Trillions Of Microplastic Particles Are In Our Air, Our Water And Our Bodies And They Are Literally Destroying The Earth


This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. 

No matter where you go, you won’t be able to escape the nightmarish plague of microplastics that is absolutely devastating our environment.  Microplastics are in the air that you breathe, they are in the water that comes out of your faucet, they are in the rain that falls from the sky, and there are countless microplastic particles inside your body right now.

When you throw away a piece of plastic, you probably never think about it again, but it doesn’t go away.  In fact, a plastic trash bag that you may have thrown out decades ago could have disintegrated into thousands upon thousands of tiny microplastic particles at this point.  Needless to say, humanity as a whole produces giant mountains of plastic waste each year, and things have already gotten so bad that microplastic particles can now be found “from the highest mountains to the deepest marine trenches”

Trillions of tiny particles of the material, called microplastics, now contaminate every crevice of the Earth, from the highest mountains to the deepest marine trenches.

They are increasingly being found in birds, insect, mammals and sealife, in the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. And they end up in us, too: they have even recently been found in human placentas.

If they get the opportunity, future generations will look back on our generation with horror, and the way that we are systematically destroying the planet will be a big reason for that.

Microplastics have been discovered at the very bottom of the Mariana Trench, on some of the most remote islands on the entire planet, and in Arctic and Antarctic ice.

You may think that you can escape this plague by going to some extremely remote spot where nobody else is around, but even though you may not be able to see them, microplastics are there.

In fact, one recent study conducted in the United States found that “more than 98 percent of the rain and air samples collected over 14 months in 11 of the most remote parts of the country were polluted with microplastics”.

And every year this plague gets worse because we are constantly producing even more microplastics.  For example, every time we use our washing machines we add to the problem

Microplastics—particles smaller than 5 millimeters—come from a number of sources. Plastic bags and bottles released into the environment break down into smaller and smaller bits. Your washing machine is another major source: When you launder synthetic clothing, tiny microfibers slough off and get flushed to a wastewater treatment plant. That facility filters out some of the microfibers, trapping them in “sludge,” the treated human waste that’s then applied to agricultural fields as fertilizer. That loads the soil with microplastic. A wastewater plant will then flush the remaining microfibers out to sea in the treated water. This has been happening for decades, and because plastics disintegrate but don’t ever really disappear, the amount in the ocean has been skyrocketing.

And every time we drive our vehicles, more microplastics are released into the environment

When someone drives down the road, tiny pieces fly off the tires as part of normal wear and tear. The material is made up of rubber, added synthetic rubbers, and other chemicals. Tire particles are included in the microplastics group and they are everywhere. In 2019, a study crunched the numbers and determined that 7 trillion microplastics wash into the San Francisco Bay every year — most of it from tires.

We will never be able to clean up the trillions upon trillions of plastic microparticles that are already in the environment.

Only God will be able to do that.

The only thing that we could possibly do would be to keep the problem from getting worse by ending the use of plastics worldwide.

But I guarantee you that the nations of the world will never agree to do that.

So this plague will just get worse and worse with each passing year.

This plague is one of the reasons why we are seeing mass extinctions among our wildlife, and scientists have found that microplastics cause “fewer seeds to germinate” and result in slower plant and crop growth…

None of this is doing any good. The particles affect soil structure, for example, causing fewer seeds to germinate and slowing plant and crop growth.

And they have been discovered in wildlife from fish to frogs, woodlice to water fleas, and mice to mosquitoes — which have been found, on average, to contain 40 pieces of microplastic in their tiny guts.

Even without considering any of the other factors that I discuss in my articles, microplastics alone would ultimately create a horrific global famine given enough time.

In addition, microplastics are increasingly causing problems for human health.  According to one recent study, humans consume tens of thousands of microplastic particles each year…

And according to a study published in the journal Environment Science and Technology, people may be consuming some 50,000 microscopic particles a year in food and drink. And we can add another 24,000 or so breathed in from the air.

All of these microplastic particles can damage internal organs, and some of them contain “gender-bending chemicals” which can lead to “reproduction problems”

They cause physical damage to internal organs, but that is only one aspect of the danger they pose. About three-quarters of everyday plastic products contain toxic chemicals.

Among the nastiest of these are phthalates and bisphenol A. These are gender-bending chemicals which have been shown to cause disfigurement and reproduction problems.

In previous articles, I have documented the fact that male sperm counts are dropping precipitously.

If we stay on the path that we are on, the continuation of the human race is in very real danger.

Our great love for plastic is literally destroying the planet and everything around us, but most people simply do not care.

When will everyone finally start waking up?  The clock is ticking and time is running out for humanity, but most of those around us are dead asleep.

We cannot treat the planet that we have been given like a toilet indefinitely.  Our errors are catching up with us in a major way, and yet we still refuse to change.

Because we refuse to change, there is no hope of reversing course, and we shall continue to steamroll toward a horrifying apocalyptic future.

***Michael’s new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available on  In addition to my new book, I have written four others that are available on including The Beginning Of The EndGet Prepared Now, and Living A Life That Really Matters. (#CommissionsEarned)  By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on FacebookTwitter, and Parler, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as we possibly can.

The post Trillions Of Microplastic Particles Are In Our Air, Our Water And Our Bodies And They Are Literally Destroying The Earth first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

U.S. & Russia Relations Hit All Time Lows


Relations between the United States and Russia have reached new all-time lows. With tensions between Russia and Ukraine at all-time highs, the geopolitical landscape is getting intense.

Russian Forces Mount On Ukraine Border

The march toward war is slowing, but it’s still on its way.  While de-escalation has not yet occurred, it still could if cooler heads prevail. However, it does not appear that there are any cool heads in politics right now.

After years of deteriorating relations, sanctions, tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions, and an escalating “information war,” some in Moscow are asking if there even is any point in seeking renewed dialogue with the U.S., if only out of concern that more talks might just make things worse. -The Christian Science Monitor

There also seems to be limited interest from the mainstream media in reporting on the issues between the West and Ukraine, and Russia. That’s not a surprise considering the “vaccines” which are a large part of the overall New World Order agenda are front and center. Is there a distraction from the geopolitical tensions going on? Most likely, but I’ll let you decide using your own discernment and critical thinking.

And there is a growing sense in Moscow that the downward spiral of East-West ties has reached a point of no return, and that Russia should consider abandoning hopes of reconciliation with the West and seek permanent alternatives: perhaps in an intensified compact with China, and targeted relationships with countries of Europe and other regions that are willing to do business with Moscow.-The Christian Science Monitor

“Things are at rock bottom. This may not be structurally a cold war in the way the old one was, but mentally, in terms of atmosphere, it’s even worse,” says Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of Russia in Global Affairs, a Moscow-based foreign policy journal. “The fact that Biden offered a summit meeting would have sounded a hopeful note anytime in the past. Now, nobody can be sure of that. A hypothetical Putin-Biden meeting might not prove to be a path to better relations, but just the opposite. It could just become a shouting match that would bring a hardening of differences, and make relations look like even more of a dead end.”

Hopefully, there will be no major conflict or worse. War benefits only the rulers, as they don’t have to put their lives on the line for their own agenda.

The post U.S. & Russia Relations Hit All Time Lows first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Putin’s Key State-Of-The-Nation Address: “Swift & Tough” Response Coming For Those Crossing ‘Red Line’


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday gave his 17th annual state-of-the-nation address to a joint session of the Russian parliament in Moscow, which is arguably his most important given the number of different crises the country faces both at home and abroad.

Not only does a ‘new Ukraine conflict’ loom amid mounting international pressure for Russia to reduce its forces in Crimea and near the border with eastern Ukraine, but hunger-striking Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny’s supporters are planning widespread protests Wednesday. Putin’s address further comes days after Biden’s sanctions rollout targeting the Kremlin as well as select Russian companies and government entities last Thursday. Moscow is further trying to get the coronavirus pandemic under control, as it also faces geopolitical roadblocks in efforts to export its Sputnik V vaccine more broadly, and a continued weakening ruble and economy at home.

Putin introduced first that he would focus on domestic issues, but would leave “just a few words about security issues.” While he didn’t unveil any major moves in relation to the Ukraine or Belarus situations in his speech, he did have some interesting things to say about attempts to “organize a coup in Belarus” – which is something “the West is silent on…”.

The New York Times summarized this moment of Putin’s annual address to the nation:

“Now in his third decade in power, Mr. Putin, 68, appears more convinced than ever of his special, historic role as the father of a reborn Russian nation, fighting at home and abroad against a craven, hypocritical, morally decaying West.

Pool photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko, via NY Times

Putin said related to Russia’s deteriorating relations with the West, especially the United States, “If someone uses an arrogant and selfish tone, Russia will always find a way to defend its position.”

He also sarcastically and somewhat humorously quipped, “This is turning into some kind of sport — who can say something negative about Russia the loudest.”

Below are some further key quotes from the speech on Foreign Policy

“We behave in a restrained, modest manner. Oftentimes we do not respond to outright rudeness; we want to have good relations. We are not looking to burn any bridges.”

I hope no one will think of crossing so-called ‘red lines’ against Russia, which we ourselves will define in each separate case. Russia’s response will be symmetrical, fast and tough. The organizers of any provocations threatening our core security interests will regret their actions more than they’ve regretted anything in a long time.”

“But now this practice is degenerating into something more dangerous — for example, an attempt to organize a coup in Belarus and an attempt to assassinate this country’s president…. The West is silent on this matter.”

“You can have any position on Lukashenko’s policies, but staging a goverment coup and planning the assassination of a head of state is too much.”

And on Biden’s recent sanctions

“It seems that everyone is already accustomed to the practice of imposing illegal, politically motivated sanctions, attempts to impose their will on others by force.”

On nuclear weapons and strategic deterrencehe said

“Russia once again urges its partners to discuss issues related to strategic weapons, possibly to create an environment of conflict-free coexistence.”

“Advanced weaponry in Russia’s nuclear triad that comprises strategic aircraft, intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear-powered missile-carrying submarines will top 88% this year.”

“The share of advanced weapons and hardware in the troops will make up almost 76% by 2024. This is a very good figure. In the nuclear triad, it will exceed 88% already this year.”

The pandemic and economy, amid a backdrop of the ruble, continuing to weaken against the dollar…

“It was impossible to avoid budget cuts [last year] altogether. To support the creation of new jobs, the state will stimulate business. I’m instructing the government to submit additional measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, including in the tax area, within a month.”

“The pandemic has exacerbated problems of social inequality and poverty around the world. We are faced with rising prices. It is impossible to rely only on targeted, directive measures. This leads to empty shelves, as was the case in the late 1980s. Now, even at the peak of the epidemic, we did not allow this. With the help of market mechanisms, it is necessary to ensure price containment.”

“The main thing is to ensure the growth of citizens’ real incomes.”

“Russia must be ready to develop test systems and vaccines within four days in case of a new dangerous infection.”

“Along with a naturally great anxiety, I personally had a firm conviction that we would overcome all trials [of the pandemic]. Having rallied together, we were able to work ahead of the curve. The number of beds in hospitals has increased more than fivefold… For the enormous work of people in all regions, I want to thank you from all my heart.”

“The three coronavirus vaccines developed in Russia are a direct embodiment of our country’s growing scientific and technological potential.”

“I’m appealing to all citizens of Russia: Get vaccinated. This will allow the formation of herd immunity by the fall.

Reversing Russia’s demographic decline

“The demographic crisis of the 1940s and 1990s is hitting us now. The preservation of the Russian people is our highest national priority.”

“Russia will always defend and defend traditional values that have been forgotten in a number of countries.”

“In 2030, the average life expectancy should be 78 years. We will not change our strategic goals in this area. This is a daunting task, especially since the coronavirus has not yet been completely defeated. We see how dramatically the situation is developing in other countries. We need to keep the line on all frontiers of the fight against coronavirus.”

“Our goal is to reach a steady growth of the Russian population.”

On Russia’s traditional spiritual and moral values as a unifying force for the nation

He noted that throughout history, the people of Russia had triumphed over their trials and tribulations thanks to their unity.

“And today, family, friendship, mutual assistance, and compassion have come to the fore for us. Spiritual and moral values, which some countries are forgetting about, have, on the contrary, made us stronger, and we will always uphold and protect these values,” Putin pledged.

Putin added that the service of representatives of traditional religions had become “the spiritual backbone of society, as it always was in difficult times.” That said, the head of state addressed the clergy present in the hall, “I would like to take a deep bow before you all. Thank you very much.”

And one interesting note from the speech in the US-funded media outlet Radio Free Europe

One new development was Putin’s revelation that he is a fan of the “great writer” Rudyard Kipling.

Putin dropped the English novelist’s name while alleging that many countries were making a sport of ganging up on Russia, with “all kinds of small Tabaquis running around Shere Khan…howling to gain the favor of their ruler.”

The assumption is that Putin meant that the tiger king Shere Khan was the United States and the scrap-eating jackals surrounding him were U.S. allies, but he did not give any hint as to which Jungle Book character Russia might be.

Nevertheless, pro-Kremlin blogger Maksim Kononenko described the comment on Telegram as “powerful,” while alleging that Kipling was an “imperialist and a Nazist.” Other commenters on the thread suggested, however, that Putin’s “joke about Kipling being a good writer did not go over well.”

* * *

Meanwhile, the European Union was seen as a bunch of hyenas…


The post Putin’s Key State-Of-The-Nation Address: “Swift & Tough” Response Coming For Those Crossing ‘Red Line’ first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

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Austrian Voere M2 Police Edition Bolt-Action Rifle


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