Hundreds of Kids as Young as 7, Jailed in Tennessee, Some for Crimes That Don’t Exist


This article was originally published by Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project. 

In 2008, a case of two judges from Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania — Michael Conahan and Mark Ciavarella — shocked the country when these insidious human beings were convicted of accepting money in return for imposing harsh adjudications on juveniles to increase occupancy at for-profit detention centers. The scam was known as “kids for cash” and it exposed the harsh reality of the school to prison pipeline. This egregious practice led to reforms that many thought would prevent such atrocities in the future but as a new report out of Nashville, Tennessee proves, that was not the case.

According to a damning report from ProPublica, a county was exposed for illegally locking up children, and in some instances, using lies to justify it. Some of these children who were locked in cages were as young as seven.

Like the instance in Wilkes-Barre, a county juvenile judge, Donna Scott Davenport, played a key role in this horrifying practice — so did the cops.

According to the report, Davenport, a self-described Christian who referred to herself as the “mother of the county,” took an exceedingly harsh stance on children who got in trouble and even ones who didn’t.

Case in point: In 2016, police responded to an alleged fight at Hobgood elementary school in Murfreesboro between a 5-year-old and a 6-year-old. Though this was hardly an incident for which police and the court system needed to be involved, for some reason, the school called for them.

When police showed up, the 5 and 6-year-old kids were handcuffed and arrested. But that’s just the beginning. Zacchaeus Crawford also got a call that day from the police telling him that his three children, ages 9, 10, and 11 were also arrested at the school, along with an 8-year-old and a 13-year-old.

All seven of these children were handcuffed and brought to jail. For allegedly watching the fight between two kids — not participating in it at all — the other five children were charged with “criminal responsibility for conduct of another”—a crime that does not exist in Tennessee law.

“It makes me want to fight. I’m not going to lie and say it doesn’t,” Crawford said of his children’s arrests. “How would you feel if it was your child? I’m frustrated.”

A year later, he and his wife sued and won an $86,500 settlement.

“All plaintiff children suffered great mental anguish and emotional trauma as a result of the false arrest and malicious prosecution as instigated and directed by defendants,” the lawsuit filed Feb. 16, 2017, stated.

Despite paying the settlement, the only person involved in the illegal arrest and detention of the children was a single cop, who was suspended for just three days.

Instead of decrying the incident, Judge Davenport issued a statement about children being bad. “We are in a crisis with our children in Rutherford County. I’ve been in officer 17 and a half years and I’ve never seen it this bad,” she told News 4 Nashville at the time.

Indeed, Davenport has a disdain for children like no other. According to the ProPublica report, nearly half of all children who go through her court, 48% — go to jail! That number is nearly ten times higher than the state average which is just 5% of children.

According to a report in Forbes, judge Davenport holds immense power over the local juvenile justice system, appointing all magistrates and approving policies for the detention center, thereby enabling this process even further.

ProPublica points out that Davenport is an apparent braggadocio about her record of jailing kids and keeps a high profile outside of the courtroom. She appears on a monthly segment on a local radio station, in which she has claimed children are behaving far worse now than they have in the past — on multiple occasions over several years.

“It’s worse now than I’ve ever seen it,” she said in 2012. Parents don’t parent: “It’s just the worst I’ve ever seen,” she said in 2017.

Davenport says she believes she’s on “God’s mission” to discipline children in the community, according to ProPublica.

“I’ve locked up one 7-year-old in 13 years, and that was a heartbreak,” she said in 2012. “But 8- and 9-year-olds, and older, are very common now,” she said.

Like the case in Wilkes-Barre, the juvenile detention facility acts as a profit center for locking up kids, receiving $175 of taxpayer money per day, per kid.

“Being detained in our facilities is not a picnic at all. It’s not supposed to be. It’s a consequence for an action,” Davenport said on a recent radio segment. But she conveniently leaves out the fact that it’s a windfall scenario for those involved in the incarceration of the children.

Naturally, ProPublica’s report sparked a heavy backlash against the system, but it’s led to no arrests or resignations and Davenport refused to even respond.

This is the current state of the “child justice system” in the land of the free.

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WATCH: Washington State Sergeant Gives Emotional Goodbye in Final Patrol Signoff With a Surprise Twist; Forced to Resign After 17 Years of Service Because He is Unvaccinated


As an already severely understaffed police force deals with skyrocketing crime in the state, a 17-year veteran Washington State Patrol officer announced his resignation this week in a video that was published on social media.

Just last year, this “outstanding” officer had worked his way up to become a sergeant. Now, he is being forced out of his job because of the state’s mandatory vaccine mandate that kicked in yesterday.

The unnamed officer was only identified in the video by his number – 110 – and is one of several officers in recent days to record their final goodbye to their fellow officers.

“Due to my personal choice to take a moral stand for medical freedom and personal choice, I will be signing out of service for the last time today,” said the Seargent.

After sharing his final goodbyes and thank yous without shedding a tear, the sergeant has to wipe his eyes by the end of the dispatcher’s heartfelt response when she reveals a major plot twist.

“I’m honored to have been your dispatcher, but mostly proud to be your wife.

Our future is bright. Thank you so much for your service, 110.”

Watch the sergeant’s final signoff:

The sergeant is one of many Washington State Patrol officers to resign with a public video over the past couple of days. 

In another video that was posted this week, a separate unnamed officer used his final goodbye to stick it to the state’s Democrat governor, telling him to “kiss my a*s.”

Washington State Trooper Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandate Has Final Signoff Message: “Jay Inslee Can Kiss My A**”

Washington Governor Jay Inslee has followed the authoritarian footsteps of other progressive governors in Democrat strongholds. The radical ‘defund the police’ policies the governor has implemented have caused a critical understaffing crisis and now hundreds of more officers are being forced out due to his strict vaccine mandate that requires all federal employees to take the jab.  

Some cities in the state are being hit especially hard by the mandates. Although not implemented by Inslee, Seattle’s mandates for city employees are just as strict as the state’s.

Antifa-sympathising Seattle mayor Jenny Durkin happily copied and followed Inslee’s vaccine demands. Thanks to the policy, the Seattle Police Department faces a situation where a whopping 40% of their active force could be terminated. 

Seattle PD Braces For Mass Firing of More Than 400 Unvaccinated Officers; City Already Reeling From Understaffed Force Prompting Massive Spike In Crime


These brave officers who stand up against this medical tyranny deserve to be commended.

Thank you for your service officers! America stands behind you!

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Democrat Maxine Waters Paid Her Daughter $81,000 in Campaign Funds During Fiscal Year 2021 – Bringing Grand Total to $1.2 Million Paid Since 2003


Maxine Waters is one of the most corrupt members of Congress.

The California Democrat paid her daughter $81,000 in campaign funds for the fiscal year 2021.

This brings the grand total given to Max Max’s daughter, Karen Waters, to more than $1.2 million in campaign payments since 2003.

Recall, during the 2020 election cycle, Maxine Waters paid her daughter $240,000 to run a slate-mailer operation.

The New York Post reported:

Rep. Maxine Waters, chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, paid her own daughter more than $80,000 out of campaign coffers in that last fiscal year.

The California Democrat paid $81,650 in campaign funds to her daughter Karen Waters, according to campaign finance records reviewed by The Post.

The total was paid in 12 payments across several months during Fiscal Year 2021 for “slate mailer management” fees and “GOTV” — or “Get Out the Vote” services.

The payments mirror ones the congresswoman made to her daughter last election cycle when she paid her around $240,000 for work under the same labels.

More than $212,600 in disbursements to Karen were broken down into 26 entries such as “slate mailer management” fees, “office expenses” and “canvassing” between March 2019 and September 2020.

It was previously reported by Fox News that Waters had paid her daughter $74,000 in donor cash through September.

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“Overall We Can Contain the Evergrande Risk” Says China’s Central Bank But What About Other Companies, Banks and Government Risks?


The Evergrande solvency crisis in China continues as well as solvency issues with other companies, banks, and local governments.  Nothing has changed.

MSN Money reported earlier today:

The Evergrande Group found its plan to sell a majority stake in its property services unit to Hopson Development delayed after failing to gain approval from the Guangdong provincial government overseeing the company’s restructuring, according to Reuters.

This keeps Evergrande, the world’s most indebted property developer, facing dues of over $300 billion, away from the $2.6 billion it would have earned from the deal in wake of a Saturday deadline on the 30-day grace period following its missed bond payment in September.

Along with this shelved deal, China saw its real estate sector take further hits. Sinic Holdings declared default and Kaisa Group saw its credit rating downgraded. This follows announcements that China Properties Group defaulted on a loan and that Fantasia could not make recent payments, along with other companies facing credit rating drops.

Despite the recent sequence of events, the People’s Bank of China, the country’s central banking authority, told creditors to stay calm.

“Economic growth has been slowed down a little bit, but the trajectory of economic recovery remains unchanged,” Yi Gang, the bank’s governor, said on Saturday. “Overall, we can contain the Evergrande risk.”

China says they can contain the Evergrande risk but can they contain the risk of the other companies facing default, or the banks that hold trillions in off-balance sheet liabilities, or the off-balance liabilities of its local governments?

As noted above, Evergrande is the largest property management company in the world based on liabilities but there are other companies facing similar fates in China.   It is five times the size of Lehman which was involved in the 2008 US property crisis.

Three More Companies Join Evergrande – Unable to Meet Debt Obligations – Total Debt of Nearly Half a Trillion USD Facing Solvency Issues in China

TGP reported in May 2019 that there simply were not enough people in China where massive property complexes were being built that could afford to live in these units. 

Therefore many properties throughout China sat unoccupied, and there is a cost to this.  As we noted, Bloomberg reported in September 2018 there are numerous companies in similar share as Evergrande:

Cash-to-short-term debt levels at more than 80 publicly traded real estate companies tracked by Bloomberg were 133 percent on average in the first half, the worst since the first six months of 2015 and down from 297 percent a year earlier. Almost a quarter of developers sport a ratio below 50 percent.

In addition, Bloomberg noted:

But while business has been booming, developers have also been piling on the debt. Firms have been selling more bonds in the domestic market — and at the cheapest rates as investors shrug off default concerns. Those with dollar-denominated obligations, meanwhile, face higher borrowing costs as the U.S. Federal Reserves continues on its tightening path.

The Gateway Pundit warned that the amount of debt related to China’s over-development is massive. The total amount is unknown with S&P estimating the amount of debt not reported by local communities being over $6 trillion:

China may be sitting on a hidden debt pile of as much as 40 trillion yuan ($6 trillion), concealed off-balance-sheet by the country’s local governments, according to research from S&P Global Ratings.

Many local governments in China raise debt and hold it off their balance sheet, in order to avoid lending limits imposed by central authorities. S&P says that this is a growing problem within the country, and that the amount of debt held this way has likely ballooned in recent years.

TGP reported how a tremendous economic blowup may be imminent:

Not only is the level of hidden debt held by local governments in the world’s second largest economy rising, but so too is the risk of those debts being defaulted on. Much of the debt is held by so-called local government financing vehicles (LGFVs), and S&P reports that central government may be willing to let these vehicles file for bankruptcy in the future.

“Default risk of LGFVs is on the rise. China has opened up the possibility of insolvent LGFVs filing for bankruptcy, but managing the default aftermath is a formidable task for top leadership,” the report noted….

The country’s total non-financial sector debt, which includes household, corporate and government debt, will surge to almost 300% of GDP by 2022, up from 242% in 2016. Fears abound that if this debt pile continues to grow, a spectacular blow up could be imminent.

Recently we reported that the local government debt in China off-balance sheet is closer to $8 trillion:

China’s Local Governments Have ‘Hidden’ Debt Estimated at $8 Trillion or Nearly Half of the Country’s GDP

China’s banks are also at risk.  Not only do they hold the debt of much of the property investments in China, but they also are engaged in other off-balance sheet instruments known as WMP’s which increased by over $1 trillion in 2015 alone per the Wall Street Journal.

Chinese banks collectively have an enormous balance sheet, enough of a worry for investors on its own. Then there is the off-the-books shadow of a balance sheet, which is looming increasingly large.

The shadow is cast by the surge in issuance of so-called wealth-management products, or WMPs, high-yielding investments sold to bank customers looking for yields higher than what China’s low deposit rates offer. This may sound familiar. A similar surge in shadow-banking products in the early part of the decade caught investors and regulators unaware.

With trillions in off-balance sheet or risky debt, China is in horrible shape.  This has been coming for some time.

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EXCLUSIVE | Dr. Stella Immanuel: Vaccinated Must Medicate With Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamins To Survive Winter Wild Virus (VIDEO)


The Gateway Pundit Reporter Alicia Powe interviewed Dr. Stella Immanuel recently. 

Here is what Dr. Immanuel told The Gateway Pundit.  Her predictions are startling and her opinions are her own.

COVID-19 vaccines may deplete the immune system to such an extent that those who have received the jab may no longer be able to naturally fight off respiratory illness virus without a cocktail of vitamins and medications that are being withheld from the public, Dr. Stella Immanuel cautioned in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit.


Moments after Immanuel shocked the locked-down nation in 2020 with an announcement claiming hydroxychloroquine cures the coronavirus, the mainstream media, in coordination with big tech, launched a relentless campaign to destroy the Frontline Doctor.

As Biden Inc., Dr. Anthony Fauci and the pharmaceutical-sponsored news corporations impugn hydroxychloroquine, a drug with a 50-year track record, and extol the virtues of the brand-new, unprecedented gene therapy “vaccine,” Immanuel is steadfastly exposing the propagandized effort to coerce the public into compliance and saving lives.

The Cameroon-born doctor and minister is now waging a $100 million lawsuit against CNN and Anderson Cooper for defamation as she works in the emergency room around the clock treating thousands of COVID-positive patients who she insists likely would die in the public hospitals that are withholding treatment.

The coronavirus pandemic is a trojan horse designed to mandate the vaccine, a gene modifying concoction that’s “cooked in human fetal tissue,” depletes natural immunity, and is designed to replace free will with global medical tyranny, contends Immanuel, author of the new book “Let Us Live.”

Mass compliance will result in mass genocide, she forewarns.

“This is what I will tell people who have received the vaccine: you have received a genetic material. Most of you were deceived when receiving it,” she said. “When we make a vaccine, we usually take a piece of the virus, bacteria and inject it in your deltoid. That piece of material sits in that position and then your body produces antibodies, it’s fighting it in that position.”

“Your body – it produces memory cells that remember the virus or bacteria. The next time you have exposed to it your body mounds a huge immune response.”

But COVID-19 vaccines do not operate the same as vaccines.

“In this situation, that’s not what they did,” Immanuel explains. “They actually put together a genetic code and they inject this code into your system. This code tells your body to produce the spike protein, which is what kills people from coronavirus in the first place.”

As the COVID injection recodes messenger RNA to permanently and persistently replicate spike proteins, the immune system is forced to constantly fend off the malignant substance.

The ongoing battle ultimately depletes natural immunity, the doctor asserts.

“When this spike protein enters your body, your body starts fighting it – it now silences your body’s natural immunity. People are going to have auto-immune diseases – ‘antibody immunity enhancement. Your body keeps producing spike proteins and your body keeps fighting it,” Dr. Immanuel explains. “It’s just like if you stand outside your house and you’re fighting and fighting continuously, you’re going to get weak just fighting. Your immune system right now is being stimulated constantly to fight.”

“We human beings need to stop complying. There are millions of us that have not taken the vaccine. We need to rise up, pray and say no. They want all seven billion people in the world to become hybrids.”

Physicians were initially led to believe the spike protein contained in mRNA vaccines would be confined to the deltoid or region of the body in which was injected, as is the case with other vaccines.

Further inspection reveals the spike protein was uniquely manufactured to cross the blood-brain barrier within minutes and accumulate in the heart and reproductive organs.

“They have lied to us,” Immanuel admonished. “The bio-distribution of that spike protein goes everywhere, and they don’t even know the bio-distribution of the mRNA in which they put in your body. When your body produces the spike protein, it’s glitz in your body and it accumulates in parts of your body – your brain. It can cross into your ovaries. It can cross into the testicles.  A lot of people that have taken this vaccine have been getting reports of [their] sperm count being low.”

“The body is very smart – so smart that it has a way of blocking dangerous material from crossing into the brain or crossing membranes into the placenta or into the sexual organs or into the ovaries or testicles. They outsmarted the body by coating this genetic material —  lipid so that it can cross into the blood-brain barrier –  the placenta. That’s why people are having miscarriages.”

Even the invasive, painful COVID test, administered with the insertion of a 12 inch Q-Tip into one or both of the nostrils, is an unprecedented, unnecessary tactic to coerce and intimidate, Immanuel argues.

“They don’t even need to do all that,” she retorted.

While Communist China administers anal swab tests for COVID on “high-risk” cases, including thousands of school children who were thought to have been exposed to the virus, “They can just swipe your throat,” Immanuel maintains. “It doesn’t need to get that deep.”

It remains unclear whether genetic engineering is reversible, but hydroxychloroquine, a drug renowned for treating Malaria, and Ivermectin, a Nobel prize-winning medicine, fortify the immune system against respiratory illness like COVID, Immanuel contends.

She urges every COVID-vaccinated individual to order a prescription of hydroxychloroquine and preventively medicate to rebuild immunity ahead of a slew of respiratory “wild” viruses that thrive in the winter.

“The winter is coming, and we are going to have the wild virus and that’s going to be serious – that’s when we have all kinds of viruses.” Dr. Immaneul contends. “When clinical trials were conducted on mRNA’s effects on SARS COVID 1, they injected it into ferrets. When the ferrets went into the wild and they encountered the wild virus, they died.

“We don’t know whether God is going to show us mercy and give us something that can help [reverse] this, but for now – if you’ve taken the vaccine, please, you cannot afford to not have your vitamins. You cannot afford to not be on hydroxychloroquine to protect yourself.

Amid permeation of delta variant, the number of patients seeking treatment at Immanuel’s clinic, Rehoboth Medical Center in Houston, Texas, grew from approximately one hundred per week to hundreds a day. Since June, nearly, 30 percent of the thousands treated were ill from COVID were fully vaxxed.

“Now, we are seeing vaccinated people get sick — hydroxychloroquine still works. We still give them hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D and Ivermectin when they get sick. We treat vaccinated patients exactly like nonvaccinated patients and it still works,” she said. “I advise all vaccinated people to get on hydroxychloroquine for prevention. Right now, people are dying in the hospital. They are not dying because they are vaccinated or unvaccinated. They are dying because the hospitals are denying those treatments.

“Get on prevention before you get sick — before you can’t breathe. The minute you start getting that first sniffle, don’t wait and think ‘this is just a cold’ – get treated. Go to you can see where you can sign up and get a prescription.

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Dirtbag Senator McConnell Is Done with “Suggestions About What May Have Happened in 2020”


Once a backstabber, always a slimeball.

Senator Mitch McConnell, one of the most unliked and unethical members of the US Senate, is at it again.  After ignoring calls of 2020 Election corruption and certifying corrupt Joe Biden, McConnell is now done with any talk about the election being stolen.

McConnell is part of the good ole boy Deep State skunks in the US Senate.  He shows it every day.

AWFUL: Mitch McConnell Shoots Down Calls for for Biden’s Impeachment — After He Threw Trump Under the Bus After Second Impeachment

He acted consistently against President Trump but is a Biden supporter.

FLASHBACK: Dirtbag McConnell Says He Doesn’t Want Trump to Spend $1 Trillion on Infrastructure – Then Supports Biden’s $1.2 Trillion Plan

McConnell lacks all good judgement and seems to always side with the crooks and criminals running DC.

AUGH – Mitch McConnell Defends Fauci – “He’s the Most Reliable Witness I’ve Seen”

Now, after doing all he could to ignore obvious 2020 Election fraud and support senile and corrupt Joe Biden, McConnell says it’s time to move on.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he is hoping Republicans will steer clear of relitigating the bitter 2020 election and will instead focus on the flawed Biden administration in a bid to win in the 2022 midterm elections.

“I do think we need to be talking about the future and not the past,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told reporters.

“I think the American people are focusing on this administration and what it is doing to the country. And it’s my hope that the 2022 election will be a referendum on the performance of the current administration. Not a rehash of suggestions about what may have happened in 2020.”

You can count on Mitch to always do the wrong thing when it comes to the American people.

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Seattle Police Fired Over the Vaccine Mandate Are Out Feeding the Homeless and Poor (VIDEO)


Governor Inslee fired state employees this week who would not get the COVID vaccine. Washington State football coach was fired on Monday.

Several Seattle police officers who were fired this week were out today feeding the homeless and the poor.

What a wonderful gesture. Good luck with your crime rate, Seattle.

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BIDEN EFFECT: Haitian Kidnappers Demand $17 Million Ransom to Release American Missionaries


Criminals, hackers and dangerous cartels know the US’s wallet is wide open thanks to Joe Biden’s weakness in paying ransoms over the last year.

17 American Christian missionaries, including children, were kidnapped by a gang in Haiti last weekend.

According to reports, the Ohio-based Christian group was on their way home after building an orphanage when they were kidnapped by the gang.

“The welfare and safety of U.S. citizens abroad is one of the highest priorities of the Department of State,” the spokesperson said.

The 400 Mawozo gang is demanding $17 million in ransom, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“We are trying to get them released without paying any ransom,” Justice Minister Liszt Quitel said. “This is the first course of action. Let’s be honest: When we give them that money, that money is going to be used for more guns and more munitions.”

Biden has been briefed on the situation and the FBI is reportedly in contact with the kidnappers trying to negotiate a safe release.

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US Supreme Court Declines to Stop Covid Vax Mandate For Maine Healthcare Workers


The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear an emergency appeal attempting to stop a Covid vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in Maine, the Associated Press reported.

Democrat Governor Janet Mills in August announced that healthcare workers in Maine must be fully vaccinated by October 29.

Far-left Justice Stephen Breyer, who oversees complaints for the First Circuit, rejected the emergency appeal in the first time the highest court of the land has weighed in on a statewide Covid vaccine mandate.

The Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit on behalf of approximately 2,000 healthcare workers in August.

After bouncing around federal and appeals courts, Breyer rejected the emergency appeal.

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MASSIVE CNN Protest in New York City! Great VIDEO of New Yorkers telling off CNN!


A massive crowd of NYC protesters marched to CNN’s broadcast studios in Manhattan’s Hudson Yards last Saturday to protest the organization and what they believe to be their widespread lies regarding Covid and the vaccine.

“Anderson Cooper is CIA, he is sponsored by Pfizer,” said Ken Leininger. “He has been lying to us for twelve years. This little bastard (Fauci) goes in every day and lies on their network.”

See real New Yorker characters tell off CNN here:

According to protest organizer Kevin Peters of New York Freedom Rally, the group left from a Times Square rally to march to The New York Times and CNN to protest both media outlets after the rally speakers commenced.

“Because our rally speaker lineup was so esteemed, we felt this was a good moment to bring attention to the false narrative constantly being pushed in the main stream media that there are no board certified doctors or medical experts that are against the vaccine. There is no better example of these blatantly false narrative pushers than The New York Times and CNN.”

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“The crowd gathered outside the CNN build near Hudson Yards, chanting “Defund the Media”, “Vaccinate the Media”, “Defund CNN”, F**k Joe Biden” and “Let’s Go Brandon.”

“CNN, it’s like you’re fake news man,” said Evette Stark. “You’re over! Nobody wants to watch you anymore. The only people that are watching you are the people that are not awake. I am hoping there is a military coup of all these broadcasters who have harmed the American public and also the globe.”

“Anything CNN reports is scripted and fake,” said Joy Newball. “CNN draws an unrealistic narrative for the people to get riled up with fear to be incompetent, ignorant and full of the real misinformation which come from CNN- “The Clinton News Network”, “The Corrupt News Network”, “The Incompetent News Network”. Thats why we are protesting them.”

“CNN is definitely out to divide and conquer us,” said another rally goer featured in the above video. “History is always being repeated…we are always being separated. If it’s no by sex, if it’s not by race, religion…here we are now being segregated with vaccinations. History being repeated all over again and we the people need stop to madness- we need to come together united as one so that we stop this medical tyranny and be able to exercise the freedom to choose our rights over our bodies.”

Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can follow her on IG, Twitter, and FB @CaraCastronuova. You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at or if you have any tips or would like to volunteer.

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