Facebook’s Trump Verdict Renews Calls to Revoke Legal Shield

The decision by a Facebook Inc. panel to extend for up to six months former President Donald Trump’s banishment from the social media platform has renewed calls to revoke the legal shield that enabled Facebook to grow into one of the richest and most powerful companies in…

Nosler Tips: First Trip to the Shooting Range


Nosler Tips First Trip to the Shooting Range (1)Nosler Inc continue their efforts of helping the millions of first-time firearm owners. Back in February, we reported about Nosler’s Project 48, an initiative to recruit industry experts to produce content related to firearms safety, handling, maintenance, legal aspects, etc. The company’s latest contribution to educating the new gun owners is in a form of […]

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Ruger Issues Safety Bulletin for Ruger-57 Pistols


Ruger has issued a safety bulletin regarding an issue with their Ruger-57 model handgun.When the Ruger-57 burst onto the scene in late 2019, it made quite a splash. For around two decades, there were very few models of firearms using the 5.7x28mm cartridge – chiefly just FN’s own P90 and Five-seveN variants, which were developed starting in the late ’90s in conjunction with the round. Though a handful […]

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New Line of Manurhin Revolvers from Beretta USA


New Line of Manurhin Revolvers from Beretta USAAs a kid, I was living in France and I remember standing behind a Security Officer on an escalator, on our way up from the underground. He was carrying a safety box, obviously with something valuable inside, and as we prepared to get out in the open he opened his holster and put his hand […]

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New Small Frame Ear Muffs Available from Champion


New Small Frame Ear Muffs Available from ChampionOne of the most frustrating things for new shooters with smaller frames and heads can be the fitment of their safety equipment. Ill-fitting ear muffs in particular can shoot a day of practice on the range into an uncomfortable event that could have lasting consequences. Champion has just released new Small Frame Ear Muffs to […]

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Pro-Vaxxers Are “Concerned” The Some Won’t Take The Vaccine

In what has to be the most illogical thought process known to mankind, over half of Americans are “concerned” that some others are refusing to take the vaccine. Vaccine believers are so into this new religion that they are overly concerned about what others do, or do not do.

The main question no pro-vaccine advocate can answer, is if your vaccine works (and that’s why you go it right?) then why does someone else have to be vaccinated? Are you saying it doesn’t work? Probably, because Fauci even said it doesn’t work. Probably because it’s not a vaccine anyway. That’s evidenced by the rulers constantly telling people it won’t stop you from getting COVID, it’ll “lessen the symptoms.” And even then, if you believe it works to do that, why not just let the people who won’t get it suffer and we can compare down the road which ones made the right choice during this gigantic medical experiment of all of humanity?

In a new poll, it has become all too obvious that humans are willing to suspend their logical and critical thinking in exchange for blind obedience to their master.

New polling shows just how many Americans are willing to suspend critical thinking in exchange for obedient submission. Three times more concerned with people in their areas not getting vaccinated against Covid-19 than they are with the availability or distribution of the jabs.

After Running Out Of People Willing To Take The COVID Shot, Baltimore Resorts To Shaming

The main concern among Americans appears to be vaccine hesitancy from their fellow citizens. While over half of American adults have received at least one dose of a vaccine, 55% of those surveyed said they are concerned about people in their local areas choosing not to get vaccinated. Among that group, 28% are “very” worried and 27% aremoderately” worried. Another 16% said they are “not too” worried, while 30% are not concerned. -RT

It still is confusing how the unvaccinated are a threat to the vaccinated if vaccines work. The whole point is to create an immune response so when the virus is introduced, there will be no illness. If that’s the whole idea behind vaccines, why anyone would care is beyond logic. No “authority” or doctor has ever been able to come up with an explanation as to why this phenomenon of thought that goes: “my vaccine won’t work unless you get a vaccine that doesn’t work too.”

Critical thinking and discernment are going to be skills that are rare in the coming years. Hone them, and refuse to give up your free will. Ask the questions others refuse to ask because we could see something coming as the ruling class runs out of people willing to take this jab.

New Poll: U.S. Is Running Out Of Adults “Willing To Be Vaccinated”

Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY

“Now we’re going to have to bring the vaccine to people who are less eager,” Biden said Tuesday. “So we also know that there are millions of Americans who just need a little bit of encouragement to get the shot.”

Who knows what that “encouragement” will look like. Personally, I expect it to look like tyrannical totalitarian enslavement.

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CDC Projects A “Sharp Decline” In COVID Cases While Calling Variants A “Wild Card”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States says that there will be a shape decline in COVID cases as long as people continue to take the experimental gene therapy shots.  But they also said the new variants are a “wild card.”

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

According to the ruling class and their mainstream media puppets, if fewer people follow Covid-19 precautions such as wearing masks and physical distancing, it could undermine the gains from vaccinations to slow the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, according to the study published by and funded by the ruling class (the CDC).

Again use your critical thinking. Does that statement make any logical sense? If vaccines (which are actually experimental gene therapy) work, then what’s the point of masking and social distancing. If those things work, why do we need vaccines too? If all of them work, why are there still COVID cases? Again, continue to ask the hard questions that no one else seems logical enough to pose.

The longer this scam goes on, the less logical sense it makes.

“High vaccination rates and compliance with public health prevention measures are essential to control the COVID-19 pandemic and to prevent surges in hospitalizations and deaths in the coming months,” the authors of a study wrote.

“Nationally, reported cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are now decreasing or stable,” the researchers added. “However, transmission remains widespread and increased cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to be reported in some jurisdictions and, as this study indicates, the potential for future increases persists.” –CNN

The study makes clear that the sooner the US gets more people vaccinated, the sooner the nation could return to normal — but coronavirus variants are a “wild card,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a White House briefing Wednesday.

Does anyone remember Walensky:

“Right Now I’m Scared” – CDC Director Chokes Back Tears As She Fearmongers “Impending Doom”

Of course, that’s what a study funded and published by the rulers will find. It’s going to fit the official narrative or it won’t be put out in the form of brainwashing propaganda. And guess how the “study” arrived at their conclusions? Modeling. Gee, where have we seen that before?

Oh, that’s right:

Shocking New Study Concludes That The “Best Case Scenario” For A COVID-19 Pandemic Is 15 Million Dead

You would think they would be tired of lying and panicking people, and yet the hoax goes on.

“The models give us an important reminder. They project that local conditions and emerging variants are putting many states at risk for increases in Covid-19 cases, especially if we do not increase the rate of vaccinations and if we do not keep our current mitigation strategies in place until we have a critical mass of people vaccinated,” Walensky said.So, again, this “study” was actually “modeling” and not really a study. It’s fascinating how they are doing this now and it’s also alarming that many can’t see through the facade still.
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Ivanka Trump Helps Push The Official Narrative: Get The “Vaccine!”

Ivanka Trump is helping the push to get as many people injected as possible with the experimental gene therapies they are calling “vaccines.” Trump touted the COVID-19 vaccine in a social media post celebrating her second dose, and once again urged her followers to get vaccinated.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her father, former President Donald Trump initiated Operation Warp Speed and has also been trying to push his followers into taking the gene therapy shot.

Trump Does Fauci’s Bidding & Urges Americans To Get Vaccinated: “I Would Recommend It”

Ms. Trump’s posts come a few months after she told “The View” co-host Joy Behar in September that she would get the vaccine once it was available to her. Obviously, this is nothing more or less than a propaganda push for the “vaccines.”

To date, more than 105 million people have gotten their second doses in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine tracker. Obviously, based on how much we know they lied with their statistics about this scamdemic, to begin with, perhaps those numbers are dramatically off too.

Another COVID-19 Whistleblower: A Montana Dr. Says Government Is Drastically Overstating Deaths

When it comes to this “vaccine” people seem to be split more than the polling or mainstream media is willing to suggest. There are those who have already gleefully and willingly signed up to be injected with this experimental technology, and there are those who will not take ever regardless of the oppression and tyranny they will be subjected to for refusing.

With the goal of helping you all enhance your critical thinking skills, read the following article and the reasons (if they can even be reasons, it’s more of one guy just giving an answer you’re expected to believe without evidence because he “repeated” it often) that this is not gene therapy, but actually a vaccine. If you want a good starting place, look at how he describes the difference between RNA and DNA, and the research the difference.

Forbes article: Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Not ‘Gene Therapy,’ As Some Are Claiming

Research and ask the questions, because the guy who wrote the above article is hoping you won’t. I am no scientist, but I do attempt to think things through, and based on the “evidence” he gives, I would say this is gene therapy. If you research and come to the conclusion that this is a “vaccine,” that’s fine too. Just use your critical thinking skills to do so, because that’s the one thing that panics the elitists the most.

Wake up, folks. Do everything you can to stay alert and prepared for anything. They will stoop to all-time lows to get people to take this shot.  It’s a piece of their agenda and to what extent, we will have to wait to find out.

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Moderna Booster Shows Promising Results Against COVID-19 Variants

Moderna on Wednesday reported positive early results for its booster shot against new variants of the COVID-19 strains B.1.351 and P.1, which have been identified in South Africa and Brazil, in an ongoing clinical trial. According to CNBC, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel said,…

Oversight Board Member: Facebook’s Trump Referral Was ‘Lazy’

A member of the independent Oversight Board is knocking Facebook for its “lazy” referral of former President Donald Trump’s suspension from the social media platform. “We felt it was a bit lazy of Facebook to be sending over…