Senator Ron Johnson: “There’s No Point to Mandate Whatsoever – With COVID Vaccine We’ve Had 16,766 Deaths in 10 Months” (VIDEO)


Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Senator Johnson is one of the few lawmakers openly speaking out on the historic dangers of the COVID vaccines.

On Sunday Sen. Johnson had this to say on the mandates, “The mandates are pointless. Now that we know that fully vaccinated individuals are getting infected, they can transmit the disease. Unfortunately, they are being hospitalized, they’re getting seriously ill, they’re dying. There’s no point to the mandate, whatsoever.

On the dangers of the vaccines, Senator Johnson added, “They’re completely ignoring the vaccine injuries. And Maria, people really need to understand this because it’s not being reported. It’s being suppressed. But over 25 years with the flu vaccine there were a little less than 1,700 deaths reported on the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS). That’s CDC’s early surveillance security system… With the COVID Vaccine, we’ve had 16,766 deaths in 10 months administering this vaccine.”

Senator Johnson is right.
There are currently 16,766 deaths from the COVID vaccine reported on the VAERS website.

Johnson added that over 5,400 of these deaths occurred within 2 days of taking the vaccine.

Why are they hiding this from the American public?

Via Sunday Morning Futures:

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THOUSANDS of Italians Protest Government Mandated Vaccine Requirement for Work


Italy led the way with the economy-killing COVID economic shutdowns worldwide.  Now the government of Italy is requiring that all citizens have the COVID vaccine before going back to work.  Italians are standing up against this insanity.

In March 2020 China, responsible for COVID and all the related deaths and trillions in economic destruction, invested in a massive social media campaign in Italy to push for economy-killing COVID lockdowns.  Italy was the first country to do so and it was then used by the mad doctors in the US to push for the same.

CONFIRMED: China Launched a Massive Social Media Campaign in March to Get Countries to Adopt Stringent Coronavirus Lockdowns and Destroy Their Economies

Now Italy is leading the way again with vaccine mandates requiring all Italians to have evidence of taking the vaccine before being allowed to work.

Dock workers in Trieste, Italy, have gone on strike in protest of the need that all employees present a Covid card.

The Green Pass indicates whether you have received the Covid vaccination, whether you have recovered from it, or whether you have tested negative.

On Friday, it became required in all Italian businesses.

Approximately 2,000 employees have congregated at the port of Trieste, which serves northern Italy, Germany, Austria, and central Europe.

It is believed that over three million Italian employees are currently unvaccinated.

Only 40% of the 950 port workers in Trieste have received the vaccine. Workers at other ports, such as Genoa, have threatened to disrupt supply networks as well.

Italians are again protesting the COVID mandate for workers today.

More on the protests below.

Locals brought food in for the protestors on Friday.

The Italian government has decided to eliminate individual rights in the name of COVID. 

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Dr. Peter Navarro Discusses How Biden is Driving the Country Towards Stagflation with Massive Spending While Supply Chain Is In Tatters


Dr. Peter Navarro is warning the world about stagflation on the horizon as a result of insane Biden policies.  He was on Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the scenario.

Dr. Navarro was on with Newsmax as well:

If it was just inflation affecting the United States, that would be “manageable,” but instead a “stagflation” problem like the one that hit the nation in the 1970s is occurring under President Joe Biden, former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told Newsmax on Saturday.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell is “printing money,” Navarro told “The Count.” “That’s driving us to what we call demand-pull inflation. But then at the same time, we have the pandemic, coupled with the effects of the Biden administration cracking down on fossil fuels, giving us what’s called cost-push inflation.”

But during the Trump administration, “we were the Saudi Arabia of natural gas,” Navarro said. “One of the great triumphs of President [Donald] Trump was strategic dominance. The energy sector had the ability to export petroleum for the first time in 50 years.”

Now, under Biden, energy prices are going up quickly, which also drives up food prices.

“Meanwhile the supply chain is absolutely in tatters,” Navarro said. “When I was in the White House with President Trump it was to buy American, hire American, bring out manufacturing onshore. When you do that, you bring the supply chains onshore and you eliminate that risk of interdiction that we have now when the corporations love to offshore jobs.”

Peter Navarro was on with Steve Bannon on his War Room warning about extreme stagflation as well.

The economy is the next major mistake of the Biden Administration and Americans will continue to suffer from this senile tyrant. 

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Amazon-Owned IMBD Steps in to Artificially Boost Ratings on the Dr. Fauci Movie — More Lies from the Elites


A new documentary “Fauci” from National Geographic lionizing political commentator and Biden regime medical advisor Anthony Fauci opened to an abysmal reception from viewers on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB). The initial reviews gave the puff piece a 2 out of 10 rating on the Amazon-owned website.

That’s when the IMBD website stepped in and artificially altered the ratings for the film. The website now shows the film scoring a 5.8 rating. This is just the latest example of how the elites are constantly lying to you.

The movie is also panned on YouTube.

They are trying to make this megalomaniac a hero.
Sorry, we’re not buying it.

Just the News reported:

“Fauci,” from NatGeo and Magnolia Pictures, hit select theaters Sept. 10 before getting a Disney+ release earlier this month. The documentary lets disparate figures like President George W. Bush, U2’s Bono and Bill Gates praise the infectious disease specialist.

The studios failed to make the documentary’s box office figures available to film industry sites or The vast majority of studios, large and small, routinely share that data, as NatGeo and Magnolia have done on previous releases.

Movie fans then noticed, arguably the biggest review aggregator site on the web, didn’t initially feature any “audience” reviews of the film.

Mainstream film critics saluted “Fauci,” although most admitted the film served up a hagiography of the 80-year-old bureaucrat. Once audiences started weighing in on the film at Rotten Tomatoes, though, the results were withering. Professional critics gave “Fauci” a 92% “fresh” score, while audiences gave it just a 2% — or “rotten” — rating.

A similar pattern emerged at, a major film and TV reference destination. “Fauci’s” audience rating, on a scale from 1-10, hovered around 1.8. This week, however, the site altered its review algorithm. Now, the audience review tally is a more robust 5.8.

A quick glimpse at the review breakdown, provided by the site, shows the overwhelming number of audience critics gave the film a one-star rating.

The site now features this explanation:

“NOTE: Our rating mechanism has detected unusual voting activity on this title. To preserve the reliability of our rating system, an alternate weighting calculation has been applied.”

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TFB Armorer’s Bench: Diagnosing Light Primer Strikes – FT: Chiappa 1887


Light Primer StrikesWelcome everyone to the TFB Armorer’s Bench! As mentioned in the little blurb, this series will focus on a lot of home armorer and gunsmith activities. In this article sponsored by Wheeler, Tipton, Caldwell, and Frankford Arsenal, I happened to do a little maintenance on my Chiappa 1887 Lever Action shotgun and while disassembling and reassembling, I thought to myself that […]

Read More …

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When Will the Jan. 6 Commission Call in Philip Anderson to Testify?


When will the Jan. 6 Commission call in Philip Anderson to testify?

Philip witnessed the first killing that day.
Phlip was holding Rosanne Boyland’s hand when she died.

In July Trump supporter and activist, Philip Anderson confirmed to The Gateway Pundit that Capitol Police killed Trump protester Rosanne Boyland on January 6. 

Philip knows this because he was next to her when she died.  He was holding her hand.  And Philip nearly died himself.

Activist Philip Anderson spoke with The Gateway Pundit about the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and how the Capitol police murdered Rosanne Boyland and nearly took his life too.

This was an amazing eyewitness report that has been ignored by the fake news media because it does not fit their narrative.  A black Trump supporter was gassed with clouds of pepper spray, pushed down, and then nearly trampled to death as police officers continued to push people on top of a pile outside the US Capitol.

Anderson described how Rosanne Boyland was the first woman killed by Capitol police that day.

** Check out American Gulag to read the latest updates on the Jan. 6 political prisoners.

Ashli Babbitt was the second woman killed by Capitol Hill police.

This photo shows Philip Anderson nearly unconscious being dragged away by Trump supporters after being crushed under a pile on Jan. 6. Roseanne Boylan was next to him when she died.

Philip Anderson fell and was being smothered as police officers continued to push Trump supporters on top of him.  Philip told The Gateway Pundit how he was holding Rosanne’s hand when she died.

Philip posted this on social media before his account was taken down.

Via Make America Stop Hate on Instagram.

A second eye-witness also contacted The Gateway Pundit following our interview with Philip and confirmed his account.

A third eye-witness then contacted The Gateway Pundit last weekend and told her story on how the Capitol Police pushed Trump supporters down the stairs.  She was also afraid she would die that day by the actions of the police.

Now there is video of this…

And here is a photo of the Trump supporters being shoved down the stairs by Capitol police.

In this video posted at Make America Stop Hate you see Rosanne Boyland being trampled and beat with sticks. You see the Capitol Police DO NOTHING to save her. You see Trump supporters attempted CPR to save her life. And you see Trump supporters shoved down the steps at the US Capitol.

Here is the rest of the story the fake news media refuses to report on.

Via Make America Stop Hate.


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** Philip Anderson: Capitol Police Killed Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – “She Was Holding My Hand When She Died” (AUDIO)

** EXCLUSIVE: Second Eye-Witness Steps Forward — CONFIRMS Capitol Hill Police Killed Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland Then Attacked Those Who Tried to Save Her (VIDEO)

** Check out American Gulag to read the latest updates on the Jan. 6 political prisoners.

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If US Companies and the Government Fire All Americans Who Refuse the COVID Vaccine it will Severely Damage the Economy Already in Distress


The numbers are too great.   The estimate of Americans who have not taken the jab and who refuse to take the jab is too great.  If US companies begin firing Americans for not taking the jab, it’s not only unconstitutional, it will severely damage the economy already in distress.

The Conservative Treehouse put the numbers together and based on these calculations if US government entities and companies fire everyone who refuses to take the COVID vaccine, the economy will come to a halt.

There are 205 million legally eligible U.S. workers between 15 and 74-years-old (census figures) with a workforce participation rate of 61% (BLS figures) which would equal 125 million legally eligible workers.   However, the Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the number of working Americans at 161 million workers (BLS figures).  The majority of the difference between the two figures are most likely illegal alien workers (yeah, lots of them).

Approximately 40 percent of the eligible population are not working.  Some people are single family income (wives or husbands who don’t work), and some are just people who choose not to work, cannot work or have not yet started to work (college etc).  With somewhere between 125 million and 161 million workers doing the jobs that keep the country functioning, there are also approximately 10 million unfilled job openings.

According to the most recent statement from Joe Biden on October 14th: “We’re down to 66 million — it’s still an unacceptably high number — of unvaccinated people from almost 100 million in July.”  Approximately 60 million of those are within the current U.S. workforce.

If we split the difference (census -vs- BLS) and take the mid-point at 140 million workers, then 60 million workers refusing the vaccine mandate represents about 40 percent of the entire population of eligible workers.  Put another way, in the best case scenario, if 60 million people quit working or were fired, the national unemployment rate would be at least 35% !

What we call the United States doesn’t function with 35% unemployment; systems of commerce start to collapse, then government, then civil society.

The U.S. economy is currently functioning with 5% unemployment and 10 million unfilled jobs.  Just imagine the economic impact of 35% unemployment and 70 million unfilled jobs.

Why would the Biden/Obama gang push a vaccine on its people that is proving to be unhealthy and doesn’t work and then kill the economy in the process?  Nothing about this makes sense if you believe they want to keep America free and prosperous.

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Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is Epitome Of Evil.”


Dr. Stella Immanuel, a COVID-19 frontline doctor from Houston believes that the whole “pandemic” is a Trojan Horse for vaccines designed by Bill Gates to depopulate the earth.

Dr. Stella went viral for speaking the truth about the life-saving COVID-19 treatment Hydroxychloroquine and her ongoing bravery in this fight against the establishment.

Brave Frontline COVID Doctor Calls Out Fake News, Challenges CNN’s Chris Cuomo to Take a Urine Test to Prove He Isn’t Taking Hydroxychloroquine (VIDEO)

Earlier this month, The Gateway Pundit correspondent caught up with Dr. Stella in Tulsa, Oklahoma to discuss the satanic vaccine mandates.

Conradson: So, how with the new vaccines coming out, vaccine mandates. What does that make you think? how do you feel about vaccine mandates?

Immanuel: I actually think that the whole pandemic was a Trojan Horse for vaccines. COVID, from day one, I’ve always said it, it’s completely treatable, and it’s completely preventable, And there is no reason for you to be giving a vaccine for a disease that’s completely treatable, and completely preventable. And on top of that, the death rate of COVID is not that high. So, we need to wake up and realize that these mandates, the vaccines, and everything is taking us right into the book of Revelations where you cannot buy or sell without taking the vax. I tell people my big mantra right now is, get prevention, early treatment, if you get sick, sick, sick and end up in the hospital, don’t be afraid, because you know that it’s a transition. If you’re, if you’re a child of God, if you’re a Christian, you should not be afraid to die, first of all. So the reason why they can cage us is we’re all so scared. So I said, you know, die saved and die human. And don’t allow yourself to be genetically modified. These things are no vaccine, they are gene therapy. And if you listen to Dr. Kerry Madej, she actually looked into the microscope and look at some of this vaccine. The stuff she sees in them is horrible. So, we are in a really crazy situation right now where human beings are basically being genetically modified. They want to download our minds connect us on the internet of things. If you listen to somebody like Charles Morgan, or Amy Cruz, that used to work for DARPA, right. And right now, she works at the Platypus Institute which is like human enhancement…

…People in the White House are not being mandated, employees of the CDC are not being mandated, a lot of Democratic lawmakers are not being mandated to get vaccines, and people that work for Pfizer are not being mandated. Why is the general public being mandated? Why are they trying to give vaccines to children that barely get COVID? There’s a very sinister thing going on. And the reason why it’s going on and on is because we comply. For those that were vaccinated out of fear, out of, they didn’t want to lose their jobs, repent, ask God to forgive you, and ask the Lord to cleanse that stuff out of you. You know the blood of Jesus works, but please don’t get vaccinated. Get Hydroxychloroquine, get Ivermectin, you can go to our website, and get hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin. You can get vitamins. Keep yourself healthy and realize that this whole thing, all of this whole vaccination and everything COVID And everything is a Trojan Horse for vaccines. They want to scare 7 billion people, and they want all of us to get jabbed, they want all of us to get corrupted. And the good news is the end time is Jesus might be coming soon. And at the end of the day, Jesus wins.

Conradson: So Fauci and the CDC they are trying to cover up the efficacy of these drugs, these actual treatments for COVID-19. What do you think of them, do you think they’re killing people?

Immanuel: I think they’re evil. I don’t think they’re even human. Because you cannot be a human, and be that evil. When we talk about evil Faucci’s an epitome of evil. If you know what Fauci did in the days of, AIDS. The things that Faucci does, Faucci is the epitome of evil. And you know what, the good news about it is, at the end of the day, all of us are going to have a creator, that judges.

Conradson: So where do you think is this a big Pharma of money scam?

Immanuel: I think it is deeper.

Conradson: Deeper? Depopulation?

Immanuel: Depopulation. Bill Gates had a video, that said that if you do good vaccines, they can cut down the world’s population by 10 to 15%. Bill Gates has done a lot of atrocities in India in Africa and everything. If somebody tells you they want to depopulate the world with 15% with vaccines. Why would you let them sponsor a vaccine? And Bill Gates’ hands are in every vaccine. And then of course we talk about the whole Mark of the Beast, 666 thing. The Moderna vaccine has luciferase. Bill Gates tracking system is 0202666, the one that they are trying to pass into Congress is HR 060606. What else has to happen before people start thinking “Maybe the name of the Beast, the Number of the Beast is being released?” And it is just going to be a matter of time for the Mark to take over. I tell people get Hydroxychloroiquine for prevention, Ivermectin. Get treated early. Give your life to Christ.

Conradson: Thank you, and we’re where do we get these real treatments?

Immanuel: Go to also have the vitamins we put together that has vitamin C, D, Zinc and Corseting in one pill. Just stay safe, stay safe America. Don’t let these people kill you. Don’t let them genetically modify you. Die saved, die human.

These people are evil.

During a TED talk in 2010, Bill Gates said that, through new vaccines, health care, and reproductive health services, we can lower the population growth by 10 to 15%.

They are suppressing the real life-saving treatments for COVID-19 like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Why should we believe this experiment on humanity is not a death trap?

Joe Rogan Threatens to Sue CNN Over Ivermectin Smears, ‘Making Sh*t Up – They Keep Saying I’m Taking Horse Dewormer’ (VIDEO)

These people are deadly.

Get the real treatments at

The post Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines – Fauci Is Epitome Of Evil.” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

HILARIOUS: ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Has Been Turned Into A Hip-Hop Song That’s Now #1 On iTunes (VIDEO)


The term ‘Let’s go Brandon’ which translates to ‘F Joe Biden’ has now been transformed into a hit song.

A hip-hop artist and rapper named Loza Alexander created the song, which has now shot to number one on iTunes.

This is hilarious and the song is actually really good.

BGR reports:

‘Let’s go Brandon’ – #1 hip-hop song on iTunes inspired by Joe Biden meme

The “Let’s go Brandon” meme lampooning President Biden is taking over the internet. It continues to blanket conservative news sites and social media accounts, getting repurposed in all sorts of different ways. From now adorning merchandise for sale to serving as the message chanted by crowds in all kinds of settings, like at sports games.

But perhaps the most improbable turn of events for this anti-Biden slogan embraced by critics of the president is that it’s now also been turned into a hit rap song. One that, in fact, is sitting at #1 on the iTunes hip-hop chart as of the time of this writing.

The song is by rapper Loza Alexander, which first went viral on TikTok.

Its chart success is the culmination of a groundswell of virality the phrase has steadily garnered since October 9. That’s when this whole thing started, with NASCAR driver Brandon Brown winning a race at Alabama’s Talladega Superspeedway.

Listen to the song below by pressing the play button on the left:

Or watch the official music video:

This is just amazing.

And you know it’s going to drive the Democrats positively bonkers.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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Biden Condemns January 6 Capitol Protest at Memorial for Fallen Law Enforcement Officers (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Saturday spoke to hundreds of officers at a memorial for fallen law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty.

Classless Joe Biden used the 40th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service to attack the Second Amendment and condemn the January 6 Capitol protest.

“To the families of the fallen: you’ve suffered an enormous loss. But understand, your loss is also America’s loss, and your pain is America’s pain,” Biden said.

Rich coming from a guy who campaigned on defunding the police.

“Here, nine months ago, your brothers and sisters thwarted an unconstitutional and fundamentally un-American attack on our nation’s values and our votes. Because of you, Democracy survived,” Biden said.



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