Coppicing Trees for Firewood | Coppicing Trees for Survival


Coppicing trees for firewood is an old tradition that started 12,000 years ago. It is a sustainable way not only to produce wood but also to conserve a forest and to provide survivalists with food.

Read on as we answer your most frequently asked questions about coppicing trees.

RELATED: How To Choose The Best Firewood For A Perfect Campfire

Your Ultimate Guide to Coppicing Trees for Firewood

Lumberjack Cutting the Tree with Axe in the Forest | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

What Is Coppicing Trees?

Agricultural Spring Landscape with a Meadow and a Coppiced Hedgerow | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

The word ‘coppice’ is derived from the French word ‘couper’ which means to cut. Essentially, coppicing trees is a reproduction process wherein a tree is cut down close to ground level. To be specific, it is cutting down a tree within six inches or 15 centimeters from the ground.

This method encourages the regeneration of multiple stems from the base or a multi-stemmed tree instead of just a large single-trunked tree.

After cutting down the roots or stumps, many branchlets, twigs, sprouts, or shoots will emerge after several years. You can cut or harvest the coppiced tree, and you can start a new cycle again without having to replant the tree.

This is why coppicing is also considered a method of managing woodland. It can quickly grow a supply of timber and renew it naturally.

A coppiced tree can grow wood in around half the time it would take for a seed to grow the same amount of wood.

You may use the coppiced wood to build almost anything you need in a community, including:

  • fencing
  • firewood
  • pile foundations
  • riverbank protection
  • woodland crafts, such as crates and baskets
  • handles of shovels, axes, brooms, rakes, and other tools

In addition, a coppice woodland or forest can also provide you with a sustainable supply of food. It can offer:

  • truffles
  • herbs
  • berries
  • mushrooms
  • fruits
  • nuts
  • honey

What Is the Difference Between Coppicing and Pollarding?

Annual Pollarding of an Elm Tree | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

Coppicing and pollarding are both pruning techniques, which is selectively removing or reducing parts of a tree. Both methods can help maintain various tree species and provide you with an abundant supply of wood.

Coppicing is a traditional process that generates young and strong stems, which you may use for building, fencing, or fuel. In this process, you cut a tree down nearly to the ground, which stimulates the regrowth of vigorous new shoots.

Pollarding is like coppicing, wherein you also encourage the growth of new stems. But in this technique, the trees are not cut at ground level. Instead, you cut the stems and branches next to the trunk, maintaining a certain height for the plant.

Typically, pollarding is employed to keep tall trees, which are planted near streets, from blocking electrical wires.

Is Coppicing Good for Trees?

Tree Rings on Stump of Thirty Year-Old Sweet Chestnut Tree | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

Nowadays, most wood is produced by killing trees. But with coppicing, you do not have to worry about trees dying, even if they are old, because coppicing keeps the trees at a young stage, which lets them reach immense ages.

Additionally, periodic cutting significantly extends a tree’s life. Some tree stumps are even thought to have been repeatedly coppiced for hundreds of years!

This is because their diameters are so large that they measure as much as 18 feet across. This means that the trees have been around for centuries.

Coppicing also recreates and restores old trees or shrubs. Moreover, it encourages the growth of stems, which are woody enough for charcoal-making and firewood.

RELATED: Properly Collecting Firewood For The Winter Months Ahead

What Are the Cons of Coppicing?

Coppiced Woodland in England | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

With coppicing, you might be able to harvest only small-sized timber. Additionally, your woodland might not look aesthetically pleasing after coppicing.

And since the growth rate of new stems in this method is faster, the soil where the tree is planted might lose a considerable amount of minerals and nutrients.

The coppiced tree might also be vulnerable to damage by wind and frost.

Strong winds might break the branchlets and twigs since they are not attached to the soil. And ice might form inside the plant tissue, which can harm the cells of the plant, and in effect, kill the coppice shoots.

When Should Trees Be Coppiced?

Lumberjack with an Ax and Firewood in Winter | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

You must coppice trees or adjust their shape around February to March or late winter to early spring. During this time, the weather is cold, and most plants go dormant or stop growing.

Coppicing a tree while it is dormant can make it easier for the tree to recover. The plant can put its energy into producing healthy, new sprouts when spring or the warmer temperature comes.

What Are the Best Trees to Coppice for Firewood?

Man Cuts Firewood on a Stub | Coppicing Trees for Firewood

With fuel prices continuously spiraling upwards, firewood remains to be one of the primary sources of energy for cooking and heating in several countries. This is why if you are a landowner, coppicing trees for firewood is a practical and efficient plan of action.

Fortunately, you may coppice almost all trees. However, you must take into consideration the following factors when coppicing:

  • soil moisture content
  • soil type
  • topography
  • soil acidity
  • microclimates, such as shade, wind direction, and sun

For instance, hazel is productive when coppiced and when planted in good, dry land. This tree is also favorable to wildlife.

On the other hand, if the soil is heavy, a hornbeam is a better choice. And if the place is damp, alder and beech tend to coppice better.

Some of the tree species that are perfect for firewood and produce a beautiful flame include:

  • Ash: Because of its low moisture content, it makes for ideal firewood.
  • Beech: This burns for several hours with a calm, bright flame.
  • Birch: A classic among firewoods, this tree produces a strong blue flame.
  • Oak: This produces a strong and lasting heat, which is ideal for long winter nights.

Other tree species that are also suitable for coppicing include:

  • dogwood
  • elder
  • field maple
  • flamingo
  • foxglove
  • lime
  • smoke bush
  • sweet chestnut
  • sycamore
  • willow
  • yew

Check out this video by bundu fundi as they share why, how, and when to coppice hazel trees:

Coppicing trees is a technique that you can use to produce wood without having to plant new trees and without having to kill trees. Furthermore, this method can help prolong a wood’s life.

You can also continually repeat this process to manage woodland, rejuvenate trees, and encourage healthy stems to grow. These can offer a wide range of rich habitats and provide benefits for biodiversity.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

Apart from coppicing trees, what other woodland management techniques do you know? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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Pollarding Trees for Survival

Pollarding trees is a pruning and woodland management method that you may use for aesthetic and survival purposes. This technique may result in “lollipop trees”, and it can also provide you with a wood supply. Continue reading to learn more about pollarding trees.

Everything You Need to Know About Pollarding Trees

Winter Landscape with a Row of Pollarded Willow Trees | Pollarding Trees

What Is Pollarding?

Close-Up of the top Part of a Willow Tree Just Being Pruned or Pollarded | Pollarding Trees Did you know that the word “poll” originally referred to a person’s head? This is why “to poll” used to be a phrase that meant “to crop the hair”. Pollarding refers to a tree and woodland management system that encourages the removal of the tree’s upper branches. The process involves cutting back of a tree nearly to its trunk. This keeps the plants smaller than their natural size and shape. As the pollarded tree grows, a dense mass of branches or foliage appears on the tree’s top and sides. This makes the tree look somewhat swollen or expanded. However, once you begin the pollarding process, you have to regularly maintain the same height of the tree by pruning.

What Is the Purpose of Pollarding Trees?

Two Newly Pruned Pollard Willows | Pollarding Trees Traditionally, this method was typically practiced in Europe way back the medieval times primarily for two reasons:
  • to provide grazing animals with pollard hay
  • to produce wood pollards
Nowadays, this technique takes place globally to maintain trees at a certain height, which is mainly for ornamental purposes. But pollarding trees also provide abundant shade in agroforestry systems. Other practical purposes of pollarding trees include:
  • creating bold foliage
  • limiting the top growth of trees
  • preventing trees from growing out of their bounds or their allotted space
  • keeping trees planted in parks or on streets more compact
  • growing trees in an urban environment where they can be placed under utility lines and street lights without tangling them
Pollarding trees also provides a way to use wood from the same tree for several years. With this, you do not have to cut down the tree and have only one-time use of its wood. Additionally, pollarding trees still creates a yearly harvest of branches that you can use for:
  • fuel
  • boat construction
  • fencing
  • baskets

Is Pollarding Good for Trees?

Row of Pollard Willows along a Small River | Pollarding Trees Yes! Since pollarding involves period cutting, it makes trees live longer. Pollarding decreases the growth rate of trees, and it keeps them in a juvenile stage. This is why with pollarding, trees can reach greater ages. This results in many trees surviving as ancient or veteran trees. In addition, the age of pollarded trees is actually older than how they look. This means that you can’t accurately tell their age using their girth, just like what you would do with normal trees.

Is Pollarding the Same as Coppicing?

Lumberjack Logger Worker in Protective Gear Cutting Firewood Timber Tree | Pollarding Trees Pollarding trees and coppicing are both pruning techniques that you may use on different tree species. You may use these methods to create young stems and bold leaves. Coppicing is a traditional method that produces strong stems. This process involves cutting trees to almost ground level. Pollarding trees is like coppicing. But in this technique, trees are cut to their stump, around two meters or six feet above the ground. Both pollarding trees and coppicing produce stems and shoots that you may use for:
  • building
  • fencing
  • fuel
However, pollarding trees used to be the preferred method over coppicing when it comes to grazed areas or wood pastures. This is because coppicing was a problem for those who work in the woods who also owned farm animals. Since coppicing involves cutting of trees to near ground level, the new shoots would grow up to the same level of the pasture. So woodsmen opted to pollard the trees instead. This way, the trees would grow to a height away from browsing and hungry animals. RELATED: Simple & Easy Tree Identification Guide

How Is Pollarding Done?

Arborist Cutting a Tree with a Chainsaw | Pollarding Trees Once a tree has reached a certain height, you may start to pollard it. Cut any lower limbs as well as crossing limbs on the tree. Preferably, leave a trunk to support three to five branches. Then, cut these branches as well to your desired length. These branches will be the ones to form a framework. After trimming, the tree must look like a barren stick. But do not worry. New shoots will soon appear at the end of the branches, and a crown or “pollard head” will also form. You must repeat the cutting process every few years to maintain the shape of the trees. However, the frequency of trimming depends on why you are pollarding. If you want to keep a landscaping design or diminish the size of your trees, you need to pollard every two years. Meanwhile, if you need to have a sustainable firewood supply, pollard trees every five years. But if the pollarded tree has already overgrown, we recommend that you consult an arborist before cutting the tree. This is because an overgrown pollard tree may develop heavy branches. Additionally, it may suffer from overcrowding and diseases because of increased humidity. Therefore, it needs to undergo surgery to eliminate its large parts. Alternatively, you may do the following to repair a pollarded tree:
  • Get rid of weak and skinny branches.
  • Try to reduce the length of branches to somehow restore the pollarded tree to a normal tree.
  • Some tree species, such as the London plane, respond to a treatment wherein you cut all the branches that grew from the old tree stump.
  • On the other hand, oak, ash, and hornbeam trees do best when you retain considerable parts of their main branches.
Keep in mind that when you do major work on your trees, closely monitor them to determine if they require further maintenance. Pro Tip: Always pick young trees for pollarding because they regrow better and faster than older trees.

What Is the Best Time to Pollard Trees?

Landscape with a Pollard Willow at Sunset | Pollarding Trees You have to pollard a tree while it is dormant. This means that you need to undertake pollarding from January to March or late winter to early spring. In addition, fungal infections, as well as insects, are minimal when it is cold. This can keep the trees less susceptible to diseases. But there are some exceptions. For instance, walnut trees are best pollarded in July. In addition, summer is most suitable for pollarding maple trees. However, the growth of new shoots of these trees during this time may be poor due to drought or scorch.

Which Trees Can Be Pollarded?

Long Row of Freshly Pruned Pollard Willows | Pollarding Trees Not all trees are good candidates for pollarding. But the types of trees which can be successfully pruned are the following:
  • Oak
  • Chestnut
  • Catalpa
  • Sycamore
  • Plane
  • Black locust
  • Hornbeam
  • Ash
  • Willow
  • Yew
  • Tulip
  • Lime
  • Beech
  • Mulberry
  • Elm
Check out this video by Richard Perkins to learn about pollarding young forests: Pollarding trees can be beneficial to your garden for a variety of reasons. This method can prevent trees from outgrowing their allotted space. It may also be necessary for urban areas where trees may obstruct wires, cables, and other private properties. But more importantly, this technique allows you to continually harvest wood for your survival and provide food for your livestock.

Liberal Org That Filed Lawsuit Trying to Bar Madison Cawthorn From Running For Re-Election is Now Doing the Same to Marjorie Taylor Greene

The ironically named “Free Speech For People” liberal organization has filed a lawsuit seeking to ban Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from seeking re-election.

A Federal Judge blocked a similar lawsuit from the group seeking to prevent Rep. Madison Cawthorn from running for reelection in North Carolina earlier this month. The organization, representing a group of Georgia Democrats, claims that Greene violated a provision of the U.S. Constitution known as the “Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause,” according to a report from Reuters. In their legal challenge filed with the Georgia Secretary of State on Thursday, the organization cites a Civil War-era clause that prohibits politicians from running for Congress if they have engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States, or “given aid or comfort” to the nation’s enemies. The organization, led by Marc Elias, the Democrat lawyer behind the Trump-Russia hoax, is basing their far-fetched claim on Greene “downplaying” the protest at the Capitol on January 6. “After taking the oath to defend and protect the Constitution, before, on, and after Jan. 6, 2021, Greene voluntarily aided and engaged in an insurrection to obstruct the peaceful transfer of presidential power,” the lawsuit states. The organization previously filed a complaint with the NCSBE alleging that Rep. Cawthorn “does not meet the federal constitutional requirements for a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives and is therefore ineligible to be a candidate for such office.” They lost, but the group claimed that the congressman engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States on January 6th and therefore was disqualified to be a Member of Congress under the US Constitution. According to a statement provided to The Gateway Pundit, Rep. Cawthorn vigorously denied that he “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States, and he filed a countersuit seeking to enjoin the NCSBE from “employing unconstitutional provisions of North Carolina election law to remove him from the ballot as a Candidate.’

“Under North Carolina law, a Challenger can challenge someone’s qualifications to run for office based only on reasonable suspicion or belief that the facts stated disqualify the Candidate from running for office and then the Candidate bears the burden of proof to show that he is qualified to run for office. This burden-shifting turns our legal system on its head, requiring someone prove his ‘innocence’ when challenged,” his office said in the statement.

Rep. Cawthorn argued that the Challenge Statute violates his First Amendment rights by triggering a government investigation based solely upon a Challenger’s “reasonable suspicion;” violates his Due Process rights under the Fourteenth Amendment by shifting the burden of proof onto him to prove he didn’t engage in an “insurrection or rebellion;” is unconstitutional because it overrides the U.S. House of Representative’s exclusive power to determine the qualifications for its Members; and violates federal law because the “disqualification clause,” Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment no longer applies to current Congressional Members, because of the Amnesty Act of 1872. “Running for office is not only a great privilege, it is a right protected under the Constitution,” said Rep. Cawthorn in a statement provided to TGP. “I love this country and have never engaged in, or would ever engage in, an insurrection against the United States. Regardless of this fact, the Disqualification clause and North Carolina’s Challenge Statute is being used as a weapon by liberal Democrats to attempt to defeat our democracy by having state bureaucrats, rather than the People, choose who will represent North Carolina in Congress. I’m defending not only my rights, but the right of the People to democratically elect their representatives.” Rep. Cawthorn’s lawyer added that the people of North Carolina should be able to choose who represents them.

“North Carolina’s law is unjust and unconstitutional as applied to Rep. Cawthorn,” said James Bopp, Jr., of The Bopp Law Firm, lead counsel for Rep. Cawthorn. “The Challenge Statute violates fundamental principles of rights to free speech, due process, and federal law. Requiring someone to prove he didn’t do something based upon the barest of ‘suspicions’ is patently unfair and unconstitutional. But more fundamentally, the People should decide who represents them, no state bureaucrats in Raleigh.”

“But ominously, this is not an isolated effort,” said Bopp. “Marc Elias, the Democrat lawyer behind the Trump Russia hoax, announced a few months ago a nation-wide effort to disqualify about two dozen Republican Members of Congress under this bizarre legal theory. Rep. Cawthorn is just the tip of Elias’ spear. Of course, this would mean that some two dozen Democrats might be running without a Republican nominee, cementing Democrats’ control of Congress. This decidable effort needs to be stopped here and now and Rep. Cawthorn has pledged to do everything necessary to do so.”

Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: “I Came to Congratulate a Man Who Just Got Re-Elected without Opposition! I Dream About That Some Day!” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Thursday met with EU Council President Charles Michel in Brussels, Belgium.

Biden said the quiet part out loud as he shook Charles Michel’s hand.

“I came to congratulate a man who just got re-elected without opposition. I dream of that some day,” Biden said.

Charles Michel was just reappointed as EU Council president without opposition.

TRENDING: BOOM! True the Vote Wisconsin Assembly Hearing: 7% of Ballots Cast at Ballot Drop Boxes in Wisconsin in 2020 – Over 137,000 Votes! – Were Trafficked (VIDEO)


Biden, the invalid who currently occupies the White House, just accidentally blurted out the Democrats’ 2024 (and 2022) strategy.

Democrats are currently suing to keep GOP members of Congress off the ballot this November.

The ironically named “Free Speech For People” liberal organization has filed a lawsuit seeking to ban Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from seeking re-election.

A Federal Judge blocked a similar lawsuit from the group seeking to prevent Rep. Madison Cawthorn from running for reelection in North Carolina earlier this month.

The organization, representing a group of Georgia Democrats, claims that Greene violated a provision of the U.S. Constitution known as the “Insurrectionist Disqualification Clause,” according to a report from Reuters.

The organization, led by Marc Elias, the Democrat lawyer behind the Trump-Russia hoax, is basing their far-fetched claim on Greene “downplaying” the protest at the Capitol on January 6.

No doubt the Democrats will use the same strategy to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024 if he decides to run again.

Jeff Bezos’ Ex-Wife Just Made the Largest Donation to Planned Parenthood in the Organization’s History


Mackenzie Scott, the ex-wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, just made the largest single donation in Planned Parenthood history.

Scott donated a staggering $275 million to the abortionists.

The donation was split between Planned Parenthood’s national office and 21 regional offices.

“We are incredibly grateful for Ms. Scott’s extraordinary philanthropic investment in Planned Parenthood, as a critical part of the public health infrastructure,” Planned Parenthood Chief Executive Alexis McGill Johnson said in a statement.

TRENDING: BOOM! True the Vote Wisconsin Assembly Hearing: 7% of Ballots Cast at Ballot Drop Boxes in Wisconsin in 2020 – Over 137,000 Votes! – Were Trafficked (VIDEO)

“This funding will support our efforts to advance health equity by eliminating racial and structural barriers for our patients in the communities where Planned Parenthood works.”

In a Medium post about donating much of the money she received from her husband in their divorce, Scott wrote that she has donated to “465 non-profits converting $3,863,125,000 into meaningful services for others,” since June.

In total, Scott says that she has donated $12 billion to nearly 1,200 groups.

“The increasing stridency of opinions in the news can be divisive. But lately I’ve heard something different in it. Turned up so loud, all I can notice is how similar it all sounds. The universal tendency to shout is an ironic reminder of how much we all have in common, as well as encouraging evidence that we have what we need to solve our shared problems. It’s as if the antidote is right there waiting in all that venom. We are all human. And we all have enormous energy to devote to helping and protecting those we love,” Scott wrote.

Scott said her aim is to support “underrepresented people from groups of all kinds.”

“The cause of equity has no sides. Nor can it have a single solution,” Scott added.

Scott’s estimated net worth is $48.3 billion. She received a 4 percent stake in Inc. as part of the divorce.

US Marine Veteran Micajah Jackson Sentenced to 90 Days in Halfway House, 3 Yrs Probation and $1,500 in Fines for Walking Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6

US veteran Micajah Jackson, who was unconstitutionally persecuted by the US government for his involvement in the Jan 6 protest, was sentenced on Thursday. Jackson faced charges for “Violent Entry” and “Disorderly Conduct” on Capitol Grounds for walking inside the US Capitol on January 6. Micajah Jackson was let inside by police officers along with hundreds of other Trump suppoters. It was a set up and now hundreds of Americans have had their homes raided, their savings depleted and their lives ruined by a corrupt Department of Justice. Too bad Bill Barr did not have the b*lls to do anything about this when he was in charge. Micajah Jackson pleaded guilty to one charge n November — parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol Building. Marine veteran Micajah Jackson was sentenced to 90 days in a halfway house, 3 years probation, $500 and $1000 fines. He peacefully walked inside the US Capitol. ** You can donate to Micajah Jackson’s Persecution Fund here. In January Micajah confronted Luke Phillip Robinson aka. “Ginger Gun” in Arizona. Robinson was at the Jan 6 protests. He had a firearm and was wearing an earpiece. The FBI later removed him from their most-wanted list. Via The KFK Report: Video 2: This infuriated the US government and the Biden DOJ. The DOJ wanted Micajah to spend 60 days in prison for walking into the US Capitol on January 6. Today he got 90 days in a halfway house, hundreds in fines, and probation. Justice is dead in America. ** You can donate to Micajah Jackson’s Persecution Fund here.

Joe Biden: Expect “Real” Food Shortages in Europe and the United States (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Thursday held a solo press conference in Brussels, Belgium amid meetings with NATO members.

Biden took questions from a list of pre-approved reporters and mumbled his way through answers.

Biden was asked if he discussed potential food shortages during his huddle with fellow members of NATO.

Joe Biden said there will be food shortages as a result of Putin invading Ukraine.

TRENDING: BOOM! True the Vote Wisconsin Assembly Hearing: 7% of Ballots Cast at Ballot Drop Boxes in Wisconsin in 2020 – Over 137,000 Votes! – Were Trafficked (VIDEO)

Everything is Putin’s fault.

Biden told the world to expect “real” food shortages in Europe and the United States.

God help us.


A few days ago, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned there will be global food shortages due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

However, Psaki claimed there wouldn’t be food shortages in the US.

“While we’re not expecting a food shortage here at home, we do anticipate that higher energy fertilizer, wheat, and corn prices could impact the price of growing and purchasing critical food supplies for countries around the world,” Psaki said confirming it would impact places like Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.

It looks like Americans are going to suffer from food shortages too thanks to Joe Biden’s policies.

Joe Rogan: We Would Be “F-ed” Without The Deep State


Joe Rogan is once again making headlines, but as we’ve mentioned before, is far from a liberty or freedom activist. Most people are absolutely fine with harming, stealing from, and acting out against those who refuse to be slaves to any form of government, and Rogan just proved, he’s one of those.

What’s wrong with wanting true freedom? Nothing. Unless you’re a coward and statist (but hose are synonyms). If you cannot live your life without a master and need to constantly defend what y9our master is doing, you have a form of Stockholm syndrome, which is a mental disorder.

To be clear, Rogan does not deserve to be censored, but as human beings, we need to decide if we are going to listen to his illogical rantings and support of the slave state. As for me, personally, slavery is unacceptable in any form, even if you call it “government.” Therefore, deep state or not, the problem is that a throne exists, not that there’s a “puppet” on it.

The Freedom Convoy Is Great, but Justin Trudeau Is Only the Surface of the Problem

In an interview with former CIA officer Mike Baker, Rogan made his case. “One of the things that the tinfoil-hat brigade likes to talk about is the deep state,” he said.

“They always like to talk about the deep state. What I was saying is, what if we didn’t have a deep state?” he continued. “Do you know how f–ed we would be if we didn’t have career politicians and career intelligence agencies? People who are there for a long period of time who do understand it.” –Yahoo News

“Listen, I’ve disrespected Joe Biden enough, I don’t think I should do it anymore,” he stated. “I’ve said enough about him being mentally incompetent. He’s just compromised, he’s an old guy. We know everyone knows, the guy is falling apart.”

Joe Rogan Backs Down And Vows To “Do Better” At Obeying The Rulers

Rogan is nothing but a slave, like most others on this slave planet. It’s time to open our eyes to what’s really going on, and the problem is, and has always been the slavery we are all subjected to.

“The best slave is the one who thinks he is free.”― Johann von Goethe

“The illusion of freedom is just another sort of prison.”— Lisa Mantchev

“With thinking men, the question can never arise, who ought to be free? Because no one ought to be free. All government is slavery.“ —  George Fitzhugh



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OUTRAGEOUS: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Prevents Senate Audit of Dominion Voting Machines in the State – Free and Fair Elections Are Finished in PA


The Pennsylvania Supreme Court stepped in and stopped an audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Fulton County.  The Court prevented the state Senate from performing an audit of voting machines in the state even though the legislature oversees the election process in the state. 

You just can’t make this up.  This Supreme Court in Pennsylvania is so corrupt.  According to the Morning Call:

Dominion Voting Systems won an appeal in Pennsylvania’s highest court on Monday in a bid to ensure that any inspection of its voting machines as part of Republican lawmakers’ inquiry into Pennsylvania’s 2020 election be done by a laboratory that has specific credentials.

The Democratic-majority state Supreme Court ruled 5-2, along party lines, to overturn a January decision by a Republican judge on the lower Commonwealth Court.

TRENDING: BOOM! True the Vote Wisconsin Assembly Hearing: 7% of Ballots Cast at Ballot Drop Boxes in Wisconsin in 2020 – Over 137,000 Votes! – Were Trafficked (VIDEO)

That judge ruled that Dominion could not intervene in a wider case involving an inspection of its equipment used by heavily Republican Fulton County in 2020′s election.

Dominion’s court case is but one tentacle of a Republican undertaking in Pennsylvania inspired by former President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud.

It comes as Republican lawmakers fight in court to use the contractor of their choice to download “digital data” from Dominion’s election computers and hardware used by Fulton County in 2020′s election.

There is much that this article doesn’t tell you.  As of last year, there were no contractors accredited by the EAC period.  The two firms that have given predictable opinions for years for the EAC were not accredited because their accreditations lapsed and were never renewed.  We pointed this out in Arizona when Maricopa County claimed they only wanted EAC-approved firms to perform their audit.  We identified at the time that no firms were accredited.  The day of our report the EAC suspiciously announced they had renewed the two firms’ credentials.

WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

We also know that former Dominion employees word at the EAC.  Therefore any objectivity and independence of that institution are missing.

How Can the Government Agency Certifying Elections (the EAC) Maintain Its Independence When Its CIO Previously Worked for 10 Years for Dominion Voting Systems?

We also know that during the Maricopa audits, Dominion was onsite.

The PA Supreme Court failed again and showed its horrible bias and lack of judgment.  The Senate owns the election process in that state and should be able to have anyone they want to perform an audit of voting machines used in their state.  Fulton County should be able to as well for that matter, to ensure they are comfortable with the election results in their jurisdiction.

The fact that not one single independent and objective forensic audit has been performed of the Dominion Voting Machines used in the 2020 Election is outrageous.  The fact that Dominion has fought so hard to make this so is frightening. 

(This was the only audit of Dominion Voting Machines outstanding from the 2020 Election.  No other audits have been performed.)

NYC Mayor Adams Confronted by Angry City Workers Fired Because of His Vaccine Mandate (VIDEO)


New York City Mayor Eric Adams was confronted by angry city workers who say they were fired because of his vaccine mandate.

Mayor Adams exempted athletes and performers from his vaccine mandate.

Over 1,400 city employees were fired for not getting vaccinated but unvaccinated athletes and performers are allowed to go back to work now.

City workers who worked during the whole pandemic only to be fired for not getting vaccinated, confronted Mayor Adams and he wanted nothing to do with them.

TRENDING: BOOM! True the Vote Wisconsin Assembly Hearing: 7% of Ballots Cast at Ballot Drop Boxes in Wisconsin in 2020 – Over 137,000 Votes! – Were Trafficked (VIDEO)

“Fired city workers voted for you! How you gonna do it?” a former city worker asked Adams.

Adams walked away and refused to engage.


Another video shows former city workers confronting the NYC health commissioner and NYC Mayor Eric Adams in Brooklyn, shouting “you reap what you sow, maggot!” and “you’re no good!”

Adams lashed out at a former firefighter and told her to stop yelling at him.