HOT GAT or FUDD CRAP? Is this AR-15 Regal or Ruined?


Hot Gat or Fudd CrapWelcome everyone to the 89th edition of Hot Gat or Fudd Crap, one of our many series here on TFB. If you’re new to the series, this is where we look at the most obscure firearms that are actually for sale and ask the question – is this Gat a sweet deal or only has […]

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POTD: International Sniper Competition at John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center


POTD: International Sniper Competition at John F. Kennedy Special Warfare CenterRecently we showed some pretty unique pictures of the new Accuracy International sniper/competition rifle in the USASOC International Sniper Competition. I personally love these types of pictures, and it seems like I am not alone. In our Photo Of The Day, we look at some more competitors in this event, as they engage targets at […]

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G.I.s Fighting Corruption: Breaking Down the Battle of Athens, Tennessee


G.I.s Fighting Corruption: Breaking Down the Battle of Athens TennesseeThere is perhaps no more well-known American domestic battle than the battle of Athens, TN. War-weary veterans returning from the various theatres of WWII came home only to face a machine steeped in corruption and faced yet another battle for liberty – the Battle of Athens. Today, we’ll be going over this famous battle and […]

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The Media Lied Repeatedly About Officer Brian Sicknick’s Death & They Got Caught


Mainstream media has been lying to us pretty much every second of every day while providing cover for the ruling class and fomenting a divide amongst the slaves. They just got caught lying about the death of the police officer who died on January 6 during the “insurrection” at the capitol.

If you can even call it an insurrection at all, a police officer died while there.

It was crucial for liberal sectors of the media to invent and disseminate a harrowing lie about how Officer Brian Sicknick died. That is because he is the only one they could claim was killed by pro-Trump protesters at the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

Just as with the Russia Bounty debacle, they will never acknowledge what they did. Their audience wants to be lied to for partisan gain and emotional pleasure. -Glenn Greenwald

The New York Times blatantly lied on January 8 when they published an emotionally gut-wrenching but completely fictional article that never had any evidence to support it.  The NYT said Officer Sicknick’s skull was savagely bashed in with a fire extinguisher by a pro-Trump mob until he died.

Just like the now-discredited Russian bounty story also unveiled by that same paper, cable outlets and other media platforms repeated this lie over and over in the most emotionally manipulative way possible.

The media was quite obviously making this weak-kneed “insurrection” as violent as possible to paint a picture in order to mark certain Americans as domestic terrorists.

The autopsy found no blunt trauma to the head. Sicknick’s own family kept urging the press to stop spreading this story because he called them the night of January 6 and told them he was fine — obviously inconsistent with the media’s claim that he died by having his skull bashed in — and his own mother kept saying that she believed he died of a stroke. -Glenn Greenwald

Besides Sicknick, the only ones killed were four pro-Trump supporters: two who died of heart attacks, one who died from an amphetamine overdose, and the other, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot point-blank in the neck by Capitol Police despite being unarmed). This police shooting is obviously being ignored because she is on the wrong side of the left vs. right paradigm lie. 

The mainstream media’s lies all came crashing down on their heads on Monday as the “official narrative” they crafted was demolished. The District of Columbia’s chief medical examiner on Monday morning issued his official ruling in the Sicknick case, and it was so definitive that The Washington Post —(one of the media outlets that had pushed the multiple falsehoods ) did not even bother to try to mask or mitigate the stark conclusion it revealed:

Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who engaged rioters, suffered two strokes and died of natural causes, officials say

But these employees of corporate media outlets have been taught the exact opposite model: that their primary obligation is to please and flatter the partisan agenda and political sensibilities of their audience even if it means lying or recklessly spreading unproven theories to do it. That is their profit model. And they have trained their audiences to want and expect this and that is why they never feel compelled to engage in any self-critique or accountability when they get caught doing this: their audiences want to be lied to — they are grateful for it — and would prefer that they not admit they did it so that their partisan interests will not be undermined. -Glenn Greenwald


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The Rulers Want You Locked Up In Your Home Forever: “Do NOT Travel”


The State Department is telling people they want us locked up and detained in their homes forever under their complete totalitarian control. They have updated their “COVID-19 restrictions” on travel telling 80% of the world: Do NOT travel!

This will not end until we stop acquiescing like the slaves they think we are. As long as we continue to bow to these psychopaths and obey their edicts, they will issue more edicts.

Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated

The updated guidelines seem to be based on the CDC’s advisory published on Monday. Unvaccinated people are advised to delay or cancel any international travel, according to a report by RT.  Americans who have completed immunization with FDA-approved vaccines are still considered “at increased risk for getting and possibly spreading new [Covid-19] variants,” the CDC says.

If that is true, why get a vaccine and subject yourself to death or other health-related complications from these vaccines?

The vaccine is an obvious piece of the overall agenda, hence the “official narrative” being crafted to manufacture the consent of those who are taking it. If the media was honest, they’d be calling the vaccines what they have been proven scientifically to be: experimental gene therapies.  But Big Pharma can’t escape liability or force these onto the public without FDA approval if there is no “emergency declaration.”

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

This is about control. That much we know. The official COVID-19 narrative is already so shaky that any further attempt at shoring it up suggests desperation. And that appears to be the stage they are at.  People are figuring this out, which means we may be waiting for another manufactured crisis. More and more wake up daily to the reality that government is slavery and that’s the one thing the master fears: the slaves figuring it out. 

Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails

Once enough people understand what is being done, they will have to switch gears.  My guess is, they already have a plan and know what’s next to get us to all comply and willingly enslave ourselves. Stay alert and stay prepared because we probably won’t know what the next step in their sinister plan is until it hits us.

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Russian Forces Mount On Ukraine Border


Russian troops are massing on the Ukraine border as the build-up to conflict and tensions continue to mount. As of right now, few analysts believe that Moscow intends to invade, but Russia’s military buildup continues nonetheless.

Even though the mainstream media says that Russia does not intend to invade, they sure are looking as if they want to. Moscow is signaling more bluntly than ever before that it is prepared to openly enter the conflict, according to a report by The New York Times.

“These ships are, concretely, a threat from the Russian state,” Captain Levytskyi said over the whir of his speedboat’s engines as it plied the Azov Sea, after pointing out a Russian patrol boat stationed six miles offshore. “It is a much more serious threat.”

Russia, for its part, has done little to hide its massive troop buildup, insisting that it has been placing troops in response to heightened military activity in the region by NATO and Ukraine.

 In the town of Avdiivka, the commander, Dmytro Kotsyubaylo says what happens next is a worst-case scenario. When asked point blank what he expects to happen next, Mr. Kotsyubaylo responded: “full-scale war.

Satellite images also show Russia’s troop buildup, according to The Wall Street Journal.  Russia has moved warplanes to Crimea and bases near Ukraine to an extent greater than has previously been disclosed, adding to its capability for political intimidation or military intervention, according to commercial satellite photos of areas being used for the military buildup.

Biden Administration Ramps Up Tensions With Russia, Institutes Sanctions

Russia Warns US To Stay AWAY From The Black Sea For Its “Own Good”

Other Russian military units on the Crimean peninsula include airborne troops, motorized rifle and armored units, attack helicopters, smoke generators, reconnaissance drones, jamming equipment, and a military hospital, the photos indicate.

Even though the “experts” and “analysts” and mainstream media talking heads are telling us conflict is unlikely, there sure appears to be a buildup for some reason. Why amass troops if the goal is to not use them? Please stay alert and prepared for anything. This may still blow over, but it could also result in what the Ukrainian commander dubbed “full-scale war.” And we know the Biden Administration is set to be neck-deep in any violent conflict in this region.

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Britain To Deploy 2 Warships To Black Sea As “Solidarity” With Ukraine


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

Turkey’s NTV channel is confirming a Sunday Times report that said the UK is preparing to sail two warships into the Black Sea via the Bosporus starting next month amid continued fears that a major confrontation between Russia and Ukraine could break out.

“Putting the ships off the coast of Ukraine is intended to show solidarity with Kiev and Nato allies in the region after President Biden decided to cancel the deployment of two American warships to the Black Sea last week for fear of escalating the crisis over the massing of Russian troops,” The Sunday Times wrote.

File image via The Telegraph

Biden had canceled the US warship deployment after a phone call with Russia’s Putin, wherein the US president also expressed willingness for a face-to-face summit at some point in the summer – an overture that angered hawks, given it put the White House in a “weak” position due to no conditions being agreed to ahead of such a high-level bilateral summit

According to further details in The Sunday Times:

One Type 45 destroyer armed with anti-aircraft missiles and an anti-submarine Type 23 frigate will peel off from the Royal Navy’s carrier task group in the Mediterranean and head through the Bosphorus into the Black Sea, according to senior naval sources.

RAF F-35B Lightning stealth jets and Merlin submarine-hunting helicopters are to stand ready on the task group’s flag ship, the carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, to support the warships in the Black Sea should they be threatened by Russian warships, submarines or aircraft. HMS Queen Elizabeth has to stay in the Mediterranean because an international treaty prohibits aircraft carriers from entering the Black Sea.

The Montreux Agreement of 1936 dictates that foreign powers passing through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles straits must notify Turkey two weeks ahead of time before their passage.

Interestingly, the Royal Navy had plans for near-future Black Sea missions prior to current tensions and Russia’s troop build-up in Crimea and near the Ukrainian border. But this new deployment is now being recast as “solidarity” toward Ukraine. The announcement further came days after Russia closed the Kerch Strait to all foreign military vessels, essentially cutting off the Ukrainian Navy’s access to the Black Sea.

Britain’s Ministry of Defence was cited as saying for example: “The UK and our international allies are unwavering in our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We are working closely with Ukraine to monitor the current situation and continue to call on Russia to de-escalate.”

“Our armed forces continue to support Ukraine through our training mission Operation Orbital, which has trained over 20,000 members of the armed forces of Ukraine, and the UK-led Maritime Training Initiative,” it added.

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Project Veritas Founder O’Keefe Sues Twitter Over Ban

James O’Keefe, whose group, Project Veritas, has come under fire for undercover sting operations against media organizations and liberal groups, has sued Twitter Inc. for defamation for banning him from the internet platform.

White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems, Study Shows

White liberals are significantly more likely than other groups to have a mental health condition, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The Pew study, which only gained attention in a recent article, showed…

Apple Brings Social Media Platform Parler Back to App Store

Apple Inc will bring social media app Parler, favored by U.S conservatives, back to its App Store after the iPhone maker pulled it after the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack, according to a letter sent to two Republican lawmakers.The letter, obtained by Reuters, said that…