Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 15. This week I wanted to feature a special podcast episode I recently listened to honoring the late JStark and the legacy he has left the gun world with. Although the 3D gun printing pioneer has left us, we can still appreciate what he did for the firearms community and […]
Welcome back to another edition of The Rimfire Report. This ongoing series is all about the rimfire firearm world. In this series, we often look at the various firearms, ammunition, and practices observed within this small corner of the firearms world and I absolutely love everything about it. This week I had my attention brought to a […]
Officials in Washington continue to assure us that we don’t have anything to be concerned about, but meanwhile, the shelves just continue to get even emptier. On Friday, #BareShelvesBiden was the number one trending topic on Twitter, and I am sure that the Biden administration must have been thrilled by that. Biden insists that he and his team are on top of things, but so far nothing that they have done has worked. In fact, this crisis just seems to keep getting worse and worse. And because we are facing such a “hydra of bottlenecks”, there aren’t going to be any easy solutions…
When you look closely at all of the small fractures that have contributed to the world’s supply chain crackup, it really can begin to look maddeningly complex. As the Atlantic’s Derek Thompson put it, global commerce is currently being choked by “a veritable hydra of bottlenecks.” China’s “zero tolerance” policy for the coronavirus led it to shut down a major shipping terminal after a single infection and has slowed traffic at other ports. Lately, rolling power outages in the country have closed factories. Vietnam’s clothing and shoe plants, which companies like Nike rely on, were paralyzed by COVID lockdowns earlier this year. The world has also been bedeviled by shipping container shortages, made worse by bizarre pricing incentives that have led companies to send the boxes back from the U.S. to Asia empty, leaving American agricultural exporters in the lurch. Meanwhile, the world’s semiconductor shortage has lingered on, stalling car and electronics production; earlier this week, it was reported than Apple is expected to cut iPhone production by 10 million because it simply can’t get enough chips.
We can’t control what is going on in other nations, but we can certainly do something about what is happening within our own borders.
On the west coast, it appears that part of the problem is simply sheer laziness…
“In 15 years of doing this job, I’ve never seen them work slower,” said Antonio, who has spent hours waiting at Los Angeles County ports for cargo to be loaded. “The crane operators take their time, like three to four hours to get just one container. You can’t say anything to them, or they will just go [help] someone else.”
The Washington Examiner spoke to six truck drivers near the Long Beach/Terminal Island entry route, and each described crane operators as lazy, prone to long lunches, and quick to retaliate against complaints. The allegations were backed up by a labor consultant who has worked on the waterfront for 40 years. None of the truckers interviewed for this story wanted to provide a last name because they fear reprisals at the ports.
As one of my friends pointed out to me the other day, we have gone from being a “can do” nation to a “can’t do” nation.
Over the course of my lifetime, our culture has been totally transformed, and the national work ethic that helped make America into an economic superpower is disappearing a little bit more with each passing day.
Our society has become a festival of sloth, inactivity, and incompetence, and at this point, things have gotten so bad that our supply chains are breaking down on a very basic level.
The shortages continue to intensify, and we are being told that they will be even worse by the time the end of December rolls around. According to USA Today, the following are in particularly short supply right now…
EDITOR’S NOTE: Most of the items listed below cannot even constitute food anyway. At best, these are “food-like products” being manufactured in factories. With the exception of chicken and coffee (and non-edible items like diapers and toilet paper), none of them are worth worrying about a shortage of.
Ben & Jerry flavors
Carbonated drinks
Fish sticks
Frozen Meals
Heinz ketchup packets
Marie Callender’s pot pies
McCormick Gourmet spices
Rice Krispie Treats
Sour Patch Kids
Toilet paper
How hard is it to make toilet paper, put it in a truck, and drive it to stores around the country?
It seems like we have been talking about toilet paper shortages for nearly two years now.
When is it going to end?
To me, the food shortages are particularly alarming. Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that one school district in Alabama says that it can’t feed the students because it can’t get enough food delivered…
How bad are the shortages across the country getting? One Alabama school district is literally running out of food.
Alexander City Schools have started asking parents to feed their children breakfast at home or to send them to school with snacks because the district hasn’t received its normal food deliveries from vendors, according to AL.com.
“Alexander City Schools, like many schools across the nation, is experiencing supply chain issues with our food vendors,” the district wrote on Facebook.
This is the United States of America.
This sort of thing is not supposed to happen here.
But it is happening.
And virtually every industry is being affected. In the old days, getting vehicle parts was never a problem, but now some Americans are having to wait two or three months to have their vehicles fixed…
In the Seattle suburbs, garage owner Bryan Kelley waited on parts for 60 to 90 days on two separate occasions while fixing pick-up trucks. One of the parts, a crankshaft position sensor, used to take a half hour to get from the distribution center, said Kelley, owner of Valley Automotive Repair and Electric. The wait got so long that the customer was ready to give up on his Dodge Ram 1500, he said.
Even more alarming is the fact that so many farmers are having such difficulty getting their farm equipment fixed.
As Ethan Huff has pointed out, this potentially threatens their ability to plant and harvest crops…
“You try to baby your equipment, but we’re all at the mercy of luck right now,” says Cordt Holub, a fourth-generation corn and soybean farmer in Buckingham, Ia, who now locks his machinery up inside his barn every night after thieves robbed hard-to-find tractor parts from a local Deere & Co. dealership.
Tractor tires, semiconductors and other vital components needed in the industrial farming sector are just not available like they once were, which threatens the ability of farmers to not only continue planting food but also harvesting it.
If the shortages get a lot worse, and I believe that eventually they will, we will be facing things in this nation that we have never faced before.
But don’t worry, because Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has finally returned from paternity leave and he says that he will get things fixed.
Also on Sunday, Buttigieg warned that the supply chain disruption will continue into 2022.
‘Certainly a lot of the challenges that we have been experiencing this year will continue into next year,’ Buttigieg told State of the Union host Jake Tapper.
Do you have confidence that Biden, Buttigieg, and the rest of the bureaucrats in Washington will turn things around in 2022?
We shall see what happens.
But meanwhile, the shortages continue to intensify, and the American people are starting to get quite restless.
***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author: My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on Amazon.com. In addition to my new book, I have written five others that are available on Amazon.com including “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, “Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned) By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe. I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions. I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help. During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as we possibly can.
SMART, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, is one of North America’s most dynamic and diverse unions with 203,000 members. The union consists of sheet metal workers, service technicians, bus operators, engineers, conductors, sign workers, welders, production employees and more. SMART is the largest railroad operating union in North America, with more than 500 Transportation locals.
Last Thursday SMART Union General Chairperson Roy Davis sent a letter to advise Union Pacific Company that the SMART Union strongly disagrees with the company’s “unilateral” requirement for COVID vaccinations.
SMART demanded an immediate response and demands that Carrier negotiates in good faith.
This is a huge move by America’s transportation employees union.
There are now three unions at Union Pacific Railroad protesting the Biden vaccine mandates.
On Friday Union Pacific Railroad filed a federal lawsuit over the unions’ objections to the Biden forced vaccine mandates.
Union Pacific Railroad on Oct. 15 filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court after receiving communications from three unions protesting the Class I’s vaccination mandate.
The unions involved are the Transportation Division of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART-TD), the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) and Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (BMWED).
“This action is necessary to prevent any disruption of the national rail network and to avoid any impact on America’s supply chain, as it continues to recover from the pandemic,” UP spokeswoman Robynn Tysver said in an email.
In the lawsuit, UP seeks to have any dispute over the mandate resolved through the various dispute resolution procedures outlined in the Railway Labor Act, she said.
“We continue to work with our employees and their union representatives as we comply with the law. We look forward to the court’s help in that effort,” Tysver added.
UP announced last week that it will comply with the White House’s executive order requiring employees of federal contractors to get vaccinated by Dec. 8.
Evander Kane, one of the NHL’s few black players has been suspended for 21 games for submitting a fake Covid vaccine card, according to Sportsnet.
A decision that will cost him about $1.68 million in pay.
“San Jose Sharks forward Evander Kane has been suspended for 21 regular-season games without pay, for an established violation of, and lack of compliance with, the NHL/NHLPA Covid-19 Protocol. Under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the forfeited pay goes to the Player’s Emergency Assistance Fund,” the NHL said in a statement.
The NHL also announced Monday that a separate investigation into allegations of domestic abuse against Kane by his estranged wife could not be substantiated.
Evander Kane said he will seek counseling to help him “make better decisions in the future.”
“I would like to apologize to my teammates, the San Jose Sharks organization, and all Sharks fans for violating the NHL COVID protocols,” Kane said in a statement released by the NHLPA. “I made a mistake, one I sincerely regret and take responsibility for. During my suspension, I will continue to participate in counseling to help me make better decisions in the future. When my suspension is over, I plan to return to the ice with great effort, determination, and love for the game of hockey.”
According to Sportsnet, Evander Kane will forfeit about $1.68 million of his $7 million salary.
President Trump today sued the corrupt US House Capital Riot Committee and the National Archives
President Trump sued the biased and corrupt US House Capital Riot Committee and the National Archives Committee that is currently harassing the President with a corrupt one-sided investigation. This committee is not focused on the stolen November 3, 2020 Election, rather it focuses on the Deep State instigated Capitol protests on January 6th.
On January 6th numerous bad individuals, including Antifa, attacked the US Capitol and broke a few windows. But BLM and Antifa are protected by the Biden/Obama government while good Americans are jailed.
But these people won’t be investigated by the corrupt US House under Speaker Pelosi. The man they’re after is President Trump because he stands between us and them.
Lawyers for former President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit on Monday against the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot, asking a federal judge to stop the National Archives from handing over a raft of documents that President Joe Biden had greenlighted for release despite Trump’s claims of executive privilege.
The lawsuit, filed against the Democratic-led congressional committee and the National Archives itself, said Trump “files this action requesting that the Court invalidate the Committee’s requests and enjoin the Archivist from turning over the records in question.” It argues that “at a bare minimum, the Court should enjoin the Archivist from producing any potentially privileged records until President Trump is able to conduct a full privilege review of all of the requested materials.”
The Democrats have morphed into a Stasi-like communist regime. Their anti-American actions are tearing the country apart. President Trump and good Americans are their targets.
As reported earlier, Japan didn’t follow the rest of the world and certainly never followed the WHO’s recommendations related to COVID. Their actions to not shut down their economy and begin using Ivermectin may be the key.
Earlier today we reported that Japan’s numbers of new cases of COVID are way down to almost nothing.
We reported that Japan didn’t listen to the WHO which Japan recognized was managed by China. Japan also never shut down the economy.
But some readers reminded us that we reported in early September that Japan doctors were recommending the use of Ivermectin at that time. Since then the number of new cases of COVID is way down.
Nurse Jill had to intervene and help Joe Biden after he got confused and tried to talk into the microphone while music was blasting.
Jill Biden and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona hosted the Council of Chief State School Officers’ 2020 and 2021 State and National Teachers of the Year at the White House on Monday.
Joe Biden made a “surprise” appearance.
Biden got confused and tried to talk into the microphone while music was blasting.
Today big banks finally got on board. Markets Insider reports:
The ongoing crisis at the property developer Evergrande is infecting the broader Chinese economy, according to UBS and Barclays, who warned that growth will be much lower than previously expected in 2021.
The two banks said Evergrande’s looming default was squeezing the broader Chinese property sector – which is one of the main sources of growth in the economy. They also said China’s power crunch would act as a drag.
“Both onshore and offshore bond markets remain effectively closed for [property] developers while sales, the main source of cash flow, are dropping,” UBS analysts, led by chief China economist Tao Wang, said in a note on Monday.
Analysts at Barclays, including chief China economist Jian Chang, said there has been a “rapid deterioration of housing market sentiment as Evergrande financial difficulties [have] spread to more developers in October.”
We’ve been warning about the China investment crisis for years. We reported on President Trump’s months.
We learned last week that current trends are already worse than Goldman Sachs’s worst-case scenario.
Two longtime Democratic congressmen will announce their retirements on Monday, according to sources familiar with their plans, a sign of the party’s diminishing hopes of keeping the House majority after next year’s midterm elections.
Reps. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) and David Price (D-N.C.) will not seek reelection, they will announce later Monday.
Doyle, 68, was first elected in 1994 and is a close ally of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The 81-year-old Price, who won his seat in 1996, is a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee.
Doyle plans to make an announcement at 1 p.m. Eastern Time, according to his office. Price is giving an interview at noon on a local, Raleigh, N.C., TV station.
All the left-leaning networks are admitting Joe Biden will get “shellacked” in his first midterm in 2022 based on historic trends.
The fact that two longtime Democrat lawmakers are announcing their retirement ahead of 2022 only reinforces this prediction.