Massive ‘World Freedom Rally’ Against Vaccine Mandates Takes Over Times Square in NYC; Crowd Marches Through Streets Chanting “WAKE UP NY” – (Video)


Over the weekend, thousands of protesters took over Times Square in New York City for a massive ‘world freedom rally’ against the oppressive vaccine mandates.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio recently began enforcing one of the country’s most authoritarian vaccine passport requirements for schools, restaurants, and public spaces. The mandate has crippled local businesses, which have reported a 40-60% drop in traffic since they were implemented.

New Yorkers are completely fed-up, and rightly so.

(Hat tip to local independent journalist Leeroy Johnson – @leeroypress – for attending the event and providing the great videos)

Take a look:


The protesters waved American flags and held signs that read “F*ck Biden” and “Let’s go Brandon!” as they marched through the streets chanting “WAKE UP NEW YORK.”

Protesters also made a stop at CNN’s corporate headquarters to hilariously deliver a message to the FAKE NEWS in person.

I think we can all agree with the crowd on this one.

The main event, taking place in Times Square, was attended by several prominent local figures who spoke in favor of freedom during the rally. The speakers included members from the right and the left, including Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Bill Pepitone (Republican NYC mayoral candidate), and even Kevin McCall (a progressive ‘social justice’ preacher).

During Kennedy’s time on stage, he spoke about how the Democrats have worked (somewhat successfully) to take away the first amendment rights of many Americans through the vaccine mandates and Covid lockdowns.

Just like all the others in the crowd, he has had enough of the left’s tyranny.

The radical mandates and restrictions on individual freedoms have created a massive backlash that has started to bring people from all sides together, unifying them in the pursuit of American freedom for the first time in years.

If this movement can continue to spread, these dystopian mandates won’t last long at all.


(Thank you Scott LoBaido for the wonderful work of art, 100% NY right there)

The post Massive ‘World Freedom Rally’ Against Vaccine Mandates Takes Over Times Square in NYC; Crowd Marches Through Streets Chanting “WAKE UP NY” – (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

After Nearly Collapsing the Economy in 2018, Fed Chief Jerome Powell Sold Between $1 and $5 Million of Stock Before the Market Sank in October 2020


Corrupt Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, who nearly took down the American economy himself in 2018, sold between $1 and $5 million worth of stock last October before the market tanked.

After nearly tanking the US economy himself, crazy and corrupt Fed Chief Jerome Powell finally stopped increasing interests rates in early 2019.  He had a mandate to protect the American economy and he was not upholding it.

Lunatic Fed Chair Jerome Powell Crashed Trump Record Stock Market, Cost US Billions in New Debt, Trillions in Wealth and Sank the GDP – What a Disaster!

During seven years under the Obama Administration, the Fed kept rates at zero, but as soon as President Trump was voted in, the FED started a program of regular rate increases every couple of months.  These increases slowed the economy and prevented the US from paying back the debt that could have easily been paid off with the lower rates.

Powell knew what he was doing and did all he could to hurt President Trump.  Then in October of 2020, Powell sold between $1 and $5 million of his personal assets as his actions shortly before 2020 did nothing but slow the economy again.

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell sold between $1 million and $5 million worth of stock from his personal account on October 1, 2020, according to disclosure forms reviewed by the Prospect. Powell’s sale of shares from a Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund has not been previously reported. This sale occurred right before the Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered a significant drop.

A Fed media relations spokesperson was not available for comment. We will report on any Fed statement on Powell’s trades.

Three other senior Fed officials have faced serious criticism for making stock trades during the pandemic. Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan and Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren were compelled to take early retirements as a result of the disclosure of their trades. Fed Vice Chair Richard Clarida also came under fire for stock trading. The other trades are now the subject of investigations by the Fed’s own inspector general and the SEC.

There is no American with more insider knowledge about government policy that drives financial market movements than the chair of the Federal Reserve. And as COVID caseloads, hospitalizations, and deaths spiked last fall, the economy was in a precarious condition. October turned out to be the stock market’s worst month since March 2020, when the pandemic began.

The Dow would lose 1,600 points in October, or 6 percent of its value.

Jerome Powell and likely the entire gang running the Fed should recuse themselves and get out of Dodge.  Wait till America sees what their actions will lead to this Christmas. 

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HAPPENING NOW – Maricopa County Is At It AGAIN: Testing Dominion Equipment To Steal 2021 Local Elections – WATCH LIVE


Maricopa County is testing the new Dominion machines that they spent $2.8 million for after claiming the old machines could never be used again because auditors ruined them.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Issues AZ Senate $2.8 MILLION Notice of Claim For New Machines

These tests don’t even work, otherwise, they could have just tested the old machines before wasting tax dollars on new ones.

The tests will be live-streamed below at 10 a.m. (Arizona).

They are testing the machines for the 2021 local elections are next month in Arizona and Maricopa County is at it again.

Maricopa County is still using Dominion despite their own distrust in the company and the stolen election last time around.

Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri was caught on a secret recording saying that he doesn’t feel comfortable with Dominion and neither does Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Democrats, Republicans and Independents don’t trust Dominion, and Dominion cannot be used again next election.

BREAKING – LEAKED AUDIO: Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri Admits: “I DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH DOMINION” – And County Recorder Stephen Richer AGREES!

On top of this, Maricopa County is still sending the wrong ballots to the wrong homes in mass quantities.

The same thing happened just before the 2020 election, where Maricopa County residents were receiving other peoples’ ballots. This happened too often to be a coincidence and it is still happening today!

Maricopa County Is At It Again! Arizona Residents Are Receiving The WRONG Mail-In Ballot For Local 2021 Election

Maricopa County shared a Tweet providing Livestream access to their machine tests. Everybody needs to watch.

Today we are testing our tabulation equipment for accuracy prior to counting ballots for the Nov. 2021 local elections. These tests are performed before and after each election. The test starts at 10 a.m. Watch it here:

All evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election has been delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

Contact Mark Brnovich and demand a full criminal investigation and immediate arrests before they do it again!

Leave a message HERE.

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PEGIDA Dresden: 4000 East Germans Chant “Let’s Go Brandon” with Tommy Robinson (VIDEO)


PEGIDA organizers Lutz Bachmann (on left) and Wolfgang Taufkirch (on right) with former Austrian chancellor HC Strache and Tommy Robinson

Speaking at the 7th anniversary of the “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West” (PEGIDA) in Dresden, former East Germany (Gateway reported), British patriot Tommy Robinson got the crowd of 4000 to strike up a chant of “Let’s Go Brandon!” – has to be seen to be believed!


You can watch Tommy’s whole speech here:



Richard Abelson is Gateway Pundit international correspondent. Follow him on GETTR.





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Fox News Reporter Panics, Deletes Tweet Suggesting Colin Powell’s Death ‘Raises New Concerns’ About Covid Vaccine Efficacy


Fox News anchor John Roberts panicked and deleted a tweet suggesting Colin Powell’s death ‘raises new concerns’ about Covid vaccine efficacy.

General Colin Powell, former secretary of state and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died Monday from coronavirus.

Powell, 84, was fully vaccinated.

John Roberts fired off a tweet Monday that prompted immediate backlash from the Covidian cult.

“The fact that Colin Powell died from a breakthrough COVID infection raises new concerns about how effective vaccines are long-term.” – Roberts tweeted Monday morning before deleting the post.

Perhaps Roberts’ handlers at Fox weren’t too happy he questioned Big Pharma.

Roberts fired off a series of tweets praising Covid vaccines.

“I plan to get a booster as soon as possible.” Roberts said.

A reporter for MNNBC attacked John Roberts and said Colin Powell’s death underscores how effective the vaccines are.

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11 Things Squid Games Teaches Us About Survival

Squid Game SurvivalI just finished watching the Netflix show Squid Game, and I’m conflicted. I’m trying to decide if it’s “good”? For example, is it good enough to recommend to a friend? My Answer IS: It depends on the friend… For some sick-minded friends, it’s a definite YES. For those with weaker stomachs, I caution them… I will say, it’s DEFINITELY got a shock factor. But as far as deep character development, overall dialog, well… it’s hokey as hell. But there are some survival lessons we can learn from this psychological mind-bender. And that’s what I want to share with you today. NOTE: Lots of spoilers throughout this article. You’ve been warned.
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1. The More Fragile You Are, The fewer Options You Have

It’s hard to imagine ever being in such an insane situation as playing child games with “Elimination” (a.k.a Death) as the cost of loss. It’s demented. It has a stupid “risk vs reward” proposition, it’s easy to assume NO ONE would choose this in Real Life. But some folks put themselves in terrible REAL-LIFE situations ALL THE TIME. For example, the more debt you have, the more fragile you are to future turmoil. Owing others not only undermine your financial resiliency, but if you owe the wrong person (such as the mob) you could pay with your life. The bottom line is, by living a resilient life, you have more options. And can avoid situations where you’re forced to make such insane sacrifices.
As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We’re Giving Away Our #78 Item Complete Prepper Checklist. Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Of It.

2. Keep Your Mind Flexible, Be Ready To Adjust Quickly To New Information

When everyone is getting shot in the Red Light, Green Light game, about half of the players immediately start running away. Fear grabs hold, and they bolt. But moving during a Red Light is the thing that gets you killed. Your instincts may be shouting “RUN” in certain survival situations, but that may be the worst choice. For example, running may not be the wisest choice in an active shooter situation. By running, you may become more of a target. Why? Because the movement may attract the attention of the shooter more than someone hunkering down. The point is, you must remain flexible, keep your initial emotions under control and try to think and process new information quickly. Often, it’s better to do that opposite of what everyone else is doing.

3. Under Extreme Pressure, Your Best Friends Turn Into Enemies

As humans, we like to “think” we’ll always take the moral high road even in the most extreme situations.  But the truth is, if you’re ever in a true “me vs. them” survival situation, trust can be tough to come by. Hopefully, you can trust close family members, but close friends may not be as close as you think IF they realize you both cannot survive… For example, in the Squid game, before the marble game, the players were told to team up (without knowing ahead of time what the game would be). So naturally, players choose a partner who they trust. For example, one team was made up of a husband and wife. And another was made up of a younger player and an older man who had created a bit of a bond. Once the game started, they realized only 1 of them could win; the other got “Eliminated.” This game created the ultimate “you vs. your friend (or lover)” choice. Yeah, it’s pretty messed up.

4. Never Underestimate Human Capacity For Evil

While it’s easy to assume Squid Game is so far from reality that it could never happen, Human history is filled with equally awful tragedies. Genocide, War, Human Trafficking, Child Abuse… How are these human activities on a different scale than Squid Game? They’re not, and worst yet, they are not a movie; they REALLY happen in this sick world of ours. Humans’ beings as a “moral species” are broken, and we do horrendous acts to each other for nothing more than money, power, and pleasure. How is that less grotesque than Squid Game? It’s sad and sick. And Squid Game is a bit like looking in the mirror.

5. Never Give Up, Even If The Odds Seem Impossible

There are several games throughout the Squid Game where the odds seem impossible for the protagonist to survive. But he never gives up. For example, he discovers that licking the fragile honeycomb helped remove the umbrella shape without breaking it. He didn’t give up; instead, he kept working and thinking and trying – and figured out how to survive. He blocked out all the assassinations going on around him and figured out a way to survive.
As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We’re Giving Away Our Ultimate Survival Gear Checklist. Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Of It.

6. Having The Proper Tools Can Make All The Difference

Again, in the same honeycomb shape removal game, one of the players had snuck in a needle and lighter. These tools allowed her to heat the needle and use it to melt the shape out. This was a huge advantage and allowed her to survive into the next round. Having the right tool for the job is a significant advantage in ALL projects, especially in survival situations.

7. The Higher Your Morals, The More Serious You Should Take Preparedness

This lesson may be hard for some to hear, but having a high moral standard is not resilient. It’s the opposite. It limits your options in a survival situation. Without ethics or remorse, you’re “free” to do as you wish, kill, rape, cheat, steal, etc. A psychopath who takes what they want in a lawless world will rule. Just watch “The Walking Dead” for an example of this. In the Squid Game, a few unethical players make it far into the game by using others for their own gain. And those with higher morals, well…they tend to get eliminated along the way. The only way to combat this reality in real life is to focus on being more prepared. The more resources, the more tools, and skills you have, the more resilient you are. So, you must be more prepared to, hopefully, avoid the worst moral compromises. Now, as a Christian, I’ve come to grips with this reality. I believe there’s more to life than just living. If you believe in a higher power or just morals in general, then jeopardizing these morals to survive is not worth it. But the lesson here is, you should be aware of the situation, and the more moral you are, the more prepared you should get now – before your morals are really tested.

8. Dumb Luck Plays a Bigger Role In Survival Than Most People Think

In the Squid Game scene, I was reminded of this where the protagonist must choose between going first or going last. You see, the players don’t know what the game is but are forced to choose a number between 1 and 16 (only 16 players left at this point). The protagonist was about to choose 1 thinking:
“It’s best to go first because the games have all been timed, and more time might be a significant advantage.”
But then he thinks:
“Perhaps, I should go last and learn from others.”
In the end, someone else steps forward and asks for number 1, and our protagonist gets 16. Well, in this game, going first is essentially certain death. And going last is the better choice. But it’s just dumb luck. Without knowing what the game will be, it’s a random crapshoot. And nobody knows what the next major worldwide crisis will be. So, it’s a bit of dumb luck if you focus your time and energy on preparing for one single event. Instead, focus on making yourself a more resilient person across the board. That way, you’ll be prepared for whatever the future holds.
As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We’re Giving Away Our #78 Item Complete Prepper Checklist. Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Of It.

9. A Weaker Group Working Together Can Over Come A Stronger Dysfunctional Group

In the tug of war game, the weaker team overcame a stronger team, using a better plan of attack and better coordination. The stronger team assumed more strength was all they needed and overestimated their own abilities. They were pulled from the ledged and dropped to their death. The idea behind this happens ALL the time in life – especially in sports. So, if you’re a part of a survival coalition, it’s best to be BOTH skillful and coordinated. You need everyone to pull their own weight and to be honest and trustworthy. I’d rather join a team of folks who are honest and caring and trustworthy but weaker, instead of a group of egomaniacs who are big and strong.

10. Think About The Rules Carefully, Make Sure You’re Not Making Unnecessary Assumptions

Sometimes, we make assumptions about the rules that are not there, to begin with. This lesson comes from the one-on-one marble game. You see, the rules of the game are simple:
“In this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner. “The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins.”
LadyAnne, a Squid Game enthusiast, posted on TikTok:
“The rules said you must take your partner’s marbles, but it didn’t stipulate that you must have all 20 marbles.” IF two players each start with ten marbles, and then throughout the game, take and give, back and forth, then each player will be able to take ten marbles from each opponent by the end of the game, which means they both “technically” stay alive.”
But unfortunately, the players in the Squid Game never realize this “technicality,” and someone ends up necessarily “Eliminated.” Too bad. But it just goes to show that you must fully understand the game’s rules, and perhaps you’ll figure out a better way to survive.

11. Being Terrible At Math Can Be A Major Disadvantage

Here’s the deal, I think anyone who decided to play Squid Game is just a little bit like folks who regularly play the Lottery. Now, of course, this is an absurd comparison.  Losing a few dollars in the lotto is not even in the same lead of risk as “permanent elimination,” but the MATH is somewhat similar…. In most statewide lottery games and Squid Game, one person can win, everyone else loses. So, the odds of winning in the Squid Game or the Lottery is astronomically low. Heck, your odds are better in the Squid Game than statewide lotto games. For example, your odds of winning the Squid Game (not taking skill, strength, etc. into consideration) are: 1 in 456 OR 0.219% And the odds of winning the Power Ball recently was 1 in 292 MILLION OR 0.000000000342% I’ve heard it said,
“The Lottery Is A Tax On Those Who Are Bad At Math.”
If you’re looking purely at the math, it’s true.
As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We’re Giving Away Our #78 Item Complete Prepper Checklist. Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Of It.

Final Thoughts

No matter what I’m watching or reading, I’m always looking for life lessons. And the Squid Game is full of them IF you know what you’re looking for. If you haven’t yet watched the Squid Game, well, now you must decide if it’s worth it to you. But keep an eye out for all these survival lessons. The post 11 Things Squid Games Teaches Us About Survival appeared first on Skilled Survival.

Barrett Ships First MK22 Order for United States Army’s Precision Sniper Rifle Contract


Barrett Ships First MK22 Order for United States Army’s Precision Sniper Rifle ContractA couple of weeks ago Barrett Firearms Manufacturing Inc. announced that they had completed the first shipment of rifles to the US Army. The shipment of MRAD Mk22 MOD 0 rifles is the first of a series which will fulfil a $50 million five-year contract signed back in early 2021. The contract will see just short […]

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Zeiss LRP S5 FFP Precision Rifle Scopes With The Most Elevation


Zeiss has come out with a new line of long-range precision riflescopes. The Zeiss LRP S5 has some impressive features for use in long-range competition or hunting. They will come in 3-18×50 or 5-25×56. They will also feature either an MOA or MRAD reticle. Zeiss also claims a first-in-class elevation of 40.7MRAD or 140MOA! Let’s […]

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Fauci: You Can Enjoy The Holidays With Family Only If You’re Vaccinated


Head medical tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci says that those who are fully vaccinated are now allowed to enjoy Christmas and Thanksgiving with their families. Fauci has “granted permission” only to those who have bowed down and gotten their COVID-19 shots like good little slaves.

It’s still surprising that Fauci (or anyone in government for that matter) somehow still believe we need their permission or their blessing to live our lives our way. Of course, they think they own us because most humans are acting like they are owned and the slaves of the ruling class, and we’ll be treated as such until we wake up and stop acting as such.

“I believe strongly that particularly in the vaccinated people if you’re vaccinated and your family members are vaccinated… that you can enjoy the holidays,” Fauci told ABC News host Martha Raddatz on Sunday. “You can enjoy Halloween trick-or-treating and certainly Thanksgiving with your family and Christmas with your family.”

Is anyone else tired of being ruled over? The illusion of freedom is gone. It’s past time to figure out the problem here. (HINT: it’s acquiescence to authority). Here’s a newsflash for Fauci: those of us who are un”vaccinated” are still going to do whatever we want with our families on the holidays.

Why anyone left on Earth thanks they need permission from anyone else to be alive and be on this planet is beyond me at this point. But perhaps some are not “saveable.”

The good news is that a Rasmussen Reports poll released last week showed that just 41% of Americans have a favorable view of Fauci, down from 54% in May. Most respondents agreed that he had “lost credibility,” Rasmussen said.

Until we realize that we are slaves and break through the illusion of freedom, nothing will change. We cannot do anything until a critical mass of people understand the truth: government is slavery. Until we figure that out, we cannot abolish the last form of acceptable slavery on this planet.


The post Fauci: You Can Enjoy The Holidays With Family Only If You’re Vaccinated first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Colin Powell’s Facebook Page Announcement Sums Up Everything That’s Wrong with Political Ruling Class Today


Former Secretary of State and General Colin Powell died today at age 84 from complications of the coronavirus.

Powell was fully vaccinated.

Colin Powell Dies at 84 from COVID Complications — He Was Fully Vaccinated

His death announcement on Facebook sums up everything that is wrong with the political-elitist class in America today.

Despite being vaccinated, Powell succumbed to the virus. But this does not stop the elites from pushing their dangerous experimental vaccines on the American public. Even the notice posted on Powell’s Facebook page promotes the oversold injections.

You’ve gotta love those tyrants on Facebook!

We even have video on the extraordinary ineffectiveness of the COVID vaccines today.
At what point will the ruling class admit they were wrong and take a step back to reevaluate?

The post Colin Powell’s Facebook Page Announcement Sums Up Everything That’s Wrong with Political Ruling Class Today appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.