Here’s When Derek Chauvin Will Be Sentenced for Killing George Floyd

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd, will be sentenced in June. And now there’s a specific sentencing date and time.

CDC Health Panel Urges Restarting J&J Vaccinations

A U.S. health panel says it’s time to resume use of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine, despite a very rare risk of blood clots. Out of nearly 8 million people vaccinated before the U.S. suspended J&J’s shot, health officials uncovered 15 cases of a highly unusual kind of…

Roaring Reopening Trade Threatened With Boom Nearing Peak

In a stimulus-crazed economy, everything goes faster. The recovery came quicker than forecast, the rally in reopening stocks was dizzying, and now the comedown may be upon markets sooner than anyone thought, too. Stocks that soared are starting to give the gains back in fits…

The Baghdad (Simonov-Iraqi): Iraq’s First Mass-Produced Service Rifle?


The Baghdad is a little known about rifle that is still extremely rare to come across both in the United States and even in Iraq. There are definitely more questions than answers when it comes to what we actually know about the rifle: It appears to have been built using the same machines and tooling […]

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New Bergara Premier Competition Rifle – Perfect for PRS


Bergara Premier Competition RifleAccording to Bergara, their new Premier Competition Rifle is their most accurate and highest-performing production class PRS style rifle that exists. All you need is to pair it with your optic, zero it and the rifle is competition-ready right out of the box. This rifle could be quite nice for the upcoming Precision Rifle World Championships 2022. […]

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Tac Shield Introduces a New 2-Point Padded Sling


Tac Shield Introduces a New 2-Point Padded SlingI’ve come to appreciate slings a lot more in recent months, mostly due to some training I was fortunate to receive during Gun Fest 2021. Now that I’ve learned how to properly use it, I see it as more of a tool rather than just a piece of fabric to help keep the rifle attached […]

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EAA Akkar Churchill 20Ga Shotguns Reconfigured for Home Defense


EAA's Akkar Churchill Shotguns Reconfigured for Home Defense ApplicationsEAA/Akkar has just revamped their popular Akkar Churchill 220 and 620 shotguns for home defense. Shotguns provide unparalleled close-range power but often are too long to be properly used within the home where narrow hallways are common. The new Churchill 220 pump-action and 620 semi-auto Optics Tactical shotguns have been improved to allow for use […]

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NovX Ammo’s New Pentagon Personal Defense Rounds


NovX Ammo has released their new Pentagon series of defense ammunition.Back in 2017, a new ammo brand called NovX came onto the scene. Their intended differentiators were supposed to be twofold: the use of Shell Shock NAS3 stainless steel/aluminum casings instead of standard brass, and the use of copper/polymer projectiles. NovX claimed that their designs, specs, and choice of these non-traditional materials had allowed them […]

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More MSM Fear Mongering: New Texas COVID Variant Is “Antibody” Resistant


It just doesn’t end. The constant bombardment with fear to attempt to panic the public is getting ramped up even though it’s obvious to most of us by now what a hoax this entire charade has been. The mainstream media now says a new Texas variant of COVID is “antibody resistant” and sickening young people.

It’s quite obvious they want people panicked and hiding in their homes while they turn Earth into an inescapable prison. So in comes more fear-mongering over year another variant, and of course, it’s in a state that had decided to kill the totalitarian rules in favor of at least a smokescreen of freedom.

TX Governor Now “Allowing” Texans To Be “Free”

Scientists at Texas A&M University Global Health Research Complex say they’ve detected a new Covid-19 variant that shows signs of antibody resistance. This new one that we should all be terrified of if you believe the mainstream media, is named BV-1 for its Brazos Valley origin. According to CNBC, scientists say it is related to the U.K. strain and shows signs of resistance to antibody neutralization.

But if you read further, even the mainstream media can’t make it look that bad anymore:

The new variant, BV-1, named after its Brazos Valley origin, was found during Texas A&M’s routine coronavirus screening via saliva sample in a young student who had mild cold-like symptoms. The student tested positive for Covid on March 5 and tested positive again on March 25, showing that the new strain may cause a longer infection in younger people. The student’s symptoms resolved by April 2 and a third test on April 9 came back negative. –CNBC

“We do not at present know the full significance of this variant, but it has a combination of mutations similar to other internationally notifiable variants of concern,” said Texas A&M Chief Virologist Ben Neuman. “This variant combines genetic markers separately associated with rapid spread, severe disease and high resistance to neutralizing antibodies.”

Coronavirus Variants Detected In California Are Now “Variants of Concern”

What are variants of concern? Based on my best guess, they are the variants the media will attempt to panic us into taking the experimental gene therapy shot over the coming months.  Heck, based on how this is going, any one of these new variants could be the next hoax scamdemic: COVID-21.

Stay alert, know what they are trying to do, and prepare the best you can.  This is not over and the mainstream media has proven that to us.

The Elites Laugh As Americans Revel In Their Enslavement While Fearing Each Other

The post More MSM Fear Mongering: New Texas COVID Variant Is “Antibody” Resistant first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

JPMorgan Regrets Backing European Super Soccer League

JPMorgan said on Friday it regretted supporting soccer clubs in launching a breakaway European Super League after the plan collapsed earlier this week due to a storm of protest from fans and politicians. “We clearly misjudged…