On Thursday The New York Times investigative reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns released passages from their latest book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future.”
In the book the two claimed that GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy told Liz Cheney on a January 10, 2021 call that he would counsel Trump to resign before the end of his term.
When the claims within the book broke early in the news, McCarthy’s spokesman Mark Bednar refuted them saying, “McCarthy never said he’d call Trump to say he should resign.”
McCarthy himself called the claims about his conversations “totally false” when The New York Times reported on them earlier in the day.
Kevin McCarthy released a statement on Twitter following the NY Times report. He insisted the claims were false.
Then this happened…
Rachel Maddow leaked the private phone call on her show on Thursday night of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy with Trump-hating lunatic Liz Cheney on January 10, 2021.
During the call, McCarthy told Liz Cheney that he would counsel President Trump Trump to resign. This is exactly what the book reported. Liz Cheney released the call to the authors. And now Kevin McCarthy was caught in a lie.
This was not a surprise to those who follow Kevin McCarthy closely.
On Friday Newsmax host Greg Kelly weighed in on Kevin McCarthy and it was brutal!
Greg Kelly: “Kevin McCarthy is a swamp snake and we don’t like him… In a moment of crisis he wet his pants… Well, we don’t like those people and they don’t deserve our trust. Clearly, he doesn’t. And I hope he hasn’t fooled Donald Trump.”
With inflation at all-time highs, Biden’s economy is a mess. The cost of gasoline has reached all-time highs. Interest rates are up near 7% now, the highest rates in years and still they are way behind inflation. This all happened due to Biden’s reckless spending.
Stocks finish sharply lower Friday to book weekly losses, as Wall Street focused on a potentially compressed timeline for the Federal Reserve to swiftly raise interest rates in a bid to curtail inflation at 1980s levels. The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed about 981 points, or 2.8%, ending near 33,811. It marked the worst daily percentage drop for the index since Oct. 28, 2020, according to Dow Jones Market data. The S&P 500 index fell 2.8% and the Nasdaq Composite Index tumbled 2.6%. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell was credited with adding to market jitters after he signaled support on Thursday for a bigger 50 basis point rate increase at the central bank’s May policy meeting, rather than the more typical 25 basis point hike. Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester said Friday afternoon that she didn’t want to “shock” the economy with a 75 basis point interest rate hike at the Fed’s next meeting in May. Stocks briefly trimmed their losses following those remarks, but still finished the session at its lows.
However, the NASDAQ reported today’s loss in the Dow was the largest since June 2020.
The major benchmarks each dropped over 2% today, as the market extended its sharp selloff. The Dow dropped 981 points — its worst day since June 2020, as all 30 components finished in the red. For the week, the blue-chip index marked its fourth-straight weekly loss, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq both finished with their third consecutive weekly losses.
Meanwhile, Wall Street’s “fear gauge,” the Cboe Market Volatility Index (VIX), soared 24.4% to its highest level in over a month. As we near the end of April, investors are still unpacking yesterday’s comments from Fed Chairman Jerome Powell while looking ahead to next week’s earnings reports from Big Tech.
Biden either doesn’t have a clue how to fix the broken economy or he doesn’t want to. Either way it’s horrible.
On this Friday Night Lights, we will take a look at an L3Harris Clip-On Night Vision Device – Long Range (CNVD-LR). Clip-on night vision devices are used for seeing farther at night than a typical NVG on your face. They are often mounted inline in front of a day optic like a rifle scope or spotting scope. I will compare this to other well-known clip-on night vision devices and see how the CNVD-LR stacks up against them.
When it comes to long-range night vision clip-ons, most shooters go with a PVS-30 or PVS-27. However, the CNVD-LR is arguably better than them depending on your priorities. The biggest difference you will notice about the CNVD-LR is the weight. Below are the weights for a PVS-27, PVS-30 and CNVD-LR.
The CNVD-LR weighs half that of the 27 and 30. The weight is pretty impressive. It is just 12 oz more than the KAC UNS®SR which is much smaller but can’t see as far as the CNVD-LR.
Another major difference between the CNVD-LR versus the 27 or 30 is the size of the glass. The CNVD uses a catadioptric lens (mirror lens) and so does the PVS-27 but it is a lot smaller. See the photo below.
L-R: CNVD-LR, PVS-30, PVS-27
The downside to the CNVD-LR objective lens is the size of the front mirror (the black circle. That means there is less glass to let light in.
The objective lens is threaded on the outside so you can install the glare stop. It is a polymer ring to help minimize glare, it is like a lens hood. It is also used to hold the rubber lens cover in place.
The PVS-30 and PVS-27 come with a foam wrap to block light between the clip-on and objective lens of your day scope. The CNVD-LR comes with a rubber sleeve that covers the rear eyepiece.
CNVD-LR rear eyepiece without rubber sleeve.
The rubber sleeve is used to dock your day optic. You line up the day optic and slip the rubber sleeve over the objective lens of your day optic. This does not really work with larger objectives like an actual rifle scope or spotting scope.
Powering the CNVD-LR
The CNVD is dual fuel like the newer PVS-30. It can be powered with a CR123 or a AA with an adapter. Unlike the PVS-30 single battery compartment, the CNVD uses a threaded spacer to lengthen the battery compartment for use with a AA battery. If you want to go back to using CR123 batteries you need to remove the spacer.
AA battery adapter installed
CR123 battery setup
AA battery with spacer
Controlling The CNVD-LR
Turning the PVS-24LR is similar to the PVS-30 and PVS-27. However, the on switch is positioned rearward where the other clip-ons position them 90º to the side. The PVS-24LR is a little different in that it starts off at the lowest gain level, you have to turn the knob all the way to max gain. The 30 and 27 start with max gain and you keep turning the power knob to reduce the gain.
One of the biggest downsides to the PVS-30 is adjusting focus. It has a large ring that is really far forward making it difficult for people with shorter arms to reach it while maintaining sight picture. The PVS-24LR has a throw lever in the middle of the housing making it easier to reach and adjust,.
Using The CNVD-LR
The newer versions come with L3 white phosphor tubes. While performance between the green phosphor and white phosphor only comes down to the specs of the tubes, white phosphor is more pleasing to the eye for most people. I was curious to see how the higher specs on the PVS-24LR compared to my PVS-30 and PVS-27.
The PVS-24LR is optimized for 8x-12x optics but you can use magnification ranges outside of that. 3x is the bare minimum to see a full image otherwise the image is smaller than you would like.
I compared this CNVD-LR against my PVS-27 and I did not see a significant improvement in the image on the CNVD-LR. The PVS-27 has a lower performing tube. According to some sources, the 27 has a minimum of 1344 FOM. But without a spec sheet, it is hard to know tube performance. However, it is safe to assume that the tube in the 27 would not be better than the CNVD-LR. That being said, could the larger lens be helping the 27 to perform similarly to the PVS-24LR? It appears so.
My friends and I got all our clip-ons together to compare them all under the same conditions.
My friend Kevin already had the CNVD-LR and we had tested it against the PVS-30 and PVS-27. I was able to borrow another CNVD-LR from another friend so we could see if Kevin’s unit was performing as it should. Sure enough, there is no discernible difference between the CNVD-LR units. What we were very curious to find out was what a retubed PVS-30 would look like in comparison. A new friend, Marco, had Sureshot Night Vision retube a PVS-30 with an L3 unfilled white phosphor tube. The spec sheet says the tube has 2500 FOM. CNVD-LR have a minimum FOM of 2376+, according to TNVC. We do not know the specs of the CNVDs but they should be similar to the retube.
This video briefly shows the 24LR vs the retubed 30. The video does not do the images justice. The 24LR has a noticeably noisier image than the 30. There was less scintillation in the PVS-30. We think this may be due to the larger lens.
Another comparison that we did was the refurbished PVS-30 vs the mil-spec tan PVS-30. The refurb 30 was what EuroOptic offered a couple years ago. The mil-spec 30 has a better tube in it. According to Marco, the refurb PVS-30 has 1984 FOM and the mil-spec PVS-30 should have a higher-performing spec tube that is over 2,000 FOM.
Final Thoughts On the CNVD-LR
The white phosphor is appealing but the unit that I borrowed has a blemish in zone 1 of the image intensifier. Take a look at the image posted just below the green phosphor image. You can see a black speck on the image. Well when you zoom in, that blemish appears bigger. See the image below. That is a sizable blemish and this CNVD-LR is for a local Para Rescue unit. I can not believe this passed quality control from L3Harris.
I was tempted to get a CNVD-LR but they are easily double the price of a PVS-30 or PVS-27. Kevin’s cost him just shy of $9k. Retail is at $13k, that is what my PJ friend paid albeit govt funds. After seeing how well the PVS-27 performs to the PVS-24LR as well as the retubed PVS-30, both Kevin and I plan to have Sureshot Night Vision retube our respective PVS-27s with white phosphor tubes. I plan to use an Elbit with 81 lp resolution. Kevin is going to use a Photonis echo white phosphor tube since they have better high light performance than Gen 3 tubes.
I am hopeful the retubed 27s will outperform the CNVD-LR. The retube service is not cheap. You have to buy a good tube and that will cost a couple thousand dollars then there is the labor which I have been told could be up to $2500. Marco paid $5300 to retube his PVS-30 housing but that was tube and labor combined.
I will revisit the CNVD-LR when the retubed 27s return. For more information on the PVS-24LR (CNVD-LR) go to the L3Harris website.
Update(1540ET): The death toll in the massive fire that broke out earlier in the day at a sensitive Russian Defense Ministry research facility in the city of Tver has risen to seven after emergency crews battled the Thursday blaze throughout the afternoon, state-run TASS reports.
The cause of the fire is still either unknown or not being disclosed by Russian state agencies at this point, but now, more questions are being raised as another mysterious large blaze has erupted, this time at Russia’s largest chemical plant, a mere hours after the fire in Tver – the latter which had engulfed a facility belonging to the secretive Central Research and Development Institute of Aerospace Defense Troops. UK media is reporting on the latest mystery fire, which marks the 2nd of the day, as follows:
Huge plumes of smoke were seen enveloping the Dmitrievsky Chemical Plant late this afternoon. The cause of the fire remains unknown. Almost 150 plant workers were reportedly evacuated.
The facility in Kineshma, east of Moscow produces more industrial solvents than any other in Russia. It is less than 1,000km from the border with Ukraine.
Naturally, observers are starting to ask in connection to Russia’s war in neighboring Ukraine: coincidence? sabotage operation?
Anti-Putin racecar driver Igor Sushko in tweeting the above video of the Dmitrievsky Chemical Plant going up in flames commented: “We are beginning to see a pattern develop.”
And Western mainstream security analysts are also beginning to muse over whether active sabotage could be behind two large Russian facilities going up in flames in one day…
As we noted earlier in relation to the fire at the research facility in Tver, Russia has already been battling a string of forest fires – mostly in remote areas including in Siberia, thus the spread of these fires impacting government or industrial facilities is a possibility; however, there’s been no word from Moscow authorities that the Thursday blazes are linked to this.
Adding to the mystery of the possibility of some kind of intelligence sabotage operation targeting these places, the now largely destroyed defense research facility was reportedly developing Russia’s newest ballistic missile technology…
Interestingly, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry tweeted out the following…
* * *
Russian media is reporting a large fire at a Russian Defense Ministry research facility in the city of Tver under mysterious circumstances. The site is about 110 miles northwest of Moscow.
There may have possibly been an explosion, given that RT reports two people killed and at least 20 injured, and with aerial footage showing a huge blaze and thick clouds of smoke over the area.
Emergency and rescue personnel are on the scene. The upper floors of the building are said to belong to the government’s Central Research and Development Institute of Aerospace Defense Troops.
“According to preliminary data, the blaze spanned across some thousand square meters and caused a partial collapse of the roof,” Russian media reports.
“The fire had started in one of the rooms on the second floor of the administrative building.”
There have been reports of an uptick in forest fires in various parts of Russia, but it’s as yet unknown or unclear the cause behind Thursday’s massive blaze.
There’s Little Time Left Before the REAL DISASTER occurs!
The judge in the administrative hearing in Georgia Friday laughed and appeared to facepalm as freshman firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) defended her invocation of our nation’s founding year, 1776, by pointing to the Georgia state seal with “1776” on it hung behind the judge in the courtroom. Greene was facing down an effort by progressives to kick her off the November ballot for reelection by having her declared an ‘insurrectionist’ ineligible for federal office under the 14th Amendment over the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot. Greene has denied any involvement in the riot and has denounced the violence. Greene has also been a staunch supporter of the due process rights of the riot defenders.
Greene testified for about three hours. Plaintiffs attorneys did not evince any evidence to make their fraudulent case against Greene.
Georgia state Judge Charles Beaudrot, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and plaintiffs’ attorney , screen image vis RSBN.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment reads, “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
The plaintiffs’ attorneys played a video clip of Greene on January 5, 2021, calling the GOP effort to challenge Biden electors at the joint session of Congress the following day on January 6 to count Electoral College votes a “1776 moment.”
Greene’s pointing out 1776 on the state seal drew laughter and an apparent facepalm from the judge.
Front view:
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a Greene ally who was in the courtroom, said he saw the judge laugh, Petitioner tries to get MTG to accept that any reference to 1776 is a call to violence. She points out that 1776 is on the state seal hanging in the courtroom. Judge laughs.”
Gaetz also posted a photo of the seal.
The BBC also reported the judge laughed, “Under oath, she said that she had no memory of that statement and denied that references to 1776 amounted to a secret call for violence. The Georgia state seal hanging in the court, she noted, has the year “1776” written on it, prompting a laugh from the judge.”
An attorney for the plaintiffs tried to equate Greene’s remarks with the 1996 Will Smith, Randy Quaid film, Independence Day.
Quaid spoke out in response, calling the hearing a witch hunt, “Wow @RepMTG is being asked in a courtroom to disown the liking of The Constitution and the Civil War and, bizarrely, my film Independence Day— specifically a scene where I volunteer my services as a pilot to take down the Aliens! WITCH-HUNT!”
A gunman in northwest Washington, DC has left at least three people injured according to the Metropolitan Police Department, with video evidence taken by the shooter himself purportedly uploaded to the infamous 4chan imageboard.
Warning, this post contains a link to a video allegedly taken by the gunman and depicts him indiscriminately targeting men, women, and children.
DC police say that the shooting happened on the 2900 block of Van Ness Street, northwest. A large contingent of officers are present at the scene alongside the city’s fire department, and members of the US Secret Service and ATF.
“At approximately 3:20 this afternoon…officers responded to the reported sounds of gunshots,” Assistant Chief Stuart Emerman told members of the media in a video update linked below. He informed them that three victims, two adults and one juvenile female, of the shooting had been transferred to the hospital and all of them are in stable condition.
When questioned about an alleged suspect who was seen by observers being handcuffed and taken away by responding officers, Emerman explained that a number of people present at the scene attempted to flee and suggested that the individual in handcuffs was likely detained for questioning and would be released if he had no involvement in the incident.
Police are actively combing the area searching for where the shooter fired from and would not confirm whether or not the department had recovered a shooting tripod at the scene. MPD believes that gunfire only came from one location, implying that they currently believe there was only one shooter.
On 4chan, shortly after the time of the shooting, a user posting under the name Raymond Spencer uploaded a video showing the crosshairs on a scope as it panned across a street and building shooting indiscriminately as his intended targets fled. “Oh God, please forgive me,” the user commented. Emerman indicated that MPD is aware of the video but has yet been unable to confirm whether or not it is linked to the shooting.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Friday that regulates schools and businesses from teaching “inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”
Governor DeSantis signed House Bill 7 or “Individual Freedom” into law at a press conference in Mater Academy Charter Middle/High School in Hialeah Gardens on Friday.
The new law is to end corporate and educational indoctrination in Florida and will take effect on July 1, 2022.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed into law a controversial bill that critics said will drastically limit race education in schools.
HB 7, formally called the “Individual Freedom” measure, bans educators from teaching certain topics related to race and is designed, in part, to prevent teachers from making students feel guilt or shame about their race because of historical events.
“We believe in education, not indoctrination,” DeSantis said at a news conference. “We believe an important component of freedom in the state of Florida is the freedom from having oppressive ideologies opposed upon you without your consent.”
The bill, which was passed by the Florida Legislature in March, bans educators from teaching students critical race theory, the concept that “one race, color, national origin, or sex are morally superior to members of another race, color, national origin, or sex” and that “a person, by virtue of his or her race, color, national origin, or sex is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”
“We are not gonna use your tax dollars to teach our kids to hate this country or to hate each other,” DeSantis said.
Minutes after the bill was signed into law, Democrats filed a lawsuit challenging the new law claiming that it violated First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.
A group of plaintiffs from across Florida have filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Ron DeSantis, Attorney General Ashley Moody and others challenging the constitutionality of HB7.
The plaintiffs include an educator from Tallahassee, a high school teacher from Manatee County, a professor at the University of Central Florida and a young girl enrolling in kindergarten in the fall.
They alleged House Bill 7, a law signed Friday that will ban critical race theory in K-12 schools, violated their First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. They filed the complaint Friday in U.S. District Court in the Northern District of Florida.
Former US Representative and Dean Michele Bachmann joined Jan Marckell on Olive Tree Ministries radio on Friday to discuss the globalist threat to our God-given freedoms and rights.
Already we have former President Obama speaking out publicly and without shame calling for the end of freedom of speech. It was during his time in office that the Tech Giants became another arm of the Communist Left in the country. It was also during his time in office that the Obama regime started spying on Donald Trump and plotting a coup against his administration. His wickedness continues to this day.
During their discussion Michele Bachmann urged Republican leaders and lawmakers to make a stand NOW as a leader of the Republican Caucus in Congress. We have seen the results of what weak leadership like Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy have done to this country. We now have the destruction of America taking place before our eyes.
The GOP must have new blood. The GOP must have courageous leadership. The country is in crisis. We can no longer look the other way and pretend this is not happening.
Here is what Dean Bachmann said today in her interview with Olive Tree Ministries.
Dean Michele Bachmann: If I could stand up in the front of the Republicans for five minutes I would tell them about the urgency of the hour. That is the most important thing. We are literally watching the twilight of Western civilization. My Republican colleagues, I don’t have a sense that they understand how little time we have left to hold on to this nation. I would say that somebody from the House of Representatives needs to say now to the whole American people, “I’m going to run to be the new Speaker of the House… I’m going to run to be the new President of the Senate.” And they need to give the 12 to 15 things that they’re going to do to fix this country. That’s what people are looking for. Who in DC is going to fix this country and do it urgently. As audacious as Becky Anderson was at this World Government Summit, that’s how audacious the Republicans and conservatives need to be about their plans to turn the nation around. e don’t have the luxury of time. I am shocked at how fast Joe Biden and the administration has destroyed this country.”
It’s time for a new House Republican Leader to stand up. NOW!
Disney is on the ropes. They just lost the special tax advantages they’ve had for the past half century, and their stock is collapsing. Wanna bet attendance at their theme parks is collapsing too? I’m guessing the wait on lines at Disney World and Disneyland is about to get a whole lot shorter.
But the news is positive across the board this week. Many liberal icons are going up in flames. What a great week for conservatives and patriots across this country.
But now is not the time to take our feet off the pedal, or our boots off Disney’s neck.
*Netflix was crushed on Wall Street. Their stock is tanking like a “going out of business sale.” Guess what? They are.
*CNN+ is no more. Warner and Discovery (the owners of Disney) announced they are pulling the plug on CNN+ streaming service after only 23 days. Bye bye CNN +. It was nice knowing you…for 23 days. CNN lost $300 million on this stinker. It turns out no one wants to watch liberal losers saying nasty things about America and white people all day.
*The mask mandates are gone. Glory Hallelujah. It’s about time. Every honest medical expert in the world knows masks are useless. Dozens of studies in America and all over the world prove that cities, states, and countries with mask mandates have the exact same Covid rates as cities, states and countries without mask mandates. Masks made no difference. Good riddance.
*Elon Musk says he has enough billions raised from private equity partners to buy Twitter and restore free speech. Elon, don’t forget about Wayne Allyn Root. I was gaining 30,000+ new Twitter fans per month in Fall of 2020 when Twitter decided to ban me for life. Coincidence? My success on their platform made the intolerant little communist Twitter snowflakes melt. Wait until they find out I’m back.
*Spotify parted ways with the Obamas. Wanna bet this is code for they FIRED the Obamas for lousy results? I’ll take that bet. Watching Obama say “Me, myself and I” 100 times a minute is more boring than watching wet paint dry.
*And here’s very shocking and terrible news, but with a bright lining. I’ve been warning for almost 18 months now that the Covid vaccine is dangerous and deadly. We found out this week that deaths among Millennials are up 84% in the past year. Yes, you heard me- young Americans have been dying at a rate 84% higher since the vaccines. That’s a death increase we’ve never seen before in history. And these are young fit Americans dying. This is data direct from the CDC.
This is of course terrible news, but it is Exhibit A to stop the vaccine program now. Before it kills hundreds of thousands, or millions more. Millennials are the canary in the coal mine. Their tragic vaccine deaths can serve as a warning to stop this cruel experimental vaccine.
*Also this week, the CEO of AstraZeneca was recorded telling his own staff that millions of people with compromised immune systems should not take the Covid vaccine. It’s too dangerous for them. Funny how he never said this in public.
And we heard from the Biden HHS Secretary that the Covid vaccine is killing black and brown skinned Americans at a rate twice as fast as white Americans. That’s funny, did he say the Covid vaccine is killing Americans? That’s the first time anyone in power has ever admitted the Covid vaccine is deadly and it’s killing people. I hope this finally wakes up Americans to this terrible and deadly medical experiment gone wrong.
Trust me, the Devil isn’t happy about what’s been uncovered this week.
I wrote the book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.” The point was conservatives, Christians and patriots must take the offensive and boycott all the woke companies that are destroying America. We can bring them to their knees by boycotting them until they’re out of business, or at the very least, the CEO is fired.
I’m proud that I listed Disney as one of those 116 woke companies in my book- complete with all the names of CEOs and all their contact information.
Now I believe we need a change in strategy. We all need to work together 24/7 to take down one company: Disney.
Forget the other 115 companies listed in my book. Focus on one: Disney. Once we drive Disney to the poor house, all the others will fall in line. Every other CEO will instantly understand we can do this to any company we choose. Disney will be Exhibit A to stop all the rest.
It’s been a great week. But don’t let our boot off Disney’s neck. Now is the time to double down. Take Disney down, and I believe we will win a whole lot more in the coming weeks and months.
We have the 3 D’s: Disney, Democrats and the Devil all on the run. But we’re just getting started!
Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s latest book, “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book” is a #1 bestseller. Wayne is host of the nationally- syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. Visit ROOTforAmerica.com, or listen live at USAradio.com, or “on demand” 24/7 at iHeartRadio.com, or on the Audacy app.