The meme phrase started as fans at sports games began constantly chanting “f-ck Joe Biden,” but was misunderstood to have been “let’s go Brandon” by NBC reporter Kelli Stavast while she was interviewing Nascar driver Brandon Brown.
Former President Bill Clinton was admitted to a Southern California hospital earlier this week for a non-COVID-related infection, according to CNN.
“On Tuesday evening, President Clinton was admitted to UCI Medical Center to receive treatment for a non-Covid-related infection,” Clinton’s spokesman, Angel Urena, said in a statement.
“He is on the mend, in good spirits, and is incredibly thankful to the doctors, nurses, and staff providing him with excellent care,” Urena continued.
Doctors said Clinton, 75, has a urinary tract infection that spread to his bloodstream.
“After two days of treatment, his white blood cell count is trending down and he is responding to antibiotics well,” the doctors said. “The California-based medical team has been in constant communication with the President’s New York-based medical team, including his cardiologist. We hope to have him go home soon.”
Earlier this week, Clinton was in California for a private event for his foundation. On Tuesday, he felt fatigued and was admitted to the hospital later that day.
This is not Clinton’s first health issue. After he left the White House, he underwent quadruple bypass heart surgery in 2004. In 2005, he returned to the hospital with a collapsed lung. Then in 2010, he had pair of stents implanted in a coronary artery.
The former president’s doctors said urinary tract infections are common in older people and are easily treated with antibiotics. Still, there’s a risk that it could spread into the bloodstream, which is what happened to Clinton.
The United States Navy is going to begin their purge of those who refuse to follow orders and just get the “vaccine.” New guidance warns that those not fully vaccinated by November 28 will be discharged.
Vaccination is of “paramount importance” to maintaining the health of personnel and the battle-readiness of the force, the guidance released on Thursday says. “Sailors must be prepared to execute their mission at all times, in places throughout the world, including where vaccination rates are low and disease transmission is high,” it states.
If we are being honest, we know the government doesn’t care about “battle-readiness” as much as it does having a crew of willing order followers. Those who refuse the “vaccine” are not the people they need to enforce the New World Order. We know this vaccine is a large piece of the agenda, and this move by the Navy further cements that reality.
Because the Centers for Disease Control and the ruling class are so disingenuous with how they count “fully vaccinated” (people are usually considered to be fully vaccinated two weeks after both doses are administered), the sailors should receive their second shot by November 14 in order to meet the deadline, according to a report by RT.
Navy Reserve sailors have also been told to be fully vaccinated, but they were given more time. They have until December 28. Those who refuse could receive a general discharge under honorable conditions, the guidance warned, which could result in the loss of some veterans’ benefits.
According to the new rules, senior officers have just five days to comply with their superior’s order to be vaccinated or face detachment for cause proceedings.
“An unvaccinated senior leader without a pending or approved exemption calls into question the Navy’s trust and confidence regarding their ability to ensure unit readiness or to maintain good order and discipline,” according to the guidelines.
Navy figures indicate that there are around 7,000 unvaccinated sailors in its ranks whose careers in the force are now at risk. About 98% of Navy personnel have received at least one dose of the vaccine. –RT
Translation: we need obedient order followers to usher in the New World Order. Those who disobey are not fit to help us force our totalitarian enslavement on humanity.
The Navy isn’t the only military branch to have introduced a vaccine mandate, with the US Army telling troops to be fully immunized by December 15, and the Air Force, setting a deadline of November 2.
We are about to witness just how far those troops are willing to go to comply and obey the orders of the ruling class. Stay alert and aware. Things are ramping up. This is going to get uglier by the end of the year.
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher and political activist
We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, carried out in the so-called name of the national good by an elite class of governmental and corporate officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions.
We, the middling classes, are not so fortunate.
We find ourselves badgered, bullied, and browbeaten into bearing the brunt of their arrogance, paying the price for their greed, suffering the backlash for their militarism, agonizing as a result of their inaction, feigning ignorance about their backroom dealings, overlooking their incompetence, turning a blind eye to their misdeeds, cowering from their heavy-handed tactics, and blindly hoping for change that never comes.
The overt signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government (and its corporate partners in crime) are all around us: COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates that strip Americans of their freedom of movement and bodily integrity; censorship, criminalizing, shadow banning and de-platforming of individuals who express ideas that are politically incorrect or unpopular; warrantless surveillance of Americans’ movements and communications; SWAT team raids of Americans’ homes; shootings of unarmed citizens by police; harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance; armed drones taking to the skies domestically; endless wars; out-of-control spending; militarized police; roadside strip searches; roving TSA sweeps; privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans; fusion centers that spy on, collect and disseminate data on Americans’ private transactions; and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling.
Yet as egregious as these incursions on our rights may be, it’s the endless, petty tyrannies—the heavy-handed, punitive-laden dictates inflicted by a self-righteous, Big-Brother-Knows-Best bureaucracy on an overtaxed, overregulated, and underrepresented populace—that illustrate so clearly the degree to which “we the people” are viewed as incapable of common sense, moral judgment, fairness, and intelligence, not to mention lacking a basic understanding of how to stay alive, raise a family, or be part of a functioning community.
It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government-run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations, and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or if we’ve gone straight to an idiocracy.
This certainly isn’t a constitutional democracy, however.
This overbearing Nanny State despotism is what happens when government representatives (those elected and appointed to work for us) adopt the authoritarian notion that the government knows best and therefore must control, regulate and dictate almost everything about the citizenry’s public, private and professional lives.
The government’s bureaucratic attempts at muscle-flexing by way of overregulation and overcriminalization have reached such outrageous limits that federal and state governments now require on penalty of a fine that individuals apply for permission before they can grow exotic orchids, host elaborate dinner parties, gather friends in one’s home for Bible studies, give coffee to the homeless, let their kids manage a lemonade stand, keep chickens as pets, or braid someone’s hair, as ludicrous as that may seem.
This is what happens when bureaucrats run the show, and the rule of law becomes little more than a cattle prod for forcing the citizenry to march in lockstep with the government.
Overregulation is just the other side of the coin to overcriminalization, that phenomenon in which everything is rendered illegal and everyone becomes a lawbreaker.
That same overcriminalization mindset reared its ugly head again when police arrested a 90-year-old man for violating an ordinance that prohibits feeding the homeless in public unless portable toilets are also made available.
It’s no coincidence that both of these incidents—the fishing debacle and the homeless feeding arrest—happened in Florida.
Despite its pristine beaches and balmy temperatures, Florida is no less immune to the problems plaguing the rest of the nation in terms of overcriminalization, incarceration rates, bureaucracy, corruption, and police misconduct.
A few years back, in fact, Florida officials authorized police raids on barber shops in minority communities, resulting in barbers being handcuffed in front of customers, and their shops searched without warrants. All of this was purportedly done in an effort to make sure that the barbers’ licensing paperwork was up to snuff.
As if criminalizing fishing, charity, and haircuts wasn’t bad enough, you could also find yourself passing time in a Florida slammer for such inane activities as singing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit, breaking more than three dishes per day, farting in a public place after 6 pm on a Thursday, and skateboarding without a license.
In this way, the Sunshine State is representative of the transformation happening across the nation, where a steady diet of bread and circuses has given rise to an oblivious, inactive citizenry content to be ruled over by an inflexible and highly bureaucratic regime.
America has gone from being a beacon of freedom to a locked-down nation. And “we the people,” sold on the idea that safety, security, and material comforts are preferable to freedom, have allowed the government to pave over the Constitution in order to erect a concentration camp.
The problem with these devil’s bargains, however, is that there is always a catch, always a price to pay for whatever it is we valued so highly as to barter away our most precious possessions.
We’ve bartered away our right to self-governance, self-defense, privacy, autonomy, and that most important right of all—the right to tell the government to “leave me the hell alone.”
In exchange for the promise of an end to global pandemics, lower taxes, lower crime rates, safe streets, safe schools, blight-free neighborhoods, and readily accessible technology, health care, water, food, and power, we’ve opened the door to lockdowns, militarized police, government surveillance, asset forfeiture, school zero-tolerance policies, license plate readers, red-light cameras, SWAT team raids, health care mandates, overcriminalization, overregulation, and government corruption.
In the end, such bargains always turn sour.
We relied on the government to help us safely navigate national emergencies (terrorism, natural disasters, global pandemics, etc.) only to find ourselves forced to relinquish our freedoms on the altar of national security, yet we’re no safer (or healthier) than before.
We wanted criminals taken off the streets, and we didn’t want to have to pay for their incarceration. What we’ve gotten is a nation that boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million people locked up, many of them doing time for relatively minor, nonviolent crimes, and a private prison industry fueling the drive for more inmates, who are forced to provide corporations with cheap labor.
A special report by CNBC breaks down the national numbers:
One out of 100 American adults is behind bars — while a stunning one out of 32 is on probation, parole or in prison. This reliance on mass incarceration has created a thriving prison economy. The states and the federal government spend about $74 billion a year on corrections, and nearly 800,000 people work in the industry.
According to the Washington Post, these funds have been used to buy guns, armored cars, electronic surveillance gear, “luxury vehicles, travel, and a clown named Sparkles.” Police seminars advise officers to use their “department wish list when deciding which assets to seize” and, in particular, go after flat-screen TVs, cash, and nice cars.
In Florida, where police are no strangers to asset forfeiture, Florida police have been carrying out “reverse” sting operations, where they pose as drug dealers to lure buyers with promises of cheap cocaine, then bust them, and seize their cash and cars. Over the course of a year, police in one small Florida town seized close to $6 million using these entrapment schemes.
We fell for the government’s promise of safer roads, only to find ourselves caught in a tangle of profit-driven red light cameras, which ticket unsuspecting drivers in the so-called name of road safety while ostensibly fattening the coffers of local and state governments. Despite widespread public opposition, corruption, and systemic malfunctions, these cameras—used in 24 states and Washington, DC—are particularly popular with municipalities, which look to them as an easy means of extra cash.
One small Florida town, population 8,000, generates a million dollars a year in fines from these cameras. Building on the profit-incentive schemes, the cameras’ manufacturers are also pushing speed cameras and school bus cameras, both of which result in heft fines for violators who speed or try to go around school buses.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is what happens when the American people get duped, deceived, double-crossed, cheated, lied to, swindled, and conned into believing that the government and its army of bureaucrats—the people we appointed to safeguard our freedoms—actually have our best interests at heart.
Yet when all is said and done, who is really to blame when the wool gets pulled over your eyes: you, for believing the con man, or the con man for being true to his nature?
It’s time for a bracing dose of reality, America.
Wake up and take a good, hard look around you, and ask yourself if the gussied-up version of America being sold to you—crime-free, worry-free, disease-free, and devoid of responsibility—is really worth the ticket price: nothing less than your freedoms.
We reproted last week about a father who was arrested at a school board meeting because the board lied and claimed they had not received any reports about a rape at his daughter’s school. The rape was of his daughter.
The Loudoun County prosecutor who sought jail time against a father who was arrested at a school board meeting after his daughter was allegedly sexually assaulted in a school bathroom has ties to progressive megadonor George Soros and Democratic Virginia gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe.
Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj was described in the explosive report by The Daily Wire as the “progressive” elected county prosecutor who ran on a platform of ending “mass incarceration,” but yet she sought jail time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, both misdemeanor charges, against Scott Smith.
Smith was arrested during a June 22 school board meeting several weeks after he says his daughter was raped by a gender-fluid student in a school bathroom. The student, a 15-year-old boy, was charged in that case with two counts of forcible sodomy and later arrested. He was then fitted with an ankle monitor and transferred to another school in Ashburn, where he was accused of committing another sexual assault against another female student in October.
Biberaj told Fox 5 on Friday the decision to transfer the student to a different school came because he didn’t have a prior history of such behavior at the time, and she asked the public to “be patient” and refrain from judgment until “all the facts” in the case come to light.
Meanwhile, Smith’s attorney has announced plans to sue the school district over its handling of the case and his own arrest at the school board meeting. He was sentenced in that case to 10 days in jail, all suspended, contingent on a year of good behavior…
…Biberaj was one of several Soros-backed prosecutors elected in Northern Virginia in 2019 after her campaign received more than $860,000 from Soros’ Justice and Public Safety PAC. She is a criminal reform advocate and member of a group of the commonwealth’s attorneys called Virginia Progressive Prosecutors for Justice, which calls for eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and cash bail.
Biberaj is also a close ally with McAuliffe, who reportedly accepted a $250,000 contribution from Soros for his campaign in August. Biberaj, who has praised McAulliffe as being “part of the progress” that Virginia needs, joined the former Democratic governor as recently as Oct. 2 at a campaign event in Leesburg.
Americans in no way want any George Soros-backed prosecutors in our justice systems. This case is another example why.
Also, why would the Democrats want to align themselves with a man who helped the Nazis by turning in Jews for their booty in World War II?
Kane said after just one hour of being in San Francisco he was robbed of $30,000 worth of gear while the assailant held a gun to his head.
“I had so much adrenaline and confusion shock and fear,” he said. “This was the first time in my whole life that I’ve had a gun to my face.”
In reality he says he *will be back in SF for your in December. Though he says he won’t be bringing anything valuable with him and reminds others not to keep valuables in the car.
We warned about a possible oil spill due to the excess number of container ships waiting to be unloaded in California. This is now what the Coast Guard believes may have happened.
In June we reported on the overstressed ports in California where over 60 container ships were parked, waiting to unload their cargo from Asia.
Then a few days ago we warned that these excess ships dropping anchor near the California coast may have caused the recent oil spill in the area. We also warned of a major communications outage if the boats continue to hang around in the area.
Now today, CBS reported that the Coast Guard is claiming that a cargo ship may have caused the oil spill after all.
Investigators believe a 1,200-foot cargo ship dragging anchor in rough seas caught an underwater oil pipeline and pulled it across the seafloor, months before a leak from the line fouled the Southern California coastline with crude.
A team of federal investigators trying to chase down the cause of the spill boarded the Panama-registered MSC DANIT just hours after the massive ship arrived this weekend off the Port of Long Beach, the same area where the leak was discovered in early October.
During a prior visit by the ship during a heavy storm in January, investigators believe its anchor dragged for an unknown distance before striking the 16-inch steel pipe, Coast Guard Lt. Jg. SondraKay Kneen said Sunday.
The impact would have knocked an inch-thick concrete casing off the pipe and pulled it more than 100 feet, bending but not breaking the line, Kneen said.
Still undetermined is whether the impact caused the October leak or if the line was hit by something else at a later date or failed due to a preexisting problem, Kneen said.
So is anyone worried about a massive communications outage as well?
The Steele dossier was used by the Comey-Wray FBI that they knew was complete garbage was used to spy on Donald Trump, his family, his campaign, his administration.
In January 2017 the Trump-Russia dossier was first published on Buzzfeed.
This bogus document was used by the FBI to spy on Trump officials.
It was a complete fabrication.
According to the document, as reported at The Gateway Pundit back in January 2017 when it was first published… Trump partook in “golden showers” in Russia with prostitutes on a bed Obama once slept on… Russia then blackmailed Trump, not by asking for money or influence in his business deals, but by forcing him to run for president against all odds and win?
Here is the story that the CIA and idiots in the FAKE NEWS Media pushed in their coup against President Trump.
Let’s recount:
(Image from the leaked report)
** Obama has a meeting in Russia.
** Trump flies to Russia, finds out the hotel room Obama stayed in, and books it.
** Trump finds at least two hookers and invites them to Obama’s former hotel suite.
** Trump instructs the hookers to PISS ON THE BED because he hates Obama so much.
** Little did Trump know Putin had the entire room outfitted with video cameras.
** The Russian government now has video proof of Trump watching hookers PISS on a bed.
** Russian government tells Trump they will release the video if he does not run for president.
** Trump runs for president and against all odds and WINS the White House.
And no one questioned this report at the time? And the FBI ran with it?
Back in December 2019 the Inspector General report revealed, as we predicted, the Trump hooker golden shower story was completely made up in a bar over beers.
The Stasi FBI ran with it to destroy Trump anyway.
The allegation that the Russians had recorded Trump watching prostitutes performing a “golden showers (urination) show” on a bed in a Moscow hotel room once occupied by President Obama and wife Michelle was perhaps the most salacious claim made in the Steele dossier, the Hillary Clinton-funded opposition research that falsely alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
The IG report says the dossier’s named author, ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, had embellished the story, peddling an unproven rumor as verified fact in statements to the FBI.
The IG report states that the FBI knew the story was unverified sometime in January 2017.
Despite knowing this salacious story of Russian hookers was a complete sham James Comey peddled this disgusting story on CNN in April 2018.
And then today George Stephanopoulos and Christopher Steele promoted the lie again on national TV.
These people are disgusting.
Christopher Steele dishes on dossier in new interview: Trump pee tape ‘probably does’ exist
Virginia Tech is moving to drop the hammer on ‘inappropriate and embarrassing’ student behavior after viral chants of “F*ck Joe Biden” spread across the country.
It all started last month when co-eds attending the Virginia Tech game began chanting “F*ck Joe Biden!”
Another FUCK JOE BIDEN chant, this time at the Virginia Tech game
The tyrants at Virginia Tech want to silence the anti-Joe Biden chants.
“It troubles us to write this message because of the high regard we hold for our students and the joy, curiosity, and excellence with which you embrace your education every day,” the letter read. “Over the last several weeks, we have heard too many stories of selfish, inappropriate, and embarrassing student behavior at home football games. What we have heard falls short of Virginia Tech standards — and most importantly, creates an unsafe environment for all who attend.”
Virginia Tech announced Thursday it was taking steps to crack down on student behavior at football games ahead of the team’s matchup against Pittsburgh.
In a joint letter from Virginia Tech athletics director Whit Babcock, vice president of student affairs Frank Shushok Jr. and Virginia Tech police chief Mac Babb, the school addressed the need to curb the behavior of students who go to home games at Lane Stadium in Blacksburg.
Student attendance for Hokies games will be “restricted to season ticket holders and a more limited number of student lottery winners,” and students will have to “follow all new guidance for gate entry.” There will also be more law enforcement officers on hand to “support a positive and safe fan experience.”
“Virginia Tech is such a strong, vibrant community guided by our Principles of Community, which are always on display at our home football games in the fall,” the letter added. “This year especially, we have so much to be proud of with being back on campus and in the full swing of the semester. But this is one area where we haven’t brought our best. Let’s change that starting Saturday and remind our community that we know and honor what it means to be a Hokie.”
Sportswriter and conservative thought leader Jason Whitlock appeared on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday to discuss the recent liberal media attacks on black comedian Dave Chappelle and NBA player Kyrie Irving. Whitlock described how the liberal left has destroyed black men and the black family in America today. He then fired a warning shot at white men and men with traditional values. The left is coming for you next.
Tucker asked Whitlock to summarize his latest piece for the viewers.
Jason Whitlock: “It’s critical that men stand up because we’re teh ones being bullied into the closet if we have any traditional values… In my podcast I’m trying to explain to all men regardless of color, we got to get into this together. You can’t look at this and go, Oh look what’s happening to black guys, and not understand – You’re next! You’re next! They’re in your schools emasculating you right now with critical race theory and teaching your kids that you’re the worst person on the planet. They’ve come for us. I admit, from the Great Society Initiative and the total emasculating of black men, and the creation of the welfare state, and running the man out of the black family. And now we have all these confused and clueless and dysfunctional kids. I’m telling you, YOU’RE NEXT! And if we don’t come together those of us who believe in a higher power, those of us who believe in God and Jesus, those of us with traditional male values. If we don’t come together regardless of our skin color, we’re all going down!
This was a very powerful segment with Whitlock. And he’s right. The left is going after the men. We all know it’s true.