TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette


Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 40. The firearms industry is quite an interesting place to me. Before I ever started writing for TFB, I basically only ever looked at firearms through the lens of self-defense, hunting, and mag dumping into the trash at the local clay pit. Working for TFB has greatly expanded the world of firearms to me and gun-oriented podcasts have expanded it even further. Books are great reference material but with most people these days having busy schedules and reading during commutes being highly looked down upon, podcasts just fill a gap that a formal class or presentation would normally fill for those looking to seek after the knowledge of others. With all that being said, this week’s podcast roundup will feature a wide variety of subject matter ranging from the updated ATF eForms process, guiding guests at your local gun range, a good talk about pocket pistols, and of course, another chance to check out our homegrown podcast, where we talk with Richie with Expansion Industries about their brand new primer production facility, focused on getting primers back in the hands of handloaders.

Previous Podcast Roundups @ TFB:

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Gunfunny Podcast Episode 241 – Dissolve and Push On

Length: 85 Minutes

Welcome to Gun Funny, Episode 241. Today I’m going to chat with Mike aka MrGunsNGear, discuss evidence of the ATF lying to Congress, highlight a new PCC from B&T, and talk about Elon Musk’s bid to take over Twitter.
I’m your host, Ava Flanell.

Mike (MrGunsNGear) is always at the forefront of ATF news and I often enjoy his summarizing of the latest news affecting gun owners as it happens. Mike is always very thorough, upfront, and honest about what he knows for sure and what he can only speculate but I’ve found that historically he’s often been spot on with his analysis. In addition to the ATF discussion, he and Ava also talk a good bit about some other recent happenings both inside and outside the firearms world.

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Listen to the Gun Funny Podcast 241 – Dissolve and Push on over on

Vortex Nation Podcast Episode 231 – E-Forms for Suppressors

Length: 67 Minutes

Get your suppressor faster? Are e-forms your ticket to suppressor bliss? Larry Evans breaks down e-forms, their history and what they mean for you?

As always, we want to hear your feedback! Let us know if there are any topics you’d like covered on the Vortex Nation™ podcast by asking us on Instagram @vortexnationpodcast

We’ve talked at length here at TFB about the new eForms process that the ATF is using in an attempt to dig themselves out of the huge backlog of Form 4 and Form 1 submissions. So far it looks like it is turning out to be a big benefit for those who want suppressors faster and I hope it’s a trend that continues.

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Listen to the Vortex Nation Podcast Episode 231 – E-Forms For Suppressors over on Google Podcasts

Firearms Radio Network – God and Guns 334 – Pocket Guns

Length: 73 Minutes

Welcome back to Episode 334 of the God and Guns Podcast . I’m your host, Troy.  And I’m your other host Doug. We use this podcast to talk about God, guns, and the responsible Christian gun owners’ interests. On this week’s show we will be talking about Pocket Pistols..

Pocket pistols might have taken a back seat to micro-compact 9mm handguns but they’re still out there and today Troy and Doug talk about their use in modern times and how they compare to other options available to concealed carriers.

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Listen to the Firearms Radio Network – God and Guns 334 – Pocket Guns on

Slam Fire Radio Episode 452 – Expectations on Range Guests

Length: 65 Minutes 

Have you ever been asked to take someone to the range? With the skyrocketing price of ammo do you charge anything? Or are you happy to absorb the cost as part of sharing our sport? What types of things do you do to prepare, or provide? We talk about this – right down to snacks, targets, guns, ammo, instruction… and safety. We would love to hear from you send us an email [email protected], drop us a Facebook message or hit us up on Instagram. Join us next week as we record live!

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Listen to Slam Fire Radio Episode 452 – Expectations on Range Guests over on Google Podcasts

TFB B-Side Podcast: New Primers? Richie With Expansion Industries

Length: 41 Minutes

Expansion Industries is probably better known for their brand of training ammunition Expansion Ammunition. However, as you’ll discover today, Expansion Industries is setting out to do more than just produce high-quality range and training ammunition. Our guest and one of the three principal owners of the family-owned and operated Expansion Industries Richie gives us the inside scoop today on Expansion Industries’ new primer production facility that aims to get out primers to hand loaders like you and I.

In today’s episode, Richie goes over the company’s history, company culture, and shares with us some of the struggles and hurdles they’ve had to overcome to help get this new facility up and running to give the reloading market what it wants. Please welcome Richie Smissen from Expansion Industries to the program.

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

TFB Podcast Roundup 40: The ATF, Primers, and Range Etiquette

Listen to the TFB B-Side Podcast: New Primers? Richie With Expansion Industries on Google Podcasts

That’s all the episodes we’ve got for you this week folks. Let us know if you found any of these podcasts interesting or helpful and we’ll see you again next week for more easy firearms listening right here on The Firearm Blog.

HORROR: 73-Year-Old Former Nun Carjacked While Donating Clothes, Gets Run Over in Church Parking Lot


New York – An elderly woman was carjacked while donating clothes then got run over in a church parking lot on Saturday night.

73-year-old Lorraine Lombardo, a former nun, left her car running outside St. Mary’s Church in Lake Ronkonkoma while she quickly dropped off clothes when a homeless woman jumped in the vehicle and tried to drive off.

According to police, Lombardo opened the passenger side door and tried to wrestle the steering wheel back from Doreen Dunbar, the homeless carjacker.

Dunbar hit the gas pedal, knocked Lombardo to the ground and ran over both of her legs.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

Lombardo suffered serious injuries but is expected to recover.

CBS News reported:

A Long Island woman was arraigned Monday in a shocking crime that has much of Lake Ronkonkoma talking.

The suspect tried to steal a car in a church parking lot then ran over the car’s elderly owner, police told CBS2’s Jennifer McLogan.

Historic St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, overlooking Lake Ronkonkoma, is known for its preschool, thrift shop and donation bins to help the community. Now, they’re praying for a parishioner who was carjacked in the parking lot while dropping off clothes.

“Getting run over is horrible. But when you’re doing it, trying to do something kind, it’s terrible,” parishioner Maureen Watts-Cassero said.

The victim, a 73-year-old former nun, lives in St. James. Her friend described Lorraine Lombardo as a retired nurse with a kind heart. That gesture of kindness resulted in a violent crime.

Lombardo came to church to donate, but left the motor running when she exited her car.

According to police, 50-year-old Doreen Dunbar jumped behind the wheel, attempted to make a getaway, reversed, accelerated, knocked down the elderly woman, partially running over Lombardo’s legs, and fled.

Police said they secured surveillance video.

Five Ways the Current Management at Twitter Tramples on Free Speech Rights


Will Elon Musk save free speech?  For the sake of world history, we hope so. 

Twitter is an amazing tool with the incredible ability to share information instantaneously with millions and billions around the world.  However, the current management used it as a tool to promote far-left insanity and by doing so, destroyed free speech in the US.

Here is a list of some of the ways, the current management at Twitter has trampled on free speech – a key American right.

1. Most notably Twitter’s management kicked you off their platform if they didn’t like you.  The most notable person kicked off the platform was the best user of Twitter in history – President Donald Trump.  But there were many others who were kicked off the platform as well.  Users with hundreds of thousands of followers and users with thousands of followers were kicked off the platform because they were conservatives who loved America and President Trump.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

President Trump Is Kicked Off of Twitter But Hamas Leader Allowed to Celebrate the “Bombing of Tel Aviv”

2. Twitter management would censor individuals for days at a time when they shared something that the far-left management team at Twitter didn’t like.  [I had this happen to me when I shared an article about Hunter Biden before the 2020 Election that was taken from his laptop and totally true.]  Twitter used this tactic to keep users from sharing what the management did not like and to scare them into complying in their future interactions with the platform.

3. Twitter management ‘shadow banned’ individual accounts and tweets it did not like. A conservative may tweet an amazing piece of information but that tweet wouldn’t be seen by a majority of followers because Twitter would block it from being shared broadly.

Trump Social Inadvertently Uncovers Massive Censoring on Twitter of Conservative Websites

4. Twitter allowed bots on the site to push stories and manipulate the masses.

FAKE NEWS-FAKE STATS=> Half of NY Times, WaPo and Guardian Traffic Is CHINA BOTS!

5. Twitter allows and promotes nasty commenters and gives them priority in conservative tweet responses.  We’ve noticed this for years.   When President Trump would tweet sometimes all of the first ten responses were negative.  Hillary paid for a group of nasty individuals to do this and it was obvious Twitter gave them and people like them priority.

Thank You, Donald Trump!… Hillary’s Nasty Paid Internet Trolls Get Canned, Go Silent

Leaders of Zuckerberg’s ‘Nonpartisan’ Election Fund ID’d – Obama’s Campaign Manager and Clinton’s Chief Strategist


This article was sponsored by Citizens United Productions.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, spent more than $300 million on the 2020 election.

The couple said the money was intended to support a nonpartisan effort to expand voting access, but a simple look at their staff calls this claim into question.

“Rigged” shows just how Zuckerberg and Chan used their money specifically to help Democrats in the 2020 election. It is out now, and you can get your copy here for just $4.99.

In the bombshell documentary, Citizens United President David Bossie revealed a shocking member of the leadership team for the Chan/Zuckerberg initiative.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

His name is David Plouffe, and he is best known for serving as campaign manager for Democrat Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election cycle.

If that was not enough, Plouffe also wrote a book titled “A Citizen’s Guide to Beating Donald Trump.”

Since the initiative was supposed to be nonpartisan, the fact that a member of its leadership team was developing a strategy to take down one of the presidential candidates certainly raises some red flags.

In addition, Bossie said Chan and Zuckerberg wanted to use Plouffe specifically for his strategic mind. Their website listed him as a “strategist in residence.”

The initiative was also connected to Joel Benenson, chief strategist for Democrat Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Bossie revealed in the film.

If you want to see exactly how Zuckerberg used his money and power to help Joe Biden win in 2020, buy “Rigged” here today.

“You know, it’s a little bit abasing to have an organization staffed by rabidly partisan Democrats … the campaign manager for Barack Obama, the chief strategist for Hillary Clinton,” Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said.

“You think they know how to spend money? You think they know how to target the money for Democratic turnout? You bet they do.”

In an opinion article for The Washington Times, Bossie said this is exactly what the Chan/Zuckerberg initiative did.

“The group that got the bulk of Mr. Zuckerberg’s money — the Center for Tech and Civic Life — sent some 2,500 grants to government elections offices in 48 states,” Bossie wrote. “Defenders of Mr. Zuckerberg contend that more grants went to Trump areas while conveniently ignoring the fact that the vast amount of money was targeted to critically important areas for Mr. Biden.

“In fact, approximately 160 of the 2,500 grants were for $400,000 or more and totaled a whopping $272 million — and 92% of the money flowed to jurisdictions that Mr. Biden carried.”

“Rigged” exposes Zuckerberg’s plot to tip the scales for Biden in 2020, and it is out now. Get your digital copy here for just $4.99, or you can get both a DVD and a digital copy for just $19.99 today.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King


Hello and welcome back to another edition of The Rimfire Report! This ongoing series is all about the rimfire firearm world and its various guns, gear, sports, ammunition, and trends. A couple months ago, you guys will remember that we took a look at the old school High Standard Flite King. In that article, we discovered a few things about my little pawnshop find including the fact that it may have actually been a mash-up of a High Standard Sport King frame with a Flite King barrel. During the course of my testing of the pistol, some of you will remember that the magazine’s follower humorously broke and ejected itself from the pistol en bloc clip style. My review of the pistol ended right then and there and for weeks I wasn’t able to find an affordable solution. Today we’ll discover the process I took with fellow TFB Writer Giorgio O, TFBTV Discord member/notorious firearms mangler Stubbs to return the Flite King’s magazine to service in the hopes that it may inspire some of you hesitant about 3D printing to take it up yourself.

More Rimfire Report Articles @ TFB:

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

Now the simple answer would have been to just go out and purchase a new magazine for the Flite King. However, just taking a brief look anywhere on the internet where they are available reveals that magazines for the High Standard Flite King and Sport King are absurdly expensive even rivaling the prices of modern centerfire pistol magazines in some cases. In my search for magazines across eBay and GunBroker, I found that prices for used magazines ranged anywhere from $35 all the way up to $150 and beyond. Keep in mind, that these prices are most likely driven by a combination of their rarity and status as collector’s items.The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

Shocked at the prices of these magazines, TFB Writer Giorgio O, who is a prolific 3D printer, put out the idea that he might be able to generate an STL file (used for 3D printing) which he would then send to me so I could have it printed. I took about 20 minutes sending him various measurements and photos of what remained of the shattered follower and he got to work. In about 20 minutes, I had an STL file. I then reached out to one of the most skilled 3D printers I know, Stubbs. While this wouldn’t be as insane as his other prints, he was more than willing to help me out in my time of great need.

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

Stubbs decided to print the new followers out of black PETG. I bought him an entire 1KG spool for about $13 shipped and when it arrived he printed several of the followers just in case one of them didn’t work out. In order to get the followers to the right size using the PETG material, Stubbs had to set the print to a 100.5% scale to account for the shrinkage that occurs after the material starts to cool down. Stubbs noted that this size increase has been about perfect for all his other print projects using PETG.

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

Assembling and Testing the Follower

Once the followers arrived (Stubbs sent me 5 in total), I was able to start test-fitting them. To strip down a Sport King or Flite King magazine, all that is required is to fully depress the follower till the retention stud is able to be pushed out through the right-hand side of the magazine body. After this, the follower, and spring will come out. The followers weren’t an exact fit right off the bat but all that was required to make the stud fit inside of the 3D printed follower was a bit of hand fitting. I used a 1/8″ drill bit to ream the hole to a slightly larger size and then I used a small razor blade to clean up stray bits of PETG material around the small recess that the pin fits into.

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

The follower retention pin drops easily into the original follower

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

Even with a decent amount of pressure, I could not press the pin into the 3D printed follower without risking breaking it.

Once this was done, the magazine went back together as you would expect and I loaded up 10 rounds to see if the magazine seemed to operate normally enough to be taken to the range. Everything checked out so I grabbed 50 rounds of CCI Standard Velocity, the Flite King, my refurbished magazine and went to the range. The first magazine through the pistol seemed to operate fine but subsequent attempts yielded mixed results.

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

Several of the fully-loaded magazines had at least one malfunction. One malfunction I encountered was that the round would get stuck “nose down” inside the magazine body and wasn’t able to raise enough to be stripped into the chamber. Another malfunction encountered was that sometimes the next round in line would flip up and stovepipe without entering the chamber. This didn’t happen with every magazine and it wasn’t quite clear what was causing it. I tried rapid-firing the pistol several times and this didn’t seem to make the problem any worse so I’m at a loss as to what is causing the issue. However, as this pistol is more of a range toy rather than something I rely on for competition, defense, or hunting, I’m willing to accept a handful of these types of issues every so often.

Final Thoughts

The High Standard Flite King is a great pistol and this is just the first step in my attempt to restore it to its former working glory. I mentioned in my previous article about it that the barrel might be shot out but I’ve yet to dig deep enough to find a suitable matching 6″ Sport King barrel which I think would be the correct barrel for the frame. The CCI Standard velocity continued to keyhole pretty aggressively even at a 10-yards distance so I’m almost certain that the barrel is beyond saving. The magazine, however, seems to be back in working condition.

In the future, I hope to film slow-motion footage of the gun in operation with the repaired magazine to see if I can address the problem with further hand fitting. So far though, I am very impressed with how simple it was to fix the magazine using 3D printing and it has convinced me that a small 3D printer could wind up being an indispensable tool for most firearms enthusiasts should individual firearms components start to be strictly regulated. In other countries, some firearms parts are indeed heavily regulated or restricted and 3D printing has already helped them tremendously in sourcing affordable firearms parts via the internet.

As always, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this neat little project. Have you ever repaired any of your firearms or firearms parts using 3D printed components? If so, let us know how it worked out down in the comments. Thanks once again for stopping by to read The Rimfire Report! We’ll see you next week!

The Rimfire Report: How 3D Printing Saved My High Standard Flite King

FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country.

“Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain,” the notice read, adding 2021 and early 2022 ransomware attacks on farming co-ops could affect the current planting season “by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer.”

The agency warned, “A significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain since grain is not only consumed by humans but also used for animal feed … In addition, a significant disruption of grain and corn production could impact commodities trading and stocks. “

The FBI’s warning comes as “nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US” have experienced a “string of fires, plane crashes and explosions,” according to The Western Standard.

The most recent incidents were fires at two Oregon-based food processing plants. The first, on Monday night, a fire destroyed Azure Standard’s joint headquarters and warehouse facilities. The second was an explosion on Tuesday at a Shearer’s Foods plant.

Internet sleuths pieced together a compilation of headlines showing a spate of fires at food processing plants across the country in the last year or so.

One sleuth highlights recent warehouse fires affecting food supply chains in a series of tweets.

This is all happening as the Ukraine-Russian conflict has disrupted the global food supply chain. Food prices are at record highs, and the Rockefeller Foundation just released their timeframe of when a “massive, immediate food crisis” may begin — they say, “in the next six months.”



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It’s Happening… Twitter Video Calls on Elon Musk to Reinstate Prominent Conservatives Including: President Trump, Carlson, O’Keefe, Alex Jones, Babylon Bee and Jim Hoft


Twitter finally agreed to Elon Musk’s offer on a takeover bid deal for $44 billion on Monday.

Twitter was reportedly re-examining Elon Musk’s $43 billion takeover supply after the billionaire lined up financing for the bid over the weekend. They reached an agreement on Monday.

Twitter is well-known for stifling, censoring and banning free speech in America. Twitter silenced The Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and even the President of the United States. Only conservatives get banned. There should be laws against this.

Elon Musk previously said his interest in Twitter was not so much to make money as it was to restore free speech on the internet. He now has that opportunity.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

Already there are calls to reinstate prominent conservative accounts banned by the social media giant.

Alex Bruesswitz released this video following news of today’s takeover.

The video calls for reinstating conservatives: President Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Babylon Bee, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, James O’Keefe and Juanita Broadrick.


Via Alex Bruesewitz

Jack Dorsey Could Receive $978M and Parag Agrawal $39M in Elon Musk Twitter Purchase


Twitter executives are set up to potentially cash in massively on Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform.

If Musk terminates CEO Parag Agrawal, he is looking at a $38.7 million pay package, according to Hollywood Reporter.

Former CEO Jack Dorsey owned 2.4 percent of stock in the company, or about 18,042,428 shares, which will payout to roughly $978 million.

“But other Twitter executives could see cash payouts as well, should they be terminated or if Musk installs his own management team. CEO Parag Agrawal, who succeeded Dorsey late last year, as well as CFO Ned Segal, have so-called ‘Change in Control’ clauses in their contracts, according to Twitter’s latest proxy filing. Agrawal’s clause specifically cites his reporting to the ‘board of directors of a publicly-traded entity,’ meaning any deal to take Twitter private would trigger the clause.” the report explains.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

“If Musk terminated their employment, Agrawal would be in line for a $38.7 million pay package, with Segal receiving a $25.5 million package. They would also need to meet ‘non-solicitation, non-disparagement and confidentiality conditions,’” according to the report from the Hollywood Reporter. “Meanwhile, Twitter board chair Bret Taylor is in line to receive a cash payout just over $3 million, while former board chair Omid Kordestani will receive a $50.6 million payout.”

In November, when Dorsey stepped down as Twitter CEO, Agrawal took over the company.

In a 2020 interview Agrawal said of Twitter, “Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment.

Unlike Agrawal, Musk has made it clear that he supports free speech for the platform.

Agrawal has also shown his contempt for white men.

ONE DOWN: Former Good Place Actress Turned Annoying Activist Jameela Jamil Quits Twitter Over Elon Musk Purchase


Former Good Place actress turned obnoxious leftist activist Jameela Jamil has quit Twitter over Elon Musk purchasing the platform.

Jamil specifically cited her anti-free speech sentiments as the reason for her departure.

“Ah he got twitter. I would like this to be my what lies here as my last tweet. Just really *any* excuse to show pics of Barold. I fear this free speech bid is going to help this hell platform reach its final form of totally lawless hate, bigotry, and misogyny. Best of luck. ❤️” Jamil tweeted, along with four photos of herself appearing to play with her dog in her bra.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

Earlier in the day, Jamil had tweeted hinting at her upcoming rage quit.

“One good thing about Elon buying twitter is that I will *FINALLY* leave and stop being a complete menace to society on here. So it’s win win for you all really,” Jamil wrote, as Twitter users waited for the announcement.

Jamil previously used the platform for important endeavors such as getting a small business’ contract with Macy’s cancelled because she found portion control jokes offensive.

Deputy AG Lisa Monaco – In on Obama’s Secret Russia Meetings in 2016 in White House – Caught Using a Pseudonymous Email Likely Against the Law


The DOJ’s Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco was caught using a pseudonymous email while in office.  This comes as no surprise since Monaco was part of Obama’s secret team that met in the White House basement in 2016 to discuss Trump-Russia collusion sham. 

The Daily Caller reported today that Deputy AG Lisa Monaco has been using a pseudonymous email while in her current role.  This is illegal.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco’s alleged use of a “pseudonymous email account” may be breaking “clearly applicable laws,” a lawyer responsible for uncovering Obama EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s false identity told the Daily Caller on Monday.

Monaco, confirmed by the Senate in April 2021 with bipartisan support, holds the Justice Department’s (DOJ) number two gig and in part focuses on the DOJ’s Jan. 6 riot investigation.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

Buried in an early-Monday morning New York Times article about Attorney General Merrick B. Garland was a revelation about how Monaco conducted business – and Washington, D.C., lawyer Chris Horner says it raises questions similar to those asked when he learned Jackson used “alias” email accounts.

Does this really come as any surprise?  Monaco is involved in the Jan 6 indictments which are the most egregious actions taken by the DOJ against innocent Americans in decades, if not ever.  Monaco is also famous for being a member of Obama’s team in 2016 that met in the basement behind closed doors to talk about the Trump-Russia collusion scam.

We reported on the secret Obama meetings in June of 2018.  These meetings were attended by various Obama lackeys per Yahoo.

For the usual interagency sessions, principals and deputies could bring staffers. Not this time. “There were no plus ones,” an attendee recalled. When the subject of a principals or deputies meeting was a national security matter, the gathering was often held in the Situation Room of the White House. The in‑house video feed of the Sit Room — without audio — would be available to national security officials at the White House and elsewhere, and these officials could at least see that a meeting was in progress and who was attending. For the meetings related to the Russian hack, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, ordered the video feed turned off. She did not want others in the national security establishment to know what was under way, fearing leaks from within the bureaucracy.

Rice would chair the principals’ meetings — which brought together Brennan; Comey; Kerry; Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; Defense Secretary Ash Carter; Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson; Treasury Secretary Jack Lew; Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — with only a few other White House officials present, including White House chief of staff Denis McDonough; homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, and Colin Kahl, Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser. (Kahl had to insist to Rice that he be allowed to attend so that Biden could be fully briefed.)

John Kerry and Tony Blinken from the State Department were also present but not the country’s National Security Director at that time, General Mike Rogers, who could not be trusted to push the Trump Russia lie.  See more on this below.

Obama Held ‘Russia Meetings’ in the White House and Invited John Kerry but Not NSA’s Honorable Admiral Rogers