RINO Governor Asa Hutchinson: Trump’s Comments About “Election Fraud” a “Recipe for Disaster in 2022” (VIDEO)


RINO Governor Asa Hutchinson on Sunday said Trump’s continued statements calling out 2020 election fraud are a recipe for disaster in 2022.

The Arkansas governor told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd that Trump should talk about the future and shut up about voter fraud.

“Among the bizarre statements that the former President Donald Trump released this week was this one when he said, ‘If we don’t solve the presidential election fraud of 2020’ — his bizarre characterization which he claims — ‘which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented, Republicans won’t be voting in 2022 and 2024.’ There are some Senate Republicans I’ve talked to who believe President Trump’s actions in Georgia encouraged people not to vote. Are you concerned this is only going to hurt Republican turnout in the midterms?” Chuck Todd asked Hutchinson.

“Relitigating 2020 is a recipe for disaster in 2022. Let’s talk about the future. The election has passed, it’s been certified,” Hutchinson said, adding, “We can win in 2022, and we’re going to, but let’s focus on the important issue of our supply chain, of getting over this pandemic, about freedom and not the last election.”


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POTD: The M45A1 Pistol Onboard USS Pearl Harbor


m45a1Photo Of The Day: A good day at sea, when you look 100% relaxed, catching some sunshine and performing a one-handed shot and the photographer captures the bullet mid-air. The recoil is just about to kick in. The location is the Northern Arabian Gulf and we have Reconnaissance Marines assigned to the All Domain Reconnaissance Detachment […]

Read More …

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Biden, Pentagon Face Massive Class-Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandate on Federal Employees and Military Members


Two dozen military members, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors have joined in a massive class-action lawsuit against the Biden administration’s federal mandatory vaccine policy. The group includes members from all five branches of the US military, including Navy Seals, Green Berets, and several high-ranking officers.

The Liberty Council – a Christian legal firm – filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, on behalf of the 24 plaintiffs who oppose the vaccine because of their deeply held religious beliefs. So far, they have been “refused any religious exemption or accommodation” for the mandate.

Plaintiffs have demonstrated their commitments to the United States Constitution and the Nation’s future comfort, security, and prosperity. This Court should demand that the Nation return the favor.

Telling Plaintiffs they must accept or receive a shot they oppose according to their sincerely held religious beliefs, or face court martial, dishonorable discharge, and other life altering disciplinary measures, disgraces the sacrifices these heroes have made.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, and Sleepy Joe Biden are all listed on the suit as defendants.

From The Epoch Times:

The plaintiffs are asking the court to issue a temporary restraining order (pdf) to prevent the COVID-19 vaccine mandates from taking effect, and ultimately issue an injunction to prevent the Pentagon from enforcing the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Biden on Sept. 9 issued an executive order requiring almost all federal employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment. Regular testing isn’t an option. Civilian federal employees and contractors have until Nov. 22 to be fully vaccinated.”

The lawsuit argues that the federal vaccine mandate is unconstitutional because it directly violates the plaintiffs’ first amendment rights and, more specifically, their religious freedoms. As they point out, the three currently available vaccines were developed by using aborted fetal stem cells.

“Plaintiffs’ sincerely held religious beliefs preclude them from accepting any one of the three currently available COVID-19 vaccines derived from, produced or manufactured by, tested on, developed with, or otherwise connected to aborted fetal cell lines. 

Plaintiffs’ religious beliefs compel them to not condone, support, justify, or benefit (directly or indirectly) from the taking of innocent human life via abortion, and that to do so is sinning against God.” 

Despite Biden’s Department of Defense and the Pentagon’s claims that ‘exemptions’ are available, most of the 24 members of the lawsuit have already had their requests for religious exemption denied, while others have been threatened with “dishonorable discharge, court-martials, termination, or other life-altering disciplinary measures” for attempting to file for an exemption.

According to the lawsuit, some have even been told “there is no point in even making a request” because no exemptions will be given.

“Some of these Plaintiffs have been informed by their superiors that no religious exemption or accommodation will be given, so there is no point in even making a request.”

A US Navy spokesperson declined to comment when he was asked if ANY medical or religious exemptions to the vaccine had been approved, according to The Epoch Times.

In addition to its unconstitutionality and the fact that virtually no exemptions have been granted, the attorneys also argued that Biden’s vaccine mandate is unenforceable because the FDA has only issued an Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccine.

The lawsuit correctly points out that the fully approved ‘Comirnaty’ vaccine is not available in the United States and demands that the explicit statutory conditions for EUA are followed – which expressly states that people are free to accept or refuse the product until it is fully approved.

As of right now, the only available vaccine options that satisfy the mandate have not been fully approved by the FDA.

“Because all COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States are subject to the EUA Statute restrictions and limitations, all individuals—including military service members, federal employees, and federal civilian contractors—have the explicit right under the EUA Statute to accept or refuse administration of the products.”

It only takes one case to set the precedent against these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

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RINO Senator Bill Cassidy Trashes Trump, Says Voters Would Probably Reject a Trump 2024 White House Bid (VIDEO)


Insufferable RINO Senator Bill Cassidy (LA) trashed Trump in an interview with Axios’ Mike Allen Sunday evening.

Recall, Cassidy was one of the 7 turncoat senators to vote to convict Trump in the second impeachment against President Trump.

The Louisiana GOP censured Cassidy over his sham impeachment vote.

When asked about being censured, Cassidy smugly said he “slept very well” that night.

Cassidy said voters would probably reject Trump in a 2024 bid for the White House and asserted he would not be voting for him.

“Trump is the first president in the Republican side at least to lose the House, the Senate and the presidency in four years. Elections are about winning,” Cassidy said.

Not one word about rampant Democrat voter fraud in 2020.


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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: AG Garland’s Wife Worked at Heavily Classified Defense Contractor ‘E-Systems’ Then Focused on Elections Before the 2020 Election


Attorney General Merrick Garland’s wife is heavily connected to those running the 2020 Election and attempting to prevent audits of the 2020 Election.  Her prior work with defense contractor E-Systems is even more suspicious.

Crooked US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has a son-in-law who’s pushing racist CRT around the country and likely making millions doing so.  This is the same stuff that parents are fed up with and don’t want to be taught to their children.

AG Garland Threatens Parents Who Criticize Critical Race Theory (CRT) – His Son-In-Law Sells CRT Books to Schools

Then we uncovered on Friday the fact that Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s wife is heavily connected with all the far-left players involved in the 2020 Election and those who attempted to stop any audits of that election.

NOT MAKING HEADLINES – EXCLUSIVE: AG Garland’s Wife Is an Advisor Closely Linked to Brennan Center and Connected with Far-Left Groups Working to Prevent 2020 Election Audits — HE MUST RECUSE!

In addition to these obvious conflicts of interest by the corrupt AG, we’ve uncovered more on the potential conflict involving his wife Lynn Garland.

According to the New York Times:

Mrs. Garland, who graduated from the Brearley School and cum laude from Harvard University, received a Master of Science degree in operations management from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a staff assistant to the vice president in charge of operations for the Melpar division of E-Systems Inc., a defense electronics contractor in Falls Church, Va.

We now wonder what type of work Ms. Garland was involved with at E-Systems.   E-Systems is a defense contractor with operations that are highly classified.  60-Minutes attempted to find out more about the company E-Systems.  Steve Kroft investigated the Fortune 500 company that operates in almost total secrecy, spying on everyone from dictators to drug lords to terrorists with cutting-edge optical and listening devices in February 1995.

The Washington Post wrote about E-Systems in 1994.

If Big Brother ever took control of the United States, E-Systems Inc. would surely be its prime contractor. Consider:

* E-Systems designs spy satellite gear that can snap photographs of automobile license plates from space and capture electronic communications, from phone calls to rocket telemetry.

* E-Systems software can analyze those spy satellite photos to see if anything has changed — a Russian tank moved or an Iraqi missile site built — since the last shots were taken.

* E-Systems can build “electronic fences” to police borders. It helped build one such network of sensors to monitor drug traffickers along the U.S. border with Mexico, and the company says it hopes to build a more sophisticated one for Saudi Arabia.

* And E-Systems hardware can help federal drug enforcement agencies track cocaine planes and tap drug dealers’ telephones.

In short, E-Systems’ technologies, part of the central nervous system for the nation’s intelligence community, are regarded as brilliant by intelligence agencies and Wall Street.

But the firm’s closets also contain some classified skeletons. Critics say in some ways the company is almost indistinguishable from the CIA because it operates so secretly, lacks accountability and is loaded with retirees from the CIA and other intelligence agencies. E-Systems’ critics say it has lied in legal proceedings to protect its interests.

Now we have to ask what the US Attorney General’s wife was doing with E-Systems and what impact this has had on the Attorney General as well.  AG Garland may have more conflicts of interest than we can count. 

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University of Michigan Paid a Race Grifter $20,000 for One Hour Virtual Discussion on CRT


The University of Michigan paid prominent race grifter and Critical Race Theory advocate Ibram X. Kendi $20,000 for a one hour virtual discussion, according to new reports.

A university spokesperson told Campus Reform, who obtained the contract for the event, that it was paid for, in part, by student fees and state funding.

The virtual meeting, “Discussion with Dr. Ibram X. Kendi,” centered around his book “Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America.” He is probably best known for his 2019 book “How to Be an Antiracist.”

The description for his “Definitive History of Racist Ideas in Americareads, “From Puritan minister Cotton Mather to Thomas Jefferson, from fiery abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to brilliant scholar W.E.B. Du Bois to legendary anti-prison activist Angela Davis, Kendi shows how and why some of our leading proslavery and pro-civil rights thinkers have challenged or helped cement racist ideas in America. Contrary to popular conceptions, racist ideas did not arise from ignorance or hatred. Instead, they were devised and honed by some of the most brilliant minds of each era. These intellectuals used their brilliance to justify and rationalize deeply entrenched discriminatory policies and the nation’s racial disparities in everything from wealth to health.”

The Boston University professor and author spoke for 45 minutes and answered questions for 15 minutes during the virtual meeting on Nov. 11, 2020

“Costs for this event were covered by the university’s General Fund,” the university’s director of Public Affairs and Internal Communications, Rick Fitzgerald, told Campus Reform. “General Fund money comes from a variety of sources, including student tuition and fees, state appropriations and costs recovered from sponsored research activities. It pays for teaching, student services, facilities and administrative support for the university.”


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DC Comics Drops “The American Way” from Superman’s Motto After 83 Years for More Globalist View


After 83 years DC Comics is changing Superman’s motto for a more globalist view from fighting for “Truth, Justice and the American Way” to fighting for “Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow.”

Even our superheroes are fighting for the globalists now.

Daily Mail reported:

DC Comics has ditched the mention of ‘The American Way’ from Superman’s motto in favor of the superhero fighting for a ‘better tomorrow.’

The 83-year-old character’s longstanding adage used to be ‘Truth, Justice and the American Way’.

But the publisher said that his new mission statement will be ‘Truth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow.’

DC did not specifically address why they had ditched America from the slogan, but instead maintained that they were focused on ‘evolving.’

‘To better reflect the storylines that we are telling across DC and to honor Superman’s incredible legacy of over 80 years of building a better world, Superman’s motto is evolving,’ DC Chief Creative Officer Jim Lee said at the DC FanDome fan event on Saturday.

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Fauci Says Unvaccinated Americans Could Lead to Dangers of Fifth Covid Wave (VIDEO)


Dr. Fauci said unvaccinated Americans could lead to a fifth Covid wave.

Fauci told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace that although Covid cases and hospitalizations are down, the dirty, unvaccinated Americans could lead to the dangers of a fifth Covid wave.

“What is the real possibility that we could have a fifth wave of the virus – especially, especially if there’s not a spike in vaccinations?” Chris Wallace asked, teeing up Fauci.

“It’s going to be within our capability to prevent that from happening – the numbers are going down – the cases are down about 23%, the hospitalizations and deaths are down 17-18% so we’re gong in the right direction,” Fauci said. “The problem is as we all know, we still have approximately 66 million people who are eligible to get vaccinated who are not vaccinated.”

Fauci said if we don’t get more people vaccinated, there’s “always a danger that there will be enough circulating virus that you can have…a resurgence.”


Dr. Fauci on Sunday also said only vaccinated people can gather with fellow vaccinated family members for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Covid vaccine efficacy wanes over time which is why Big Pharma keeps pushing for booster shots.

The “extraordinary effectiveness” of the COVID vaccines caught on video.

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ESPN Reporter Allison Williams Leaving Company Over Covid Vaccine Mandate (VIDEO)


ESPN reporter Allison Williams announced this weekend she is leaving the company over the Covid vaccine mandate.

Last month Williams said she was taking a step back from work because of the vaccine mandate.

Williams said she consulted with her family planning doctor and fertility specialist and decided not to get the experiential Covid jab because she was trying for a second child.

This weekend Williams disclosed that her request for an exemption from the Covid vaccine was denied so she is leaving the network.

“Whether you agree or disagree with me, thanks for listening. I will not echo or harbor the hostility that some may feel toward my decision. Doing everything I can to move forward and stay positive,” Williams said on Instagram.

“I’m so morally and ethically not aligned with this,” she added.


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Prepper News: Can you Repair your Firearms During a Survival Crisis?


Prepper News: Can you Repair your Firearms During a Survival Crisis?

When it comes to people stockpiling emergency supplies, knowledge is often one of the most overlooked preparedness items. Do yo have the knowledge to repair your firearms during a survival situation? […]

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