COVID Variants Could “Emerge” That Can “Escape” Vaccines


The mainstream media and ruling class have already started their push to get this experimental gene therapy into as many as possible and for as long as possible.  But now comes an added layer to their agenda, with the warning that new variants can escape the falsely labeled “vaccines.”

We have said from the beginning of this scamdemic, that if they can pull off another lockdown they will do so. They will also push to have people injected as many times as possible until the agenda is fulfilled. Again, that end game is anyone’s guess but we do know it involves this “vaccine.”

As new variants emerge around the world, however, scientists say it is critical to look out for these rare cases. They could be signs of something more serious.

“It’s possible that more variants might emerge that are not covered by the vaccine,” Gigi Gronvall, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security said. “That’s why it’s important that these breakthrough cases are investigated.” –Voice of America News

But there are some cautionary signs. In a study in Qatar, where the variant that emerged in South Africa made up half the cases, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was only 75% effective. That variant has also proven to be better able to break through other vaccines as well.

“Even if you have a breakthrough infection,”Gronvall said. The vaccine “is still really worth it.” So basically, even though it doesn’t work, and with that statement alone Gronvall admits it’s not a vaccine (providing immunity) you should still risk the side effects up to and including death from taking an experimental gene therapy that the manufacturer of has been provided with blanket immunity.

This is definitely a case where discernment and critical thinking are necessary. They are disguising the truth with cleverly crafted lies and it’s up to us to see through it.  I maintain that in the coming year, critical thinking will be the most important skill you can learn and equip yourself with.

The post COVID Variants Could “Emerge” That Can “Escape” Vaccines first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Greg Mannarino: “Scapegoat Economics” & The Dark Secret We Are NOT Supposed To Know


Market analyst Greg Mannarino has been pretty spot on when discussing the planned destruction of the United States dollar and the takedown of the middle class. He says what is happening right now is “scapegoat economics” as the Federal Reserve creates an “inflation machine.”

Mannarino says that the recent pipeline attack was simply, a false flag.  It was done so the central banks can hide the inflation they have caused by creating a narrative.  They are drawing attention away from themselves and the government. The central banks will race to finish what they have started: to own it all. Their end game is for the banks to own the planet, including all of us.

It would be wise to watch the above video before YouTube removes it.  They don’t like it when people call out those in charge and their agenda.

“They [central banks] are also creating a slave society. This is an amazing set of dynamics that are in play right now,” says Mannarino.  We have repeatedly warned that the end game will be the permanent enslavement of making if we cannot rise up, stand together, and unite against the ruling class who thinks they own us.  We have to realize that centralized banking and the government itself is a slave system.

The New World Order “paradigm” is being rolled out right in front of our faces, and far too many still blame one side or other instead of condemning all oppression, right and left. But that’s because there’s a deep dark secret that is being kept from people, says Mannarino:

“You MUST pay attention to these things now and you really gotta focus on ‘scapegoat economics’. ‘Look here! Don’t look here!’ The Fed CANNOT be pointed out to the people. People out there, the masses, the dumbed-down freaks cannot be allowed to know the root cause of inflation and the fact that the Fed is deliberately creating it…you’re not allowed to know. So [the masses] have to be distracted as they always are.

It’s all being set up. I told you this was going on months ago, and expect MORE of these false flag events to occur to keep energy prices, crude oil, higher. It must be done to continue to brainwash the masses.” –Greg Mannarino

As I continue to say, please stay alert and stay aware.  That means watch the headlines, and use your own critical thinking and discernment. There is a big agenda in play right now and waking up to that fact can be difficult, but unless you want to be condemned and have your children condemned to a life of slavery, it’s necessary.

The post Greg Mannarino: “Scapegoat Economics” & The Dark Secret We Are NOT Supposed To Know first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Covid Authoritarians Abuse Children


This article was originally published by Ron Paul at The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. 

Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has “recommended” that children wear masks while playing. Her offered reason is to ensure Covid is not spread by “heavy breathing” of children near each other while around a soccer ball.

Dr. Walensky’s recommendation is one more example of Covid authoritarians’ refusal to “listen to the science.” The science says no to lockdowns and masks. The masks are not blocking the very small viruses in “heavy breathing.” Dr. Walensky also ignores the science showing that wearing a mask while exercising or playing sports has negative health effects.

Dr. Walensky’s most outrageous disregard of science is ignoring the fact that children are statistically unlikely to be at risk of either spreading Covid or becoming very sick from it.

Dr. Walensky’s recommendation is one of many examples of how children are harmed by the overreaction to coronavirus. Many children have had their physical and mental health damaged because they cannot go to school, play with their friends, or even have a birthday party because of the lockdowns.

Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, the two major teachers’ unions — the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) — have stood in the way of reopening schools. Teachers’ union leaders have claimed it is too dangerous for teachers to resume in-person instruction, even though adults are at little or no risk of getting Covid from children. Sadly, teachers’ unions are disregarding the interest of children. Recently released emails show the CDC disregarded the science in favor of the AFT’s restrictive guidance when developing recommendations concerning reopening schools.

The negative effects of lockdowns and school closings for children have led many parents to consider alternatives to government schools. Some private schools have not just remained open, they have followed the science and not forced their students to wear masks. Many parents are also considering homeschooling. Homeschooling parents obviously can ensure their children are not forced to obey mask, social distancing, and other unscientific mandates.

Parents interested in providing their children with a quality education that emphasizes the ideas of liberty should consider my homeschooling curriculum. The Ron Paul Curriculum provides students with a well-rounded education that includes rigorous programs in history, mathematics, and the physical and natural sciences. The curriculum also provides instruction in personal finance. Students can develop superior communication skills via intensive writing and public speaking courses. Another feature of my curriculum is that it provides students the opportunity to create and run their own internet-based businesses.

The government and history sections of the curriculum emphasize Austrian economics, libertarian political theory, and the history of liberty. However, unlike government schools, my curriculum never puts ideological indoctrination ahead of education.

Interactive forums allow students to learn from each other outside of a formal setting. The curriculum’s emphasis on self-directed learning and student interaction makes it ideal for parents who need to work from home but still want to homeschool their children.

I encourage parents looking at alternatives to government schools to go to for more information about my homeschooling program.

The post Covid Authoritarians Abuse Children first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

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Krieghoff Gun Of The Year 2021 – The Spartan Gun


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The post Krieghoff Gun Of The Year 2021 – The Spartan Gun appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

New DZ22 Rimfire Riflescope Lineup from Bushnell


New DZ22 Rimfire Riflescope Lineup from BushnellDecently priced rimfire riflescopes are always welcome. A lot of people begin their shooting career with plinking, and it’s much more fun if it can be done with a magnified optic. Bushnell now have two new 3-9x40mm rimfire scope models for those who hunt or use their rimfire rifle for plinking. Both models use the […]

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