New Kahles HELIA 42 Rangefinder Binoculars


HELIA 42 RF kahlesThose who have never used high-quality binoculars are missing out. Over ten years ago, I bought my own first pair. They took a substantial bite out of my pocket, but the optical quality still amazes me and I never regret the purchase. Mine also has an integrated laser rangefinder, just like the new Kahles HELIA […]

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Christensen Arms Introduces Their Modern Precision Pistol


Utah-based Christensen Arms have introduced the new Modern Precision Pistol (MPP). Weighing in at between 4.4 to 5.8lbs depending on calibre, the bolt action pistol offers precision in a package that can fit into a standard backpack. The pistol is available in 300BLK, .223 Rem, 6.5 Creed and .308 Winchester with barrel lengths ranging from […]

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Concealed Carry Corner: Stock vs Customized Carry Guns


One of the most interesting debates I’ve heard lately is whether to carry a stock handgun or a handgun with upgrades. There’s been more than one occasion the last few weeks where I’ve heard guys arguing the pros and cons of carrying stock or upgraded handguns. Both have their valid arguments and it’s not a […]

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POTD: Poland Testing The New UKM 2020 Machine Gun


ukm 2020Photo Of The Day: Above you can see some left-handed shooting with the UKM 2020 machine gun. As Poland changed teams and joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1999, the challenge to adapt their firearms to common NATO ammunition arose. The PKM machine gun was already being produced in Poland under licence, but […]

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The Quest For The Low Bore Axis: A Novel Italian Approach


A couple of years ago we had a look at a few different semiautomatic pistols pursuing the reduction of the bore height over the hand. Among several commercial models, we saw a couple of promising prototypes from different periods. While these were highly innovative, they still kept a relatively traditional configuration. What we have here […]

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Palm Scanning Payment Is Coming To Whole Foods


You were warned. The rulers of the globe want everyone tracked, traced, vaccinated, surveilled, and enslaved. If they can’t do it with a microchip, they will use your unique biometric data. And that dystopian future is right around the corner.

This probably only the first to the chip.  Amazon’s One (a palm scanning payment system) is expanding to its biggest area yet: the company is now testing its palm-scanning payment technology in Whole Foods, starting with a single store in Amazon’s home city of Seattle.

According to an Amazon FAQ, the palm-scanning technology analyzes “the minute characteristics of your palm — both surface-area details like lines and ridges as well as subcutaneous features such as vein patterns” in order to identify a customer, allowing them to use the biometric scan as an alternative (and, theoretically, faster) method of checking out than fumbling around with a credit card or cash. -The Verge

Customers who want to use their palms to pay at Whole Foods will be able to register their palms at kiosks in the supported Whole Foods stores, allowing them to associate a physical credit card to that palm scan. (Amazon One users who have already registered may have to re-link their cards once to be able to use them at Whole Foods.) And of course, Amazon One users will be able to link their Prime accounts to their scans to get the subscription service’s discounts when shopping, according to CNBC. 

There is a push to make this seem “normal.” Is this a precursor to the microchip? Perhaps. Only time will tell.  But many mainstream media outlets have reported on this and in a positive light trying to convince people this is a good idea.

Once again, use your discernment and apply critical thinking to everything. Stay alert and be aware of what’s being said and what’s going on around you. Anything new could be a piece of this agenda that they are ramming forward at an increased speed.

The post Palm Scanning Payment Is Coming To Whole Foods first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Scientist Who Helped Develop Pfizer Vaccine Says A Third Shot Will Be Needed


The scientist who helped develop Pfizers experimental gene therapy falsely labeled as a “vaccine” says that a third shot is going to be necessary to provide immunity. Apparently, “immunity wanes.” They want you lined up and taking these gene therapies for life.

Dr. Ozlem Tureci, co-founder and CMO of BioNTech, which developed a Covid vaccine with Pfizer, said she also expects people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually, like for the seasonal flu.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

The chief medical officer of BioNTech told CNBC on Wednesday that people will likely need a third shot of its two-dose Covid-19 vaccine as immunity against the virus wanes, agreeing with previous comments made by Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla. And the masses continue to line up to take this shot unknowing and willing to care that this isn’t even a vaccine.  Just a moderate amount of reading on BioNTech’s own website should be enough to alert people to what’s going on.  Don’t take my word for it.  Read it here yourself:

Once the mRNA vaccine is injected into a person, the lipid nanoparticles protect the mRNA from degradation and help it reach the cells where the information contained in the mRNA strand is read to produce the antigen protein that eventually triggers the desired immune response.

The interest in mRNA technology as a platform for vaccines has increased during the last two decades. A vaccine based on mRNA is faster to manufacture than conventional vaccines, as only the blueprint and not the antigen itself needs to be produced. –BioNTech

But if they are using mRNA technology that will read and produce the antigen to trigger the desired immune response, why are more doses needed? Won’t that take care of it? Is anyone else refusing to ask even the most simple of questions?

“We see indications for this also in the induced, but also the natural immune response against SARS-COV-2,” she said during an interview with CNBC’s Kelly Evans on The Exchange.We see this waning of immune responses also in people who were just infected and therefore [it’s] also expected with the vaccines.”

Does anyone else see what’s going on? They are now telling us that even if you have had it and your body has fought off this mild flu-like illness, then you still need to get the vaccine. So basically, we should line up annually for mRNA experimental gene therapies and hope for the best.

Pfizer said earlier this month that its Covid-19 vaccine was more than 91% effective at protecting against the virus and more than 95% effective against severe disease up to six months after the second dose. Moderna’s vaccine, which uses technology similar to Pfizer’s, was also shown to remain highly effective at six months. –CNBC

If it’s that effective, why do we need more shots? Are they saying it isn’t as effective as they are saying it is? It seems like this is a straight lie to get as many injected with whatever this thing is as possible.

Again, use your discernment and apply critical thinking to everything. This is obviously a piece to the overall agenda, but only time will tell to what extent these “vaccines” will be used to enforce the slave planet they are quickly trapping us in.


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NBC Deceptively Edits 911 Call & Video From Fatal Police Shooting Involving Knife-Wielding Teen Girl


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

*EDITOR’S NOTE: This site DOES NOT support police brutality in any way. But this site does not support fabrications and lies by the mainstream media either. Violence against fellow human beings who are not harming anyone is always morally wrong, and so is deceptively editing videos.

NBC News – which was forced to apologize in 2012 for deceptively editing the 911 phone call of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case to make him sound racist – has done it again.

Following the fatal officer-involved shooting of 16-year-old black girl, Ma’Khia Bryant – who was about to stab another black girl in Columbus, Ohio – tensions flared high as a flood of leftist journalists and ‘blue checks’ on Twitter falsely reported that Bryant was unarmed.

Less than a day later, bodycam footage revealed that Bryant was clearly wielding a knife – and about to stab the other black teen when she was shot.

NBC News, however, continued peddling the ‘unarmed’ lie with a deceptive edit of the 911 call to remove a reference to the attempted stabbing, as well as the video – which NBC stops right before it’s apparent the teen is holding a knife.

Here’s what NBC News didn’t show:

Why is NBC intentionally trying to inflame racial tension?

*EDITOR’S NOTE: Use your discernment. We are being lied to deceived and divided so the master plan can roll out and enslave us all. Wake up, learn critical thinking and decide what’s right outside of the facade that is the ruling class on your own. That’s the only thing the masters fear. This is all a part of the divide and conquer aspect of the Great Reset. We ALL need to realize we are one race: the human race. Untile then, the masters will do as they please and their order followers will harm and terrorize those who know their birthright is freedom.

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The Rising Threat Of Nuclear War Is The Most Urgent Matter In The World


This article was originally published by Caitlin Johnstone at 

US Strategic Command, the branch of the US military responsible for America’s nuclear arsenal, tweeted the following on Tuesday:

“The spectrum of conflict today is neither linear nor predictable. We must account for the possibility of conflict leading to conditions which could very rapidly drive an adversary to consider nuclear use as their least bad option.”

The statement, which STRATCOM called a “preview” of the Posture Statement it submits to US Congress every year, was a bit intense for Twitter and sparked a lot of alarming responses. This alarm was due not to any inaccuracy in STRATCOM’s frank statement, but due to the bizarre fact that our world’s increasing risk of nuclear war barely features in mainstream discourse.

STRATCOM has been preparing not just to use its nuclear arsenal for deterrence but also to “win” a nuclear war should one arise from the (entirely US-created) “conditions” which are “neither linear nor predictable”. And it’s looking increasingly likely that one will as the prevailing orthodoxy among western imperialists that US unipolar hegemony must be preserved at all cost rushes headlong toward America’s plunge into post-primacy.

The US has been ramping up aggressions with Russia in a way that has terrified experts, and it looks likely to continue doing so. These aggressions are further complicated on increasingly tense fronts like Ukraine, which is threatening to obtain nuclear weapons if it isn’t granted membership to NATO, either of which would increase the risk of conflict. Aggressions against nuclear-armed China are escalating on what seems like a daily basis at this point, with potential flashpoints in the China Seas, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, India, and any number of other possible fronts.

STRATCOM commander Charles Richard told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that China’s nuclear capabilities are advancing so rapidly that they’re not even bothering with intelligence vetted more than a month ago in their briefings because it’s probably already out of date, urging an upgrade in America’s nuclear infrastructure. Richard reportedly testified that a portion of China’s nuclear arsenal has been recently primed for ready use.

The fact that those in charge of US nuclear weapons now see both Russia and China as a major nuclear threat, and the fact that US cold warriors are escalating against both of them, is horrifying. The fact that they’re again playing with “low-yield” nukes designed to actually be used on the battlefield makes it even more so. This is to say nothing of tensions between nuclear-armed Pakistan and nuclear-armed India, between nuclear-armed Israel and its neighbors, and between nuclear-armed North Korea and the western empire.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has the 2021 Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight, citing the rising threat of nuclear war:

“Accelerating nuclear programs in multiple countries moved the world into less stable and manageable territory last year. Development of hypersonic glide vehicles, ballistic missile defenses, and weapons-delivery systems that can flexibly use conventional or nuclear warheads may raise the probability of miscalculation in times of tension. Events like the deadly assault earlier this month on the US Capitol renewed legitimate concerns about national leaders who have sole control of the use of nuclear weapons. Nuclear nations, however, have ignored or undermined practical and available diplomatic and security tools for managing nuclear risks. By our estimation, the potential for the world to stumble into nuclear war—an ever-present danger over the last 75 years—increased in 2020. An extremely dangerous global failure to address existential threats—what we called ‘the new abnormal’ in 2019—tightened its grip in the nuclear realm in the past year, increasing the likelihood of catastrophe.”

In a recent interview with Phoenix Media Co-op‘s Slava Zilber, Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft nuclear policy specialist Joe Cirincione described a ramp-up in weapons technology among all nuclear-armed nations in the world, the future of which he described as “bleak”:

“We right now have a global nuclear arms race. Each of the nine nuclear-armed nations are building new weapons. Some are replacing weapons that are getting old. Others are expanding their arsenals. But all of these new weapons represent new capabilities for these countries. So you’re seeing a qualitative and a quantitative arms race that is completely unchecked.

“If you look at the data that’s collected by the Federation of American Scientists, for example, you see that – since the 1980s at the height of the Cold War – we have slashed the global nuclear arsenals. We went from a world in 1986 where there were almost 70,000 nuclear weapons in the world down to where we are now where there’s just about 13,500 nuclear weapons. Tremendous progress. 85% reduction in the stockpile…

“But it’s flattened out. There really haven’t been significant reductions for years. The 2010 New START agreement was the last successful arms control agreement. That was 11 years ago. There’s been no reduction agreement since then. There’ve been no talks about new reductions agreements. Now I think the future of arms control is bleak. It’s bleak. And I see no interest really in a new round of arms control either from the United States or from Russia. So I’m pessimistic about our prospects.”


As I all too frequently find myself having to remind people, the primary risk here is not that anyone will choose to have a nuclear war, it’s that a nuke will be deployed amid heightening tensions as a result of miscommunication, miscalculation, misfire, or malfunction, as nearly happened many times during the last cold war, thereby setting off everyone’s nukes as per Mutually Assured Destruction.

The more tense things get, the likelier such an event becomes. This new cold war is happening along two fronts, with a bunch of proxy conflicts complicating things even further. There are so very many small moving parts, and it’s impossible to remain in control of all of them.

People like to think every nuclear-armed country has one “The Button” with which they can consciously choose to start a nuclear war after careful deliberation, but it doesn’t work that way. There are thousands of people in the world controlling different parts of different nuclear arsenals who could independently initiate a nuclear war. Thousands of “The Buttons”. It only takes one. The arrogance of believing anyone can control such a conflict safely, for years, is astounding.

2014 report published in the journal Earth’s Future found that it would only take the detonation of 100 nuclear warheads to throw 5 teragrams of black soot into the earth’s stratosphere for decades, blocking out the sun and making the photosynthesis of plants impossible. This could easily starve every terrestrial organism to death that didn’t die of radiation or climate chaos first. China has hundreds of nuclear weapons; Russia and the United States have thousands.

This should be the main thing everyone talks about. There is literally no more urgent matter on earth than the looming possibility that everyone might die in a nuclear war.

But people don’t see it.

On a recent Tucker Carlson Tonight appearance, former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard did a solid job describing the horrors of nuclear war and the very real possibility that it could be inflicted upon us due to America’s insane brinkmanship with Russia. She spoke earnestly about how “such a war would come at a cost beyond anything we can really imagine,” painting an entirely accurate picture of “hundreds of millions of people dying and suffering, seeing their flesh being burned from their bones.”

Gabbard is correct and was right to give such a confrontational account of what we are looking at right now. But if you read the replies to Gabbard’s tweet in which she shared a clip from the interview, you’ll see a deluge of commenters accusing her of “hyperbole”, saying she’s being soft on Putin, and admonishing her for appearing on Tucker Carlson. It’s like they can’t even hear what she’s saying, how real it is, how significant it is.

People’s failure to wrap their minds around this issue is a testament to the power of normalcy bias, a cognitive glitch that causes us to assume that because something bad hasn’t happened in the past, it won’t happen in the future. We survived the last cold war by the skin of our teeth, entirely by sheer, dumb luck; the only reason people are around to bleat “hyperbole” is because we got lucky. There’s no reason to believe we’ll get lucky in this new cold war environment; only normalcy bias says we will. Believing we’ll survive this cold war just because we survived the last one is as sane as believing Russian roulette is safe because the guy passing you the gun didn’t die.

It’s also a testament to the power of plain old psychological compartmentalization. People can’t handle the idea of everything ending, of everyone they know and love dying, of watching their loved ones die in flames or from radiation poisoning right in front of them, all because someone made a mistake at the wrong time after a bunch of imperialists decided that US planetary domination was worth rolling the dice on the life of every terrestrial organism for.

But mostly it’s a testament to the ubiquitous malpractice of the western media. It’s inconvenient to the agendas of the imperial war machine to have people protesting these insane cold war games of nuclear brinkmanship, so their media stenographers barely touch on this issue. If mainstream journalism actually existed, this flirtation with nuclear war would be front and center in everyone’s awareness and people would be flooding the streets in protest against their lives being toyed with as casino chips in an insane all-or-nothing gamble.

This is so much bigger than any of the petty little things we spend our mental energy on from day to day. It’s bigger than whatever your number one pet issue is. It’s bigger than your disdain for Moscow or Beijing. It’s bigger than my disdain for the US empire. It’s bigger than our political opinions. It’s bigger than whatever argument we might be having on the internet. It’s bigger than whether or not we’ve got a problem with Tulsi Gabbard appearing on Tucker Carlson.

Because once the nukes start flying, none of that will matter. None of it. All that will matter is the fact that this is all ending. If you open the door and see a mushroom cloud growing on the horizon, all of your mental priorities will rearrange themselves real quick.

We should not be in this situation. There is no good reason governments should be playing these games with these weapons. There is no good reason we can’t just get along with each other and collaborate toward a healthy world together. Only the psychopathic agendas of power-hungry imperialists perpetuate this insane balancing act, and it benefits none of us ordinary people in any way.

The rising threat of nuclear war is the most urgent matter in the world, and it’s absolute madness that we’re not talking about it all the time.

Let’s do what we can to change that.

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Biden Will Open Summit With Pledge to Cut US Emissions in Half

President Joe Biden will open a global climate summit with a pledge to cut at least in half the climate-wrecking coal and petroleum fumes that the U.S. pumps out, a commitment he hopes will spur China and other big polluters to speed up…