UPDATE: China Conducted Secret Hypersonic Missile Test in August While Joe Biden and US Military Were Pre-Occupied Surrendering in Afghanistan


As reported earlier — China launched a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low-orbit in August, the Financial Times reported.
US intelligence and military officials were left stunned.

China Tests New Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile That Circled Entire Globe at Low-Orbit – US Military Officials Stunned

The hypersonic missile test took place in August. Joe Biden and Secretary Floyd Austin were busy surrendering to the Taliban in August and building up their military arsenal. They were preoccupied.

But at least our intelligence community has trans women and diversity initiatives.

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Protesters Drown Out Jill Biden’s Campaign Speech For Democrat Terry McAuliffe (VIDEO)


Far-left protesters interrupted Jill Biden Friday evening while she was stumping for Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe.

Protesters began shouting as Jill Biden said she “loves the energy” of the crowd.

‘ResistLine3 water protectors’ who oppose the proposed pipeline from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin showed up to McAuliffe’s rally and shouted over Jill Biden.

“Stop line 3! Stop line 3!” the protesters chanted.

The protesters repeatedly interrupted Jill Biden as she tried to speak over them: “You can’t drink oil! Keep it in the soil!”


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“Cancelling Works Both Ways:” Dan Bongino Goes OFF; Ends Relationship With Huge Sponsor For Caving to Antifa Boycott – Defends Post Millennial and Gateway Pundit – Video


On Friday, former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino took a stand against the unhinged leftist mob and the weak-kneed advertisers who have repeatedly caved to their every whim.

During his show, Bongino announced that he has severed all ties with one of his largest advertisers – SimpliSafe Security – because the company had shamelessly cancelled their advertising with the Post Millennial after two Antifa hacks had sent a couple of tweets.

He also ended his personal subscription with SimpliSafe.

“Cancelling works both ways, and to those companies that would bow down to the left-wing extremist activists who complain on Twitter: If you don’t support free speech – get out.

I’m not interested at all.”

The Post Millennial has been a frequent target of left-wing cancel campaigns, especially ones that are organized by Antifa, partly because their editor-in-chief – Andy Ngo – has been on the forefront of exposing the militant black-bloc group’s actions. The outlet is one of the only to report on Antifa honestly which subjects them to constant defamation online by radical activists.

The outlet, like most other conservative platforms, relies heavily on advertiser funding to be able to create content.

Bongino rightfully understands that these politically-driven boycotts do real damage to smaller outlets and content creators that do not have the institutional backing of a place like Fox News or even his own show. The stand he is making is on behalf of the up-and-comers and the smaller conservative platforms.

But, according to him, it will pay off for those who stand together against the radical mob in the long run.

“Post Millennial may not have the assets I do – or the resources, or the time or the ‘go f*ck yourself attitude’ I have. I’m sure they do — but they don’t have the assets to fight back that I do, which are substantial thanks to people like Nandini.

Now, to be candid, if you don’t have a lot of money and you’re not financially secure, I guess, it can be pretty painful right? They could probably take a few of your sponsors away.

But what they don’t realize is they’ve actually created a parallel economy. These are ‘short term victories’ for leftist extremists, because as they fire little shots at conservative media, they are pushing that media, along with cultural content creators, into a parallel economy where they can’t be cancelled by activist shaming.”

In Bongino’s mind, the companies who fold to the online activist mobs don’t deserve to have any of their products advertised anyway. They are weak and shouldn’t be supported if they shun half of the population for their political beliefs. 

As he also points out, the people who drive these cancelled campaigns are paid political activists who lay around in their mommies basement all day, combing through conservative content to look for something to stir up a bogus ‘nontroversy’ over.

“Here’s a group of leftist nuts – there’s very few of them – again, they’re all basement dwellers, they don’t have a lot of money or lives or anything and they’re not particularly bright.

They’re paid by people like Media Matters and others – and they sit around and they watch conservative content, and they just look for any reason to try to promote a boycott against your show.

That’s legitimately what they do.”

Bongino vowed to not let this end with SimpliSafe. He is completely fed up with the “communist totalitarians” who have gained such a foothold of power in today’s world and will “dedicate” the rest of his life to fighting against their anti-American tyranny.

“If you have weak companies that don’t want to work with people who are politically conservative, please do us a favor, get rid of them for us. You’re doing us a huge public service.

You’re playing with the wrong people. So I’m gonna warn these companies out there to do business with Nandini – just like I cost Warby Parker, the eyeglass company who deals with Nandini, a whole lot of business.
Don’t doubt me folks, my audiences, thousands of times larger than the cat lady’s. This is asymmetric warfare. I am a war of attrition guy, and I don’t stop, ever. I have a really bad temper, a really horrible attitude.

And one thing I genuinely dislike are communist totalitarians. I have amassed enough of a fortune saving over my entire life to dedicate the rest of my life to combating liberal communist buffoons like Nandini Jemima and I Chad whatever his-face-is…

I just want to say the other sites that aren’t jumping in to help out The Gateway Pundit and Post Millennial and others have been attacked by this crazy cat person.   Why are you sitting on the sidelines cashing a check. ‘Oh, I don’t want to upse the sponsor.’  You don’t want to upset the sponsor? and watch the world get flushed  down the drain.  It’s time for everyone to stand up here.  Seriously

Dan Bongino took a massive stand for all conservatives this weekend and deserves to be commended. More influential conservatives should do the same and back the smaller creators and platforms when advertisers inexcusably cave to the left – they don’t deserve our business anyway.

Watch the full video here:

The post “Cancelling Works Both Ways:” Dan Bongino Goes OFF; Ends Relationship With Huge Sponsor For Caving to Antifa Boycott – Defends Post Millennial and Gateway Pundit – Video appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake: “If You Think That Election Was Fair, Put Down Hunter’s Crack Pipe”


Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake said what we’re all thinking, last week on a radio show.

The election was so fraudulent that you must be high on crack if you really think that Joe Biden was the most popular Presidental Candidate in American History.

President Trump released a statement where he said that the election needs to be completely redone with a new election or decertified with President Trump declared the winner. Everyone knows what happened.

“This is Our New Declaration of Independence” – Wendy Rogers Unveils Letter Signed by 41 State Legislators From 15 States Calling For a Nationwide Audit and Decertification

Kari Lake spoke on Coffee and a Mike about the debacle of an election and the tragic results of this fraudulent leader in office.

Lake promised that as Governor, she will not let this stand.

Lake shared this clip on Twitter urging Hunter Biden and the Bidens’ corporate media sympathizers to seek treatment.

As bad as they want to make the stolen election, known as ‘The Big Lie’ go away — they will never be successful

The World knows that 2020 was a terrible disaster that forced the worst President in History

If you think that Election was fair, put down Hunter’s Crack pipe.Arrow pointing rightwards then curving downwardsArrow pointing rightwards then curving downwards

Lake: Everyone knows what happened here and we’re getting to the bottom of it. We have to go through the right, you know, we have to go through the investigation here. We have to go through the forensic audit and we have to do it the right way, because we’ve got to handhold and bring people along and let them know what’s going on.

But there’s no way Joe Biden won by 81 million votes. You have to be smoking Hunter’s crack pipe to think that, and the whole world knows it, even the people on the left know it. But they think through their force, and their corruption that they can keep us down and make us not believe it, because we’re never gonna believe it, but make us live with their lie and we’re not gonna live with their lie because we’re gonna save America. You know, watching Joe Biden in office is such a slap in the face to every American. To our forefathers, to the founders of this Country, to our grandfathers, our uncle’s, our fathers, our mothers anybody who served in the military, it’s a slap in the face. They died for this country, they died for our rights, they died for us to have a fair election and have a vote that counts. And they made a mess of that, they made a debacle of it, they made a joke of it, and it’s not gonna stand. and when I’m Governor, it’s not going to stand.

Now that we have the evidence, we need action out of the Arizona Attorney General, but he appears to be somewhere in the clouds as well.

Yesterday, after Attorney General Mark Brnovich released the so far, infamous nunchuck display, Kari Lake told him,

We want indictments.

We want arrests.

We want justice!

The Gateway Pundit reported on this yesterday. While all of America awaits protection of their voting rights, Mark Brnovich is playing with nunchucks.

Every citizen in this country needs to contact Attorney General Brnovich immediately and tell him to take action.

Contact Mark Brnovich HERE.

The post AZ Gubernatorial Candidate Kari Lake: “If You Think That Election Was Fair, Put Down Hunter’s Crack Pipe” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

China Tests New Hypersonic Nuclear-Capable Missile That Circled Entire Globe at Low-Orbit – US Military Officials Stunned


Getty Images

China launched a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low-orbit in August, the Financial Times reported.

US Intelligence and US Military officials were left stunned.

“We have no idea how they did this,” a source told the Financial Times.

According to the report, the missile missed its target by about 24 miles and caught US intel by surprise.

Earlier this year, a satellite image showed China had expanded its nuclear missile silo field.

“Identified via satellite imagery, the new missile base in China’s Xinjiang region may eventually include 110 silos, said the report released Monday by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS). It is the second apparent silo field uncovered this month by researchers, adding to 120 silos that appear to be under construction in the neighboring province of Gansu, as detailed by the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.” CNN reported in July shortly before the hypersonic nuclear-capable missile was launched.

Meanwhile the woke US Military is busy purging unvaccinated service members and focusing on “white rage.”

Read the full report here.

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Steve Bannon Invites The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft on to Share Exciting News About the Website (VIDEO)


The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft went on Steve Bannon’s War Room on Friday evening.

The two talked about the far left mob’s “insurrection” at the Interior Department this week.

Steve Bannon then congratulated The Gateway Pundit for another record year. We broke our previous website traffic record in September this year. And we still have three months to go!

The Gateway Pundit has over 725 million page views this year despite being banned, censored by the tech giants. We lost our Twitter account earlier this year, Facebook has shadowbanned our content since 2017 after Trump’s first election win, and Google eliminates our content from its search feature. Despite this we continue to gain traffic and readers year after year!

in fact, The Gateway Pundit is now one of the top 200 websites in the country — despite the constant attacks and censorship.

Thank you to Steve Bannon for his continued support and kind words.
Thank you to ALL of our excellent writers and team members.

And thank you to all of our readers!

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CDC Shares Easy Ways You Can Divide Unvaccinated Family and Friends From Those Who’ve Been Vaccinated Over The Holidays


Guest post by 100 Percent Fed Up – Are you exhausted just thinking about the best ways to make Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and Christmas as divisive and miserable as possible for family and friends?

Are you concerned that your 6-year-old, who has a better chance of dying from walking in front of a bus than dying from COVID, might get the CCP virus from your unvaccinated uncle?

Do you wish you had an easy way for guests to know who they should and shouldn’t talk to or get too close to when it comes time to choose a seat at the dining room table?

Well, you’re in luck. The CDC has published its brand new guidelines for how family and friends should interact with their loved ones—just in time for the holidays.

If you have a relative or friend who needs to travel to get to your home but isn’t vaccinated, you might want to start by convincing them to stay home. The CDC recommends unvaccinated people stay home and celebrate with the cat.

For unvaccinated local guests who can make the trip without endangering others, you might want to have a box of surgical masks handy, just in case you have an inconsiderate relative who forgets to mask up. Because according to the CDC, if your guests aren’t vaccinated, and you’re going to be entertaining inside, they need to wear a mask.

Of course, there’s no guidance for those who’ve suffered through COVID and now have natural immunity, because unlike those who’ve taken the vaccine and are discovering its efficacy had dropped to below 50%, “it’s just too soon” for Dr. Fauci to know if natural immunity provides better protection than being vaccinated. To be safe—if you’ve had COVID and have been around others with COVID and never contracted it, you should still wear a mask. But vaccinated people who are shedding the COVID virus like a snake sheds its skin—they don’t need to wear a mask according to the CDC guidelines. There is one caveat, before allowing a vaccinated person to go maskless inside your home, you should ask them to provide an up-to-date map of where they’ve been to be sure they haven’t visited any COVID hot spots in which case, they too will need to mask up.

And finally, you may want to order your meal from a local restaurant. Unfortunately, you’re going to be so busy figuring out the logistics of how to keep your unvaccinated guests in line with the recommended CDC guidelines that you may not have time to keep an eye on the turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, and Merry Christmas from the CDC, the government agency that’s been dividing Americans for almost 2 years.

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“One of the Most Important Journalists in the Trump Era” – TGP’s Joe Hoft Joins Italian TV ‘Canale Italia’ to Discuss Various Topics in the News


Joe Hoft, twin brother of The Gateway Pundit’s founder Jim Hoft, joined Italian TV last night.  He started off the show answering a number of questions about what really is going on in the US.

Joe Hoft, contributing writer at TGP, joined Vito Manaco at Canale Italia TV to discuss various items in the news from a US perspective.  At one point in the discussion, Joe was referred to as “one of the most important journalists in the Trump era”.

Joe was asked about Evergrande and the coming economic crisis in China. Next, Joe discussed Americans’ feelings about Afghanistan.  He shared, in part, the following:

In Afghanistan Americans look at what happened there as really, borderline treason.  We gave a terrorist organization, and half of the leaders in the Taliban are still listed as terrorists under the US terrorist list, and yet we gave them $82 billion worth of arms, vehicles.  We basically gave them one of the largest air forces in the world and walked away with nothing.  Many Americans were very upset about that, still are, and the fact that 13 soldiers died shortly before departure, was very upsetting.  It’s just a very sad situation in America today… Many Americans put the blame on this solely with Biden.

Next, there was a discussion on an upcoming energy crisis and then some discussion on the 2020 Election where Joe shared the following.

We do believe that the election was not accurate.  Today another poll came out, 60% of Americans believe Joe Biden only won the election due to fraud…

Finally, there was a discussion about Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Rome to meet the Pope.  The question discussed was what was addressed and why.  Watch Joe’s response below.

The post “One of the Most Important Journalists in the Trump Era” – TGP’s Joe Hoft Joins Italian TV ‘Canale Italia’ to Discuss Various Topics in the News appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

HORROR: Woman Raped by Stranger on Train in Suburban Philadelphia as Bystanders Did Nothing


A woman was raped on a train in suburban Philadelphia Wednesday night as bystanders did nothing, according to police.

The rape was captured on surveillance video that showed people on the train did nothing to intervene.

The woman was taken to the hospital for treatment and the attacker, 35-year-old Fiston Ngoy was arrested.

“There was a lot of people, in my opinion, that should have intervened; somebody should have done something,” Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt of the Upper Darby Police Department said. “It speaks to where we are in society. I mean, who would allow something like that to take place? So it’s troubling.”

Fox News reported:

A woman was raped by a stranger on a commuter train in suburban Philadelphia in the presence of other riders who a police official said “should have done something.”

Superintendent Timothy Bernhardt of the Upper Darby Police Department said officers were called to the 69th Street terminal around 10 p.m. Wednesday after the assault on the westbound train on the Market-Frankford Line.

An employee of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority who was in the vicinity as the train went past called police to report that “something wasn’t right” with a woman aboard the train, Bernhardt said.

SEPTA police waiting at the next stop found the woman and arrested a man. The woman was taken to a hospital.

Fiston Ngoy, 35, has been charged with rape, aggravated indecent assault and related counts, according to Delaware County court records. Bernhardt said both SEPTA and Upper Darby Police are familiar with Ngoy.

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You’ll Never Have Steak Without This Again


(Note: Thank you for your support for American businesses like the one below sponsoring Gateway Pundit.)

Do you eat your steak with a cocktail? …white wine? Or worse, a beer?

If so, you’re missing out on the perfect pairing for a juicy steak dinner – red wine.

It’s easy to remember… red meat gets red wine.

And there is no better red wine that pairs with a big steak than an Argentine malbec.

But not just any Argentine malbec… I’m talking about extreme altitude malbec (ordering through this link and the links below benefit Gateway Pundit – thank you!)

If you want to get the best taste out of your steak, you’ve got to try these wines from the extreme altitudes of Argentina.

I’m talking some of the most remote vineyards (at altitudes of up to 9,000 ft) known to man, deep in the Andes mountains.

They’re unlike any other wine you’ve had before. They taste as rugged as the land itself. Blackberry, leather, smoke, dark cherry…

Up until now, you’d have to travel thousands of miles just to get your hands on a single bottle. So you’ll be one of the first Americans to ever taste them…

Hell, I nearly died trying to find some of these remote vineyards… They’re that special!

Want to give them a try?

Today, I’m giving The Gateway Pundit readers $60 off these special wines, plus 50% off shipping. No need for a promo code.

If you enjoy wine… if you’d like to taste wine as it truly should taste paired with a delicious steak dinner, click here.

Will Bonner

The post You’ll Never Have Steak Without This Again appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.