On October 18, 2021, Smith & Wesson issued an important safety recall notice for the M&P12 shotgun. Two shotguns in the field developed barrel cracks. The M&P12 safety recall includes every S&W shotgun manufactured prior to October 15, 2021. Detailed information and links can be found below. Smith & Wesson @ TFB: POTD: Smith & […]
Washington state governor Jay Inslee set this week as the due date for Washington State employees to get vaccinated. Yesterday Washington State Coach Nick Rolvich was fired for not getting the COVID jab.
Radical leaders at Washington State University sided with the state’s insane governor and fired their head football coach yesterday.
Washington State University (WSU) sacked Nick Rolovich, its highest-paid employee, and four of his assistants, for failing to meet a vaccine mandate.
The mandate means all state workers in Washington have to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 or lose their jobs.
Mr Rolovich, 42, who earned $3.1m (£2.25m) a year, had applied for a religious exemption from the mandate.
But WSU’s Director of Athletics, Pat Chun, said the exemption had been refused.
“This is a disheartening day for our football programme,” Mr Chun said.
Defensive tackles coach Ricky Logo, assistant head coach and cornerback coach John Richardson, co-offensive coordinate and quarterbacks coach Craig Stutzmann and offensive line coach Mark Weber were also fired, CBS Sports report.
Defensive coordinator Jake Dickert will take over as the Cougars’ interim coach.
After starting the season 1-3, Washington State managed to notch three straight wins for a 4-3 overall record and 3-2 conference record. The Cougars are scheduled to play BYU on Saturday.
The governor also made it so that individuals would not be eligible for unemployment once they were fired for standing up for their own Constitutional rights to privacy, etc.
Employees in Washington state who refuse to comply with workplace COVID-19 vaccination mandates most likely will not qualify to receive unemployment benefits.
“The vast majority of people will not be eligible for unemployment compensation,” Gov. Jay Inslee said during a news conference. “So people will be without a paycheck the day that they are discharged.”
Inslee’s comments came as he announced a new executive order requiring K-12 and state university employees to be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18 to keep their jobs. State employees also face the same requirement.
Teachers, ferry crew members, and others were fired on Monday as well. The media is yet to report on the significance of these firings to the community. What an injustice.
Joe Biden has secretly been flying underage migrants to New York state for resettlement in the dead of night.
The US is expecting 400,000 migrants to cross into the US this month, a new record under Joe Biden. The migrants are being shipped across the US after they cross the open US border with Mexico.
Hundreds of underage migrants are being secretly flown from Texas to New York for resettlement by the Biden administration, an investigation has learned.
The programme is an effort by the White House to resettle migrants across the state, according to the New York Post, and comes amid the on-going border crisis that has overwhelmed immigration officials this summer.
According to data from the US Customs and Border Protection, 37,805 unaccompanied minors were caught entering the US from Mexico between July and August, some of whom were left abandoned by smugglers known as ‘cyotes’.
The newspaper reported witnessing two planes land at New York’s Westchester County Airport last week, one arriving at 10:49 p.m. on Wednesday and another at 9:52 p.m. on Friday.
Most of the passengers who disembarked appeared to be small children and teens, with a ‘small portion’ appearing to be men in their 20s, the Post said, reporting that local cops were seen standing by as the passengers piled into buses.
A New York judge in September ordered President Trump to give a videotaped deposition in a lawsuit that was filed by protesters of ‘Mexican origin’ who claim they were physically attacked outside of Trump Tower in 2015.
The six Mexican protesters sued Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, Trump’s campaign and his security crew.
The Mexican protesters were dressed as KKK members.
Trump appeared in a video deposition Monday after being sued by the Mexicans following the protest.
The constant assaults on President Trump never end. Who else could endure such an onslaught?
God help him.
President Trump released a statement on Monday following the deposition.
More from Trump spokesperson Liz Harrington.
“Seeing this for what it is, prior to my deposition today, the Court dismissed almost all of the plaintiffs’ claims—except for a baseless claim for injuries they never suffered, and the temporary loss of a worthless cardboard sign which was soon thereafter returned to them.
“After years of litigation, I was pleased to have had the opportunity to tell my side of this ridiculous story—Just one more example of baseless harassment of your favorite President.” — Donald J. Trump
In this episode of TFB TV, James Reeves goes to Surefire’s Precision-a-Palooza at Accuracy 1st in Canadian, Texas. James gets to spend a day behind the Barrett MRAD, the rifle that was just selected by US SOCOM as the new Mk22 sniper rifle. We learn the ropes of shooting through the wind with Todd and […]
Swarovski Optik enters the world of thermal imaging with their new model tM35. The tM35 works both as a thermal imaging handheld and clip-on device and was introduced at a recent online Press Conference attended by TFB. Swarovski Optik @ TFB: New Swarovski Smartscope – dS 5-25×52 P Gen II TFB Review: Swarovski Optics STR80 […]
When protests in the United States happen that help the establishment in some way, whether by stoking divide or pushing an establishment agenda, corporate media is all over them, bombarding us with news of packed streets. However, when massive crowds take to the streets to have their anti-establishment voices heard, it’s crickets on FOXSNBCNN.
Large protesters once again in Paris, France against the domestic vaccine passes.
Protests in France have been going on for thirteen consecutive weeks against the governments vaccine pass. pic.twitter.com/3Xznc9m5b5
Such is the case recently as millions of people across the world have taken to the streets to protest the draconian laws which segregate society and deprive people of their freedoms over their choice in taking a vaccine they may not even need.
One place, in particular, that is currently seeing massive protests is Italy whose government just passed the strictest vaccine mandate in Europe. Starting on October 15, Italy begins enforcing the new workplace green pass requirement. If employees cannot show proof of vaccination, they will not be allowed to go to work nor will they be able to enter any public places like restaurants, theaters, gyms, etc.
If an Italian citizen misses five days of work by failing to comply with the new mandate, the government forces their employer to stop paying them. If employees are caught working without a green pass, the state will extort them to the tune of $2,100 per instance.
NOW – Large protest against the vaccine passport in #Rome, Italy. From October 15, the health pass will be compulsory for Italians to get to their places of work, both in the private and public sectors.pic.twitter.com/cxC8Vbo6TB
Naturally, moves like this have pissed a lot of people off. It is well known now that the antibodies from the covid vaccines fade over time, which is why Israel is now requiring boosters for all of its citizens. It is also well known that immunity from natural infection is far superior to the vaccine.
A person who had the jab back in January and likely has very few antibodies left is considered “green.” However, at the same time, a person who may have caught covid last month and recovered, thereby drastically reducing their ability to catch and spread the disease, is considered a threat and cannot go to work or public places. There is zero logic in these mandates, which proves one thing — they are about control — not your safety.
This is why people are in the streets across the country and all over Europe and Australia. Civil disobedience is their only option left as they are forced out of their jobs, denied entry into public places, and forbidden from traveling.
Protesters are beginning to gather in New York City to protest against the vaccine mandate. pic.twitter.com/flFtoSiWvj
As the mainstream media refuses to question the idea behind mandating vaccinations, they have made their role clear in this tyranny as enablers. This should come as no surprise either given the money that pours into their coffers from the ones who stand to gain the most from vaccine mandates — big pharma.
As we are currently witnessing with their silence in regard to vaccine mandate protests, it is no secret that the pharmaceutical industry wields immense control over the government, big tech, and the media. It is their control which keeps this and any other negative press about their products from seeing the light of day. However, most people likely do not know the scope of this control.
As Mike Papantonio, attorney and host of the international television show America’s Lawyer, explains, with the exception of CBS, every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one pharmaceutical company. To put that into perspective: These board members wake up, go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer, then they have their driver take them over to a meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that network is going to air.
We have even reported incidents in which reporters have been cut off by the network for mentioning the connection on air. In a clear example of how beholden mainstream media is to the pharmaceutical industries who manufacture and market these drugs, FOX News’ Sean Hannity was recorded in 2018, blatantly cutting off a reporter who dared mention Nikolas Cruz’s reported association with antidepressants.
In the report below, Papantonio explains how the billions of dollars big pharma gives to mainstream media outlets every year is used to keep them subservient and complicit in covering up the slew of deadly side effects from their products.
As we can see with the current censorship and narrative control in regard to those questioning the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, big pharma wields massive control over the information you are allowed to talk about and consume. Once we zoom out and see the entire situation, it becomes exceedingly evident as to why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the rest of Big Tech, have made it their mission to wipe out any and all content that questions the “official narrative.”
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers is leading the calls for arrests, decertification in Arizona, and nationwide election audits in America.
Last week on Victory Channel’s “Flash Point” with Gene Bailey, State Senator Wendy Rogers demanded arrests by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.
Senator Rogers reminded everybody that the evidence is in the hands of Attorney General Brnovich and they even captured photographic evidence of individuals deleting data from the Elections Management Server.
These individuals have been identified by name and this information has been delivered to Mark Brnovich.
State Senator Rogers needs all Americans to contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand a full criminal investigation, HERE, Sign the nationwide petition to decertify the Arizona 2020 Presidential Election, and push your State Legislators to sign the Audit 50 States Letter.
Rogers: We’re just inundated here in Arizona with illegal immigration. Elections have consequences and stolen elections have worse consequences. We’re the only state that’s done a deep dive cyber forensic audit of 2.1 million ballots. As many of you know we had the final hearing on that on the 24th of September. It’s now in the hands of our Arizona Attorney General Brnovich, and I have been riding heard very strongly on him to make arrests.We have imagery of three different individuals who deleted data. This is evidence that was put forward on September 24th. There is a hue and cry for accountability, and we want arrests made. We want to proceed with getting to the bottom of the truth of 2020
Bailey: Yeah, we all want to get to the bottom of that, but it seems like we’re the only ones, nobody in the media wants to get too concerned about it. So, Senator, what can we do, what can the rest of the people watching this program, is there anything we can do to help Arizona When it comes to putting some pressure to get this stuff looked at in a deeper, more serious way?
Rogers: Absolutely, you can contact Arizona Attorney General Brnovich, and tell him how strongly you feel about him following through on the evidence that he has. You can also, if you would, please go to my website which is WendyRogers.org and on the landing page in the upper right corner, click on the link that says you want to sign to decertify the Presidential Election of 2020. You will be joining over 1 million Americans who’ve already signed at WendyRogers.org. Also, I have put out a letter, we call it the Audit 50 States Letter that we need every possible State Senator, and State Representative from all over the nation to sign, to recall the electors in their state. We already have had over 100 State Senators and State Representatives sign this Audit 50 States Letter. Please communicate to me through [email protected], and again folks this is based on the fact that in the US Constitution, the Founders gave the State Legislatures the plenary power to oversee the US presidential election. And so it is up to State Senators and State Representatives to understand what their role is when they took their oath, to sally forth and be strong. Every state needs to have a few so if you out there listening, know that there are one or two State Legislators in your state, who are strong for election integrity, you need to tee them up. Introduce them to me through [email protected], and we will get them signed up. Don’t send me any wishy washy people. I only want strong resolute State Legislators who understand that we are on a very precarious precipice right now in this country.
The Gateway Pundit reported that, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers’ Audit 50 States Letter, or as she has previously named it, the “New Declaration of Independence”, has been signed by 138 legislators in 38 states.
Just three days later, Rogers announced that eight more names have been added to the list. Demand that your legislators email [email protected] to add their names.
Rogers: The latest list. Keep getting me state rep and state senator signers and have them email to [email protected]. Strong states who are doing their constitutional duty terrifies the communists.
The latest list. Keep getting me state rep and state senator signers and have them email to [email protected]. Strong states who are doing their constitutional duty terrifies the communists.https://t.co/9SxApMclxy
Sign Senator Wendy Rogers’ petition to decertify Arizona’s 2020 Presidential election here, and pressure your State Legislators to add their names to the Audit 50 States Letter by emailing [email protected] immediately.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has cold hard evidence of election fraud and he must now save our great Country by arresting and trying those accountable for this heinous crime.
No matter where you live, Contact Mark Brnovich and tell him to protect your American liberties.
Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnowich HERE.
The woke-ness never stops.
After surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban, stranding thousands of Americans and green card holders and arming the terror regime with tens of billions of US weapons the US military is back focusing on the important work.
The woke US military deployed “gender and protection advisors” to Fort McCoy recently to deal with the domestic abuse and assaults on children.
Instead of focusing on how to rescue stranded Americans or how to prevent losing to 7th-century barbarians, they’re focusing on gender issues.
Meanwhile, China surprised the US by testing a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low orbit in August.
The U.S. military has sent “gender and protection advisors” to Fort McCoy to handle domestic abuse, child care emergencies and the upcoming winter for the thousands of Afghan refugees still housed at the army base.
The advisors hope to address gender-specific needs of the nearly 13,000 men, women, boys and girls at Fort McCoy and eight other U.S. military installations since the Afghan government fell to the Taliban in August, the military said in a statement. Gender advisors for the Department of Defense were created by a 2018 law that mandates the U.S. military to address the gender needs of people and minorities in war and conflict zones.
“We realized that this is a perfect kind of deployment,” said in the statement Sharon Feist, the chief gender advisor for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. “What better place to help women and children and different gender needs than at U.S. installations hosting Afghan evacuees.”
Joe Biden announced the ports in LA and Long Beach would start working 24/7 last week in order to relieve the bottleneck of container ships sitting offshore in the area. Unexpectedly, no one listened as the ports were ‘ghost towns’ over the weekend.
Last Wednesday Joe Biden promised the ports in LA and Long Beach would remain open 24/7 to relieve the bottleneck of container ships anchored offshore waiting to unload.
With global supply chain bottlenecks threatening the Christmas shopping season, President Joe Biden highlighted his administration’s work with ports on Wednesday as he tries to stave off the potentially politically explosive headaches Americans may face as delays threaten holiday gift-giving.
The president met with the leaders of the two busiest ports in the United States — Los Angeles and Long Beach, both in California — and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, and announced that the port of Los Angeles, would begin 24/7 operations in order to help alleviate bottlenecks. The Port of Long Beach started operating around the clock a few weeks ago.
Despite President Joe Biden’s goal to move cargo around the clock in Los Angeles ports, the gates remained shut on Sunday with a smattering of open traffic on Saturday.
The nationwide port schedule app Pier Trucker showed terminals that looked like ghost towns Sunday with barren traffic lanes as additional cargo ships continue to pile up along the coastlines of Los Angeles and Orange counties. On Friday, 88 ships were waiting to dock at either Long Beach or Los Angeles harbors — 10 additional ships from the last count on Oct. 13, according to the Marine Exchange of Southern California.
So much for Joe Biden being a leader and beacon of change. No one listens to the guy.