Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi embarked on a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Thursday in an attempt to deepen political and economic ties between the two countries.
Wang met with Taliban leaders in Kabul, his first trip to the country since the fundamentalist group took control in August. Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghani Baradar and Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi were two top Taliban officials present at the meeting.
What did the Chinese, Taliban leaders speak about? During the visit, China’s top diplomat reportedly expressed concern that Afghanistan could become a staging ground for attacks by Muslim Uyghur separatists.
A statement from Baradar’s office claimed that Wang had been assured over all concerns China thinks may “emerge from the soil of Afghanistan.” The statement did not mention the Uyghurs directly, however.
China’s concerns are not without reason, as the Taliban previously harbored members of the al-Qaida terrorist group when it was last in power in the early 2000’s.
Joe Biden on Thursday held a solo press conference and called on a list of pre-approved reporters after meeting with NATO members.
A European reporter asked Joe Biden about Donald Trump and what he’s doing to make sure Trump can’t ‘undo’ his work if the former president were to win back the White House in 2024.
Biden mumbled about Nazis and repeated the ‘very fine people hoax’ – once again Biden is falsely claiming that Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people.”
Trump specifically stated, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”
This week, Ducks Unlimited released its 2021-22 Season in Review, which is an overarching synopsis of the waterfowl season that brings together large-scale environmental patterns and duck hunter experiences. The report acts as a snapshot of weather, habitat conditions, and regional duck abundance during the 2021-22 waterfowl hunting season, and it includes the results from DU’s Mid-winter Waterfowl Surveys for the Central and Mississippi Flyways.
It’s important to note that data for the Pacific and Atlantic Flyways were not available for comparison; however, with a large Atlantic Flyway eastern mallard study underway, data for that flyway will likely be included in future reports.
“We developed this report to provide waterfowl hunters and the management community with a reliable depiction of how some of these key factors, mostly weather and habitat, changed throughout the previous hunting season and what that may have meant for ducks and hunters,” Dr. Mike Brasher, a Ducks Unlimited waterfowl scientist and co-author of the report, wrote in an email to Outdoor Life.
“By providing this information in a clear and objective manner we hope to help hunters gain some explanation for their hunting experiences, whether good or bad, and also reflect on how it may have compared to other parts of the country.”
During 2021-22, most of the Prairie Pothole Region and western U.S. were in a moderate to exceptional drought described “as the most severe and widespread since the 1980s,” with the North Dakota Game and Fish Department reporting an overall duck index decline of 27 percent. Duck numbers were also down in the California Central Valley and Intermountain West.
Most of the Prairie Pothole Region and western U.S. were in a moderate to exceptional drought last summer. North American Drought Monitoring Program
Fortunately, areas within Canada’s boreal forest, Alaska, and the Great Lakes were able to provide nesting areas for misplaced waterfowl during their breeding season. But that habitat is considered “less productive” and resulted in low production among prairie-nesting dabblers and divers (mallard, northern pintail, blue-winged teal, northern shoveler, gadwall, canvasback, redhead), leaving the majority of the fall harvest comprised of adult birds within the Central and Mississippi Flyways.
Weather also played a part in delayed duck migration. An unusually warm December within the northern latitudes resulted in “low duck numbers and frustrated hunters across mid- and southern latitudes,” according to the report. January was slightly better as five winter storms forced birds to move, creating “hopeful optimism” for southern hunters.
Overall, the Mid-winter Waterfowl Survey counts were lower than previous years, which could be attributed to winter storms that kept migrating waterfowl out of the Central and Mississippi Flyways during the survey. Regardless, mallard numbers were down by 25 percent in both flyways with the most notable declines in Texas (down nearly 50 percent) and Louisiana (down 86 percent). But not all states reported a duck downtick. Both Missouri and Ohio were above average at 25 percent and 8 percent, respectively.
Essentially, the 2021-22 season was “highly variable” with hunter success rates all over the board, which is what biologists anticipated given the lingering drought conditions.
“Waterfowl scientists and hunters have always shown great interest in learning about the many factors that affect bird movements and distributions during fall and winter, and of course how those also combine to influence hunting success,” said Brasher.
President Trump filed a federal suit in Miami, Florida Thursday against Hillary Clinton and others over the Russia collusion hoax orchestrated by the Clinton campaign in 2016 to undermine Trump’s candidacy and derail his presidency.
The Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby serves his suit against the Defendants, Hillary R. Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, DNC Services Corporation, Perkins Coie, LLC, Michael Sussmann, Marc Elias, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, John Podesta, Robert E. Mook,
Phillipe Reines, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Business Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Andrew McCabe, John Does 1 through 10 (said names being fictious and unknown persons), and ABC Corporations 1 through 10 (said names being fictitious and unknown entities) and alleges as follows:
Introduction 1. In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts orchestrated an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s democracy. Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty. The actions taken in furtherance of their scheme—falsifying evidence, deceiving law enforcement, and exploiting access to highly-sensitive data sources – are so outrageous, subversive and incendiary that even the events of Watergate pale in comparison.
2. Under the guise of ‘opposition research,’ ‘data analytics,’ and other political stratagems, the Defendants nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust. They worked together with a single, self-serving purpose: to vilify Donald J. Trump. Indeed, their far-reaching conspiracy was designed to cripple Trump’s bid for presidency by fabricating a scandal that would be used to trigger an unfounded federal investigation and ignite a media frenzy.
3. The scheme was conceived, coordinated and carried out by top-level officials at the Clinton Campaign and the DNC—including ‘the candidate’ herself—who attempted to shield her involvement behind a wall of third parties.1 To start, the Clinton Campaign and the DNC enlisted the assistance of their shared counsel, Perkins Coie, a law firm with deep Democrat ties, in the hopes of obscuring their actions under the veil of attorney-client privilege. Perkins Coie was tasked with spearheading the scheme to find—or fabricate—proof of a sinister link between Donald J. Trump and Russia. To do so, Perkins Coie launched parallel operations: on one front, Perkins Coie partner Marc Elias led an effort to produce spurious ‘opposition research’ claiming to reveal illicit ties between the Trump Campaign and Russian operatives; on a separate front, Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann headed a campaign to develop misleading evidence of a bogus ‘back channel’ connection between e-mail servers at Trump Tower and a Russian-owned bank. 4. Marc Elias, in his mission to obtain derogatory anti-Trump ‘opposition research,’ commissioned Fusion GPS, an investigative firm, and its co-founders, Peter Fritsch and Glenn Simpson, and directed them to dredge up evidence—actual or otherwise—of collusion between Trump and Russia. Fritsch and Simpson, in turn, enlisted the assistance of Orbis Ltd. and its owner, Christopher Steele, to produce a series of reports purporting to contain proof of the supposed collusion. Of course, the now fully debunked collection of reports, known as the “Steele Dossier,” was riddled with misstatements, misrepresentations and, most of all, flat out lies. In truth, the Steele Dossier was largely based upon information provided to Steele by his primary sub-source, Igor Danchenko, who was subsequently indicted for falsifying his claims. Even more damning, Danchenko had close ties to senior Clinton Campaign official, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., who knowingly provided false information to Danchenko, who relayed it to Steele, who reported it in the Steele Dossier and eagerly fed the deceptions to both the media and the FBI. This duplicitous arrangement existed for a singular self-serving purpose – to discredit Donald J. Trump and his campaign.
5. At the same time, Michael Sussmann, in his hunt for damaging intel against the Trump Campaign, turned to Neustar, Inc., an information technology company, and one of its top executives, Rodney Joffe, a fervent anti-Trumper who had recently been promised a high-ranking position with the Clinton Administration, to exploit their access to non-public data in search of a secret “back channel” connection between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank. When it was discovered that no such channel existed, the Defendants resorted to truly subversive measures – hacking servers at Trump Tower, Trump’s private apartment, and, most alarmingly, the White House. This ill-gotten data was then manipulated to create a misleading “inference” and submitted to law enforcement in an effort to falsely implicate Donald J. Trump and his campaign.2 All of these acts were carried out in coordination with the Clinton Campaign and the DNC, at the behest of certain Democratic “VIPs.”3
6. While their multi-pronged attack was underway, the Defendants seized on the opportunity to publicly malign Donald J. Trump by instigating a full-blown media frenzy. Indeed, the Clinton Campaign and DNC—admittedly on a “mission” to “raise the alarm” about their contrived Trump-Russia link4—repeatedly fed disinformation to the media and shamelessly promoted their false narratives. All the while, Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and others did their best to proliferate the spread of those dubious and false claims through press releases, social media, and other public statements.
7. The fallout from the Defendants’ actions was not limited to the public denigration of Trump and his campaign. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)—relying on the Defendants’ fraudulent evidence—commenced a large-scale investigation and expended precious time, resources and taxpayer dollars looking into the spurious allegation that the Trump Campaign had colluded with the Russian Government to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. The effects of this unfounded investigation were prolonged and exacerbated by the presence of a small faction of Clinton loyalists who were well-positioned within the Department of Justice and the FBI – James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, and Bruce Ohr. These government officials were willing to abuse their positions of public trust to advance the baseless probe to new levels, including obtaining an extrajudicial FISA warrant and instigating the commencement of an oversight investigation headed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As a result, Donald J. Trump and his campaign were forced to expend tens of millions of dollars in legal fees to defend against these contrived and unwarranted proceedings. Justice would ultimately prevail – following a two-year investigation, Special Counsel Mueller went on to exonerate Donald J. Trump and his campaign with his finding that there was no evidence of collusion with Russia.
8. The full extent of the Defendants’ wrongdoing has been steadily and gradually exposed by Special Counsel John Durham, who has been heading a DOJ investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia conspiracy. To date, he has already issued indictments to Sussmann and Danchenko, among others, for proffering false statements to law enforcement officials. As outlined below, these ‘speaking’ indictments not only implicate many of the Defendants named herein but also provide a great deal of insight into the inner-workings of the Defendants’ conspiratorial enterprise. Based on recent developments and the overall direction of Durham’s investigation, it seems all but certain that additional indictments are forthcoming.
9. In short, the Defendants, blinded by political ambition, orchestrated a malicious conspiracy to disseminate patently false and injurious information about Donald J. Trump and his campaign, all in the hopes of destroying his life, his political career and rigging the 2016 Presidential Election in favor of Hillary Clinton. When their gambit failed, and Donald J. Trump was elected, the Defendants’ efforts continued unabated, merely shifting their focus to undermining his presidential administration. Worse still, the Defendants continue to spread their vicious lies to this day as they unabashedly publicize their thoroughly debunked falsehoods in an effort to ensure that he will never be elected again. The deception, malice, and treachery perpetrated by the Defendants has caused significant harm to the American people, and to the Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, and they must be held accountable for their heinous acts.
The final report from Maricopa County covering the routers and Splunk logs related to the 2020 Election was released on Wednesday. The results were puzzling as the auditors make broad statements that would be impossible to confirm.
In September of 2021, the Senate agreed with Maricopa County officials on a Special Master who wbraoould oversee the audit of routers and Splunk logs related to the 2020 Election in the county. This Special Master, John Shadegg, then obtained experts to review these items for him.
We had our concerns about Shadedd because he comes from the political era where John McCain was king in Arizona. As we all know, John McCain hated President Trump and we have noticed that those who hate President Trump sometimes carry that bias into what they do.
Yesterday the report from their work was released.
The entire report is below. The report provides some information on the auditors and the work performed and then says everything is fine. On page 18 of the report, the auditors provide their conclusion. In this conclusion, the auditors claim the following based on a high level of confidence with respect to the information that they reviewed.
1. There are two separate computer networks that comprise the Maricopa County election network. One exclusively stores and maintains registration records and information only (OET). The other tabulates election results only. This is the BTC. It is physically and electronically separated from the outside. The BTC is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and is accessible only by authorized personnel with card key access. There is no electronic connection between the BTC and the MCTEC, either wired or through a wireless protocol. 2. There are no routers in the BTC. 3. No Splunk logs were available for review of the BTC network within the MCTEC because none were generated as described above. 4. The Voter Registration database (from OET) is never transmitted electronically to the BTC in accordance with the privacy provisions of the Arizona Constitution. 5. Vote tallies, as they are completed, are loaded on a newly opened USB (thumb drive, Flash drive), under the observation of politically appointed observers, and are then physically taken out of the BTC and loaded on a separate computer for distribution to the press and public. 6. The official canvass is also loaded on a newly opened USB (thumb drive, or Flash drive) and is hand-carried to the Secretary of State’s office along with chain of custody control documentation.
Here’s our response:
For 2. When the auditors say there are no routers in the BTC, it is very suspicious. There should be some sort of routers or how else would the BTC addresses be provided?
For 4. The claim is that the Voter Registration is NEVER transmitted electronically. Never is a very big word – how can this be confirmed?
For 5. Overall how can the auditors make this statement? Did they observe all the election files and video to confirm this is the case? This too seems very difficult to state a year after the election took place.
For 6. Also, here, how can this be stated? Was this observed completely during the election? There are some very big statements here as well.
After more than a year of pushing back and complaining about providing information on the Election Network to auditors, Maricopa County finally concedes after hearing who would be involved in the examination. Now everything is fine. None of this adds up.
Democrats and George Soros win! America is a non-factor on the global stage.
On Thursday Joe Biden arrived in Brussels for talks with NATO Countries on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The meetings were mostly for show. Everyone knows NATO is not going to get involved in a war with Russia.
Joe Biden waddled through the halls barely able to walk. This is America today. From Reagan to Trump… to this smiling idiot nobody takes seriously.
Once again, America was absent at the tables. The imposter sat in. Thank goodness the Europeans do not have to face any mean tweets or a US president demanding they pay their fair share.
Here at Disme Coins, we have taken great pride in our American Made products with American Supply Chains. This country used to be so much more than what it is today and that is what the MAGA movement represents to us. President Trump made the public aware of how the American Dream and ingenuity are dying and if we do not Make America Great Again now there might not be the chance ever again. We will continue to come out with “controversial” designs that commemorate President Trump and all of his accomplishments.
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Disme Coins is an America-First collector coin company who has their coins minted at the Highland Mint. Collectors know the Highland Mint produces the Super Bowl coin each year and mints coins for all the major sports leagues.
Each one of our coins comes with a direct fit capsule. This will make sure that these precious coins are protected not just through shipping but also against liberals who would seek to destroy anything with President Trump.
All of our coins and products are made right here in the USA by amazing hard working American Citizens. Please know that your collection of coins goes to Making America Great Again and as we grow we will Keep America Great.
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❗️В бібліотеках тимчасово окупованих територій Луганської, Донецької, Чернігівської та Сумської областей почались вилучення української історичної та художньої літератури, яка не співпадає з постулатами кремлівської пропаганди. 👉Детальніше:
— Defence intelligence of Ukraine (@DI_Ukraine) March 24, 2022
Translated from their larger Facebook post
“Occupacíjní troops remove and destroy Ukrainian literature and history booksIn the libraries of the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk, Donetsk, Chernihiv and Sumy regions, the removal of Ukrainian historical and artistic literature that does not match the Kremlin propaganda posts. Russian “military police” units are involved for this. Currently, besides repressive, they perform so-called “ideological functions”.The greatest interest of the police are caused by books on the history of Ukrainian Maidanív, ATO/OOS, the history of Ukrainian liberation competitions. School textbooks of Ukrainian history, scientific and popular historical literature are related to “extremist” literature.The occupants have a whole list of those forbidden to mention names. Among them: Mazepa, Petlyura, Bandera, Shukhevich, Chornovil. In the cities of Kreminna, Rubízhne (Lugansk region), Grodno (Chernihiv region) there are known cases of removal of the book “The Case of Vasyl Stus” by Vakhtanga Kipiani.Found books are either removed, destroyed on the spot or taken out in an unknown direction.In Starobílsk Lugansk Oblast, the Russian Occupation Administration holds measures to implement the circulation of Russian rubles to calculate in stores and in markets.Also Putin’s troops are trying to place the occupation administration. Patriots and participants of ATO/OOS are being searched.The local population was given a directive to collect documents, such as for the purpose of issuing pension insurance.”
Original post here:
Browning International has added a line of suppressors to their extensive product catalog. The new Browning suppressor line is called Iridium and it currently consists of three direct thread cans – one for .22LR firearms and two different-length rifle suppressors rated to up to .300 Win Mag. Let’s take a brief look at the specs […]
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) will agree at a summit on Thursday to significantly bolster its troop presence on its eastern flank, Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told reporters at a press conference yesterday. This increase in armed personnel will likely be seen as an escalation by Russian forces.
The deployment will consist of four new battle groups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Stoltenberg said he expects leaders at Thursday’s emergency summit in Brussels — which Biden will attend — to OK strengthening “NATO’s posture in all domains.” That will include “major increases in the eastern part of the alliance on land, in the air, and at sea,” Stoltenberg said according to a report by Axios.
The rhetoric being used by NATO and the West seems intended to provoke Russia. “Tomorrow, NATO leaders will reaffirm our support to Ukraine. Ukraine has the right to self-defense under the UN Charter and we are helping Ukrainians to uphold this fundamental right.”
Since Russia’s military buildup on Ukraine’s border began in October, the U.S. and NATO have deployed thousands of troops to eastern-flank countries like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, and Romania, Axios’Zach Basu reported. “We face a new reality for our security, so we must reset our deterrence and defense for the longer term,” Stoltenberg said.
The Ukrainian ruling class is also declaring that Belarus is ready to invade at the behest of Russia.
Whether any of this is true or not is irrelevant. What we need to focus on is that the ruling classes of the world all insist on starting a third world war, in which none of them will die, but they will insist you or your children become cannon fodder for them. Prepare, and really start to ponder your morals. Some things are worse than death.
There’s Little Time Left Before the REAL DISASTER occurs!