NCAA Athletes Could Soon Earn Money From Endorsements

You might start seeing the image or likeness of some topflight college athletes on your cereal boxes, or other items, according to the NCAA.

Leaked, Chinese Document Reveals Malevolent Intent for Coronaviruses

A document titled The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, written by Chinese scientists and Chinese public health officials in 2015, discussed the weaponization of SARS coronaviruses.

Charles Herbster to Newsmax: Running for Governor Because Nebraska Needs Tax Reform

Agriculture entrepreneur and Trump ally Charles Herbster is making tax reform in the Cornhusker State the cornerstone of his bid for a second try at the governorship of Nebraska.

SILENCER SATURDAY #176: The Q Honey Badger And Thunder Chicken


SILENCER SATURDAY #176: The Q Honey Badger And Thunder ChickenGood morning everyone and welcome back to another edition of TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the YHM Resonator and Resonator K line of rifle suppressors. Last week we got some time behind the Gemtech Integra .22LR suppressed upper, a super-quiet, integrally suppressed option for plinking and training. This week […]

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The post SILENCER SATURDAY #176: The Q Honey Badger And Thunder Chicken appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

Not Giving Up: CDC Says COVID Spreads More Than 6 Feet

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is stopping at nothing to make sure people stay isolated from each other. Now, apparently, the smartest virus in history can infect people 6 feet apart, so we have to stay even farther away from others.

When will the public tire of these lies and bold agenda pushing? Probably never based on everything else they’ve been willing to subject themselves to.

Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated

The ruling class’s agency has allegedly “repeatedly documented” instances of coronavirus spreading through the air to people more than 6 feet away under certain conditions. “Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from inhalation of virus in the air farther than six feet from an infectious source can occur,” the new document says in large letters while noting it is “less likely than at closer distances.”

The risk of this kind of spread is highest indoors in places with “inadequate ventilation,” when people are shouting or singing, or when people are exposed for long periods of time, the CDC said.

Experts have also long said that being outdoors is far safer than being indoors. Yet last March, the rulers demanded we lock ourselves indoors in our homes for six weeks and allow our businesses to fail in epic numbers while still sat in lush mansions collecting paychecks off the backs of the slaves.

The CDC acknowledged in October that the virus can spread through airborne transmission, but there has since been a growing emphasis on that method of transmission. They can’t have us getting together and figuring things out, so the push to shove us further apart has begun.

The attempt to continually panic the public is obvious. The more they can get us to live in fear of each other, the more gene therapy shots they can get into arms. The good news is that they are running out of gullible sheep willing to take this thing.

After Running Out Of People Willing To Take The COVID Shot, Baltimore Resorts To Shaming

The post Not Giving Up: CDC Says COVID Spreads More Than 6 Feet first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

US’s Biggest Gasoline Pipeline Halted After Cyber Attack

Colonial Pipeline is working to restore operations after a cyber-attack prompted the company to take its systems offline, threatening the supply of refined petroleum products to gas stations in major cities on the U.S. eastern seaboard.

Hitting Back at Big Tech With Competition

The ongoing culture war Big Tech is waging against conservatives, libertarians, or any other online political voice on the right has developed into a growing existential problem for political activists and the Internet.

States Scale Back Vaccine Orders Amid Waning Demand

States asked the federal government this week to withhold staggering amounts of COVID-19 vaccine amid plummeting demand for the shots, contributing to a growing U.S. stockpile of doses.

Israeli Police, Palestinians Clash at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa, Scores Injured

Israeli police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades towards rock-hurling Palestinian youth at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday amid growing anger over the potential eviction of Palestinians from homes on land claimed by Jewish settlers.

GOP Voting Laws Put Legal Accountability on Election Officials

Republicans are creating a new level of accountability for the county officials who run elections, arguing they overstepped their authority when they expanded voter access during the coronavirus pandemic.