Atlanta Ordered to Reinstate Policeman Charged With Killing Black Man

The city of Atlanta must reinstate a police officer charged in the fatal shooting of a Black man outside a Wendy’s restaurant in June, an oversight board said on Wednesday, ruling that he was wrongly terminated.The Atlanta Civil Service Board ruled that the city failed to…

CMMG’s May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build Components


CMMG's May the Fourth Blaster Giveaway and Build ComponentsCMMG, the firearm manufacturer that has brought you popular firearms like the Mutant and the Banshee has just released a video showcasing one of their latest goofy creations for the firearm industry – a replica Star Wars blaster which was originally based on the Mauser C96 (called a DL-44 Blaster) when used in the Star […]

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New Fueled Series Pistol from Ed Brown: The MP-F4


Ed Brown Products MP-F4Another Fueled Series from Ed Brown is here. It’s called the MP-F4 and as usual, it’s based on the polymer, striker-fired Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 in 9 mm. The philosophy behind the Fueled Series is to break down an S&W M&P in parts and put it back together with redesigned key components. With a […]

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New Griffin Armament SPRM Scope Rings


Griffin Armament SPRM Scope RingsGriffin Armament has a new line of scope rings called SPRM. The rings are made out of 6061 T6 aluminum and available for multiple heights for 30mm, 34mm and 35mm rifle scopes. There is also an AIS (Accessory Interface Suite) that will allow you to mount accessories on 5 sides as well as RTO (Rapid Transition […]

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Klik Belts and Black Collar Arms Introduce the Klik Modular Sling


Klik Belts and Black Collar Arms Introduce the Klick Modular SlingIt’s always nice when something truly novel comes out in the firearms industry even if it’s just the reuse of existing tools. Black Collar Arms and Klik belts have teamed up to revamp what we traditionally think of as a QD sling setup. The Klik Modular Sling is the result of this recent collaboration and […]

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Two New 4-12x Vantage Series Scopes by Hawke Optics


Hawke's Riflescope Vantage ModelsHawke Optics are adding new models to their Vantage line of scopes. With more than 100 variants to chose from, the latest additions are focused on hunting and recreational shooting. The new models are called Vantage 4-12×40 and Vantage 4-12×50 and they both use the 30/30 Duplex reticle. Both are based on one-inch mono-tube frames […]

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Biden’s Vaccine Push: Some “Need More Convincing”

Joe Biden is making a desperate push to get people to take the experimental gene therapy. He says 70% of the country will be fully”vaccinated” by July 4th and that some people just “need more convincing.”

Since the rulers are running out of people willing to take this concoction, it makes you wonder how they will cross that 70% mark.

New Poll: U.S. Is Running Out Of Adults “Willing To Be Vaccinated”

Perhaps the next step is an attempt to force this thing into people, or the “punishment” for refusing.

Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY

With his administration meeting its goal of administering 200 million doses of coronavirus vaccines in its first 100 days, Biden set a new target on Tuesday: to have 70% of the adult population covered with a first dose, and 160 million people fully vaccinated by Independence Day. As of Tuesday, 105 million people in the US were fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to a report by RT. When the masters are in a desperate attempt to get people willingly “vaccinated,” it’s time to ask questions.

From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Government Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens

The daily number of shots administered has fallen sharply since mid-April, and the White House has switched from promising shots to pleading with Americans to take them. With less than one-third of Americans fully vaccinated with the gene therapies, convincing the others will be tough. But most holdouts firmly expect some kind of push in some way to try to “convince” them to take it.

There are millions of Americans who just need a little bit of encouragement to get the shot,” Biden said, announcing a new website and SMS service that will help the public locate their closest vaccination center. He also said that the federal government is encouraging stores to offer discounts to customers who show up for vaccinations, and with sports leagues to give rewards to vaccinated fans.

The White House also announced on Tuesday that it will spend $250 million on hiring “community outreach workers,” $130 million to promote “vaccine education,” and another $250 million on state and city-level ad campaigns promoting the jab. So basically, the paid propaganda pushers will be sent out to convince people to suspend their critical thinking, give up their free will, and obey the ruling class.

Recent polling found that the number who’ll definitely not” get vaccinated has remained at a steady 13% since December. With that number not budging, and many more who will “wait and see” before taking it, their prospects look grim.

And we need to ask if the numbers they are giving us are even real. 102 million Americans are fully vaccinated which means almost 1 in 3. That seems high. Dramatically so, but we also know they aren’t above lying about the numbers, and perhaps by saying that many have taken the jab, it’ll convince others to do so as well.

Another COVID-19 Whistleblower: A Montana Dr. Says Government Is Drastically Overstating Deaths

Study Results: CDC Inflated COVID Numbers By 1600%

When there is an obvious agenda, such as getting people to take whatever is these experimental gene therapies, it bodes well to ask the tough questions.  Mainstream media has proven they won’t do it for us. Continue to use discernment and your own critical thinking. It’s all we’ve got right now when we never get the full story when it comes to truth or information.

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The Central Bank Digital Dollar Is Coming: Prepare For Totalitarian Domination

The United States nonprofit Digital Dollar Project said on Monday it will launch five pilot programs over the next 12 months to test the potential uses of a U.S. central bank digital currency.  This is a huge part of their plan: a fully centralized digital currency where freedom and privacy are nonexistent.

This is the first effort of its kind in the United States. If the ruling classes are successful in convincing the masses they need the CBDC (central bank digital currency) the best you can do is prepare for totalitarian enslavement.  Every transaction you make will be tracked and traced. Any time they decide you have to pay some taxes, they’ll just take it.  Want to speak out against the slavery that is government? Fine, they’ll cut off your digital wallet. It’s coming unless we wake up and quickly.

The private-sector pilots initially will be funded by Accenture Plc (ACN.N) and involve financial firms, retailers and NGOs, among others. The aim is to generate data that could help U.S. policymakers [the ruling class] develop a digital dollar. –Reuters

This beast system is getting a boost and they are going to make this sound utterly delightful. Sadly, some will willingly agree to be slaves to the banking cartel and ruling class.

“There are conferences and papers coming out every week around the world on CBDCs based on data from other countries,” said Christopher Giancarlo, former chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and co-founder of the Digital Dollar Foundation. “What there is not, is any real data and testing from the United States to inform that debate. We’re seeking to generate that real-world data,” Giancarlo added.

David Treat, a senior managing director at Accenture, said CBDCs would exist alongside other forms of physical and electronic money, rather than replace them. But we’ve already seen a push to get rid of cash becasue it’s difficult to track and tax a cash transaction between two people.

Ready for a Cashless Society? WHO Says Contaminated Cash and Spread the Coronavirus

Control Agenda Moves Forward: Federal Reserve Is Pushing HARD For A Digital Dollar

Getting everyone on a digital dollar system would ensure that breaking away from the two tier society they are also fashioning right now would be impossible. Being free would be something that in a few generations, no one will ever talk about. It’s time to wake up to what’s going on.  They want us on this planet only if we agree to be slaves and give up everything including the most important thing: our free will.

Use your critical thinking. Does anyone honestly think central banks were set up for our intrest? Does anyone think that a CBDC fully controlled by the rulers of the planet will be good step for humanity? This is yet another puzzle piece to the overall New World Agenda that’s magically falling right into place. Coincidence?

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Alert: Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Will End All False Sense of Freedom

With the advancement of the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) worldwide comes the permanent elimination of and sense of freedom.  What little freedom we have left is systematically being destroyed by those who seek ultimate power and control over the rest.

Dominic Frisby with Money, Markets & Other Matters said CBDCs are “the final step into the brave new world, Orwellian great reset dystopia.” And anyone who has looked into this even for a minute knows that this will be the end of whatever false sense of freedom we pretend to have right now. (We aren’t free, that’s obvious. But any sense that you could be will be gone if we collectively allow the central banks ultimate control.)

Programmable money, such as CBDCs, means the user has even less control over their money than they ever had in human history. Frisby said almost any kind of rule could be coded into CBDCs. He provides an example of China mulling over the idea of expiry dates for its digital money. This means those holding the programmable money have to spend the money by a specific time or it disappears from their account, according to a report by ZeroHedge. 

They could also switch your account off or remove funds whenever they see fit for any reason. We are approaching the precipice of permanent slavery unless we can figure it out, stand together, and firmly let the rulers know we don’t need them and they no longer have power.

Frisby said issuers (the ruling class) could manipulate money velocity by changing expiry dates. He said the money could be programmed to work only in certain areas or jurisdictions. He then warned:

“Every transaction ever made will be visible to the all-seeing government.

Governments will know your whereabouts and habits at all times simply by tracking your use of funds through the CBDC payment system. This can already be done, to some extent, by tracking credit card transactions, but the CBDC system will make state surveillance more pervasive.

CBDCs also allow the government to have direct access to a person’s wallet to remove taxes and other fines.  –ZeroHedge

This will be a beast system of permanent slavery from which there will be no escape. If you think calling the government slavery right now (which it is based on definitions and roots of the words involved) the dystopian control and loss of even the idea that maybe we could be free is what comes after the installment of any CBDC.

Frisby then said CBDCs allow issuers to weaponize the money against certain users who are enemies of the state.  Digital money is the key for governments to control and shape the behavior of their citizens. 

“The best slave is the one who thinks he is free.”― Johann von Goethe

The post Alert: Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Will End All False Sense of Freedom first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Severe Storms, Flooding Rain Continues to Drench South

Relentless wind and rain keeps pummeling much of the southeastern United States, spawning tornadoes, sparking a flash flood emergency in Alabama, and damaging homes from Texas to Virginia. The storms have prompted…