Kamala Harris Records Video to Be Played at Over 300 Black Churches Calling on Worshippers to Vote for Democrat Virginia Governor Candidate Terry McAuliffe


Kamala Harris recorded a video to be played at over 300 Black churches across Virginia urging worshipers to vote for Democrat gubernatorial candidate former Governor Terry McAuliffe, who is caught in an unexpectedly tight race with the Republican candidate, businessman Glenn Youngkin. Recent polls show the race a dead heat with each having leads inside the margin of error.

Harris calls on churchgoers to vote for McAuliffe after church.

CNN posted a copy of the video in two parts.

This year is the first that Virginians can vote on Sundays, making it easier for Democrats to do their traditional ‘Souls to the Polls’ voter drive at Black churches.

Excerpt from CNN report on the Democrats’ efforts to ensure a McAuliffe win:

More than 300 Black churches across Virginia will hear from Vice President Kamala Harris between Sunday and election day in a video message that will air during morning services as part of an outreach effort aimed to boost McAuliffe.

In the video, first obtained by CNN, Harris said her time growing up in Oakland’s 23rd Avenue Church of God taught her it was a “sacred responsibility” to “lift up the voices of our community.”

“I believe that my friend Terry McAuliffe is the leader Virginia needs at this moment,” says Harris, before praising McAuliffe’s “long-track record of getting things done for the people of Virginia.”

Harris implores congregants to vote following church service. The McAuliffe campaign has embraced “Souls to the Polls,” block-party style events featuring top campaign surrogates after church near polling locations, to drive voter turnout.

This election is the first year Virginians will be able to vote on Sunday.

Excerpt from IRS statement on churches and politics:

The ban on political campaign activity by charities and churches was created by Congress more than a half century ago. The Internal Revenue Service administers the tax laws written by Congress and has enforcement authority over tax-exempt organizations. Here is some background information on the political campaign activity ban and the latest IRS enforcement statistics regarding its administration of this congressional ban.

In 1954, Congress approved an amendment by Sen. Lyndon Johnson to prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations, which includes charities and churches, from engaging in any political campaign activity. To the extent Congress has revisited the ban over the years, it has in fact strengthened the ban. The most recent change came in 1987 when Congress amended the language to clarify that the prohibition also applies to statements opposing candidates.

Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one “which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office.”

The IRS has published Revenue Ruling 2007-41 PDF, which outlines how churches, and all 501(c)(3) organizations, can stay within the law regarding the ban on political activity…

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Joe Biden Walks Through Posh Washington DC Restaurant without a Mask, Violating DC’s Mask Mandate (VIDEO)


Covid mandates are only for the rubes.

Joe and Jill Biden celebrated date night at Fiola Mare in Georgetown Saturday evening.

Biden walked through the posh DC restaurant without a mask, violating DC’s mask mandate.


Here’s maskless Biden exiting the restaurant:

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“That’s What the Government Is Doing, It Wants to Intimidate Parents” – Professor Nicholas Giordano with Steve Malzberg on ‘Eat the Press’



Professor Nicholas Giordano was on with Steve Malzberg at ‘Eat the Press’.  He asks where are the conservatives in Congress and conservative groups in fighting back?

Giordana is a political science professor.  He hosts the PAS Report Podcast. He’s been on Tucker as well.

He says there is a link from the Justice Department’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism”, unveiled in June, to the letter released aimed at parents at school board meetings. He also pleads with parents not to be afraid, but to continue to speak out or it will be too late.

He is noted in the video below on Malzberg’s ‘Eat the Press‘:

:50 into video-I NEVER THOUGHT I’D SEE THIS DAY–The memo issued by DOJ on parents as domestic terrorists is an extension of the National Strategy For Countering Domestic Terrorism announced by Garland in June. They are openly targeting people that dissent. Where are conservatives in Congress and conservative groups fighting back, he asks?

3:40 into video– The media is supposed to be the fourth estate, and watch for government abuse. He says they have become an extension of the government trying to cover up and hide abuse. They are now activists who want obedience and compliance to a certain political agenda.

5:30 into video on Steve Bannon, Giordana says Congress still hasn’t received subpoena requested info from FBI on the Boston Marathon bombing, and no one who has defied a Congressional subpoena has gone to jail since 1980’s. The message to all opponents of the administration they are sending is they will target you and take you down. It’s meant to instill fear.

7:18 into video– Parents need not be afraid, they must continue to speak out or it will be too late to do so.

Here is the video from Steve Malzberg at Eat the Press on RT America:

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STUNNING Close-Up VIDEO Shows Shootout With Violent Mexican Drug Cartel…Is This The Violent America “Open Borders” Democrats Are Trying To Create?


Remember in 2016, when President Trump warned that under Barack Obama’s leadership, Mexico was not sending us “their finest?”

As usual, then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was correct.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – He didn’t just promise to correct our broken border issues; President Trump actually followed through on his promise to secure our border. Walls were built, and with the full support of the President of the United States behind them, morale on our US border with our Border Patrol and law enforcement officers working in border towns was at an all-time high.

Under Joe Biden, our southern border is wide open to anyone and everyone from nations around the world.

If you have a disease, you’re welcome. If you’re trafficking a child to help you gain entry, you and the child are welcome in the U.S. If you have a criminal record, or you’re a terrorist—please, come in. Unfortunately, our government is more concerned about the CCP virus vaccine status of our border agents, than the criminal  records of those illegally entering our nation.

Over 1 million mostly unvetted illegal aliens have crossed into the United States from Mexico, bringing COVID and other serious illnesses with them. In addition, sex traffickers, human smugglers, drug dealers, murderers, rapists, and serial criminals are literally walking across our borders and being flown on commercial airlines on the American taxpayer’s dime to large cities and local communities across America.

Our southern border is collapsing under Democrat leadership. A desperate Joe Biden, whose poll numbers are sinking like the Titanic, announced today that he would reinstate Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, the same policy that Democrats and their allies in the media called “racist.”

On October 8, Breitbart News reported about a shootout between members of the dangerous Mexican Gulf drug cartel.

Two gunmen from Mexico’s Gulf Cartel illegally entered Texas after fleeing from a shootout with Mexican authorities. Local police arrested the men as they tried to hide with migrants who crossed the Rio Grande.

The case took place this week in the city of La Joya, where local police stopped seven individuals walking along U.S. Highway 83, according to a public a statement. When authorities spoke with the group, they learned two of the men were Gulf Cartel gunmen.

La Joya Police say the men were part of the “Spartans” cell of the Matamoros faction of the Gulf Cartel. The gunmen were in a recent shootout with Mexican military forces where 17 cartel members died. The two gunmen managed to survive and fled toward Reynosa. Once there, the men paid to be crossed into Texas. The men told police that the Gulf Cartel was looking for them due to desertion. Prior to their crossing, they had been sent to other cities to fight rival factions.

Here’s a video of the shootout:

There has never been a better time for members of dangerous Mexican drug cartels to walk across our border and into our communities where they sex traffic our children and sell them what they believe are innocuous drugs laced with deadly fentanyl.

In the past, dangerous drug cartels were forced to dig underground tunnels or sneak across our border with Mexico. The only thing they need now is somebody else’s child.

Former Special Supervisory ICE Agent Victor Avila recently traveled to our US Border to report back about the truth behind the crisis our nation is facing. Avila told 100 Percent Fed Up that he witnessed hundreds of “young military-age men” who successfully cross the border being loaded onto buses in Laredo, TX.


When Avila arrived at the Del Rio Airport in Texas, he noticed the airport was filled with young illegal alien males. Every one of them had at least one or two kids with them. Avila, who is trained to identify human traffickers, was stunned to discover how many of these men were being sent to various locations around the United States and that none of the young men with children were accompanied by a wife or mother of the children. When Avila asked about the mother’s whereabouts, he got the same answers, “They were pregnant and couldn’t make the journey,” or they told him they were divorced from their wives.

Victor Avilla took the image below at McAllen Airport, where the illegal alien males with young children were waiting to board planes and be flown to various destinations. One of the males had a young girl with him that was about 4-years-old. Former Special ICE Agent Victor Avila noticed she was drinking from a bottle, which he found to be “odd.” Upon further examination, Avila noticed the bottle was filled with Coca-Cola, which he said was a clear indication the person with her was not her father, as he had no idea how to care for the child.

Are Americans okay with thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of drug dealers and gang members being deposited by our US government into our communities?

Do we foolishly believe these violent cartels won’t set up shop in our communities?

In the fertile Mexican state of Michoacán, where farmers have worked hard to build profitable businesses, the violent Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) has taken over their farms.

Yesterday, we received this video from Victor Avila, showing members reportedly of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG)  shooting AK-47 and .50 rifles at the Mexican military from the balcony of a compound. It’s not clear if this is a farmer’s home that they’ve taken over or if this is a compound belonging to the powerful cartel. Eight members of the Mexican military were killed in the shootout, and five were injured.

Avila mocked lawmakers for focusing on the violent behavior of terrorists in the Middle East. “These drug cartels are just as bad, or worse,” Avila told us. “They will slit a man from his throat down and gut him like a deer and not even think twice about it,” he said. And he should know, while on special assignment in Mexico, Avila was ambushed by the violent Mexican Los Zetas cartel and shot multiple times; his partner Jaime Zapata died after he was also shot multiple times by the violent cartel.

Is this the America Democrats are creating for us?

The clashes between at least nine drug cartels have plunged the Mexican state of Michoacán into a serious crisis of violence due to the dispute over the production and trafficking of drugs such as marijuana and methamphetamine, as well as natural and mineral resources.

The violence unleashed in Michoacán has worsened in recent years with the emergence of six cartels of the extinct self-defense groups that after reducing the Knights Templar also allowed the entry of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), according to data from the intelligence services government of Michoacán.

Precisely, the CJNG is headed by Michoacan Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes “El Mencho,” the drug trafficker most wanted by the United States and Mexico.

When America opens our southern borders to anyone with a child, there cannot be a happy ending.

The federal Drug Enforcement Administration’s 2017 National Drug Threat Assessment reveals that six Mexican drug cartels have a far-reaching stranglehold over several Texas cities. It also finds that Mexican cartels now smuggle more drugs into the US than any other criminal organization.

One of the criminal groups, the Gulf Cartel, has a hold on Texas cities such as McAllen, Brownsville, Corpus Christi, Galveston, Houston, and Beaumont in the state’s tip and coastal bend area. The group mostly brings in marijuana and cocaine in through between the Rio Grande Valley and South Padre Island in Texas.

In the western part of the Lone Star State, the Los Zetas Cartel controls two cities, while another group, the Juarez Cartel, has a hold on Lubbock, El Paso, Midland, and Alpine.

The Sinaloa Cartel, which used to be run by Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, is primarily found in Dallas, Lubbock, and Fort Worth, the report states.

In the past, dangerous drug cartels were forced to dig underground tunnels or sneak across our border with Mexico. The only thing they need now is to latch on somebody else’s child.

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President Trump Wants Former US Representative Sean Duffy to Run for Wisconsin Governor


President Trump indicated today that he would like former US Representative Sean Duffy to run for Wisconsin Governor.

Former US Representative from Wisconsin, Sean Duffy, is President Trump’s pick to run for the Republican candidate for governor in the state of Wisconsin in 2022.

Newsmax reported that the President shared the following statement today.

Trump wrote in a Save America PAC statement Saturday:

“Working hard to get very popular and capable former congressman Sean Duffy of Wisconsin to run for governor. He would be fantastic! A champion athlete, Sean loves the people of Wisconsin, and would be virtually unbeatable. His wife, Rachel, is likewise an incredible person. They are both doing very well, so this would be a big sacrifice, but hopefully it will be a sacrifice that will be made for the Great State of Wisconsin and its wonderful, hardworking people. Run Sean, Run! (A little spin-off on the great Herschel Walker.)”

Duffy, 50, served in the House for four terms before deciding to resign in 2019.

Duffy and his wife Rachel have nine children.  They were married in 1999.  Many know Ms. Duffy for her work on Fox and Friends in the mornings and weekends.

Representative Duffy would be a great Wisconsin governor.


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“Defund the Media!” – Anti-Vax Mandate Protesters Gather Outside New York Times Building (VIDEO)


Anti-vaccine mandate protesters on Saturday gathered outside of the New York Times building in New York City chanting, “Defund the media!”

The protesters held signs that read “F*ck Biden” and “Let’s go Brandon!”

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio imposed vaccine passport requirements for schools, restaurants, gyms and theaters.

Thanks to Bill de Blasio, New York City restaurants are reporting business is down from 40 to 60 percent due to the vaccine mandates.

But New Yorkers are fighting back.


A couple weeks ago protesters gathered outside of the Department of Education in New York to voice their grievances over vaccine mandates.

The protesters chanted “My body, my choice!” as they crossed the Brooklyn Bridge.

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Washington State Trooper Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Has Final Signoff Message: “Jay Inslee Can Kiss My A**”


A Washington State Patrol officer, fired for being unvaccinated, posted a video of his final signoff in his patrol car with a message to Gov. Jay Inslee (D) who mandated COVID vaccines for state employees, saying, “Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.”

Inslee set a deadline of October 18 for state employees to be vaccinated. The Seattle Times reported a high compliance rate:

The deadline for most state government, health care and school workers in Washington to get their COVID-19 vaccination is days away. When Gov. Jay Inslee issued the sweeping order this summer, his announcement was clear: Show proof of vaccination on or before Oct. 18 or lose your job.

…More than 90% of Washington state government workers have been verified as fully vaccinated as this week, Inslee announced Thursday. That’s up from 68% a couple weeks earlier.

The state’s Office of Financial Management reported earlier in the week that the rates vary between the largest state agencies: 91% among Department of Social and Health Services workers; between 84% and 91% among Department of Corrections prison employees depending on the facility; and 89% among Washington State Patrol workers.

Losing ten percent of a workforce across the board will cause staff shortages and coverage issues.

Video of the unnamed trooper making his final signoff was posted by Seattle talk radio host Jason Rantz, ““This is the last time you’ll hear me in a patrol car and Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.” Washington State Trooper in Yakima, Wash. signs off after 22 years — fired by
@GovInslee for being unvaccinated.”

“This is my final signoff. Um, after twenty-two years of serving the citizens of the State of Washington I’m being asked to leave because I am “dirty”. Um, numerous fatalities, um, injuries, I’ve worked sick, I’ve played sick, um, we’ve buried lots of friends over these years. I’d like to thank you guys, I’d like to thank the um, citizens of Yakima County as well as my fellow officers within the valley. Without you guys I wouldn’t have been very successful and you’ve kept me safe and got me home to my family every night. Um, thank you for that. Um, wish I can say more but, um, this is it. So stay 10-34 this is the last time you’ll hear me in a State Patrol car. And Jay Inslee can kiss my ass.” (Transribed by TGP.)

The dispatcher read a tribute to the trooper and thanked him for his service.

Rantz spoke with Tucker Carlson this week about Inslee’s vaccine mandate:

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“The Final Straw:” Pennsylvania School Board Association Votes Unanimously to End Membership With NSBA Over Biden Letter That Asked For Parents to Be Classified as Domestic Terrorists


On Thursday, the Pennsylvania School Board Association (PSBA) became the first school district in the US to officially end their membership with the National School Board Association (NSBA). The Pennsylvania members voted unanimously to leave the group after the National board sent a letter to Biden that asked him to use federal agencies to investigate, disrupt, and prosecute concerned parents who speak out against radical school policies and CRT-based curriculums.  

The unbelievable NSBA letter called on Biden to use every available federal law enforcement agency to crack down on dissenting parents and implored him to categorize them as “domestic terrorists.”

National School Boards Association Begs Biden To Label Outraged Parents “Domestic Terrorists” and Use The Patriot Act Against Them

Just days later, Biden’s DOJ went along with the request and sicked the FBI on these concerned American parents.

The NSBA letter was the “final straw” for the Pennsylvania board who worked quickly to hold a vote. After what they say were “significant deliberations,” every member of the group voted to depart the NSBA. They made the official announcement on Thursday in a letter that was sent out to their constituents.

“The governing board of the Pennsylvania School Board Association has voted unanimously to cancel PSBA’s long-standing membership in the National School Boards Association. The decision was reached following significant deliberations and discussions with counsel and management.

The most recent national controversy surrounding a letter to President Biden suggesting that some parents should be considered domestic terrorists was the final straw.”

The PSBA oversees 500 school districts and over 4500 elected board members.

The announcement made it clear that Pennsylvania’s relationship with the national board had been on shaky grounds for quite a while, citing a misguided and politically driven approach by the NSBA leadership that has made life “more difficult” for public educators and their students.

From the letter:

The value of the NSBA federation membership has been questioned numerous times over the past several years both within Pennsylvania and amongst many other state school boards associations.

It has been a struggle for the board and leadership of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association to identify a reason to continue to be a part of a federation that is not focused on bipartisanship, civility, and seeking solutions to the internal problems.

This misguided approach has made our work and that of many school boards more difficult. It has fomented more disputes and cast partisanship on our work on behalf of school directors, when we seek to find common ground and support all school directors in their work, no matter their politics.

Now is not the time for more politics and posturing, it is the time for solutions to the many challenges facing education.”

The PSBA is far from alone in its dissatisfaction with the radical National Association. According to Parents Defending Education – a national advocacy group – School Board Associations from 16 different states have disassociated from the NSBA in some way or another after their letter was sent to Biden.

The states that condemned the authoritarian letter are Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming.

Besides Pennsylvania ending their national membership, the strongest pushback to the NSBA letter came from the Florida SBA, who issued a firey official statement on October 11th that demanded public acknowledgment of the inexcusable federal overreach that the NSBA asked for, as well as a comprehensive review of national leadership.

The Florida board also pointed out that they were not consulted before the National association included the state in its letter.

“I am writing to you today on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Florida School Boards Association (FSBA) to voice our concern of the letter the National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent to President Joe Biden dated September 29, 2021, without consultation of our association or your own board of directors. FSBA strongly encourages a review of NSBA leadership and its processes, as well as urges a public acknowledgement of the federal overreach expressed in your letter.

This communication has caused serious concerns, conflict, and consternation for many of our members within the FSBA. Not only has it unnecessarily distracted from the important work being carried out by our members, it has strained important local and state collaborative relationships our members have worked hard to build and maintain for years.”

Similar to Pennsylvania – which has been on bad terms with the national board for a while – the Florida SBA has refused to pay its membership dues since July and has no plans to pay anytime soon with how things are going.

“As you are aware, we did not submit payment for 2020–2021 dues, which were due July 1, 2021. We have been clear about reassessing the value of our affiliation with NSBA due to concerns surrounding NSBA’s governance, leadership, transparency, and failure to embrace non-partisanship.

Due to the fact we have not seen the changes we would have expected given the number of states, who are your members and have expressed these and similar concerns, nor have we received any promised plan or timeline to accomplish these changes, we will continue to withhold our dues until further notice.”

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POTD: Austrian Special Forces Sniper with HK417P and ZC527


HK417P Sniper AustriaIn 2019 TFB were the first to discover the new Heckler & Koch HK417P model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rifle we’re looking at in the front row. The HK417P was made for Austria and is a combination of the HK417 assault rifle and G28 precision rifle. It is a semi-automatic […]

Read More …

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Governor Cuomo’s Former High Priced Secretary and Close Confidante, Melissa DeRosa, Files for Divorce from her Husband


We’ve written about the former New York Governor’s relationship with his top aide for over a year.  Now Melissa DeRosa has officially announced she is divorcing her husband, Mathew Wing.

Melissa DeRosa announced her resignation in August as assistant to Governor Cuomo, ending their public working relationship.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve the people of New York for the past 10 years. New Yorkers’ resilience, strength, and optimism through the most difficult times has inspired me every day,” DeRosa secretary to the governor said in a statement obtained by CNN.

“Personally, the past 2 years have been emotionally and mentally trying. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such talented and committed colleagues on behalf of our state,” she said in the message, which did not mention Cuomo.

The Daily Mail reported that the meeting noted in the picture above taken a few years ago occurred only 12 days after DeRosa’s marriage to her current husband, Mathew Wing, the former Cuomo spokesperson who now works for Uber in the same capacity.  Wing’s mother is the current US Attorney running the Justice Department’s Southern District of New York.   As we noted DeRosa is very connected and perhaps the most powerful non-elected person in the state.

We reported that Cuomo’s actions involving DeRosa’s side of the family were most concerning.  We reported in June 2020 that Cuomo’s number one donor was from the elderly home community where Ms. DeRosa’s father and brother are lobbyists.  Not only did Cuomo help the donor make millions on COVID-19 but he also provided them immunity from legal ramifications as well.

Cuomo’s Greatest Crime – Creating Policies So His Assistant’s Family and Donors Could Make Millions From COVID Patients in Elderly Homes

According to our report in June 2020, the New York’s governor and Department of Health Commissioner and Executive Deputy Commissioner are accountable for thousands of nursing home deaths because of their insane directives related to the China coronavirus.  Below is an example.

During this global health emergency, all NHs [nursing homes] must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs, and No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.

But before this in 2018, Cuomo and his state party committee received close to $2.3m from various hospitals and nursing home industry donors.

According to the New York Public Committee on Public Ethics, GNYHA paid $60,000 to the MirRam Group in March-April 2020, according to the firm’s report. John Emrick, a lobbyist at the firm previously served as the chief of staff for the Independent Democratic Conference state senate caucus, lobbying the Senate majority leader’s office on “safe staffing” and “medical malpractice”.

Another GNYHA lobby firm, the Bolton-St Johns, gave Cuomo’s campaign $40,000 during his 2018 re-election. That firm employs Giorgio DeRosa, Joseph DeRosa, and Jessica Davos–the father, brother, and sister-law respectively Cuomo’s current secretary and top aid, Melissa DeRosa.

See pictures below of the DeRosa gang:

(See more from Yaacov Apelbaum here.)

So it came as no surprise that  New York Governor Cuomo’s Assistant, Melissa DeRosa, tweeted her support for the governor when allegations first surfaced of his illicit actions with women:

This was after DeRosa praised the Governor’s accomplishments with women:

New York Governor Cuomo’s Top Female Aide, Melissa DeRosa, Finally Responds to Cuomo’s Sexual Abuse Allegations

DeRosa hasn’t discussed her family’s relationship with Cuomo’s largest donor either.  By focusing on the women, the DeRosa family, and the elderly home care facilities thought they were in the clear. The Democrats tried to blame the Republicans for ‘making hay’ on Cuomo’s Covid decisions.

Now after standing by Cuomo up through her resignation in August, DeRosa announces her divorce from her husband.  The Daily Mail reports:

‘Mean girl’ Melissa DeRosa, Andrew Cuomo‘s former top aide, has confirmed her split from her husband after a trying year in which she attempted to defend the disgraced governor from sexual harassment allegations and helped cover up the true death toll at New York nursing homes.

DeRosa, 39, said she and Uber executive Matthew Wing recently split and will put their $2.59million Brooklyn Heights home up for sale after living apart for a year following what she called an ’emotionally and mentally trying’ two years.

The estranged couple already appear to be living separate lives. DeRosa rang in her birthday last month with a sexy selfie she posted to Twitter captioned: ‘Ok 39, let’s do this’ and ‘has been staying at her sister’s house in Cape Cod’ since resigning her position in August, sources told the New York Post.

As we noted in the past.  There is much more to the governor’s relationship with his former assistant DeRosa than meets the eye. She only resigned when the truth could no longer be deflected.

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