Two Military Brothers Harassed for Choosing Not to Take the Vaccine Are Now Facing Dishonorable Discharge from the Biden Gang


The father of two young Christian military men of good character, who are choosing not to take the COVID vaccine based on religious reasons, is asking for help.  His boys are being harassed and are facing dishonorable discharges for exercising their God-given rights. 

Here is the proud father’s story of his hero sons and what they are going through:

I am trying to get a little help for 2 of my sons. Here is their story. Since they are currently in uniform I am telling it for them. I don’t know how newsworthy this is for you but I need help fighting this evil and don’t know where to turn. I am shadowbanned or outright Jailed on my social media platforms.

Chris and Eric Williams, both Eagle Scouts, are two of my sons who watched me struggle and fight the VA system their entire lives. They decided to join the military knowing full well what lay ahead for them should they become injured, why? Because it was important to them to serve their country.

Eric is a Marine Corp Corporal and an Embassy Security Guard (one of the most prestigious positions in the Marine Corp. Just look up the MSG program and you will see what extraordinary lengths you must go to become one). the MSG position is part of an elite group within the Corp. with specialized training to fulfill the role. He graduated near the top of his class beating out seasoned Marines. He earned the position straight from Basic and SOI school where he earned the commander’s mast award, a rare honor. He carried out his duties at his 1st embassy assignment in Juba, South Sudan flawlessly. This is his second embassy assignment which to this point has been carried out in the same character. You could say that this kid is the quintessential marine.

Christopher is an Air National Guard Staff Sergeant who repairs jet engines for the Airforce National Guard.

Both of these young men hold the highest level of integrity and dedication to duty as you will find in the services.

Both of these young men are Christian having been baptized because of their faith. Chris before entering the service, Eric at the end of Boot Camp by a Navy Chaplain.

Because of that faith and the understanding that all will stand before Christ and give an account for their lives they personally chose NOT to get the COVID-19 vaccine as doing so for them would violate their conscience before God.

Although there are a variety of reasons for taking this stand, among them is the fact that Aborted Child cells were used in the development, production, or testing of each of the COVID-19 Vaccines.

Below are the results of taking that stand and why we need your help to defend these two Men of Faith.

Corporal Eric Williams was on duty protecting our US Embassy in Tbilisi Georgia To the west of Turkey and south of Russia).  He was given a direct written order to take the Vaccine. This order followed months of relentless coercion, veiled threats, and command intimidation to submit and violate his conscience.

Upon refusing to take the vaccine invoking his desire for a religious exemption he was immediately told to “pack your $h!* you are out of here on the first available flight”. 2 days later he was sent to Dulles International (Friday 17 Sept 2021) Airport via Qatar, unaccompanied. Once arriving there his mother and I meet him expecting he would be escorted off the plane by 2 Security police. He was not. He contacted his report at the barracks in Quantico VA his sending port and was told he had liberty until Monday morning formation.

2 observations, first, why if disobeying a direct order was enough to be relieved from his post was he not escorted back and thrown into the brig? Second, for being the most deadly disease on the planet that will kill everybody and having traveled abroad on civilian flights, why was he not quarantined?

At this point, they have already violated his 1st amendment rights by removing him from the MSG post because of his religious views.

Since being back he has been treated like other Marines waiting for separation for egregious conduct. (Drunk and disorderly, accidental discharge of weapons, etc, etc).

On Monday they had him cutting grass. On Tuesday he was interrogated by the Commanding Officer of his detachment. On Wed. he had to speak with the corp Chaplain assigned to his unit. There he was informed that his request for religious exemption would be “Blown Off”.
Currently, he is continuing his grounds keeping duty until his separation hearing where he has been told that he will likely get an NJP (NonJudical Punishment) on his record for refusing to follow an order that violated his Christian Conscience and that will be used to give him a discharge that is not Honorable.

Eric had intended to either work for the State Department providing security to Embassys’ or to further his career in the Private Security Contractor arena.

Chris received his order to take the COVID-19 shot fulling his weekend duty requirement during the Air National Guard unit formation on Oct 2, 2021. This is a common tactic to use peer and command pressure to enforce compliance.

His refusal and announcement that he was requesting a religious exemption had him immediately separated from the rest of the unit. He then had to see the Unit Commander who informed him that his actions would result in separation from the military and not with an Honorable discharge.

Still refusing he was shuffled off to speak with the unit Chaplain. The Chaplain then informed Chris that it was ok to toss his morals aside for the sake of unit readiness. Still refusing Chris was then directed to speak with a Reserve Airforce Doctor.

On Oct 3rd Chris had that interview where the Doctor tried to “re-educate” Chris as to why he should take the COVID vaccination. Upon refusing still the Doctor then berated Chris ending up calling him selfish.

Chris has been referred for separation and is awaiting that process.

Chris had intended to apply for Army Flight School once his obligation to the Air National Guard was fulfilled.

Without an Honorable Discharge, both of these men of Christian character will lose education benefits that they earned. They will lose the ability to get and secure a VA loan, They will lose access to the VA healthcare system where they can get treated for injuries suffered in the line of duty. They will lose any security clearances that they hold. They will lose the ability to belong to any Military service organization. If given a Dishonorable Discharge they could lose their right to own any firearms or to vote. Their employment opportunities will be severely limited.

We have Dishonorable men telling Honorable Men that they are Dishonorable.

We must fight this injustice but we are powerless to do so without YOUR help!

We have found an attorney that is well qualified to defend them and fight for their Honorable Discharge. He believes that this injustice can be fought and won and is willing to do so for a flat fee regardless if this ends up in a full-blown courts-Marshall.

We need to raise $25,000 to cover this fee. Anything left over will go to help these two young men rebuild their lives now that their future plans have been torpedoed by this Administration.

Please help by donating anything you can. After that please circulate this to your friends and family. Share this on your social media. We cannot do this with you!


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Democrats Repaying Anti-Trump Republican Adam Kinzinger With Redistricting That Will End His Career


Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois was a useful idiot for the Democrats for a while. They loved him when they needed him to cry about Trump in front of cameras. Now? Not so much.

They have redrawn his district, which is going to force him to run against a Democrat, meaning he will probably lose.

He might be the only person who is surprised by any of this.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Kinzinger’s House career could be over due to map redistricting proposals

Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Friday he would review all options after Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly released a proposed congressional map that could end his time in the House.

In a statement, Kinzinger, a Republican, said: “I have proudly served six terms in the U.S. House and it has been an honor to do so.”

“Following the release of the new congressional maps for Illinois, my team and I will spend some time looking them over and reviewing all of the options, including those outside the House,” Kinzinger said. “This redistricting process has been anything but transparent, which comes as no surprise to anyone. I believe the people of Illinois deserve better.”

Here’s his statement:

What did he think Democrats were going to do?

He chose… poorly.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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UPDATE: Fatal Stabbing of British MP David Amess Declared a Terrorist Attack


Conservative British MP Sir David Amess was murdered today in a stabbing attack in a church on Eastwood Road in Leigh-on-Sea in Essex.

David Amess was stabbed multiple times at meeting with constituents in a church.

A 25-year-old man of Somali heritage rushed into the church and stabbed David Amess multiple times then sat down and waited for police to arrive.

Paramedics worked to save the politician on the floor of an Essex church for more than an hour but he could not be saved after the appalling attack

UPDATE: Conservative British MP Sir David Amess Stabbed to Death in Church by 25-Year-Old Man of Somali Heritage

On Friday evening the Metropolitan Police declared Sir David Amess’s murder a terrorist attack.
It is not clear what evidence they have gathered at this point.

The Metropolitan Police reported:

The fatal stabbing in Leigh-on-Sea has tonight been declared as a terrorist incident, with the investigation being led by Counter Terrorism Policing.

The investigation is being led by the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command who are working closely with colleagues from the Eastern Region Specialist Operations Unit (ERSOU) and Essex Police.

Senior National Coordinator for Counter Terrorism Policing, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Haydon formally declared the incident as terrorism. The early investigation has revealed a potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism.

Essex Police responded to an incident at an address in Eastwood Road North, Essex, shortly after 12:05hrs on Friday, 15 October.

At the scene, officers found a man with multiple stab wounds. He was given emergency medical treatment by emergency services, but sadly died at the scene.

Although formal identification has yet to take place, the man was identified as Sir David Amess, Member of Parliament for Southend West. Specialist officers are supporting his family.

A 25-year-old British man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder. He is currently in custody at a police station in Essex.

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WATCH: North Carolina Lt. Gov Responds Back To Controversy And Exposes The ‘Filth’ The Left Wants Taught In Public Schools (VIDEO)


Lt. Governor of North Carolina Mark “I am the Majority” Robinson is not backing down after leftists called for him to resign for calling sexualized LGBT books that are taught in public school “filth.”

In his latest response video, Robinson shows this “filth” (Warning it is graphic) and exposes what the left wants being taught in public schools.

“For several days now, I have been viciously attacked because of a clip video where I talk about removing the sexualization of children from the classrooms in our public education system. Of course, the media and those on the left have tried to change the focus from education to the LGBTQ community specifically that I hate them. Let me be clear. I will fight for and protect the rights of all citizens, including those in the LGBTQ community, to express themselves however they want. That is their right as Americans. And I don’t think that government has any role in telling them otherwise. However, the idea that our children should be taught about concepts of transgenderism and be exposed to sexually explicit materials in the classroom is abhorrent.”

Robinson calls out the book titled ‘George,’ which is about a biological boy who wants to “remove his genitals,” ‘Lawn Boy’ which includes an “animal” performing “sexual favors” for a human.

And lastly, a book called ‘Genderqueer’ which he shows several lewd pictures from. Obviously, none of these books should be in the classroom with young children.

The left of course mischaracterized Robinson as anti-LGBT because he doesn’t want children exposed to this sexually explicit material. It’s very odd that the left thinks that the LGBT community wants children exposed to this filth, at public schools of all places.

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QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING! White House Press Secretary Says Biden Inflation Is a “Good Thing” because “People are Buying Things”


The inflation rate this month reached its highest level in 13 years.

The inflation rate in the second quarter of the year, from April through June, was at its highest level in 38 years at any time since 1982.

The Biden inflation rate.

American consumers are suffering under the Biden economic disaster.

On Friday White Hous Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about the historic Biden inflation, her response — “It’s a good thing.”

Wow. These people are just horrible.

Via Jason Rantz.

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Key Part of Biden’s Climate Agenda – to Get Rid of Coal and Gas-Powered Plants – Likely to be Cut From Spending Bill Because of Manchin Opposition


A key part of Joe Biden’s climate agenda will likely be cut from the budget bill because of Democrat Senator Joe Manchin’s opposition.

The West Virginia Senator threw cold water on Joe Biden’s plan to get rid of coal and gas-fired plants – and replace them with wind and solar energy.

Recall, Joe Biden vowed to make the US’s power sector “free of carbon” by 2025 during a virtual bilateral meeting of the Major Economies Forum (MEF) on Energy and Climate last month.

Biden returned the US to the Paris Agreement and committed to reducing US emissions 50% – 52% lower than 2005 levels by 2030.

Last month Biden traveled to Golden, Colorado to tour the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to promote his “Build Back Better” agenda.

Biden said junk wind turbines are the answer to combating climate change.

Biden has very ambitious goals to take us back to the dark ages by 2025, but Joe Manchin, a senator from coal-rich West Virginia, is pushing back on Biden.

New York Times reported:

The most powerful part of President Biden’s climate agenda — a program to rapidly replace the nation’s coal- and gas-fired power plants with wind, solar and nuclear energy — will likely be dropped from the massive budget bill pending in Congress, according to congressional staffers and lobbyists familiar with the matter.

Senator Joe Manchin III, the Democrat from coal-rich West Virginia whose vote is crucial to passage of the bill, has told the White House that he strongly opposes the clean electricity program, according to three of those people. As a result, White House staffers are now rewriting the legislation without that climate provision, and are trying to cobble together a mix of other policies that could also cut emissions.

The $150 billion clean electricity program was the muscle behind Mr. Biden’s ambitious climate agenda. It would reward utilities that switched from burning fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, and penalize those that do not.

The setback also means that President Biden will have a weakened hand when he travels to Glasgow in two weeks for a major United Nations climate change summit. He had hoped to point to the clean electricity program as evidence that the United States, the world’s largest emitter of planet-warming pollution, was serious about changing course and leading a global effort to fight climate change. Mr. Biden has vowed that the United States will cut its emissions 50 percent from 2005 levels by 2030.

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Lt. Col. Scheller Who Scrutinized Biden’s Historic Disaster in Afghanistan Slapped with $5,000 Dock in Pay and Reprimand


Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller was thrown into the brig for daring to rebuke military leadership for surrendering to the Taliban, arming the terrorists group with $83 billion in US weapons, and stranding thousands of Americans and green card holders in the country.

The outspoken officer was formally charged with six violations and referred to a special court-martial.

On Friday Lt. Col. Scheller was slapped with a $5,000 fine and reprimand.

Russia Today reported:

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller has been issued a letter of reprimand and docked $5,000 in pay for his public criticism of the US’ heavily-scrutinized withdrawal from Afghanistan, which left 13 Americans dead.

Scheller remained defiant at his court martial hearing, saying before the proceedings that he stands by his comments on the matter.

“I feel good about everything I said,” he declared before being given his punishment. Scheller posted multiple videos that went viral in which he blamed military leadership and poor planning for the chaotic US exit from Afghanistan.

“This is not the America I fought so hard to defend for the last 17 years,” Scheller, 40, said in the videos.

Judge Glen Hines noted that Schaffer had an impressive military record before his recent misconduct. In reviewing the videos, Hines said he saw “a man who appeared to be in pain, frustrated and confused.”

Scheller has noted that he has faced personal struggles in recent months, but added that nothing he said in the videos was false…

Scheller’s attorney, Tim Palatore, defended his client after the hearing, saying he expressed the frustrations of numerous other US service members and veterans over the handling of the recent military withdrawal.

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POTD: German Sniper with Remington Mk 21 Precision Sniper Rifle


POTD: German Sniper with Remington Mk 21 Precision Sniper RiflePhoto Of The Day: Right above is a German soldier engaging long-range targets in the middle of the night. He’s using a Remington Mk 21 Precision Sniper Rifle at the International Specialty Training Center (ISTC) Alpine Sniper Course, in Hochfilzen training area, Austria. The Alpine Sniper Course went on for two weeks and was designed […]

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An MP7-Style PDW in 300 BLK? A Crye Patent Suggests So!


Searching for firearm patents online can be an interesting way to spend one’s time. It offers a deeper insight into known models and, sometimes, it offers some rather pleasant surprises. One of such events happened to a reader, who tipped us about a patent for a PDW-style firearm recently granted to inventor Caleb Crye, of […]

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BREAKING: 138 Legislators From 38 States Sign “New Declaration Of Independence” – AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers


Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers drafted a “New Declaration of Independence” calling for nationwide full forensic audits, decertification where appropriate, and a possible U.S. House Session to address the fraudulent election.

Less than two weeks ago, Senator Rogers announced that 92 legislators from 31 states signed on.

This movement is continuing to grow.

AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “New Declaration Of Independence” – 92 Legislators From 31 States Sign Letter Calling For Audits In All 50 States And Decertification

Today Rogers tweeted,

BREAKING: 138 Legislators from 38 States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives

Letter From State Legislators To The American People Reference The 2020 Election

To the citizens of the United States of America,

We the undersigned state legislators of the United States are vested with the plenary power by our US Constitution (Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2) to oversee the election of the president of the United States.

It has come to our attention from an audit of 2.1 million ballots in Arizona complemented by an in-depth canvass of votes in Arizona, as well as through multiple different data reviews of voting by independent experts; that our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election.

In addition to Arizona, sworn affidavits have accumulated from many states detailing rampant corruption and mismanagement in the election process. Fraud and inaccuracies have already been shown through multiple audits and canvasses in multiple states, as well as through lawsuits challenging the validity of election results in several counties in multiple states.

We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure future integrity of our elections.

If results from these measures prove an inaccurate election was held, as has been shown in Arizona, and is being shown in many other states; then it is clear that certification of many electors was improperly rendered in January 2021 of the November 2020 United States presidential election.

We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.

If it is shown that either Joe Biden would receive fewer than 270 tallied electoral votes, or Donald Trump would receive more than 270 electoral votes, then we call for the US House of Representatives to convene and vote per the US Constitution by means of one vote per state to decide the rightful winner of the election in accordance with the constitutional process of choosing electors.

This is our historic obligation to restore the election integrity of the vote as the bedrock of our constitutional republic.

If we do not have accurate and fair elections, we do not have a country.

Our new founding fathers seek to form a more perfect union through securing elections and taking back state sovereignty from our increasingly massive federal government.

Senator Rogers started a nationwide petition to decertify the fraudulent 2020 election in Arizona and it has already surpassed 1,000,000 signatures.

Sign Senator Rogers’ nationwide citizen petition to decertify this fraudulent election HERE!

Contact your legislators and tell them to sign on to protect our voting rights.


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