether you’re in a quarters, where you’re all sleeping, or whether you’re out in maneuvers.”

With roughly one-third of troops declining to take the shot as of February, according to congressional testimony from military officials. Earlier this month, the Pentagon reported that nearly 40 percent of Marines who had been offered the vaccine turned it down. –Politico

Back in March, members of the ruling class begged other members of the same ruling class to mandate vaccines for the military.

Political Masters Call On Other Members Of The Ruling Class To Make Vaccines Mandatory

If Biden does not mandate the vaccine, the military’s top brass looks poised to do so himself. Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed the military’s top brass was weighing a mandatory vaccination order, according to Politico. “Obviously, we’re thinking about what happens when they become FDA-approved,” Kirby told reporters. “It would change the character of the decision-making process, about whether they could be mandatory or voluntary. But I don’t want to get ahead of that process right now.”

Notice how he said “when” the experimental gene therapies become FDA-approved, not “if?” As if any studies will have no bearing on the approval. It’ll all be subject to the official narrative that will push the agenda of the rulers.

The skepticism of the vaccine within the military’s ranks mirrors the hesitancy the White House is trying to combat among a broad segment of the civilian population, as U.S. vaccine supply begins to outpace demand and shots have become available to all American adults 16 and older.

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Dr. Fauci: India Should “Consider a Second Lockdown”

The propaganda has taken a turn to focus on India for the time being, as “cases” of the scamdemic known as COVID-19 have been rising. India has a homegrown variant called B.1.617, which some in the news media and medical industry have concluded is responsible for the ferocious second wave.

They have already told us this “vaccine” which is actually an experimental gene therapy, is a huge part of the overall agenda.

Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated

That could eventually pose a threat even for countries like the United States, where 40 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. Michael Diamond, a viral immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis, said that the only way to break the cycle is to ensure countries like India get enough vaccines.

In order to stop this pandemic, we have to vaccinate the whole world,” Dr. Diamond said. “There will be new waves of infection over and over again unless we vaccinate at a global scale.” -New York Times

Fauci also suggested India further destroy their already debilitated economy by locking people down again so they won’t get a cold or the flu.

They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here

“No one likes to lock down the country,” Dr. Fauci said. Based on how gleefully all of the rulers of the world were the first time, I beg to differ. The masters love locking down the slaves and taking every last bit of their freedom.  “But if you do it just for a few weeks,” he added, “you could have a significant impact on the dynamics of the outbreak.” You could also successfully ensure millions of more humans are dependent on having a ruler for their day-to-day necessities.  The push to make people dependent on the state in order to fully enslave them is well underway and it’s become disturbing that so many can’t see past this horrific plan to find the root of the problem.

Stay alert and aware. Use your critical thinking.  India could be the place where the next emergence of a new variant causes another lockdown and a massive push to get the remaining holdouts jabbed with the experimental gene therapy.

If Fauci can convince India to lockdown again, imagine what’s coming for the U.S. We know that they have run out of people willing to take the shot already. So what’s it going to take to convince more? Stay alert and aware and never stop using your critical thinking skills to ask the questions everyone else is to afraid to ask.

The post Dr. Fauci: India Should “Consider a Second Lockdown” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Prince Harry, Jennifer Lopez Make Voices Heard at Vax Live

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