A European reporter asked Joe Biden about Donald Trump and what he’s doing to make sure Trump can’t ‘undo’ his work if the former president were to win back the White House in 2024.
Biden mumbled about Nazis and repeated the ‘very fine people hoax’ – once again Biden is falsely claiming that Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people.”
Joe Biden then warned the Europeans of food shortages.
Then he told the European crowd that “sanctions never deter” in his comments on Russia. WTH? Then why have them? This clown is a walking disaster. What a shameful chapter for America.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday said he will vote ‘no’ on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
“I went into the Senate’s consideration of Judge Jackson’s nomination with an open mind,” McConnell said from the Senate floor. “But after studying the nominee’s record and watching her performance this week, I cannot and will not support Judge Jackson for a lifetime appointment to our highest Court.”
McConnell continued, “The most radical pro-court-packing fringe groups badly wanted this nominee for this vacancy. Judge Jackson was the Court-packers’ pick and she testified like it.”
If you have ever been in a life-or-death situation, then you know how important it is to have a plan. Most of us hope that we never need it, but many survival strategies can help keep you alive when seconds count – this article should serve as your go-to guide – in advance – if every second counts and time is running out.Here are 15+ survival strategies when time is of the essence – for any scenario from home accidents to natural disasters – these tips will be essential, whether or not they save your own life.In this article:
How to Survive a Falling Elevator
How to Survive an Avalanche
How to Survive a Tsunami
How to Survive a Moose Attack
What to Do in a Black Bear Attack
Emergency Water Landing
What to Do if You Get Caught in a Fire
How to Get Out of a Rip Current
How to Survive Falling Through Thin Ice
What to Do if Car Breaks Down – on Railway!
Car Broke Down What to Do
What Happens When You Get Struck by Lightning
How to Survive a Thunderstorm
Electrical Safety
How to Treat a Snakebite
15+ Survival Strategies When Time is of the Essence
How to Survive a Falling Elevator Survival Strategies
When it comes to survival strategies, jumping from a falling elevator is not the best idea – you might think that if you jump before the elevator hits the ground, your body will be less damaged – not accurate since the metal walls of the elevator would prevent you from seeing through it – also, even if you manage to jump, it is not enough to guarantee survival!Merely standing and hoping for the best is never a good plan for surviving a falling elevator as well -it is a must to know what you are dealing with and what to do if a fall occurs – there are no good outcomes ahead – when the impact happens, a weight ten times greater than your own body will drop on your legs – what would be your survival strategy?Your best chance for survival is to lie flat on your back – your delicate bones would probably break – it mostly depends on how high up you were when the cable broke – but it may help you avoid more significant injuries – or not- nobody knows for sure.Most people would not think logically when in an emergency – but when the elevator reaches ground level, you should put your hands over your head – because the elevator is likely to be destroyed – to keep your head protected from debris – may save your life!
How to Survive an Avalanche
Spit may mean the difference between life and death if caught in an avalanche – avalanches are rare, but they are deadly – if you do not know what you are doing – facing a terrifying, blinding avalanche that may cover you in snow and suffocate you- is not easy – but every second is crucial to survival, as is remaining calm in the face of disaster.
What to Do if Caught in an Avalanche
At the first indication of an avalanche, thrash about as though your life depends on it – because it does – you’re more likely to survive by keeping afloat – swim or thrash to stay atop the slide and snow.
If caught in the snow, keep one arm straight above your head to protect you – it may help you tell up from down, which can be tricky if you’ve been tossed and disoriented – if blessed, your gloved hand left sticking out of the snow – will make it easier for rescue workers to discover you.
Create an air pocket in front of your face as soon as possible- people suffocate in avalanches after the snow becomes too compact- air pocket will allow you to survive long enough for help to arrive. An air pocket may also provide a space for this sleight:
Make a little hole around your face.
Spit in the air pocket and see where gravity takes your spittle- make your way out by digging opposite it.
Learn more on how to survive an avalanche here.
How to Survive a Tsunami
A water line abnormally far from the shore is a sign of a tsunami coming – if you suddenly notice water receding quickly and unexpectedly from a beach exposing the ocean floor, warn everyone around you and get away as fast as you can!Near the coast or traveling there for the weekend? Know the signs of an approaching tsunami:Signs of Tsunami ApproachingIt might be a roar by the ocean or some other unusual ocean behavior. The water may suddenly drain – showing the ocean floor.A wall of water may appear on the horizon.Pay attention to strange changes in animal behaviors. If they unexpectedly group, hide in different nooks, leave the area or show extreme anxiety, these may be signs of an approaching natural disaster.Tsunami AlertAs soon as you hear a tsunami alert, don’t wait for even a second: evacuate immediately!
Leave behind your personal belongings and papers. Now is not the time to think about your possessions.
Gather your loved ones and use any available transport to get away from the coast.
Hop in your car, get on a bike, or run as fast as you can!
Move as far away from the shore as you can – heading toward high hills, mountains, or a forest – go at least 100 feet above sea level and 2 miles inland – if you can – The 2011 Japanese tsunami reached a height of 133 feet and may have gone six miles inland.
If trapped by the rising water, choose the highest and most solid building and climb to the top – it’s not an ideal way out – since the construction can collapse – under the force of the tsunami waves -at least it’s something.Tsunamis AftermathThe post-tsunami world is a dangerous and confusing place. You may struggle to find your way back home as roads often get eradicated by the wave, leaving you stranded anywhere within range of its receding waters!You may find yourself in a difficult situation after the tsunami has passed. Tsunami EarthquakeIn most cases, tsunamis and earthquakes are closely-linked together.Flee to open areas – with no or few buildings – to avoid being hit – by falling debris. The best way to avoid injury is by staying away from anything that may collapse or shift during an aftershock -this includes power lines, walls, and bridges as well! Even sturdy-looking constructions are at risk to collapse – so be careful!Learn more on how you can survive a Tsunami here: Tsunami Preparedness | Survival Life Tips.
How to Survive a Moose Attack
If you are under attack by a moose, try to hide behind a tree – hiding behind a tree will cause the moose to lose you – since moose have a blind spot in their peripheral vision.
What to Do in a Black Bear Attack
If a black bear is chasing you, do not turn your back or try to ride – both of these actions can make them hostile.
How to Survive a Black Bear Attack
Lie flat on your stomach to protect your organs.
Cross your hands behind your neck to guard your arteries to convince the bear you do not pose any threat.
Also, do not climb a tree – a black bear does it better than you!
Emergency Water Landing
Emergency Landing on Water
In an emergency water landing, do not inflate your life jacket before getting out of the plane -or you will end up not being able to move without help – floating up to the cabin ceiling!
Take a deep breath and swim out of the plane- taking your deflated life jacket with you only when out, should you pull out your inflation cord.
What to Do if You Get Caught in a Fire
If you are in a fire, keep low to the ground – the deadliest threat comes not from the fire itself – Smoke goes up since it is lighter than air – Avoid breathing the smoke by staying close to the floor as much as possible!
How to Get Out of a Rip Current
How to Swim Out of a Rip Current
If in a rip current, do not try to fight it and swim straight back to the shore- it will just exhaust you – try to swim parallel to the shore until you exit the current – move only toward once you are outside the current.
How to Survive Falling Through Thin Ice
If on thin ice, and there is no one to help you: Lie down on your stomach and spread out your arms and legs – if you have ice picks, use them as a grip to get back to safety – but if none, roll away in the same direction you came from – to spread out the weight of your body evenly.
What to Do if Car Breaks Down on Railway
Get out of your car pronto! – run towards the oncoming train – and keep running in the same direction – do not follow the same track direction as the train – run against it to avoid the debris of your late car!
Car Broke Down What to Do
What would your survival strategy be if your car broke down miles from civilization with no phone or radio to contact for help?A spare tire could be your lifesaver – burn your spare tire to generate a thick black smoke visible from miles away – given the right conditions – someone will notice your SOS signal.But remember this: Never stray far away from your car – rescuers often find undamaged deserted cars while drivers who left them in search of help- do not survive.
What Happens When You Get Struck by Lightning
Stay away from a spot hit by lightning – a second strike is most likely coming!Trivia: The saying- Lightning does not strike the same place twice – is a myth – lightning does strike the same place again – in fact, and frequently- especially if it is a tall and isolated structure like the Empire State Building!Fun Fact: The Empire State Building antenna is struck by lightning an average of 25 times each year.If your hair stands on end, you are about to be struck by lightning! Kneel and bend forward, but do not lie flat on the ground – wet ground is a good electricity conductor.
How to Survive a Thunderstorm
If outside in a thunderstorm, do not be a lightning rod – this is fatal!
Do not project above the surrounding area.
Do not stand on a hilltop, in an open field, or along a beach.
If swimming or near water, get out of the water and away from the coast.
Electrical Safety
If you have to check if something is electric and your only choice is to touch it with your bare hands, use the back of your hand!
If you use your palm to touch it, you will be electrified in seconds without any fight at all – using the back of your hand will allow you to snatch it back in case what you checked is electrified.
How to Treat a Snakebite
First and foremost: Move past the snake’s striking distance – you don’t want to be bitten again for the second time!
Second: Do not chase after the snake but remember its color and form so you can describe it (when it is time for treatment.)
Remain calm and still to keep the venom from spreading – most snake bites don’t lead to envenomation.
Remove anything that might constrict you (jewelry, clothing) before you begin to swell.
Position the sting at or below the level of your heart.
Phone an ambulance.
Wrap above and below the wound with an elastic bandage – tight but not so tight to stop blood circulation – do not apply a tourniquet – keep checking toe colors or fingers if in doubt.
Immobilize the limb with a splint if you have one – snake venoms are large molecules and generally do not enter the circulation at the bite site but travel more slowly in the lymphatic system.
Remember these 7 Rules on Applying First Aid on Snakebites (First Aid Things that You Should Never Do to a Snakebite) – All of these make the snakebite situation much worse.
Do not use a tourniquet.
Never use ice to treat snakebites – ice causes the vessels to constrict, causing substantial tissue injury when combined with viper venoms – safer to let the swelling develop and focus on getting to a hospital.
Do not cut the wound or try to remove the venom – and do not suck out the venom!
Do not wash the wound – any remaining venom on the skin can help identify the snake.
Do not drink coffee or alcohol.
Do not lacerate the bite site with something sharp.
Do not panic!
Check out more Snake Bite Survival Strategies here and learn How to Treat A Venomous Snake Bite!
So, there you have it – 15+ ways to survive when time is of the essence. While none of us hope to find ourselves in a life-or-death situation, it is always good to be prepared.
Throughout history, many great tools have been born out of mankind’s need to survive. Few have had the impact and the adaptability of the machete knife.
Machete Knife: A Beginner’s Guide
History of a Machete Knife
From the South American Amazon to the African Serengeti, the use of machetes is global. The long fixed blades make them ideal for cutting trails and clearing brush.
They are also a top choice of sugarcane farmers. The simplicity of the design and the effectiveness lead to the tool becoming an icon.
The billhook made cutting through vegetation and small trees easier. As time progressed, similar tools developed reached symbolic status, and became ritualized.
Stemming from need and ease of use, machete-like tools began popping up all over the world.
Machetes have also found their way onto the battlefield. Guerrilla forces and military soldiers have carried them as both tools and weapons.
In particular, the Macheteros, have centuries-old ties back to sugarcane farmers. Rebels in Cuba have also used machetes in many conflicts with opposing forces.
In some countries, machetes have even replaced handguns as the standard sidearm.
The African country of Angola even included the image of a Machete on its flag.
Inspired by the Soviet hammer and sickle, the red and black flag features a cog and machete. A cog to represent industrial workers and the machete for agriculture.
Machete Knife Types and Styles
1. Latin
Originating from Latin America, this is the most recognized version of the machete. Blade lengths range from 18 to 24 inches and are best used in light vegetation.
Used for cutting and chopping. Also known as a bush machete.
2. Bolo
The Philippines-based Bolo has a blade length between 20 and 24 inches and is a multi-use tool. Like the heavy machete, it has a thicker weighted blade.
3. Panga
This African multi-use machete has a blade length of 20 inches. A distinct curved design makes it great for cutting wood.
This design is used in the Caribbean and has a relative named the Tapanga that also originated in Africa.
4. Bowie
Knife-like in its appearance. Originating from America with a typical blade length of around 12 inches.
This machete is a mix between a bowie knife and a machete. Regarded as the best survival machete it gets its namesake from Jim Bowie.
5. Golok
Used for shaping wood, the golok has a curved blade and originated in South-East Asia. This machete is a symbol of masculinity to the people of Indonesia.
6. Barong
An Asian machete with a single edge design and a heavy leaf-shaped blade. The slicing ability and heaviness make them ideal for hunting and slaughtering livestock.
7. Cane
Born in South America and used to cut sugar cane. The forward weighted cane machete is also used to cut bamboo and heavy foliage.
Cane machetes feature a hook on the backside of the tip like most other designs.
8. Kukri
This curved blade chopper hails from Nepal. It has a curved blade ranging from 16 to 18 inches. Ideal for jobs suited for large fixed blade knives.
Militaries around the world issue the Kukris as a survival tool.
9. Parang
Used for chopping and batoning, this Asian machete has a curved blade. The parang has a longer and more curved blade than the golok.
Machete Knife Blade Construction
1. Stainless
An expensive option resistant to stains and requires less maintenance. Dulls are much faster than carbon but it’s easy to resharpen.
2. Carbon
Harder and less expensive than stainless. This type requires oil often to avoid rust. Carbon will keep a sharp edge longer than stainless.
3. High-Carbon Stainless
The newest material used. Combines the best of both worlds. The rust resistance of stainless and the strength of carbon.
Machete Knife Construction
As the styles of the blade, there are different types of handles. Each handle design has a specific point and purpose.
1. Crossguard
Designed to keep your hand from slipping across the blade. It is a heavy design and may not fit all hands.
2. Knuckle Guard
Like the crossguard, the knuckle guard will not fit all hands and does tend to be heavier. The design protects the hand and knuckles and keeps your hand from sliding off the handle.
3. Quillon
The quillon design will keep your hand from sliding across the blade. It will not protect your hand and knuckles like the crossguard and knuckle guard.
Machete Knife Handle Construction
There are different materials used in handle construction as well. Handles are made for their longevity and are made for their resistance to bacteria.
The handle is made from expensive materials and ones made from cheaper materials.
1. Micarta Handles
By far the most expensive. Constructed from layers of plastic, linen, or fiberglass. These grips are the most comfortable and longest-lasting.
2. Textured Handles
Inexpensive handles provide a good grip. Because of their rubber construction, they can become worn and torn.
3. Stainless Handles
Another expensive option. Resistant to bacteria but can become slippery during use.
4. Wooden Handles
Not as expensive as stainless or micarta, but more than plastic. Known for harboring bacteria. It requires the most maintenance.
5. Plastic Handles
By far the cheapest option. They are easy to maintain but will crack easier than others. It can become slippery during extended use.
Machete Knife or Axe?
Two tools with similar uses but different applications. One design is best suited for chopping whereas the other is best for hacking.
Machetes are longer and thinner and axes are short with thicker blades. Machetes are lighter and users will tire slower than those using heavier axes.
The weight of each can be a pro or a con depending on the application.
If you are chopping firewood a machete is useless in the same way a hatchet is when clearing light foliage. If you can’t decide which one is best for you, you may not have to.
Recently, a few companies have developed a Machete-Axe. These unique hybrids combine the blade length of a machete with the heavy head of an axe.
This strange but effective combo allows you to chop, split and clear brush with one tool. Innovation has been a driving factor in the history of machetes.
This latest incarnation is no different.
Storing And Caring For Your Machete Knife
Machetes are versatile tools, but they have one enemy and vulnerability, rust. Because of this, it is crucial that you store your machete in a dry location and when in storage keep it out of the sheath.
Whichever style machete fits your purpose best, it is imperative you maintain it and care for it. Since carbon steel blades are prone to rust apply a light coat of oil after use.
Stainless steel will hold up better against the elements but you should oil them from time to time. Handle maintenance is simple, especially if you have a plastic handle.
Wooden handles need periodic oiling and are achieved by using a light rub down of furnish polish.
Sharpening Your Machete Knife
In most cases, using a field sharpener is enough to keep a sharp edge on a machete while you are working. After an extended period of use, or if your machete comes without an edge, you will need a heavier sharpener.
Like every other aspect of machetes, the angle of edge you choose will be completely based on your needs. A 20 to 25 degree works best for non-woody applications.
For branches and mixed woody vegetation, 25 to 35 degrees is ideal. Mill files, grinding wheels, and belt sanders are great sharpening tools for machetes.
Each has pros and cons and specific methods of use. When using all three it is imperative you keep an eye on the blade temperature so it does not lose its temper.
I recommend that you research the three tools and find the one you are most comfortable with.
Watch this satisfying video from Masters of Craft of restoring a machete:
That has made machete knife a staple of outdoor adventures and projects for centuries. Regardless of where you are, what you need, or what you are doing, chances are there is a machete perfect for you.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.
Latin or Bolo? Panga or Bowie? Wooden Handle or Plastic? Carbon blade or Stainless blade? It’s up to you and there is no wrong answer. Tell us in the comments section below.
via survivalife
Will Society Collapse? Civilization seems to be lurching. A study suggests that there is a possibility that society will collapse in 2040. In this blog post, let’s explore why society might collapse and how we can prevent it.
We’ve all seen the movies where society collapses, and it’s every man for himself. The reality is that most people won’t know how to survive when this happens. Many things have been happening in the world lately. In light of all this, it’s vital to start thinking about surviving the collapse of society.
Many believe that it’s only a matter of time before something big happens. That could leave us without power or essential services for an extended time.
Will Society Collapse in 2040? The Reality of Our Societal Decline
Many factors could lead to society collapsing in 2040. Some of the most likely reasons include:
Economic Collapse
Natural Disasters and Climate Change
Foreign Invasions and Mass Migration
Famine, Economic Depression, and Internal Strife
Disease Outbreaks
Demographic Dynamics
Social Unrest
Water Scarcity
If any of these events happen, it could lead to a cascading effect that causes society to collapse. An economic collapse could lead to social unrest and a pandemic. These are possible reasons why society might collapse. Many other scenarios could play out.
Is Society Collapsing?
A new study is raising red flags about the future of society. The report finds that human society is right on track for a collapse.
Based on a 1970’s report reassessment, Society Collapse 2040 prediction is most likely. It warns that we are on track for disaster if we do not change our ways. So far, it seems like we haven’t heeded that warning. Society Collapse 2040 is right on track if there is no shift in global priorities.
The world population is booming, and the quality of life is declining. It’s looking more and more likely that society will collapse by 2040.
We’re on the brink of disaster, and we need to do something about it. If we don’t change our ways, society is collapsing. It’s time for us to wake up and take action. We need to find a way to save this world before it’s too late. We’re running out of time. We need to find a way to turn things around and save this world before it’s too late. The future of humanity is at stake.
When Will Society Collapse?
When will society collapse? Many people are asking, and new research has some disturbing answers.
A recent climate change analysis predicts that human civilization will collapse by 2050.
The analysis concludes that climate change poses a current existential national security risk. Not addressing the threat of climate change could lead to the extinction of humanity. Or the permanent destruction of our potential for future development.
In other words, the world is on a path to disaster, and we need to take urgent action before it’s too late!
The Crisis is the New Normal – Can Society Survive the Current Crises?
Any catastrophe on a global scale will almost result in a pandemic. The world might flip upside down in only a few days! The harsh fact is that many people would not survive a week without stored food, let alone 90 days.
Societies or advanced civilizations as we know them have existed for around 10,000 years. During this era of earth’s history, many rose to great power. Many collapsed as well, leaving only residues of their territories. Historians tried to analyze specific reasons leading to the collapse of civilizations. While most details remain unknown, we do see repeating patterns.
There is a timeline for every calamity. Even so, there is usually a pattern. Knowing this pattern can help you avoid the chaos and stay safe through it.
Society is a delicate thing. It’s something that we often take for granted until it’s gone. But, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t prepare for it. Knowing what happens when society collapses – is a must to survive the societal collapse.
To prepare for societal collapse, learn what happens when it collapses.
What Happens When Society Collapses?
Many think about societal collapse as a world where law and order have broken down. Gangs are running the streets. While this may be one possible outcome, it’s not the only one. Many different things could happen when society collapses. Many different scenarios could play out. But, here are some of the most common ones:
Infrastructure & Communication Breakdown
When society collapses, the systems that we rely on will likely go with it. Electricity and Internet will be no longer.
Water Scarcity
Water scarcity is a global crisis. It already affects every continent.
It affects around 2.8 billion people at least one month out of every year. This number is only going to increase as water resources become limited.
Because of global warming, water-related dangers are on the rise. Floods and droughts are two examples of water-related dangers.
You can expect water scarcity to increase because of population growth. Add to that decreasing water availability.
Food Shortage
Food shortage is one of the biggest concerns during a societal collapse.
Food and water shortage could happen due to a natural disaster. It could happen due to disruptions in food production and distribution too.
Without anyone growing or distributing food, there will be shortages. Without food or water, people will die.
Crime Rise
As we mentioned before, one of the most common outcomes of a societal collapse is the rise of crime. With no one to enforce the law, criminals will have free reign over the population.
Disease Outbreak
When society collapses, there is no longer any sanitation or healthcare. No sanitation or healthcare could lead to widespread disease and death.
Social Order Collapses
When the government collapses, law and order break down. Social order collapse could lead to looting, violence, and anarchy.
Economic Collapse
When society collapses, the economy goes with it.
An economic collapse could lead to mass unemployment and poverty.
Martial Law
In some cases, the government may declare martial law to restore order. Martial law could lead to restrictions on freedom (of movement and speech). Arbitrary arrests could result too.
How to Survive the Collapse of Civilization
As a prepper and survivalist, surviving the collapse of society is a must skill to get.
A person can survive a week max without food or water. How can you expect to live three months without food or water? How do you plan for what might occur if something goes wrong?
If you want to survive a societal collapse, you need to:
Be Prepared
Be prepared for these things. That means having food, water, and medical supplies stored up.
Have a Plan for how you will survive.
Find safe places to stay.
Form alliances with like-minded people.
Learn primitive medical diagnosing.
Do not panic.
Surviving the collapse of society is something that we can all do if we prepare.
So, start thinking about what you would do if it happened and get started on your preparations today.
Stockpile food and water
Stockpiling is one of the most crucial things to do to prepare for a societal collapse.
Stockpile enough food and water to last you at least three months.
Have a backup plan
If the worst happens and society collapses, don’t rely on your stockpile to keep you alive.
Make sure to have other means of survival, such as a bug-out bag or safe house.
Stay informed
One of the best ways to prepare for a societal collapse is to stay informed about the potential risks.
Follow reliable news sources and keep up with what’s happening.
While we can’t predict when or how society will collapse, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t prepare for it. Learn to survive the societal collapse to ensure that you and your family will be safe. No matter what happens.
Here’s an infographic guide that you can use. Feel free to download, save and share it with your loved ones:
Is Society on the Verge of Collapse? 2040 Predictions
In 1972 a group of researchers at MIT concluded that society was on its way to a complete collapse. It predicted that by 2040, today’s modern world would end in absolute failure.
Watch this video of MHFIN about Society Collapse 2040:
Society Collapse 2030
KPMG made a follow-up study on MIT’s prediction. Instead of finding evidence to dismiss the previous findings. The study declares the world is ahead of schedule.
It’s time for us to face the facts and take action. We need to find a way to save society before it’s too late. To prevent societal collapse, we need to make changes fast! The future of the world is at stake.
What are your thoughts on the possibility of society collapsing in the future? Do you think there’s anything we can do to prevent it? Are you preparing for the possibility of society collapsing?
Couples Defense | Make It a Part of the Survivalist Mentality
Here’s Why You Should Learn Couples Defense
Forget the chocolate and flowers! Learning this survival skill is a much better way of saying I love you this Valentine’s Day. After all, nothing beats hearing your loved one utter, “I feel safe with you.”
Why is it essential to learn couples defense, though? Threats can come in many different ways.
You can experience natural disasters such as severe storms and blizzards. You may become victims of a home invasion or your city may be under a terrorist attack.
These dangers, in fact, increase the population of preppers. About 65% of Americans are now stockpiling supplies in preparation for a possible political or natural disaster.
A good number are learning about homesteading or living off the grid. Most are improving their survivalist mentality.
You don’t need to be a doomsday prepper, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn how to defend yourselves in times of disasters and threats.
You can begin with the following tips.
1. Plan Ahead
Planning is important when you’re prepping with a partner. After all, it is when one or both are under threat they should move as one.
Some of the questions you need to answer include:
If you’re together when a situation happens, what’s your plan? Are you staying in place or moving?
What is your game plan if you are not together when everything goes down?
If you’re both at work, where are you going to meet?
Do you both have survival kits in your car just in case?
Having a solid plan can be the difference between life and death. Make one and make sure you both know all the details.
Figure out if you want to stay in your home or bug out. Even better, plan for both. Agree on a location to meet up again in case you end up in different places when something terrible happens.
2. Learn How to Defend Each Other
This is where tactical couples defense comes in. Both of you need to learn basic fighting skills and self-defense.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s knife throwing, gun shooting, or martial arts. When push comes to shove, you don’t want to be another person’s burden.
Instead, it should be the other way around. You must be capable of defending each other from these threats.
Your fighting knowledge will also come in handy in case you find yourselves in different locations. It can help improve your peace of mind.
Note: You can follow the same approach to learning other survival skills as well. You can use each other’s strengths when it comes to regular duties, such as purifying water or hunting.
3. Get in Shape and Stay in Shape
When you are under threat, you experience the fight-or-flight response. It preps your body to ensure you can give yourself the best fighting chance.
It may be difficult to do that when you’re not in good shape, and you have to run away as fast and as far as you can from your attacker. You also don’t want to be someone who knows karate but can’t execute it because you get tired quickly.
It’s not only the mind that has to be ready at all times. Your body has to be in the same state as well.
To ensure both of you are in top shape, do some exercises. Cardio is essential since it improves lung power and endurance.
Eat right and work out regularly. A better strategy is to do exercises in line with survival skills, such as hiking or swimming.
Preparation means getting ready and then staying ready. Keeping your body in good condition is one of the ways to do it.
Some threatening situations occur gradually. Others may happen in the blink of an eye.
The bottom line is no one has any control over these problems. What you can manage is your level of preparation.
As part of your couples defense, prepare for anything. For example, get your bug-out bag within reach.
What is a Bug Out Bag? It is a bag or a kit that contains the basic but essential supplies to survive at least within the next 72 hours after a disaster.
In it, you can put limited supplies of food, water, a way to purify water, and medical supplies. You may also need some hygiene items and collapsible cookware.
Avoid overpacking. You need to pack light as there is a good chance you have to leave your home and move to another location.
Another way to prep is to consider each other’s strengths. If one of you is faster and stronger, then they should carry the heavier objects.
If you plan to defend the fort for as long as you can, consider stockpiling resources as early as possible. Some of the items you need are medical supplies, canned goods, and dehydrated foods.
Take a look at emergency response lists. Update the contact numbers when necessary. Whatever happens, don’t forget to stay and work together.
5. Know Basic First Aid
If neither of you is a doctor or nurse, learning basic first aid skills together is essential. In a survival situation, a small cut from the wrong piece of wood or metal can make you sicker than any sneeze.
Tetanus alone can kill if you’re not up-to-date on your shots. You may also develop complications from a pre-existing disease if you don’t have the right medications nearby.
In basic first aid training, you will learn how to clean and stitch wounds, as well as how to stop the bleeding. You will also know how to assess and manage a medical emergency. In some cases, it may teach you about herbs you can use for treatment, especially when help is still far away.
Tips: Even before any disaster occurs, always be sure you’re up-to-date on your shots. Stock up on the medications you need as well.
6. Learn the Basics Together
Imagine this scenario: As part of your couples defense, you make a plan and prepare for the worst. You have all your supplies ready.
Then, one day, you return home to find these items missing. Somebody took them!
The next best thing is to start all over again, but it’s also smart to know how to survive without these items. Some skills to learn include:
Knowledge is power, and being ready for the worst-case scenario is the best for your survival.
Don’t forget to learn the basics together. If someone forgets, the other may be able to remember or do it.
7. Include Pets in the Planning
If you have pets, how do they fit into your plan? Will you abandon them or take them with you?
Of course, taking them with you is always the humane choice, but it also means prepping for them. How are you keeping them safe?
Whose job is it to watch them? Are they cats or dogs? What are they eating or drinking?
Plan together about how you’ll handle the pet situation if a disaster strikes.
When you’re planning to survive, you need to prepare for the worst. Plan to either bug out to a secondary location or stay in your home. Decide if you are bringing your pets.
Get self-defense training and keep a survival kit handy. Always remember, there is no such thing as over-preparation when it comes to survival.
Doing it alone, though, can be exhausting and overwhelming. Double the chances of surviving with couples defense. This way, you can use each other’s strengths and divide the workload.
Watch this video from Lost Lakes as they go on an expedition and to learn more about couples defense and survival:
This Valentine’s Day, promise your loved one you will work with them on a couples defense strategy that will protect you both! After all, this is what security in a relationship really means.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.
How do you intend to do couples defense? Share your plans in the comments section below!
You should always keep an eye out for heat stroke symptoms when you’re under extreme weather conditions. It is the last thing you can afford to have, especially if you’re in the middle of nowhere, whether you’re camping or in a bug-out situation.
It is a serious form of heat-related illness and needs to be dealt with as a medical emergency. Get help as soon as possible and call 911 (I can’t stress this enough!)
If you have first aid training, this is the time to put it to good use, whether you are the one experiencing the condition or somebody else.
Heat Stroke Symptoms, Signs, and Prevention
What is a Heat Stroke?
Also known as sunstroke, heat stroke can damage the brain and other vital organs, and if left untreated it can quickly become fatal. Most of the time, it is people who are more than 50 years old who are affected, but when the sun is hot…no one is safe.
This is especially compounded when you’re hiking, camping, or bugging out and carrying a heavy pack.
It’s important to remember that heat stroke can start as heat cramps, heat syncope or fainting, or heat exhaustion.
If you notice that you have the signs and symptoms of any of these three heat-related illnesses, try to manage them immediately. However, there are times when heat stroke can happen even without cramps, fainting, or exhaustion.
Heat stroke is your body’s internal thermostat gone haywire. It happens when your body has lost the ability to control its temperature. This incredibly dangerous illness is caused by being in a very hot place for a long time and at the same time being dehydrated.
According to medical experts, once your core body temperature is over 105°F you are in heat stroke and at serious risk.
Symptoms of Heat Stroke
As we just mentioned, the best way to find out you have heat stroke symptoms is the body temperature which is higher than 105°F. Usually, the first sign of this illness is fainting.
Here are the common heat stroke symptoms:
Dry, red, and hot skin
No sweating even when the body is very hot
Weakening of the muscles or cramps
Pulsating, intense headache
Rapid heartbeat
First Aid
What to Do When You Think a Person is Having a Heat Stroke
Call 911 right away or bring the person to a hospital if you think that someone has heat stroke. Do not waste any time.
Apply first aid while waiting for the medics.
Take the person to a cool or shaded area, preferably an air-conditioned place.
Remove clothing that is not needed.
Use a thermometer to measure the person’s temperature, and use first aid measures to bring down the temperature to about 101°F. (If you cannot find any thermometer, just go ahead with the first aid.)
In the process, you can also resort to some of these cooling strategies:
Give the person space to breathe. If it’s possible for you to fan air over, do this immediately while you keep him or her damp with a sponge.
Reduce the temperature of the person. You can cool him or her down by applying an ice pack on areas such as armpits, groin, and neck. These are areas sensitive to temperature.
If the ice packs won’t do, you can choose to let the person take a plunge in a tub of cold water or under a dripping cold water shower.
Any delay in response time can already be dangerous, and any wrong move can also increase the risk to the affected person. If you’re not sure what to do, call 911 or a hospital for instructions.
Risk Factors for Heat Stroke
Age is a consideration in heat stroke. Older people are more likely to be the victims, especially those who live in small apartments or in places where there is poor airflow.
People who are dehydrated, have an existing medical condition, or are alcoholics are also more prone.
Heat stroke happens when the heat index is quite high. The heat index is the discomfort you feel after feeling the combined effects of relative humidity and air temperature.
When the relative humidity reaches 60% and above, you should be alarmed, as it will become more difficult for your body to bring down its temperature to normal because of increased sweat evaporation. Much more so if the heat index significantly reaches 90°F or higher.
Your best move is to pay attention to weather reports. Take note that your chosen activities can either increase or decrease the heat index. Being exposed to full sunshine shoots up the heat index by an alarming 15 degrees.
Your residential area is also a risk factor. Living in urban areas increases the likelihood of heat stroke. These are places where atmospheric conditions are stagnant, and of course, the airflow is poor.
The “heat island effect” explains how asphalt and concrete can absorb and store heat during the daytime and how they release the heat at nighttime. You may be better off surrounded by trees and natural grounds then.
Unexpected Risk Factors For Heat Exhaustion:
Age. Inability to adjust to heat comes with age. Infants and children until 4 years old are potential patients, so do senior people whose age is above 65.
Health conditions. Weight problems, heart, lung, skin, or kidney ailments, hypertension, diabetes, mental illness, sickle cell trait, alcoholism, and conditions that cause fever are among the health risk factors.
Medications. You are vulnerable if you take any of these: illegal drugs (e.g. cocaine, methamphetamine), antihistamines, diet pills, diuretics, sleep medications (e.g. sedatives, tranquilizers); stimulants, seizure medications, heart and blood pressure medications (e.gbeta-blockers, vasoconstrictors) and psychiatric illnesses medications (e.g. antidepressants and antipsychotics).
People with diabetes are prone to hospitalization and death because of heat-related illnesses. Even worse is that many people seem to underestimate this health risk especially during heatwaves. Thus, you should also check with your doctor.
Take extra measures in knowing your state of health and your medical needs, which will affect the way you cope with heat and humidity.
Preventing/Addressing Heat Stroke Symptoms
Your choice of location during extreme heat index can save your life. Bugging out may not always be a good idea when it’s the middle of summer or there’s a heatwave.
If possible, secure yourself in an air-conditioned environment or one with a good amount of airflow to keep temperatures as low as possible. If you have no other choice and must be outdoors, safeguard your health by doing the following:
Avoid wearing dark-colored and tight-fitting clothes.
Wear a thick hat, possibly wide-brimmed.
Apply sunscreen, preferably with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or above.
Bring a bottle of water with you. Drink lots of fluids, 8 glasses or more, to prevent dehydration. You can also drink fruit or vegetable juice.
Have a ready supply of electrolyte-rich sports drinks, if you feel very thirsty. Sports drinks replace the salt and other nutrients you lost because of extreme heat.
When it comes to outdoor exercise, remember, moderation is key. DON’T OVERDO IT!
You can lessen the likelihood of heat stroke by staying hydrated. Two hours before the exercise, drink 3 cups of water or a sports drink (24 ounces.)
Drink another cup (8 ounces) directly before the start of exercises and another cup (8 ounces) every 20 minutes during exercises. Even if you don’t “feel” thirsty, drink up.
Reschedule outdoor activities. Do them at a later time or date where the temperature is cooler, possibly at night time.
If you’re still a little worried, here are other strategies you can do to prevent it and check for heat stroke symptoms:
Check your urine. If it’s darker in color, you are likely to be dehydrated. The only remedy is to drink lots of liquid.
Pay attention to your weight before and after an activity. Any lost water weight can be replenished by, again, drinking lots of fluid.
Choose your drink wisely. Avoid caffeine or alcohol which are diuretic substances. They make you lose more body fluid.
Avoid salt tablets unless recommended by your doctor. You can however choose sports beverages or fruit juice to replenish lost salt and electrolytes.
Remember that increasing liquid intake also has limitations. If you have conditions like epilepsy, heart, kidney, or liver diseases, eating problems that restrict fluid intake, or fluid retention problems, you should seek your doctor’s advice first.
Improve your ventilation or air-flow system at home. You can buy fans or an air-conditioning unit to keep you cool under hot weather.
You can spend 2 hours at the very least in a cold room just to bring your temperature down.
Besides that, you can also do the trick of drawing the curtains or blinds when it’s very hot. This prevents the coming in of heat and cools down a little the room temperature.
At night, open the windows to increase airflow.
Watch this video from Ted-Ed as they discuss heat stroke symptoms and what happens to your body:
Now that you know some heat stroke symptoms how they can lead to serious injuries and even death, you can start to take precautions at all times.
Be informed, and be prepared. You must watch the heat index closely, pay attention to weather updates, and plan your activities accordingly, avoiding strenuous labor during extremely hot temperatures.
Don’t forget, increasing hydration and airflow are both critical to heat stroke prevention. Also, listen to your doctor.
Remember, pay attention to your body, and if you begin to notice any of the above symptoms if at all possible seek out a doctor immediately.
Heat stroke symptoms don’t just happen, it’s a compounding set of heat-related illnesses, and it starts with heat exhaustion.
Before seafood joints, prehistoric folks get their iodine fix through primitive fishing techniques. In a survival situation, this old-school hack could be your lifeline.
So, get your fish and chips ready as you learn new tricks that could save your life someday.
Primitive Fishing Techniques That Will Keep You Alive
1. Primitive Fishing Using Your Hand
This is deemed as one of the most primitive fishing techniques. A backcountry fishing trick, hand fishing perfect in rivers and lakes.
It is an efficient way to catch catfish without the aid of any tool.
Hand Fishing in 3 Steps:
Step 1. Locate Your Target.
Catfish usually hunt in dark areas like holes and hollow logs.
Step 2. Set the Bait.
In this case, the bait is your fingers which you will move to imitate worms.
Step 3. Grab the Target.
When the fish bites your hand, just grab, hold, and pull.
Note: The catfish’s spiky barbells could wound your hands. As soon as you secure it on the shore, release your grip.
2. Primitive Fishing Using a Spear
Another one earliest primitive fishing methods, the use of spear requires skill. Spears are easy to craft yet it takes training to master them for catching fish.
Aside from this, spears are only effective on specific fish types. You also have to consider the fishing environment.
The best spot to catch fish using a spear is in shallow water where there is good cover. This allows you to eyeball your target without being seen first.
3. Primitive Fishing Using Hooks
Using hooks to catch fish was first discovered in the Neolithic age. Hooks are easy to fashion from available materials in their environment.
These include wood, bone, and even thorns from plants like cactus. The ideal condition for this primitive fishing technique requires banks with heavy cover.
It is also crucial that the water is deep dropping just down near the bank. This will allow you to easily cast your cordage and hook to lure catch.
Two Main Methods to Catch Fish Using Hooks:
Rod Angling
The hook and fishing line is attached to a bamboo or wooden pole.
Line Fishing
From an elevated position, a handheld line is lowered into deep water.
Pro Tip: Primitive fishing hooks don’t have barbs. The trick is to hook the catch in the lip then flip it out of the water as fast you can.
4. Primitive Fishing Using Fish Traps
Employing traps is the way to go if you need a less labor-intensive fishing method. This primitive fishing technique is also effective in catching lobsters and crabs.
It is a preferred option for those who fish on narrow parts of a river or any running body of water. This fishing method is also suitable for catching salmons and other bottom-feeders.
You can make fish traps from any available materials such as bamboo, twigs, and tree barks. You leave the contraption on the chosen spot and come back a few hours or overnight for the catch.
5. Primitive Fishing by Striking
In situations where tools are not available, use this primitive fishing technique instead. No need to use spears, hooks, or anything.
Grab a huge rock or a heavy wooden club and you’re good to go. It is crude yet works best in catching huge fish in shallow waters.
As you do with spearfishing though, it will take a lot of practice in getting the technique right. It is a necessary skill that you need when there is no other option to survive.
6. Primitive Fishing by Stunning
It is illegal in some places fishing with poisons is one of the most primitive means to catch fish. Our ancestors used natural toxic extracts to stun their catch.
They use various types of fruits, leaves, seeds, and roots to make poison. Once applied to still water, the poison stun fishes where they float and are free for the taking.
The two common natural ingredients to make poison are mullein seeds and black walnut. But there are more native plants in North America for this purpose.
Two Important Considerations in Stun Fishing:
Check Local Legislations
Since this practice is illegal in many places, check the laws first in the area where you plan to fish.
Clean Your Catch
Make sure that you clean the fish well to remove toxins before cooking.
7. Primitive Fishing Using a Net
The Greeks in ancient times raved on how nets would fish for men while they slept. Like trapping, this primitive fishing method requires less specialized skills.
Unlike spearfishing, for instance, this method doesn’t take time to master. You only need to cast the net in the water and you’re set.
The hard part is pinpointing the exact location suitable for fishing. Sometimes you even have to swim and dive the fish to the net.
This technique is best suited in shallow waters. Though a single person could fish with a net, larger quantities of catch need more hands.
8. Primitive Fishing Using Kites
Kite fishing may sound weird to most people but this method dates back to Ancient Polynesia. This primitive fishing technique was born out of necessity.
Since treacherous reefs riddle the Polynesian islands, normal fishing is unfavorable. Local fishermen had to invent an ingenious means to fish.
Kite fishing requires a simple contraption with sails and fishing lines. The sails and fishing lines are made from banana leaves and spiderwebs.
Fishermen would just keep the contraption floating in the water. The baits attached to it would sink beneath the surface to lure fish.
9. Primitive Fishing in Ice
No exact records show when ice fishing was first developed. North Americans though developed this primitive fishing method.
Like kite fishing, this technique was also invented due to necessity. People living in sub-zero conditions learned to punch a hole in the ice to fish.
Three Main Ice Fishing Techniques:
Rod Fishing
Fishermen dig holes on ice and lower a fishing rod with jigs or lures.
Tip Ups Method
A wooden contraption with bait and hook is placed over the ice hole.
Spear Fishing
Same as traditional spearfishing but fishermen use decoy fish to lure real catch.
Pro Tip: This fishing method is dangerous since the thickness of ice is not the same everywhere. Before getting into it, you must first survey the frozen topography.
10. Primitive Fishing Using Otters
Here’s an infographic guide that you can use. Feel free to download, save and share it with your loved ones:
This is no doubt the most unconventional primitive fishing technique on the list. Notorious for their savage behavior, otters when tamed are great assets for fishing.
As early as the sixth century AD, humans have employed these mammals to catch fish. And catch they did. The modus work by using a bevy of otters to drive fish to traps.
The trick is to keep most of them on a leash so others would follow. In some areas in Bangladesh, otter fishing is still a common practice.
Need other primitive fishing techniques? Check out this amazing post by Chad Zuber:
As the future further swims in a sea of uncertainty, we need to develop our basic survival skills to survive. Learning these primitive fishing skills is a practical way to prepare for the worst. Knowledge is power!
Via Survivallife
Learn to set a squirrel snare and earn yourself a survival skill you can count on whatever card nature hands you to deal with!
DIY Squirrel Snare Trap | A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Make a Squirrel Snare Trap
Note: Make sure to consult your state laws before using a squirrel snare trap or any animal trap.
What You’ll Need On How to Make a Snare Trap Step By Step:
24-gauge floral wire
A stick or pencil
Bait (optional)
Step 1: Prepare the Snare
A DIY squirrel snare is super simple and straightforward. With the utility knife and the 24-gauge wire in the Altoid can kit, you can make as many as your materials will allow.
First, cut the wire for about 15-20 inches with your knife. Next, take a stick pencil with the wire, then wind up the wire twice around the pencil or small stick.
Now, twist the loop and tie it by using the pencil, then pull it out after. Slide the other end of the wire into the loop. Make the loop so that it fits your fist which is about 2 ½ inches in diameter. Finally, tie the snares to the sticks.
Step 2: Set and Test the Snares
You can now set your snares and tie as many of them as you want on a stick or log for a higher success rate. Test one first to see if it works before you go.
You can do this by sliding your hands in the squirrel trap. If it tightens around your hand, then you’re good to go!
Step 3: Bait the Snares
Let’s get this straight; it’ll be challenging for you to catch squirrels without bait, but not unless you place your snare on the exact spot where squirrels often go.
When it comes to baiting, squirrels are mostly attracted to corn, nuts, and seeds. So it really helps if you have any of these food items in form of candy bars and snacks at all times.
Tip: Place your bait behind the trap.
Learning How to Make a Snare Is a Survival Skill
Learning to hunt using snares is a must-have survival skill to have since food is vital to survival. A squirrel snare, in particular, is better learned because of the abundance of this small game in the wild.
Thousands of people are lost in the wilderness with no way of surviving because they didn’t anticipate these scenarios. It’s essential to keep in check your available sources of food and learn survival hunting traps.
This is why we’re here to teach you how to make homemade animal traps. In particular, we will learn how to make a squirrel snare trap and how to make it work, too.
RELATED: 4 Tips To Become A Better Trapper | Learning Trapping Basics
First Things First: The Survival Kit
Having a survival kit is a safe way to prepare for anything, indeed. In fact, a kit about the size of your phone can literally save your life.
You will need an Altoids box, a mini utility knife, some matches, some bandages, and a mini compass. Also throw in a couple of small antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) packets, a pencil, and 10 feet of 24 gauge floral wire.
Another very helpful item I carry in my kit is a survival card. In fact, I personally carry the UST Survival Card, and Survival Life has its own version — the Survival Business Card.
These very thin cards include:
A mini Philips head screwdriver
Small flat-head screwdriver
An attachment loop
Magnifying glass
8-sided bolt head wrench
A position wrench (4 sizes)
Butterfly wrench
Large flat head screwdriver
Bottle opener
File edge
Can opener
A 2” (5cm) ruler
Amini compass
It is very inexpensive, too, because it costs only $7. It can also fit in your kit with all the other supplies. On that note, I recommend having this card in your survival kit.
How to Build an Altoid Can Survival Kit
First, you need to break the pencil in half and roll the wire around it, then take all your supplies and place them in the Altoids box. I trust you have made a nice little survival kit.
It is not only handy in a survival situation but in any difficulty which arises. You might give yourself a cut and will need a bandage. You might also need to cut through something, so its uses are varied and handy, indeed.
Now you got your survival kit, you might wonder, “Why do I have a wire? What good will that do me?” The wire is for making traps or at this point, a squirrel snare.
Snare Trap
The snare trap is constructed from a cord, wire, string, line, or cable. When the animal enters the snare, the noose (loop) then tightens around its body or neck.
Snares can be homemade very easily or purchased online. The wire you have in your kit is quite thin, making it good for rabbits and squirrels.
Yes, squirrels, because you can eat squirrels and they are quite good — that is, if you like chicken. They are a rich source of protein, too, which will save you in a survival situation.
But, if you don’t know how to make a snare, what good will the wire do for you? Not much. So why not take a few minutes to learn how to make a trap for your life? A few minutes can save you for many years.
Watch this video from NLGhostWolf to see a squirrel snare in action:
You cannot last long without food or water because they’re vital to life! So, you must know the basics of survival, including hunting big games or trapping small ones in case these things ever happen.
With skills in animal trapping, you will now feel more confident about surviving in the wild. And survive, you must!
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.
via survivalife
What Should I Stockpile for Economic Collapse | The Complete Guide
1. Water
What should I stockpile for economic collapse?? Water is perhaps the most important resource to have during any emergency.
Before an economic collapse or any other natural disaster, make sure to stockpile a few gallons of water for you and your family.
Keep at least one gallon of water per person per day. Stockpile enough water that will last for at least a week. This should give you enough time to think of other methods of collecting water later on.
If you plan on living off-grid after an economic meltdown, there are a ton of other ways you can collect water. If you have access to surface water, for example, you can just collect it in buckets.
Other alternatives during an emergency like this are to create a rainwater collection system or to retrofit a well with a hand pump.
2. Food
Next to water, food is the most important resource to stockpile. When stocking food, make sure to choose canned goods and other food items that will last for at least a few months. This often includes staples like beans, rice, wheat, oats, freeze-dried food, and many more.
Before going shopping, take into account the individual preferences of the members of your household. This will help make sure that morale is kept high should an economic collapse happen.
Take note of any food allergies as well. During an emergency like this, the last thing you want is someone needing to be rushed to the hospital because of an allergic reaction that could have been avoided.
Finally, once you’re done shopping, keep a list of the items in your food storage and their corresponding expiry dates. Rotate out any food items that may be nearing expiry and use them in your kitchen. Replace these items as needed so you know that your stock is always fresh.
3. Emergency Kit Items
An emergency kit should have at least the following items inside it:
A first aid kit
Light sources like matches and flashlights
Insect repellants
Prescription medicines and other over-the-counter medicines
Make sure to keep all these together in one easy-to-carry container. This will come in handy when you and your family find the need to move to a different location.
Additionally, keep a list of special medications your family might need. Stock up on these early. In dire situations, pharmacies are often the ones that run out of supplies first.
4. Cash and Budget
In an economic meltdown, always remember the saying, “Cash is king.” Crises like these often mean that even the largest banks can go out of business. If the economy collapses, your savings may just go down the drain with these big businesses.
Avoid this by keeping a few thousand bucks in cash ready. If possible, store it in an envelope and place it inside a safe at home. This should help make sure that in a worst-case scenario, you’ll still have the resources you need to purchases some essentials.
Additionally, prepare a budget. Make a list of the items you will spend that cash on. As much as possible, limit the spending of this cash to absolute essentials and emergencies. Stockpile your other needs early on so that they no longer need to be a part of the budget you will make.
5. Hygiene Items
Another one in the “what should I stockpile for economic collapse” list is hygiene items. They don’t just keep you from smelling bad but also help make sure that you stay clean.
Emergencies like these may mean that you’ll have to get down on the ground and get your hands dirty. Do not risk catching some disease by keeping things around you clean.
Needless to say, in an economic crisis, gas prices go through the roof. Avoid having to spend a million dollars on gas by stocking up on this valuable resource early on.
Gas is useful in a lot of situations. It can come in useful for when the power goes out and you have to run the generator. It will also come in handy in case you and your family have to move to a different location.
As early as now, fossil fuel supplies are already drying up and renewable energy resources are not yet as widely used as they should be. Make sure to store enough fuel early on for these needs.
7. Valuable Tools
Some basic tools can make a big difference when it comes to your ability to provide for the needs of your family during an economic meltdown. The time to get them is now while you still have the resources and while they are still available.
A complete toolbox should be the first thing on your checklist. Make sure it has all the handyman tools you need for general home and auto repairs. These items include hammers, nails, screwdrivers, screws, saws, utility knives, tape measures, pliers, glue, and many more.
Gardening tools are also must-haves if you are going to survive an economic meltdown. They will come in handy when you find the need to start homesteading so you can grow your food.
Some essential gardening tools include shovels, rakes, pruners, trowels, wheelbarrows, and more.
8. Self-defense Items
Economic crises can bring out the worst in people. It may force some to do undesirable things just so they can survive. This is especially true for the unprepared.
Make sure that you are equipped to protect yourself and your family by keeping your home secure. As much as possible, do not go broadcasting to the world how well-prepared you are for the crisis. You do not want to attract the attention of those with bad intentions.
Have alarm systems in place as well. These systems can contact your local authorities should someone enter your home without your permission.
If need be, equip yourself and members of your family who are old enough with weapons. Make sure that they are trained to use these weapons. Emphasize to them that they are to be used only when necessary.
Additionally, have an emergency plan in place for your family. This plan should be designed specifically for situations like these. Make sure that everyone understands where to go and what to do if someone unwanted tries to enter your home.
9. Knowledge and Skills
Your mind just might be your biggest asset in a situation like this. Make sure to stockpile as much survival knowledge and skills before an emergency happens.
If you can, stockpile books that tell you exactly how to deal with different kinds of emergencies. Of course, it is better as well if you can read them all well before the emergency happens.
Learn basic skills like making repairs to your home, fixing cars, homesteading, and many more.
These things will all come in handy should you and your family decide that living off-grid is the best course of action.
If you’re still wondering whether you really need to answer the question, “What should I stockpile for economic collapse?” then check out this video courtesy of FREENVESTING and find out:
A lot of people ask, “What should I stockpile for economic collapse?” Make sure you look at our list of items to have in your emergency stash so you and your family are prepared to survive any of these emergencies.
Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.
“What should I stockpile for economic collapse? What other preparations should I make?” Ask all your questions in the comments section below!