FBI Is “Concerned” About A Possible Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure


Mac Slavo
March 24th, 2022

Once again, a member of the ruling class, FBI Director Christopher Wray, warned the private sector to prepare for potential cyberattacks, saying United States agents were “particularly focused on the destructive cyber threat” from Russian agents. They are setting the stage for a false flag attack.

The FBI director spoke just one day after The White House warned companies to bolster defenses and prepare for potential cyberattacks while the Russian invasion of Ukraine intensifies as it approaches a month since forces entered the country, according to a report by The Hill. 

Speaking at the Detroit Economic Forum, Wray mentioned the attack on Colonial Pipelines last year, which shut down one of the largest pipelines on the East Coast for five days. A criminal group based in Russia was responsible for the cyberattack.

Wray said the FBI and U.S. agents were working closely with Ukraine and allies abroad, but also with companies in the private sector in the U.S., to prepare for any cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. -The Hill

“Private networks, whether they belong to a pipeline operator, some other kind of victim, or an internet service provider, are most often the place we confront adversaries,” Wray said. “If American businesses don’t report attacks and intrusions, we won’t know about most of them, which means we can’t help you recover, and we don’t know to stop the next attack.”

When the ruling class and its mainstream media puppets start pushing the notion of anything, we should at the very least, take note.  Prepare for a potential cyber attack and make sure you are ready in case the lights go out if “Russia” decides to “attack” our “critical infrastructure.” Also, keep in mind that most people are not prepared for much of anything, and expect them to react as such.

Most Mainstream Media Is Fear-Mongering Over A Cyber Attack: Here’s How To Prepare

One often overlooked preparedness skill is bartering. Make sure you have some items you can and are willing to trade if something does go down.

Prepping: 5 Inexpensive Barterable Items To Stock Up On NOW



There’s Little Time Left Before the REAL DISASTER occurs!

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TODAY at 11 AM ET: Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote Testifies in Front of Campaigns and Elections Committee in Wisconsin — LIVE-FEED VIDEO


Today at 11AM Eastern!
Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote will testify before Campaigns and Elections Committee in the Wisconsin Assembly.

It is not clear at this point what True the Vote has from Wisconsin but the election integrity group released footage of ballot traffickers from other battleground states. The election integrity group is working with Dinesh D’Souza on an upcoming documentary on the election fraud from the 2020 election.

The Committee on Campaigns and Elections released the announcement. It will be a public hearing.

TRENDING: Grim Milestone: US Coronavirus Deaths Pass One Million Mark – More Than 600,000 Deaths Under Joe Biden

Here is a live link to the hearing video today.

Via CannCon.


New SL5 Turkey Shotguns from J.P. Sauer & Sohn


New SL5 Turkey Shotguns from J.P Sauer and SohnOne of Germany’s oldest hunting firearms manufacturers, J.P. Sauer and Sohn, is excited to announce the latest addition to their line of hunting shotguns. The new SL5 Turkey Shotgun is a semi-auto 3-inch shell compatible platform specifically designed to be a competitive but affordable entry into the turkey hunting shotgun category. The new shotgun will […]

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Democrats Refuse New Oil Production Projects — Call for $300 a Month Checks to Help Americans Pay for Record Biden Gas Prices

Gas prices remain at all-time highs under the failed leadership of Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline today is at $4.24 a gallon. Gas has doubled in price since the 2020 election. President Trump made America an energy exporter. Joe Biden shut that down on Day 1 by killing the Keystone Pipeline and shutting off millions of acres for gas and oil exploration and development. China, Russia, Venezuela and Iran were very pleased with Joe Biden’s energy plan. Now Democrats are hoping to buy voters by giving them $300 a month of their own money to pay for their record gas prices. How cynical. This is how Democrats solve every problem — by bribing you with your own money. The Daily Mail reported:

With the price of gas rising across the U.S., lawmakers are developing a string of proposals to help motorists – from $400 rebates for all taxpayers in California to imposing windfall taxes on oil companies or a sliding scale of payments that could net families as much as $300 every month.

The average cost of a gallon has raced past $4 a gallon amid domestic inflation and the impact of Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine.

This week, the average price of a gallon of regular gas in Los Angeles hit a record $6.011, even as the national average continued to decline slightly from the all-time high earlier this month, according to the AAA Gas Price Index.

An opinion poll published Wednesday found that almost three quarters of voters were in favor of a holiday from federal energy taxes to ease the burden.

And lawmakers across the country are pushing legislation to bring down prices at the pumps.

A new bill proposed by three Democrats – Reps. Mike Thompson of California, John Larson of Connecticut and Lauren Underwood of Illinois – could be worth $300 each month to some families if the price of a gallon stays above $4.

Croatian Politician Says Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Is Acting Like a Dictator “of the Worst Kind” to His Face


A Croatian politician called out the dictatorial actions of Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to his face.  

Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau was in Brussels for meetings with NATO.  A Croatian politician took the opportunity to welcome him.

Charliekirk.com reports:

A European politician from Croatia humiliated Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the floor of the European Parliament during a speech, where he called Trudeau of acting like a dictator “of the worst kind.”

TRENDING: Grim Milestone: US Coronavirus Deaths Pass One Million Mark – More Than 600,000 Deaths Under Joe Biden

The humiliation took place on Tuesday, as Trudeau and other NATO leaders meet in Belgium to discuss actions to be taken in Ukraine.

Here’s a video of the speech:

What a disgrace Trudeau has made of himself while running horses over his own people.

EXCLUSIVE: NYC Police Officer Sal Greco’s Hearing Yesterday – May Lose Job Because He Befriended Roger Stone (VIDEO)


On February 28, 2022, Roger Stone shared the following about New York City Police Officer Sal Greco.  

Salvatore Greco is a New York City police officer with an unblemished record of service to the people of New York over the last 14 years, working the graveyard shift in some of the most dangerous precincts in New York City to keep New York citizens safe.

In 2018, it came to my attention that Sal Greco was posting messages online on social media supporting my public denials that either I or Donald Trump’s campaign were involved in collusion with the Russians. Sal Greco soon came to Florida on his vacation from the NYPD and we became good friends, in fact, he became friends with my entire family. I can honestly say I have never seen his badge or his service weapon.

Sal Greco was in Washington D.C. on January 5th and 6th. Like me, Sal Greco did not go to the Ellipse for President Trump’s speech, did not march to the Capitol, and was not present at the Capitol on January 6th; in fact, he was in my hotel suite most of the time and we were both shocked to learn about those who illegally entered the Capitol.  Any claim that either of us knew about or had any role in the illegal events of January 6th is a vile lie and is categorically false.

TRENDING: Grim Milestone: US Coronavirus Deaths Pass One Million Mark – More Than 600,000 Deaths Under Joe Biden

We reported on Officer Greco previously:

At no time did I ever pay Sal Greco to provide security for me or my family, although, given the substantial number of death threats and ugly scenes in public, there have certainly been times where I have needed professional security. In those instances, professionals have been employed. He also had no formal security role in my appearance in DC on January 5th. Neither of us ever left the hotel grounds on January 6th. Sal Greco’s capacity on January 5th and 6th? Friend, and Trump supporter. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sal Greco is, however, the person in my hotel suite who answered the house phone when I was contacted by the Secret Service offering to “escort me to the Capitol” right after the President’s speech on the Ellipse, an offer I wisely declined. This exchange was witnessed by two prominent Pastors and was also captured on video.

Now, this son of Staten Island is being persecuted and threatened with termination by the New York Police Department, despite the support of the Police Benevolent Association (PBA), simply because he supported President Donald Trump in his free time and became a friend and supporter of Trump-loyalist Roger Stone.

Sal Greco has been subjected to a politically motivated investigation at NYPD and has been charged with violating NYPD regulations in his friendship with me because it is alleged that I am a “convicted felon.” While my felony conviction is voided by the unconditional Presidential pardon I received, newly elected Mayor Eric Adams has written extensively about providing personal security to convicted felon Mike Tyson when Adams was an NYPD Captain. Once again, we have a two-tiered justice system.

Greco’s hearing before the New York Police Department happened yesterday.  Greco’s ‘violation’ was knowing Roger Stone.

In response, Roger Stone showed up for his friend.  The NYC Police Department did not announce its decision yesterday on what it will do with Officer Greco.

Roger Stone shared this video of yesterday’s events:

Roger Stone and Officer Sal Greco did nothing wrong!

Please feel free to donate and help Roger Stone with his legal fees here.

TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #40: Andrew and Joel with SureFire


TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #40: Andrew and Joel with Surefire2022 is shaping up to be a great year for the weapon mounted and EDC flashlight industry. Industry mainstay companies like SureFire came out of the gate with all-new lineups of advanced weapon lights that are perfect for the daily operator or the weekend warrior and today TFB Editor in Chief Pete brings on Andrew […]

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The post TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #40: Andrew and Joel with SureFire appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

The Statist “Solution” Really Is a Non Sequitur


This article was originally published by Joshua Mawhorter at The Mises Institute. 

A non sequitur is a rudimentary yet common logical fallacy that occurs when a supposed conclusion does not necessarily follow from the previous argumentation. In Latin, the phrase non sequitur literally means “it does not follow.” Simply, a non sequitur is an unjustified inference. There is assumed to be some point of connection between points of argument and conclusion when, in fact, there is not.

This error in thinking is common and easier to commit than we may admit. Something that seems to be obviously connected to us in our argument may not be. The non sequitur is a subset of the fallacy of question-begging or elementary circular reasoning—when an argument or statement arbitrarily assumes what it seeks to prove. The logical error in question-begging, non-sequiturs included, is not that something is invalid or inconsistent, but that it is unjustified.

What Is the Statist Non-Sequitur?

The statist non sequitur involves the existence of a problem followed by the alleged solution of statism. It is typically put in the form of a statement or a loaded question presupposing the necessity of a “solution” imposed by the state as the obvious and sole conclusion.

The first and foremost example of this is the arbitrary justification of the state in general. Said best by James Madison, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” This oft-quoted statement, clever as it may seem, does not solve the problem, but only relocates it. Given the human capacity for error and corruption, external accountability is required, but the unjustified inference is that this external accountability must come from the political state—an entity also operated by humans of like nature with power. By his own standard, if what Madison says about humans is true, his conclusion is arguably worse. This is the core starting point of the statist non sequitur that has a multitude of expressions.

Madison was not unaware. He acknowledged that there was an obvious problem with a government of “men over men.” The problem is that Madison believed that the government could control the governed, then control itself. The inescapable dilemma is that humans’ lack of self-restraint, which allegedly necessitates the state in the first place, does not disappear when political power is added.

Government and Monopoly

The next and closely related expression of this fallacy is the issue of monopoly. The problem presented is the existence of a monopoly, and the alleged “solution” is the application of state power. Again, the problem is not solved but relocated. Government is a monopoly, so the alleged solution contains the core of the problem. This demonstrates the internal invalidity of the argument, but the unjustified question-begging aspect is the illogical step from the problem of monopoly to the solution of the state. The role for civil government does not equal a monopolistic political state; therefore, it does not necessarily follow that a state monopoly is a solution to monopoly.

Just how common the error of elementary circular reasoning is in general, and how common the statist non sequitur is in particular, can be seen in a multitude of examples. I argue that the statist non sequitur, in all its various forms, is the most common fallacious argument with which libertarians deal and, if we can recognize it, we then can more readily identify it for the nonargument it is. It is so normal because question-begging is common and the Hobbesian modern nation-state model has been the default understanding of government for centuries; therefore, the statist non sequitur is quite natural.

Reverse Statist Non Sequitur

The statist non sequitur can also work in the reverse—the assumption that absent statism, some important service could not or would not exist or would be “underproduced.” Every libertarian has heard the most hackneyed negative version of the statist non sequitur, “Without government, who would build the roads?” It is astounding that it has been easier to convince people to send their children to kill and die in wars, pay exorbitant taxes, shoulder unpayable government debt, and passively observe general criminal behavior from political elites than to convince people that roads could be built without the state.

The statist non sequitur is taken even further because when someone criticizes some aspect of state action that has nothing to do with roads, they often use that as a justification for the state. What do roads have to do with the Iraq War? What does the Federal Reserve have to do with the local fire department? Just because we are required to pay for all of these through taxation—the thing that connects these government services and actions—and just because we use the roads does not mean that we implicitly accept the criminal actions of the state. It also does not follow that without government there could or would be no roads.

Frédéric Bastiat recognized the statist non sequitur in the French socialists of his time,

Socialism, like the old policy from which it emanates, confounds Government and society. And so, every time we object to a thing being done by Government, it concludes that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of education by the State—then we are against education altogether. We object to a State religion—then we would have no religion at all. We object to an equality which is brought about by the State then we are against equality, etc., etc. They might as well accuse us of wishing men not to eat, because we object to the cultivation of corn by the State. (emphasis added)

Bastiat identified several errors in this thinking. He noted that “government” and the state do not equal “society.” Assuming so, confounding two distinct concepts as the same, allows people to borrow capital from the concept of “society”— free and peaceful human social interaction and cooperation—in order to justify the state. Murray N. Rothbard pointed out the same lapse in logic: “The great non sequitur committed by defenders of the State . . . is to leap from the necessity of society to the necessity of the State.” (Rothbard, Ethics of Liberty, p. 187).

When dealing with the statist non sequitur, usually one is left attempting to explain a complex of theoretical and/or practical ideas about how, in the absence of the state, something could be provided (e.g., roads, security services, police, courts, money, provision for the poor, care for children, etc.) rather than pointing out the statist non sequitur for what it really is—a fallacy. While there are creative answers to the questions of provision of these goods and services without the state, the unjustified presupposition(s) should not be ignored. Before jumping in to provide an extensive apologetic about how something might still work in absence of the state, the logical leap ought to be pointed out.

That statist non sequitur also limits possibility to the imagination(s) of those involved. Just because someone could not imagine how something could or would be provided, it does not necessarily follow that it is not conceivably possible. For example, someone could have said a decade ago, “I can’t imagine how there could be any type of space program without NASA.” Whether or not someone can imagine this has no connection with whether or not it is actually possible. People usually accept this but do not apply it consistently to the state. “I cannot imagine how . . .” is not logically followed  by “Therefore, the state must . . .” The statist non sequitur goes further than simply assuming that something is impossible without coercive state action. Often when someone cannot imagine how a thing would work without the state, they assume that it must necessarily be done by the state.

This is a dangerous assumption. Ignorance is no crime. It is perfectly acceptable to admit that we do not know how a great many things work or how something yet not created or implemented would work. It is even forgivable to mistakenly assume that something not yet done may be impossible (e.g., man landing on the moon in the 1800s). The danger of the statist non sequitur is that it acknowledges ignorance or lack of imagination about possibilities but then arbitrarily assumes that the application of some form of coercive violence by the state is the sole solution.

Examples—Spot the Statist Non-Sequitur

Whether the first statement or premise is correct or not, the non sequitur fallacy involves an unjustified or arbitrary inference from the premise. In a non sequitur fallacy the premise, true or otherwise, has no necessary connection to the conclusion. The problem is usually in the “therefore.” Below are several examples (many more could be added) whose premise or concern may illicit more or less sympathy but which all involve a form of the statist non sequitur. See if you can spot the error of question-begging in each example that assumes statism as the solution.

“I care about kids and poor people. [Therefore, the welfare state.]”

“But don’t we have an obligation to help the poor?”

“Healthcare is a right. [Therefore, it is to be managed by the state.]”

Free speech has limits; for example, you can’t yell ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater.”

“Don’t want to pay taxes? Move to Somalia.”

“There has to be someone to regulate safety and quality standards.”

“Capitalism is inherently unstable. [Therefore, a central banking monopoly].”

“[Assad, Saddam Hussein, Dictator X] gassed his own people. [Therefore, war and the warfare state].”

“So, we should just do nothing?”

“What about America’s allies?”

“How else would Hitler have been stopped if not by war? [Therefore, since the current situation corresponds to Hitler’s military adventurism, the United States must intervene militarily.]”

“I want to live in a society where people are educated, and a lot of parents do not have access to alternatives. [Therefore, the state must tax to provide mandatory public school systems].”

“[Loaded question:] So you don’t want people to be educated?”

“We live in a society!”

“America is systemically racist. [Therefore, political elites must be granted greater power in order to address this problem.]”

“How else would we have parks?”

“The existence of billionaires is a policy failure.”

“We need government to regulate capitalism, maintain safety and quality standards, prevent monopolies.”

“Follow the science.”

“If you don’t like it, leave!”

“You pay taxes!”

“You use government services!”

“You follow the laws!”

“I don’t condone people doing X.”

“There should be a law against X!”


One hopes that it is obvious how prevalent it is for people to assume the default of statism or the need thereof as an unstated presupposition. Arguably, question-begging—of which the non sequitur is a subcategory—is the most common logical error, and since the Hobbesian modern nation-state model has been the default for about four centuries, it is to be expected that this logical error would combine with statism to create the statist non sequitur. That being said, it ought to be refuted for the fallacious and even dangerous error that it is.

Has Humanity Won? Almost…Here’s The Next Step

Bidens Announce They Are Building a Wall – Around Their Delaware Beach House

Joe Biden has decided to build a wall, but not at the Southern border to protect the country, around his beach house in Delaware.

According to an attentive neighbor, the Bidens are requesting that they be allowed to build a bigger wall around their beach house in Delaware. CDMedia reports:

An observant resident of Rehoboth Beach, DE, Joe Biden’s home community, brought to our attention that Jill Biden has applied for a variance from the Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission to make the fence around their compound higher.

CDMedia has found out the fence addition will cost $500k.

Jill Biden has made the request on the wall. The Biden’s don’t believe in walls for the rest of America.  The Southern border is wide open.  Biden stopped the building of a wall there.  Cartels and human trafficking happen every day on that border.

True the Vote Finds 107 Ballot Trafficking Suspects in Wisconsin Visited the Ballot Drop Boxes over 2,000 Times in the Two Weeks before the 2020 Election (AUDIO)

True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht joined Dave Michaels on the Dan O’Donnell Show on Wednesday before her much anticipated testimony before the Wisconsin committee on Thursday morning.
REPORT: True the Vote Will Release Damning Wisconsin Ballot Trafficking Investigation Results on March 24th in Open Committee Hearing
Dave Michaels spoke with Catherine about her investigation into the hundreds of Democrat ballot traffickers across the nation in the 2020 presidential election. Catherine Engelbrecht dropped several bombs during the interview earlier today. First Freedoms Foundation has filed an amicus brief in the Wisconsin Supreme Court on behalf of national election integrity group True the Vote. During the interview, Dan announced that True the Vote purchased 25 terabytes of cell phone data from Milwaukee and other Wisconsin communities in the two weeks before the elections, from October 20th to November 3rd. True the Vote examined the data and found over 53,000 visits to the drop boxes. True the Vote examined the data and looked at who visited the drop boxes in Wisconsin and found over 107 of those people visited the drop boxes over 2,000 times! Several of the people visited the boxes over 15 times per day. We are witnessing similar antics in all of the battleground states. This was a coordinated and highly organized effort by Democrats to steal an election. Here is the audio from the Dan O’Donnell Show — Catherine joins Dan at 21 minute mark.