FLASHBACK: Trump Predicted The Left Would Eventually Go After Statues Of Thomas Jefferson (VIDEO)


The city of New York is about to remove a statue of Thomas Jefferson from their city hall.

You know who predicted this? Trump. Way back in 2017, when the left was working so hard to remove a Confederate statue, Trump knew exactly where this was headed next.

And when he said it, the media scoffed at him.

Look at the way NBC News reported it at the time:

Statues of Washington, Jefferson Aren’t ‘Next,’ But It’s Complicated, Historians Say

President Donald Trump has decried calls to remove the “beautiful” Lee statue, and others honoring the Confederacy, claiming that the nation’s “history and culture is being ripped apart” and asking where it might end.

“This week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?’” Trump asked at a Tuesday press conference…

Is the president right about the impending threat to the founders? Historians who spoke to NBC News said such fears are slightly misplaced and that Trump is championing a murky interpretation of history…

“The president can raise the slippery slope, but it’s a false slippery slope,” said Kevin Levin, a Boston-based historian who specializes in American Civil War history.

Here’s what Trump said:

And here we are, just four years later.

The left made fun of Trump for saying this would happen, but once again he was right.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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Thousands Gather at California State Capitol to Protest Newsom’s School Covid Vaccine Mandate (VIDEO)


Thousands gathered in Sacramento to protest California’s school Covid vaccine mandate on Monday.

Recall, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the nation’s first k-12 vaccine mandate for in-person learning.

Fresh off of a rigged recall election, Newsom has gone into overdrive.

The mandate will go into effect once the FDA gives full approval of the shots for their age groups.

Currently, students 16 or older are eligible for the Pfizer jab; children ages 12 to 15 are able to get the Pfizer shot under emergency use.

Parents, kids and teachers staged a walk-out to protest vaccine mandates.


Ariel shot:

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Senator Chuck Schumer’s Woeful Ignorance of Aviation Security


I am still amazed when a public figure like Senator Chuck Schumer opens his yap and spews nonsense and lies. His latest gaffe concerns aviation security–specifically, who can do screening of passengers at airports.

The TSA should use its canine teams to keep airport security lines moving if there is a worker shortage amid the federal COVID-19 vaccination mandate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday. . . .

“If TSA lags in jabs, send in the dogs,” Schumer said during a press conference in Manhattan, citing recent revelations from the TSA that 40 percent of its employees remain unvaccinated. . . .

“The canine teams are really effective,” he said. “They can help secure national security and allow TSA agents to more effectively and efficiently screen individuals for explosives. It really works and moves the lines along.”

I have relevant experience here. I was Deputy Director for Transportation Security in the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism in the early 90s. I also oversaw the Anti-Terrorism Training Assistance program in terms of policy and curriculum. Diplomatic Security had the job of implementing the program and doing the training.

One of the training programs involved dogs for use by foreign police to detect drugs and explosives. Dogs are great when performing a specific, limited task. If you need to ensure that an auditorium that will host a Presidential debate is bomb free, use a dog. If you want to quickly screen passengers arriving from Colombia for illegal narcotics, use a dog.

But dogs cannot do the work that TSA employees do at passenger screening check points. A dog cannot check you id and verify that the picture on your license matches your mug. A dog can not check you for metal or bottles of liquid with more than 6 ounces. A dog cannot do a pat down or run a wand over your body to verify that your artificial hip is not a concealed firearm. The dog can sniff your crotch (and probably will).

Then there is the work limit for a dog. A canine can work for 20 to 30 minutes but then needs a break. The dog’s effectiveness deteriorates if forced to work for an extended period of time. More importantly is the boredom factor. The reality of airport security screening is that serious threats involving illegal drugs or explosives is very rare. Dogs work on a reward system. They are either trained with food or toys/play. When the dog hits on a threat item that furry critter is a “Good Dog” and is rewarded appropriately. If the dog spends thirty minutes sniffing bags and passengers and comes up with nothing, the dog can get depressed. There is no reward.

Other factors to consider. You still need to have a human handling the dog. That means a trained police officer. He or she takes the dog home with them at night. Dogs are not locked away in a kennel and left alone at the end of a work shift. And let’s not forget that Sparky or Spot needs to go outside and relieve themselves. Most airports are not built with easy access to clumps of trees and grass. If you boost the number of dogs working at an airport you are going to increase the amount of canine fecal and urine that has to be scooped up. Most dogs have not learned to squat on a commode.

Once you consider all of the challenges and limitations that come from using a dog for airport security, you quickly realize that Schumer is a moron.

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St. Louis Veteran Newscaster Kim St. Onge Leaves KMOV after 10 Years – Posts List of Abuses She Was Forced to Endure After Being Granted Religious Exemption for Vaccine


Award-winning St. Louis newscaster Kim St. Onge left local KMOV after 10 years of reporting. And she did not go quietly.

Kim posted a courageous account of the abuse she endured from Meredith Company after she requested and was granted a religious exemption for the COVID vaccine.

Kim wrote how she was forced to undergo continual testing, was not allowed to sit in the same room as other reporters who were vaccinated, and was required to wear an N95 mask at all times.

This is abuse.
Kim quit her job today.

She ended with this… “While this certainly wasn’t the way I expected my career in TV news to end, as a follower of Christ, I know God has a purpose to this and will use it for good.”

My nearly 10-year career in TV news is over.
No, I didn’t quit. No, my contract wasn’t up. I was let go over the vaccine mandate.
Here’s what happened:
My religious exemption was approved only after getting a letter from a pastor at my church.
My company, Meredith, which owns KMOV, then informed me I’d need to follow these policies:
1. Wear an n95 mask at all times
2. Test twice weekly and take a time-stamped picture of the negative tests
3. When there’s an on-site meeting I must be onsite, but attend virtually…AKA sit in another room.
#3 is where I really drew the line and proves this is not just about health.
So, I’m testing TWICE weekly and wearing an N95 mask, but can’t sit in the same room as my vaccinated colleagues who we now know can not only get Covid, but still pass it to others?
I informed my union representative I did not agree to follow those policies and was let go.
I turned down a non-disclosure agreement worth several thousand dollars to not be silenced.
Some of you will staunchly disagree with my decision. I understand some of you may even feel personally offended by my choice.
But, this is too big to stay quiet. Our freedoms are being stripped away… freedoms our parents, grandparents, and so many others fought for.
Many people, including doctors and nurses who were hailed heroes in 2020, are now among the unemployed. I refuse to stand for a company dictating medical decisions for its employees, especially when it comes to an experimental vaccine.
I want my future kids to know their mom stood up for her beliefs, her morals, even though it cost their mom her job.
To all of you — thank you for welcoming me into your homes. Thank you for sharing your stories with me. While this certainly wasn’t the way I expected my career in TV news to end, as a follower of Christ, I know God has a purpose to this and will use it for good.

Here is her post on Facebook while it lasts.

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Report: ‘Caravana Madre’ With 95,000 Migrants to March Through Mexico to US Starting This Saturday


Univision reported Monday that over 95,000 migrants are expected to form the “Caravana Madre” (mother caravan) to march though Mexico to the United States beginning this weekend. The migrants are now in the southern Mexican border town of Tapachula, located near the border with Guatemala where they are scheduled to start their march to the U.S. border with Mexico on Saturday, October 23 at 6 a.m. local time. The migrants are said to be a mix of Haitians and Central Americans.

Screen image via Univision/MRC Latino.

Mexican activist Luis Garcia Villagran told Univision this is an “exodus from justice and poverty.” (excerpt, via Google translate)

Announce a new caravan of “more than 95,000 people” to the border

Simultaneously with the confirmation of intelligence work in the DHS, activists and organizations in Tapachula said that preparations are progressing for a gigantic march that would leave Tapachula (border between Mexico and Guatemala) heading north towards the south of the United States.

“It will start on 23 (October) because people have the need to walk. This is an exodus from justice and poverty. More than 95,000 people will march north to demand that the laws be respected and their rights respected. We are not conspiring against anyone, but helping people find a better life, ”says Luis García Villagrán, director of the Center for Human Dignification, AC in Tapachula.

Activists point out that it would be “the mother” of all the caravans and would confirm the fears expressed by Mayorkas at the end of September.

“Look, the US government should focus more on the reasons why people migrate. Especially knowing that in Honduras the gang is the State, it is a warehouse for drug trafficking destined for the United States. People in the countries are falling apart, that’s why they flee. No one is conspiring against anyone. Intelligence has to discover the reasons for the flight and demand that governments, like Mexico’s, respect the law, “he said.

García also said that “at the moment in Tapachula there are about 95,000 immigrants of different nationalities and we believe that by the end of December the number will exceed 145,000. This does not stop because they are not doing anything to stop the causes that cause the exodus, “he concluded.

The Media Research Center site MRC Latino posted a Univision video clip with translation to Twitter:

Migrants held a candlelight vigil for the caravan in Tapachula on Sunday.

This is the same caravan being organized that another leader said earlier this month is “ready for war

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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Kinney County Texas Sheriff Coe Announces Historic Plan to Deputize Local Citizens to Fight Back Against Biden Border Invasion — LIVE ANNOUNCEMENT AT 8:30 Eastern!


Kinney County Texas Sheriff Brad Coe will make a historic announcement tonight live on 100% Fed Up and The Gateway Pundit.

Sheriff Coe is deputizing at least 10 local citizens to rescue the county from Joe Biden’s illegal border invasion.

Kinney County will also build a fence around the county to protect the border county from the invasion.

The people have had enough.

You can watch live on YouTUbe

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Southwest Employees Protest Vaccine Mandate Outside Airline Headquarters in Dallas (VIDEO)


Southwest employees gathered outside of the airline’s headquarters in Dallas on Monday morning to protest the company’s vaccine mandate.

Thousands of Southwest flights were canceled after pilots and employees boycotted the company’s vaccine mandate.

Hundreds of protestors lined up on Monday chanting “Let’s go Brandon!”


“Let’s go Brandon!”


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Italians Hold Massive Protests in Trieste Against Government’s COVID Vaccine Mandates (VIDEOs)


Italians are fed up with their government’s recent mandates requiring employees having to prove that they have taken the COVID vaccine in order to maintain employment.  They showed it over the weekend in Trieste.

Thousands of Italians protested in Trieste, Italy, the northern city and seaport.  The reason is that these Italians find the government’s mandatory COVID vaccination requirement to maintain employment is tyranny.   The protests were at the port.

And the protests moved to the central area of the city.

Here are some short videos.  This one shows the police shooting water cannons at that people.

This video shows people in anguish and others praying.

Eventually the police fired what looked like tear gas on the protesters at the port.

Here is one video shared with us by a friend of The Gateway Pundit.

Italians are standing up to tyranny in Trieste.

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VIDEO: Female Drill Sergeant Leads U.S. Soldiers Wearing Masks Outside In “Woke” Chant About MLK


A video showing a female drill sergeant leading a group of U.S. Army soldiers in a “woke” chant about Martin Luther King, Jr. has gone viral.

Many on social media said the video is a sad reflection of the state of the U.S. military under the command of President Joe Biden and General Mark Milley.

General Milley, the woke liberal General who lost the war in Afghanistan for the United States, infamously told Congress in June 2021 that he wants to “understand White rage.”

WATCH the MLK chant below:

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POTD: I Spy – Exercise Archipelago Endeavor with U.S. Marines


SPYI Spy – Another edition of TFB’s Photo Of The Day: Join the U.S. Marines and see the World, in this case the Archipelago around Stockholm, Sweden. Or stay at home, in front of the safety of your keyboard and screen and take a look at these pictures. Today we have U.S. Marines with the 1st […]

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