Vaccine Virtue Signaling And The Cult Of Woke


This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at Alt 

All tyrannical systems need a large contingent of cheerleaders in order to survive and thrive; a group of exploitable and devout acolytes that will carry the torch and evangelize the masses with the ideology of control. Without this aggressive percentage of the population, totalitarians cannot remain in power. In the US and most of the west, leftist ideologues have filled this role nicely. They claim they are fighting for the rights of the downtrodden but their actions speak much louder than their words.

They have supported and viciously defended nearly every draconian measure that governments and corporate elites have enacted in the past few years. They supported mass censorship of conservatives and moderates by Big Tech companies. They supported national lockdowns which destroyed hundreds of thousands of small businesses and violated the constitutional rights of millions of Americans. They continue to support unscientific mask rules which have been proven to achieve nothing tangible in terms of preventing viral spread. They support the use of “vaccine passports” which would effectively cut non-vaccinated people out of the normal economy and normal society and drive them into poverty. And, now they are all over the web trying to propagandize for the jab.

We know these unhinged creatures by many names, including social justice warriors, snowflakes, puritans, leftists, Marxists, communists, globalists, collectivists, narcissists, etc. Basically, they are some of the worst people on the planet, and while they usually drone on about “institutional racism” that doesn’t exist, or a rape culture that doesn’t exist, or a patriarchy that doesn’t exist (though I’m starting to wonder if maybe we should start one), they have now found a new love in the covid “crisis”.

But before I address the Woke Cult and their perverse relationship with the establishment, I have to ask a basic question about the “vaccine” which no one in the mainstream seems to be asking:

Why should we take an experimental mRNA vaccine for a virus that 99.7% of people outside of nursing homes will easily survive?

This question alone usually explodes the heads of vaccine cultists. Most of them for some reason still believe the death rate of covid is “3% or more”. Why do they peddle this nonsense? Well, I would note that the mainstream media NEVER discusses the death rate of covid; they instead let people make assumptions based on things they have heard in the past from entities like the World Health Organization or the CDC.

The 3% stat appears to have come from PREDICTIONS made by the WHO in January of 2020 before the virus had fully hit the US, as well as a preliminary study by Lancet. These predictions were pushed forward by the Imperial College of London, a globalist institution that created the complex mandate and lockdown models that nations across the world are now using to control the public. Their models were so utterly wrong that it is bewildering to anyone familiar with statistical theory or medical management.

As it turns out, the death rate for covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected (it was never 3%) and we have known this for quite some time. Nursing home patients with preexisting conditions make up around 40% of all deaths. Over 80% of all deaths were people over the age of 65. And, according to the CDC, at least 30% of all covid hospitalizations were due to complications associated with severe obesity.

So, if you are not over 65 and you are not a disgusting fat body, then you have very little to worry about from covid statistically. If you are over 65 and you are fat, then you have around a 0.26% chance of dying if you become infected. If you are over 65, fat, and live in a nursing home, then maybe you should be worried.

The bottom line is, covid is a non-threat to the vast majority of people, but there is a large group of obsessives out there that seem to want to be afraid of it anyway, or, they just want us to be afraid.

The virtue-signaling around the vaccines is growing increasingly bizarre. There are numerous YouTube videos, TikTok videos, articles, and social media posts by people smugly proclaiming their jab status as if they have just been touched by the hand of God as the chosen ones. Furthermore, the idolization of medical frauds like Dr. Anthony Fauci is cringeworthy. If you don’t believe me you can see some examples below:

It appears that the SJWs are trying real hard to normalize covid vaccines by manufacturing a consensus. If everyone is doing it, then you might get left out and isolated from the crowd, and that’s a scary thought, right?

Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I’m detecting some serious desperation behind this astroturf movement against “anti-vaxxers”. No one listens to the cult of woke, no one likes them and no one trusts them to be informed or honest in their agenda. Yet, they wield considerable power in our society because they are being backed by governments and corporations. Their relationship to the establishment is symbiotic.

This is not to say any of these people are aware of the underlying agenda. The mindset behind vaccine virtue signaling could be attributed to some base frailties the average leftist suffers from:

First, they have a habit of relying on the government and the system, in general, to provide for their feelings of normalcy. That is to say, they worship the covid vaccine partly because they see it as their ticket to appeasing the government and being given access to certain comforts. Sadly, they don’t realize that those comforts can be taken back anytime they want if they were not so cowardly.

In my county residents here have been ignoring the covid mandates for most of the past year. No one wears the masks. No one is using social distancing. And over 70% of the population is not vaccinated. The consequence? Only 17 deaths in the past year, most of which were people with preexisting conditions, and we have been free the whole damn time because we chose to be.

Second, leftists always argue from a position of “the majority”, even when they are not the majority. Covid is a tool, like a psychological crowbar used to leverage compliance, because the presumption is that it is a threat to everyone. And, if everyone is threatened by the same bogeyman, then everyone is part of the same monolith, the same collective. And if everyone is part of the same collective, then everyone must fight that bogeyman together in unity. If you do not work with the collective, that means you are working against the collective.

“We live in a society”, the leftists arrogantly spit and sneer, “which means you must do what WE say is best for everyone”.

As I already thoroughly outlined above, covid is not a threat to everyone. It’s not even a threat to more than 0.26% of people. We do NOT “live in a society”, at least, we don’t live in their society or under their rules. They don’t care about saving lives, this is just the excuse they need to exert control. Control is what they most desire.

How do I know this? Look at the mania surrounding the very existence of anti-lockdown activists and “anti-vaxxers”. Look at how much they talk about us. They can’t stop themselves. Why do these people care so much whether or not we take the vaccine? If it actually works, then they are perfectly safe from us, and when we all die horrible deaths from covid they can say “we told you so”.

What they really fear is that we are right and they are wrong. The science is certainly on our side and has been for the duration of the pandemic. The WHO was wrong, the CDC was wrong, the Imperial College of London was wrong. The anti-lockdown activists were closer to the mark than all of them combined. The masks have been proven to be uselessThe lockdowns have been proven to be useless. The death rate predictions were proven to be highly exaggerated. And, now the very need for the vaccines is in question.

In terms of the recent mainstream media narrative, we can draw a couple of conclusions: For one, the vaccine rollout is not going according to plan. Every day the media is awash in stories about “vaccine hesitancy” and what the government needs to do about it. This tells me that far too many Americans are refusing the shot, so, the propaganda is being turned up to eleven.

I suspect the vaccine virtue signaling is a part of that campaign, or it is at least being encouraged by the establishment. Don’t you want to be on the right side of history? Don’t you want to be on the “side that cares about people”? Or do you want to be on the “selfish side”, the side that wants to kill grandma, the side that is racist and sexist and nasty and icky?

Another easy conclusion we can draw from the media is that this is not going away and the establishment intends to press the issue if we continue to defy them. I have seen the suggestion of “force” only gingerly broached in the past, but recently the narrative is becoming more aggressive. The word “force” is appearing more often. The media seeks to remind us that under that law, the establishment could make us take the vaccine. The message? We might as well get the vaccine now so that we can avoid any unpleasantness later.

We all know this is eventually going to end in war, but the elites need a huge ratio of pro-mandate people to effectively subjugate liberty-minded individuals. They don’t have it and it shows.

Woke adherents see all of this same propaganda every day; they hear the message loud and clear: The system is indicating that the vaccines will be mandatory whether by government declaration or by corporate requirement. So, leftists are scrambling to show their allegiance to their god (the state), and they act as good little foot-soldiers to gain extra virtue points.

There are many reasons not to accept an experimental vaccine, some of them scientific and some of them based on principle. I would simply point out that many virologists have spoken out on the safety of these vaccines including a former VP of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, who along with his peers concluded that NO ONE should take the mRNA vaccines until further testing is done, otherwise there is considerable danger of long term health effects including autoimmune disorders and infertility.

The mRNA gene therapy push is at its core a giant experimental trial using the masses as unwitting test subjects. We really have no idea what the consequences will ultimately be, but I have a feeling that within a couple of years we will see the results and it will not be pretty. There is a reason why governments are making it legally impossible to sue vaccine producers for vaccine side effects.

Beyond the many health concerns, there is the problem of incrementalism. One vaccination alone might not be a big threat. Maybe it’s a gamble that doesn’t end in snake eyes for most people. But what about the next one? And the next one? What about the next 20 jabs? There are now half a dozen different mutations of covid being mentioned by the government and the media as being potentially resistant to current vaccines and more dangerous than the first iteration of the virus.

This is surely a lie, but it drives home the reality that the mandates are meant to go on forever. If we accept them now, they will never end. Just because you are vaccinated today does not mean you will be free tomorrow.

And, with each new vaccine there arises the specter of vaccine passports. And with vaccine passports there arises the specter of complete government micro-management of people’s lives. Sure, you can choose to not get vaccinated, but the system is going to make certain you suffer for it until you can’t survive without the jab. The vaccine is a stepping stone to tyranny disguised as empathy and duty to your community.

The woke cult adores this kind of environment, however. This is the type of dark slimy cave they like to nest in. The need to control others is an aberration, a mental deficiency common to psychopaths, but in the new world, the control freaks are given justification and free rein. The striking irony here is that these people like to control, but they also like to BE controlled. They find comfort and safety in their chains. The world is a scary place, and being independent within it takes courage, mental fortitude, and a willingness to learn from our mistakes so that we gain wisdom and experience in the process.

The platitudes and pontificating of the leftist mob are an attempt to avoid the tribulations of real life; their submission to the state no matter how dubious or evil is an attempt to feel safe from their own irrational fears, their weaknesses, and their inadequacies. As the author Robert Anton Wilson once said:

The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly.”

The post Vaccine Virtue Signaling And The Cult Of Woke first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

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VirTra Training: Total Immersion Gun Simulation


Summer 2020 in Arizona wasn’t conducive to live-fire training, given the perfect storm of 115-degree temperatures, wildfire-related shooting restrictions on public land, COVID-induced range closures, and extremely high ammo prices. Rather than rely solely on dry-fire practice at home, I decided this was the ideal time to try out the state-of-the-art VirTra firearms simulator at the Haley Strategic headquarters in Scottsdale, Arizona. Haley’s D7 Disruptive Performance course is a two-day program that’s limited to just five students, and it takes place without a single live round fired. I attended a D7 Carbine class, but Handgun and Handgun Lowlight versions are also available.

The VirTra system is no oversized arcade game — it’s a sophisticated simulator with an impressive degree of realism. Students use real BCM AR-15s retrofitted with VirTra internals that produce CO2-powered recoil and a laser flash with each trigger press. An array of sensors detect where the laser impacts on a projector screen, a computer calculates ballistic trajectory in the virtual environment, and the shooter receives real-time audio and visual feedback.

The D7 Carbine course began with a classroom portion that introduced Haley’s “thinkers before shooters” ethos, thoroughly analyzing the mental and physical aspects involved in firearms training. After discussing zeros and hold-overs for various distances, we stepped up to the VirTra 100 single-screen simulator, firing our ARs from a prone position at virtual targets from 50 to 500 yards. Our instructors, Josh and Robert, were able to instantly enlarge our targets and provide guidance based on our shot groups.

virtra carbine

Next was a detailed discussion of shooting fundamentals, such as stance, trigger control, sight picture, and eye movement — the latter becomes especially important when dealing with multiple targets in a dynamic setting. Back on the single-screen sim, we ran various drills from low ready and high ready, maintaining an even cadence between shots and receiving one-on-one evaluation from instructors. We finished our first day in the flagship VirTra 300 simulator, testing our ability to pivot and transition between simulated clay targets across the 300-degree screen. On day two, we warmed up with the same transition drill, then returned to the single-screen sim for box drills that tested our footwork and ability to move forward, backward, and laterally between shots. The final classroom portion of the D7 class was taught by Travis Haley. It covered the powerful effects of a life-and-death scenario, such as the body alarm response (BAR) that dumps hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. Rather than attempt to resist this inevitable process, we must learn to anticipate and manage it.

Since firsthand experience is a powerful teacher, the D7 class culminated by testing each student’s performance inside the panoramic simulator. One by one, students were called into the darkroom and fitted with a belt-mounted Threat-Fire pack, which delivered a 10,000-volt shock any time we were hit by a virtual incoming round. The consequences of failure would be painful, and this elevated the sense of tension. Haley’s VirTra system includes dozens of scenarios, and each features branching paths and outcomes that can be controlled by the instructor in real-time. This made it feel like interacting with live opponents, rather than pre-programmed AI.

We experienced two scenarios, a mugging at an outdoor ATM and an active shooter situation inside a courthouse. These scenarios included multiple assailants, innocent bystanders, and ally first responders, as well as complications such as armored foes and hostage-takers — in the latter case, I was able to negotiate a surrender after an agonizing 90-second standoff. However, I didn’t walk away unscathed from the ATM mugging. Seconds after stopping the first threat, I was blindsided by an accomplice I had failed to notice. I returned fire, but got zapped and received a wake-up call about the dangers of tunnel vision.

This Haley Strategic D7 Carbine class was an incredible experience, and a powerful reminder that real defensive scenarios are far more complex than drills on a 180-degree shooting range.

For more information on future Haley Strategic classes, visit
For more information on VirTra:


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Singapore Closes Schools Again Citing Concerns That Variants Now “Attack Younger Children”


The country of Singapore has decided to close down schools once again citing fears that the new variants now “attack younger children.” The rulers say the closure is due to the variant that is “spreading” in India.

As we have warned from the beginning, this could still happen here. If the ruling class has any chance to do a second lockdown, they will do so. They also are up against a wall when it comes to the “vaccines” and the remaining holdouts still refusing.

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung stated that the closure of schools was required as a new strain, the B.1.617 mutation, “appears to affect children more,” with a cluster having been identified at an education center.

Singapore’s education minister, Chan Chun Sing, confirmed that health officials had found that “some of these mutations are much more virulent and they seem to attack the younger children.”

While none of the children infected are currently seriously ill, officials have said that plans need to be outlined for vaccinating individuals under the age of 16 to reduce the risk of this age group contracting the disease or spreading it. –RT

The propaganda surrounding this new variant in India could be the catalyst that plunges the world into a worse totalitarian dictatorship. The Wall Street Journal reported that the Indian variant is already threatening the United Kingdom’s plans to reopen this summer and that its resurgence could result in another lockdown. What would that be? Their 42nd? Obviously, that’s sarcasm, but it’s getting difficult to keep up with the COVID nonsense going on and all of the numerous different lockdowns designed to keep people in line and under the control of their rulers.

Before closing schools, Singapore had already starting locking people down again. There are already restrictions on public gatherings, closed indoor restaurants, and the rulers have told gyms to shut down in order to attempt to curb rising case numbers. Singapore’s decision to close schools for the term follows a similar decision from Taiwan, which announced on Tuesday that education hubs will close due to similar concerns about rising infection numbers.

Stay alert and watch. There is a reason the mainstream media continue to bombard us with images of India allegedly suffering from this new variant.  It isn’t for our safety or health though, and that should be obvious right now.

It is past time to wake up and get off your knees. Think of it this way: if there was really a “deadly pandemic” wreaking havoc on the globe, there would be no need for a 24/7 propaganda campaign being pushed by anyone and everyone in any position of power.

Prepare and stay alert.  Use your discernment and your critical thinking skills.


The post Singapore Closes Schools Again Citing Concerns That Variants Now “Attack Younger Children” first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.