BREAKING REPORT… Naomi Wolf on War Room – FDA Failed to Mention Heart Damage to Teens When Approving Pfizer Vaccine (VIDEO)


The FDA failed to mention heart damage to teens when approving the Pfizer experimental COVID vaccines.

Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze reported:

TRENDING: Georgia’s Corrupt Governor Kemp and Lt. Gov. Duncan Block Election Integrity Bill

When it became apparent to the public earlier in 2021 that myocarditis was a known side effect of the shots, the government and the media immediately claimed the incidence rate was exceedingly low. Numerous “studies” tried to downplay the risks. One paper from Kaiser Permanente in JAMA suggested the rate was just 6.6 per million. Another JAMA study from last June found a 1 in 50,000 rate among the military (which we now know was woefully underreported). Well, thanks to ICAN’s FOIA, we now have the Pfizer informed consent document (p. 5) that shows the company recognized the risk can be as high as 1 in 1,000.

So, all of these stories suggesting that young males were more at risk for myocarditis from the virus than from the shots were bogus, and Pfizer knew it. And again, if this is the degree the company is willing to concede, imagine what the true incidence rate is.

Also, what is the degree of subclinical myocarditis? If we know about this many cases shortly after the injection, who’s to say there isn’t another cohort of people with heart damage that has remained subclinical so far but could come to fruition several months later? Remember, with many fewer vaccines administered in 2022, the rate of myocarditis reports to VAERS is averaging 245% higher than last year.

Former Bill Clinton adviser Naomi Wolf went on The War Room today with Steve Bannon and discussed this shocking and likely criminal development.

More Than 150 Financial Transactions Involving Hunter and James Biden were Flagged as Concerning by US Banks – Including Large Wire Transfers


According to documents obtained by CBS News, more than 150 financial transactions involving Hunter Biden and Joe’s slimy brother James Biden were flagged by US banks as ‘concerning.’

The banking records, obtained by Ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley, reveal James Biden’s company, the Lion Hall Group, received huge wire transfers from a Chinese consulting firm in 2018.

Grassley produced records last Tuesday showing Hunter Biden was paid $100,000 a month and James Biden was paid $65,000 a month from companies linked to the Communist Chinese Government – and Hunter would be paid a one time retainer fee of $500,000.

CBS News reported:

TRENDING: Georgia’s Corrupt Governor Kemp and Lt. Gov. Duncan Block Election Integrity Bill

In a September 2020 report with Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, Grassley alleged Hunter, James, and James’s wife Sara tapped into a line of credit Hunter set up with a Chinese business executive to purchase more than $100,000 in airline tickets, hotels and restaurants.

Newly released records from Republican investigators show what appears to be the 2017 application for that $99,000 line of credit bearing the signatures of Hunter Biden and the Chinese executive.

“These records we got are the first records that have ever been made public on this issue. Nobody else has them,” Grassley said.

CBS News has also learned more than 150 financial transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden’s global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks for further review. Some of those concerns included large wire transfers. Such banking reviews could point to deeper problems — or they could prove innocuous. Information shared with CBS News does not indicate the outcome of the banking reviews.

James Biden’s name surfaced last year in connection to a separate international business venture, which he abandoned after a White House ethics review flagged it for potentially involving conflicts of interest.

Family members of the president are required to notify the White House counsel’s office of business engagements, which are then reviewed for conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts. The office then advises the family members on its findings and they make decisions about how to proceed.

James Biden, 72, has reportedly been involved with a number of finance and business ventures, including insurance and political consulting jobs — even an interest in a nightclub.

More from CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge:

TFB B-Side Podcast: Dave & Tony With the Modern American Rimfire Series


Rimfire PRS (Rimfire Precision Rifle Series) shooting is fast becoming one of the most popular shooting sports in America. Not only does the sport have a lower upfront cost for most shooters, but the series also invites newer and less experienced shooters to the fun with its fun and friendly environment. In that same vein, […]

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Faxon Firearms Expands the EXOS Pistol Compensator Line


Faxon Firearms Expands its EXOS Pistol Compensator LineCompensators used to be something you’d only ever find on competition-oriented guns. It seems as the concealed carry community has grown, however, more and more people are opting to train and carry pistols with compensators on them. It is for this reason that Faxon Firearms has developed and added three brand new options to their […]

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Emissary Development PADDLE SHIFTER Switch for SureFire X300 Weapon Lights


Emissary Development Paddle Shifter for SureFire X300 Weapon Lights (1)Emissary Development has introduced an extended switch for SureFire X300 style weapon lights called Paddle Shifter. It extends the switch upwards to the thumb of your support hand in the common modern way of gripping a semi-auto pistol, and is designed to make manipulating the light more intuitive with minimum alteration of the grip and maintaining […]

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Functioning M56 Smart Gun Replica From the Movie Aliens


Functioning M56 Smart Gun Replica From the Movie AliensWhen normal people hear the word “smart gun”, the first thing they usually think of is the guns that require either a fingerprint or some sort of wrist band that allows only that user to shoot it (in theory). However, when cinephiles and hoplophiles hear the same term, only one gun comes to mind – […]

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What Is The “Great Reset” And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?


This article was originally published by Brandon Smith at 

I first heard the phrase “Great Reset” way back in 2014. Christine Lagarde, who was head of the IMF at the time, was suddenly becoming very vocal about global centralization. It was an agenda that was generally only whispered about in the dark corners of institutional white papers and the secretive meetings of banking elites, but now these people were becoming rather loud about it.

Lagarde was doing a Q&A at the World Economic Forum and the notion of the “Reset” was very deliberately brought up; what the project entailed was vague, but the basic root of it was a dramatic shift away from the current economic, social and political models of the world into a globally centralized and integrated system – A “New World Order,” if you will…

It’s important to remember that we had just jumped through the fires of an international credit collapse that started in 2008 and had continued to cause uncertainty in markets for years. The central banks had dumped tens of trillions of dollars worth of stimulus into the system just to keep it on life support. Some of us in the alternative media believed that these actions were not meant to save the economy, only to zombify the economy through currency devaluation and inflation. Not long down the road, this zombie creation would turn on us and try to eat us alive, and only the central bankers knew exactly when this would occur.

Think of the crash of 2008 as Stage 1 of the Reset agenda; the globalists were getting cocky and were ready to unveil their plans to the public.

Lagarde’s discussion at the WEF was also held around the time that Klaus Schwab was introducing his 4th Industrial Revolution concept, which is a little more forward with what the globalists really want. He talks excitedly of a true “global society” and a world in which people turn to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a better means of governance. He even suggests that laws would eventually be dictated by AI and that courts would be run by robots.

Of course, he admits that this cannot happen without a period of economic deconstruction in which people and governments will have to choose between sacrifice for the sake of stability or continued pain in the name of holding on to the “old ways.” Look at it this way: The Great Reset is the action or the chaos, and the 4th Industrial Revolution is the intended result or planned “order.” That is to say, it’s a new order created out of engineered chaos.

Yeah, it sounds like bad science fiction, but remember these are the people that enjoy the undivided attention of many of our political leaders and they rub elbows with the central bankers at the Federal Reserve. I’ll say it again: The proponents of the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution, who want to completely undermine and reconstitute our society and way of life, are close partners with our national leaders and the very bankers that could force such a reset to happen through a deliberate collapse.

The globalists have been trying to rebrand and repackage their New World Order agenda for many years, and the Reset was what they came up with. Rather than being innocuous sounding, the term threatens systemic upheaval and an erasure of the past. When you “reset” something it usually goes back to zero – A blank slate that the engineers can use to rewrite the code and the functions. But what does this really mean?

What do the globalists REALLY WANT? Here are the details, so far as I can prove or support with evidence, of what the “Great Reset” actually is and what programs they hope to enforce:

Total Global Economic Centralization

Some people might claim that we already have global economic centralization, but they don’t understand what this really means. While national central banks are all members of the IMF and the Bank for International Settlements and take their marching orders from these institutions, what the globalists want is open global governance of finance, probably through the IMF.

In other words, it’s not enough that they manipulate economies secretly by using national central banks as proxies; what they want is to stop hiding and to come out into the light as the magnanimous rulers they think they are.

The ultimate goal of full centralization is to erase the very idea of free markets and to allow a handful of people to micromanage every aspect of trade and business. It’s not just about influence, it’s about economic empire. But in order to achieve a global central bank, they must first implement a one-world currency plan.

A One World Digital Currency System

The IMF has been talking about using its Special Drawing Rights basket as the foundation for a global currency for years (since at least the year 2000). Around a decade ago China started taking on trillions of dollars in debt just to qualify as a member of the SDR system, and the IMF has hinted that when all is said and done that system will go digital. All that is needed is the right kind of crisis to shock the public into compliance.

This was evident at the height of the covid pandemic lockdowns and the threat of economic disaster when globalist institutions began to suggest that the IMF’s SDR could be used as a safety net for nations, with strings attached, of course. But beyond the stresses of the pandemic, there is a much bigger crisis; namely the stagflationary crisis now on our doorstep. With multiple national currencies in decline and the dollar’s world reserve status increasingly in question, I have no doubt that the globalists will take the opportunity to offer the public their digital currency as a solution.

The new system would be more like a phantom currency for a time. The SDR would be the glue or the backing while national currencies remain in circulation until the digital framework becomes pervasive. The IMF and the people behind it would become the defacto world central bank, with the power to steer the course of all national economies through a single currency mechanism.

On the microeconomic side, each and every individual would now be dependent on a digital currency or cryptocurrency which removes all privacy in trade. All transactions would be tracked, and by the very nature of blockchain technology and the digital ledger this would be required. The money elites wouldn’t have to explain the tracking, all they would have to say is “That’s how the technology functions; without the ledger, it doesn’t work.”

A Global Social Credit System

The evil inherent in globalism was readily apparent during the recent lockdowns and the violent push for medical tyranny. Despite the fact that covid only had a median Infection Fatality Rate of only 0.27% according to dozens of official studies, the WEF contingent of politicians and world leaders were frothing at the mouth, proclaiming that the existence of covid gave them the right to take total control of people’s lives.

Klaus Schwab and the WEF happily announced that the pandemic was the beginning of the “Great Reset” and the 4th Industrial Revolution, stating that the covid crisis presented a perfect “opportunity” for change.

The vaccine passports were thankfully defeated by numerous conservative red states in the US, leading to the complete reversal of such policies across most of the western world. We were free for years while many blue states and other countries were facing authoritarianism and this caused a lot of problems for the globalists. It’s hard to institute a global medical dystopia when people around the world can look at the conservatives in the US and see that we are living just fine without the controls.

The vax passports need to be understood as the first step towards something else – The beginning of a massive social credit system much like the one being used in China right now. If you think cancel culture is a nightmare today, just think what would happen if the collectivist mob had the power to drop a review bomb on your social credit account and declare you to be untouchable? Imagine if they had the power to simply shut down your ability to get a job, to shop in grocery stores, and even shut down access to your money? Without your compliance to the collective, access to normal survival necessities would be impossible.

This is what the globalists want, as they openly admitted at the start of the pandemic, and the vax passports would have been an introduction to that technocratic horror had we conservatives not stood our ground.

You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy By 2030

The “Sharing Economy” (also sometimes referenced in parallel with “Stakeholder Capitalism”) is a concept that has been making the rounds in the WEF for a few years now. The media has attempted at every turn to spread lies and disinformation claiming that the plan does not exist; but again, it is openly admitted.

The sharing economy is essentially a communistic economy but distilled down to bizarre minimalism even people who lived in the Soviet Union did not have to experience. The structure is described as a kind of commune-based society in which people live in Section 8-style housing, with shared kitchens, shared bathrooms, and barely any privacy. All property is rented or borrowed. All cars are borrowed and shared, most transit is mass transit, and basic personal items such as computers, phones, and even cooking utensils might be shared or borrowed items. As the WEF says, you will own nothing.

Being happy about it is another matter.

The argument for this kind of society is of course that “climate change” and the frailties of consumer economics demand that we reduce our living standards to near zero and abandon the sacred ideal of property ownership for the sake of the planet.

Set aside the fact that carbon-based global warming is a farce. The world’s temperatures have only risen by 1 DEGREE CELSIUS in the span of a century, according to the NOAA. This was data that climate scientists had attempted to hide or gloss over for years, but now it is out there for everyone to see. There is no proof of man-made global warming. None.

The globalists have been scheming to use environmentalism as an excuse for centralization since at least 1972 when the Club Of Rome published a treatise titled ‘The Limits To Growth”. Twenty years later they would publish a book titled ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that document they specifically recommend using global warming as a vehicle:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions, these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The statement comes from Chapter 5 – The Vacuum, which covers their position on the need for global government. The quote is relatively clear; a common enemy must be conjured in order to trick humanity into uniting under a single banner, and the elites see environmental catastrophe, caused by mankind itself, as the best possible motivator.

They present the solution of the shared economy concept as if it is a new and bold idea. What the globalists ultimately want for their Great Reset, however, is a tidal wave reversal from freedom and individual prosperity back to a very old manner of doing things, similar to ancient feudalism. You become a peasant working on land owned by the elites, or by the state, and you will never be allowed to own that land.

The only difference would be that in a feudal empire of the past peasants could not own land because of the class system. This time around, you won’t be allowed to own anything, including land, because wanting to own anything is “selfish” and destructive to the planet.

Total Information Control

The truth is a rare commodity these days, but nowhere near as rare as it will be if these elitists get what they want. The globalists are far more open about their agenda today than they have ever been before, and I suspect this is because they believe they will be able to rewrite the history of today’s events with impunity after the Reset unfolds. They think they will own the world of information and will be able to edit our cultural memory as they go.

The mainstream media calls all of this “conspiracy theory.” I call it conspiracy reality. It’s hard to deny openly spoken admissions by the globalists themselves, all they can do is try to spin the information as much as possible to keep the public on the fence in terms of what needs to be done, which is a purge of the globalists from our country and perhaps the entire world.

If we do not do this, there will come a time when nothing I say here is remembered and no evidence of the Reset plan will exist. The establishment will have eliminated all notions of it from written history, leaving only a fantasy tale of how the world collapsed and a small organization of “visionary” globalists saved it from oblivion through a new religion of centralization.

Minnesota Bans Poultry Sales Citing “Avian Flu”


It isn’t enough for the ruling class to control people through a scamdemic. They are also culling, banning, and fear-mongering over the “avian flu” to convince people to kill the birds they are raising for meat or eggs.

Does anyone else see where this is going? When we already have skyrocketing food prices and emptying shelves at most grocery stores, the lack of poultry meat and eggs is only going to add to the distress.

According to WATT Poultry, due to multiple detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Minnesota and surrounding states, the Minnesota Board of Animal Health is issuing a 31-day statewide ban on all poultry sales and exhibitions effective Friday, April 1, through Sunday, May 1. The ban includes all poultry community sales, swaps, fairs, exhibitions, and other events where poultry and susceptible birds are brought together. The current H5N1 HPAI outbreak in Minnesota poses a high risk to poultry but a low risk to the public and there is no food safety concern for consumers.

“Viruses like HPAI need hosts to continue to spread,” said State Veterinarian Dr. Beth Thompson. “It’s our job to stop the spread of disease. Unfortunately, in this situation, we feel one of the best things we can do for the health of all birds in Minnesota is to take a pause on poultry events through May 1.”

However, if the risk to human beings or “the public” is so low, why insist on bans, culling, and other measures that will deplete the food supply even more? It’s almost as if the ruling class is desperately trying to force people’s hands by starving and impoverishing them. ANd it’s almost like we saw this coming back in 2020 when the lockdowns were used as an excuse to reduce global food supply:


What uncanny timing for this to be the “worst bird flu outbreak” in 7 years, according to NPR. In that same article, the mainstream media says that this isn’t something humans should worry about. So again, why the culling and bans?

It’s rare for a human to become infected with the avian virus. No human infections of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), which includes the H5N1 bird flu virus, have ever been reported in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The virus does not pose a special risk in the nation’s food supply, either; the CDC states that like any poultry or eggs, proper handling and heating food to an internal temperature of 165˚F kills any bacteria and viruses present — including any HPAI viruses. –NPR

One of the worst-hit states is not Minnesota, though. In Iowa, more than 5 million birds died (were culled) at an egg-laying facility in Osceola on March 31, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Overall, more than 13 million birds have been culled (killed) in the state.

We all should be aware by now that this is all by design and that they doing this to the slaves on purpose. Will we acquiesce further and give them all of our power? We had better all unify and get on the same page quickly. This is getting out of hand quickly.



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Fourth Covid Jab Extends Protection for Only a Few Weeks: Study


According to a new study from Israel that included more than 1 million people over the age of 60, a fourth Covid jab (Pfizer) – or second booster – offers just a few more weeks of protection against Covid.

The study was published on Tuesday and only compared people with the fourth shot to people with only 3 jabs.

New York Daily News reported:

A fourth shot of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine increased protection against viral infection for only four to seven weeks, according to a massive study published Tuesday.

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The study included 1.25 million people age 60 and over in Israel who received their fourth dose between January and March. Israel uses only the Pfizer vaccine.

People who got the fourth dose were half as likely to test positive for COVID-19 four weeks later when compared to people who only had three doses, according to the study.

But by the eighth week, the groups were almost equally likely to catch COVID-19, researchers found.

Will Biden announce a mandate for annual Covid shots?

In February Project Veritas released part one of a two-part series of an FDA exec who revealed something frightening about Joe Biden’s future Covid policy.

“Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible,” said Christopher Cole, FDA Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative.

“You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine]. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up.”

NBC News Reporters Not Happy with MSNBC’s Decision to Hire Psaki


NBC News journalists are reportedly not happy with MSNBC’s decision to hire Biden’s White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

Jen Psaki last Friday was asked about her plans to join MSNBC.

Psaki is reportedly set to leave the Biden White House for MSNBC.

White House reporters have known these negotiations were going on behind the scenes but they acted surprised and concerned last week.

TRENDING: Georgia’s Corrupt Governor Kemp and Lt. Gov. Duncan Block Election Integrity Bill

“Is it true that you are leaving the White House to work for MSNBC?” a reporter asked Psaki.

Another reporter followed up with a separate question about Psaki joining MSNBC.

“How is it ethical to have these conversations with media outlets while you continue to have a job standing behind that podium?” NBC reporter Kristen Welker asked.

“I have abided by [ethical and legal requirements] that are imposed on this administration,” Psaki said.

Apparently NBC News reporters aren’t very happy about Psaki’s move to MSNBC.

CNN reported:

NBC News journalists are troubled by and have expressed dismay to network executives about MSNBC’s intention to hire White House press secretary Jen Psaki when she exits the Biden administration, people familiar with the matter told CNN.

Noah Oppenheim, the NBC News president, even held an impromptu phone call Friday so that he could address the matter with vexed staffers from the Washington bureau, some of whom have complained to their superiors that the tentative hiring tarnishes the NBC News brand.

Oppenheim, attempting to quell the anger, reaffirmed the distinction on the call between NBC News and MSNBC’s opinion programming, some of the people familiar with the matter said.

Oppenheim’s call, however, hasn’t fully stamped out the frustration among NBC News journalists, the people who spoke to CNN said.

As was first reported by Puck, Psaki engaged in talks with several television networks, including CNN, about potential jobs she could take after exiting the White House. While she has not officially signed a contract with MSNBC, the talks with the network are in the advanced stages and the two sides essentially have a handshake deal.

Psaki declined to comment on Wednesday. But a White House official previously told CNN that she had recused herself from interviews on NBC News and MSNBC.