BlackRock’s Fink Says Ukraine Invasion “Accelerates” ESG and Digital Currencies Shift


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: Permanent enslavement is incoming. We are all slaves, but if we do not reject the CBCD (central bank digital currency) our enslavement will be permanent, and escape to freedom will be impossible.

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s annual letter to shareholders has become heavily scrutinized as ones from Berkshire Hathaway chief Warren Buffett and JP Morgan chief Jamie Dimon. Fink is the boss of a $10 trillion asset manager, the world’s largest and oversees more money than the Fed, told shareholders Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would fundamentally reshape the world economy and drive up inflation as supply chains are reconfigured.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades,” Fink wrote.

Fink predicted “companies and governments will also be looking more broadly at their dependencies on other nations. This may lead companies to onshore or nearshore more of their operations resulting in a faster pull back from some countries.”

As a result, “a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will inherently be inflationary,” he said, pointing out that even before the conflict broke out in Eastern Europe, the economic effects of the virus pandemic brought US inflation to its highest in four decades.

Today’s inflationary environment, teetering on the verge of stagflation, has put central banks in “difficult decisions about how fast to raise rates. They face a dilemma they haven’t faced in decades, which has been worsened by geopolitical conflict and the resulting energy shocks. Central banks must choose whether to live with higher inflation or slow economic activity and employment to lower inflation quickly,” Fink said.

Like Fink’s last letter to shareholders, he was focused on the firm’s “ESG” and “green technology” commitments. This time around, he said the invasion “will actually accelerate the shift toward greener sources of energy in many parts of the world,” because higher fossil fuel prices will make the transition of renewables financially competitive. 

“We’ve already seen European policymakers promoting investment in renewables as an important component of energy security,” he said. “More than ever, countries that don’t have their own energy sources will need to fund and develop them– which for many will mean investing in wind and solar power.”

In the short-term, alternatives to Russian energy products “will inevitably slow the world’s progress toward net-zero [emissions] in the near term,” he added. BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, which has pushed “ESG” policies that harm American fossil fuel companies, basically following the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) script.

On digital currencies, Fink said the Ukrainian conflict has the “potential impact on accelerating digital currencies. The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies.” He spoke about central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and how they “can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption.” Again, Fink is following WEF’s script of implementing new forms of digital currency that will mean governments will have more control over the people.

Alert: Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Will End All False Sense of Freedom

Fink also praised how global corporate elites banded together following Russia’s invasion and isolated Moscow from the global financial system overnight, paralyzing the country’s economy. He said the private sector demonstrated the power of the capital markets:

“Russia has been essentially cut off from global capital markets, demonstrating the commitment of major companies to operate consistent with core values. This “economic war” shows what we can achieve when companies, supported by their stakeholders, come together in the face of violence and aggression,” he said.

Frink has made clear the conflict in Ukrainian is being used as an accelerator to reorganize the global economy as the old world order crumbles and a multipolar world emerges. Supply chains will be onshored or moved closer to home, and the WEF’s agenda of a green new world, more corporate surveillance, and trackable money are inevitable this decade.

Readers can find Fink’s complete letter here



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It All Comes Together: Hunter, Burisma, Kolomoisky, Zelensky and the “Children Burned Alive in Donetsk”


Photo: Kanekoa the Great

Is the US being drawn into WW 3 over the corruption of the Biden crime family? Burisma Holdings is owned by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, who backed the campaign of President  Volodymyr Zelensky and funded the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, writes blogger Kanekoa the Great. The profound corruption of Hunter Biden and The Big Guy in Ukraine may also explain Hunter’s mysterious reference to “children burned alive in Donetsk.”

Burisma Holdings, the largest natural gas company in Ukraine, hired Hunter Biden on May 12, 2014 at a salary of $83,000 a month despite his having no experience in Ukraine or the energy sector. Coincidentally, at the same time Vice-President Joe Biden was assigned to handle Ukraine in the Obama White House. This was just three months after Victoria Nuland’s “$5 billion coup” (

Hunter Biden’s benefactor was not really the CEO of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky, Kanekoa claims, but was instead oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky,  Ukraine’s third-wealthiest man with an estimated fortune of $2.4 billion, who was also appointed governor of Dnepropetrovsk by the new government.

“A 2012 study of Burisma Holdings done in Ukraine by the AntiCorruption Action Center (AntAC), an investigative nonprofit co-funded by American billionaire George Soros and the U.S. State Department, found that the true owner of Burisma Holdings was none other than Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky.”

TRENDING: President Trump Sues Hillary Clinton and Host of Others in RICO Suit Over Russia Collusion Hoax

(ANTAC was later the source of the DNC’s and Alexandra Chalupa’s Russiagate hoax.)

“The study, which was funded to dig up corruption on the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, instead found that Ihor Kolomoisky  ‘managed to seize the largest reserves of natural gas in Ukraine’,” Kanekoa writes.

“In other words, Hunter Biden’s boss and benefactor at Burisma Holdings is the same Ukrainian billionaire-oligarch who also claimed the position of boss and benefactor over Volodymyr Zelensky before he became Ukraine’s president.”

Zelensky became famous portraying a president on TV sitcom “Servant of the People”, which aired on Kolomoisky’s TV network, 1+1 Media Group. In 2019, “Kolomoisky even provided security, lawyers, and vehicles for Zelensky during his campaign”, according to Kanekoa.  “Kolomoisky’s bodyguard and lawyer accompanied Zelensky on the campaign trail as Zelensky was chauffeured around in a Range Rover owned by one of Kolomoisky’s companies.”

The “Pandora Papers” leaked by Soros NGOs ICIJ and OCCRP in 2021 “show that Zelensky and his partners in TV production company Kvartal 95 set up a network of offshore firms dating back to at least 2012, the year the company began making regular content for TV stations owned by Ihor Kolomoisky… The offshores were also used by Zelensky associates to purchase and own three prime properties in the center of London”, OCCRP writes.

In 2012, Zelensky’s production company “entered into a deal with Kolomoisky’s media group, which allegedly received $41 million in funds from Kolomoisky ’s Privatbank”, Kanekoa says. Kolomoisky is accused of embezzling $5.5 billion through a PrivatBank subsidiary in Cyprus, “an amount roughly equal to 5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product,” OCCRP writes.

After the 2014 Maidan Coup, the West began propping up the Ukraine government with $15 billion from the International Monetary Fund. This money vanished almost completely under mysterious circumstances, allegedly through oligarch-held banks like PrivatBank. Some of it may have even gone to the Clinton campaign, as Gateway Pundit reported.

PrivatBank was nationalized in 2016. Kolomoisky  has been fighting to get it back ever since. Sponsoring a President may be a good way to get your bank back.

“After Zelensky’s victory, Kolomoisky , who had spent the last few years living between Israel and Switzerland, returned to Ukraine to keep up his relationship with the new president, nominating over 30 lawmakers to Zelensky’s newly established party and maintaining influence with many of them in parliament,” writes Kanekoa.

On March 2, 2022, Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Watford was found hanged in his mansion outside London under mysterious circumstances. Watford was involved in a fight with Kolomoisky over Privatbank since 2002.

Igor Kolomoisky was also a “top funder” of neo-Nazi Azov Battalion since it was formed in 2014”, Kanekoa writes, who led the Kiev government’s attack on the  Russian-majority Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. A 2014 Amnesty International report accused Kolomoisky’s Aidar Battalion of war crimes in Donbas, specifically citing, “widespread abuses, including abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions”.  Over 14.000 people have been killed in the war over Donbass since 2014.

In October 2014, Human Rights Watch reported that Ukrainian government forces and pro-government militias were responsible for the widespread use of cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city. “It is shocking to see a weapon that most countries have banned used so extensively in eastern Ukraine,” said Mark Hiznay, senior arms researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Ukrainian authorities should make an immediate commitment not to use cluster munitions and join the treaty to ban them.”

“Children’s schools in Donetsk have been hit so many times by indiscriminate shelling that basements are set up as make-shift bomb shelters and windows are piled high with sandbags,”  Kanekoa writes. “Donbas has also become one of the most landmine-contaminated places on earth, putting more than 220,000 children at risk.”

Nonprofit research group Marco Polo, “which is doing a comprehensive report on Hunter Biden’s laptop, made the connection between Hunter Biden’s text messages and Kolomoisky’s massacres in eastern Ukraine,” according to Kanekoa.

Text messages found on Hunter Biden’s laptop show Hunter Biden asking his lover Hallie Biden, his brother’s widow, if she believed that he had “children burned alive in DONETSK” or “children killed in Donetsk, Ukraine”.”

These seemingly bizarre remarks by the President’s son Hunter may be a reference to his alleged Burisma boss Kolomoisky, who was also allegedly funding the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which is accused of war crimes and the shelling of civilians and children in Donbass.

This is why they want to drag us into WW 3.

Read the whole story on Substack.

What Our Fathers Did–A NAZI Legacy in Ukraine


Ukrainian neo-Nazis

If you have any doubts about the prevalence of Nazi ideology and adherents in Ukraine please watch the following snippet from the 2015 documentary, What Our Fathers Did–A Nazi Legacy. The film features Philippe Sands, a Jew and an eminent human rights lawyer based in London (his grandfather and other relaatives were murdered in Ukraine by Nazis during the Holocaust), and the sons of the two Nazi Officials who oversaw the extermination of Jews in Poland and Ukraine–Niklas Frank and Horst von Wachter.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Niklas Frank is the son of Hans Frank:

After the German invasion of Poland in 1939, Frank was appointed Governor-General of the occupied Polish territories. During his tenure, he instituted a reign of terror against the civilian population and became directly involved in the mass murder of Jews.[1] He engaged in the use of forced labour and oversaw four of the extermination camps. Frank remained head of the General Government until its collapse in early 1945.

After the war, Frank was found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials. He was sentenced to death and executed by hanging in October 1946.

For those not familiar with Poland’s role in the Holocaust, all of the mass extermination camps were erected on Polish territory–Auschwitz/Birkenau, Belzac, Chelmno, Majdenak, Sobibor and Treblinka. Those six camps accounted for almost 50% of all Jews murdered by Nazis during the Holocaust (i.e., 3 million). Hans Frank directly oversaw four of those murder factories.

Niklas Frank does not speak kindly of his father. He despises the deceased Hans Frank for his brutality and inhumanity.

Horst von Wachter sings a different tune about his father, Otto von Wachter. Otto von Wachter was the Nazi Governor of Ukraine and came up with the idea of forming an SS Division comprised of Ukrainian recruits:

The idea to organize a division of volunteers from Galicia was proposed by the German Governor of District Galicia, Dr. Otto von Wächter. He suggested creation of a Waffen-SS division composed of Galician volunteers and designed for regular combat on the Eastern Front. The creation of 14th Voluntary Division SS Galizien was announced in April 1943 at ceremonies throughout Galicia. At least 50 documents including contemporary newspaper clippings, radio broadcasts and speeches etc. record the date of 28 April. By June 1943 the first phase of recruitment had taken place. Initially Wächter’s proposal (which he was certain would be supported by Ukrainian circles) was rejected. In Berlin Wächter was able to get support from Heinrich Himmler who made the stipulation that the division would only made up of Galicians, who Himmler considered “more Aryan-like”.[7] The terms “Ukrainian”, “Ukraine”, could not be used when addressing the division, stressing the Imperial Austro-Hungarian heritage of the term “Galizien”.[8] David Marples suggests that the division was titled “Galicia” to ensure stricter German control to avoid direct use of inflammatory term “Ukrainian”.[9]

Otto von Wachter went into hiding at the end of World War II. He found refuge with a Catholic Priest but died, reportedly of kidney disease, in 1949. Polish authorities wanted to put him on trial for the murder of 100,000 Poles.

In the following video clip, you will see Ukrainians in 2015 burying the remains of Nazi soldiers, wearing Nazi regalia and celebrating the heritage of the 14th Voluntary Division SS Galizien. His son, Horst, is not repulsed by his father’s legacy.

The Russian charge that Ukraine still harbors Nazis, albeit 3rd generation Nazis, is true. You can read more about this at my previous post, Yes, The Azon Battalion Are Nazi Sympathizers

Lying Democrats Harass, Smear and Investigate Trump for “Inflating” Assets – Then Discover Trump Organization Undervalued Assets Instead

For the past three years, the liberal media attacked President Trump, his family, and his business organization for allegedly inflating the value of their assets to secure business loans. The fake news media ran several reports on these accusations. The New York District Attorney’s office opened an investigation on the Trump organization to target and harass the family over the allegations. Even the late-night political operatives were using the story to attack President Trump.
Now more than three years later the truth comes out. The Trump organization did not inflate their assets — They actually undervalued their global assets instead. It was all another media lie against Trump. FOX News reported:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg stopped pursuing charges against former President Trump and suspended the investigation “indefinitely,” one of the top prosecutors who resigned from the office said in his resignation letter–but disagreed with the decision.

Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne, who had been leading the investigation under former DA Cyrus Vance, submitted their resignations last month, after Bragg began raising doubts about pursuing a case against Trump…

…But a source familiar with the investigation pointed Fox News Digital, specifically, to Trump’s “Statement of Financial Condition,” which reports an entity’s assets, liabilities and abilities to raise and use funds.

The source told Fox News Digital that Trump did not inflate his financial statements, as prosecutors had anticipated, but instead, undervalued his assets.

The source also told Fox News that Trump never defaulted on payments to banks, and said his statement of financial condition included “caveats” which “refuted” claims by the DA’s office.

One source familiar with the investigation claimed the case against Trump was political and fueled by the former president’s political enemies, and told Fox News that Pomerantz “shouldn’t have been in the DA’s office in the first place.”

“There Was Blood, There Were Bruises” – Flint School Board President Fired After Choking, Punching Treasurer Over Who Gets to Control $150 Million COVID Aid


Danielle Green on the left, Laura MacIntyre on the right

The Flint Board of Education held an emergency meeting on Wednesday to oust the school board president after she physically attacked the board’s treasurer over who gets to control the $150 million in federal and state COVID assistance money.

The six board members voted unanimously to remove Danielle Green from her role as president for assaulting Laura MacIntyre, the board’s treasurer, earlier that day.

“A school board may meet … without complying with the notice requirement of OMA (Open Meetings Act) if it becomes necessary to deal with a severe and imminent threat to the health safety or welfare of the public … Earlier today at 10:00 AM at the FCS Administration Building, President Green allegedly assaulted Treasurer MacIntyre in an open meeting and the Board has called this emergency meeting to discuss how to keep Board members and the public safe in open meetings and discuss security implementation or other appropriate measures,” the printed notice for the emergency meeting at Accelerated Learning Academy said, according to a report from East Villiage Magazine.

The incident was witnessed by other members of the school board.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

“That was a physical assault,” Chris Del Morone, who witnessed the event, said during the meeting, according to the report. “There was blood, there were bruises.”

Another board member, Carol McIntosh, explained that she believes the attack was about the money.

“This is about control, big money, and who will get their hands on those dollars,” McIntosh, who was promoted to vice president of the board, said during the meeting.

The victim, MacIntyre, claimed that there was no argument prior to the assault.

“Danielle stood up and took offense at something in particular that I said and have no idea about and walked around our staff secretary and towered over me and started threatening me with her finger. I stood up to back away at which point she grabbed my throat and then grabbed my hair and slammed my head into the table and started punching me in the head,” MacIntyre said. “… It was not warranted, uncalled for and completely inappropriate. It will not be tolerated and we are taking action tonight. … In the moment I was shocked and surprised. It had never crossed my mind that anything like this would ever escalate like this.”

For her part, Green did not appear to deny any of what witnesses said and was present during the meeting where she was removed.

“This is not one of my highlights of my anything my life, my career, my position in the community,” Green said, according to a report from ABC 12. “None of this am I proud of. Absolutely not. And this is one incident.”

The school district issued a statement addressing the violence, which read as follows:

“Flint Community Schools … is at a crossroads … You are charged with protecting, and maintaining, a public school system … Our students are kicked out every day for less than what we’re hearing happened,” Flint resident Claire McClinton said during the hearing.

The Flint Police Department confirmed to ABC 12 that a complaint was filed, but they have not announced any charges against Green or McIntyre.

The Gateway Pundit has reached out to the Flint Police Department for comment and will update this story if one is provided.

“GUILT BY ASSOCIATION!” NYPD Cop Politically Persecuted for Befriending Roger Stone and Supporting President Trump – “IT’S A TWO TIERED JUSTICE SYSTEM!” Video Interview!


Reminiscent of the federal political persecution of January 6th protesters that has swept the nation, the NYPD has taken it upon themselves to persecute one of their own.

In a dreary trial room at 1 Police Plaza, Lower Manhattan, NYPD Police Officer Sal Greco is currently being tried in an internal Disciplinary Hearing for the crime of associating with Roger Stone.

See our interview with Roger Stone here:

** Please help Sal Greco HERE.

“It’s a classic case of guilt by association,” said Roger Stone, who was present in NYC for the hearing.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Greco, a 14 year veteran NYPD officer, is at risk of losing his job as an NYPD police officer and his pension for the crime of befriending Roger Stone. According to an NYPD spokesperson, police officers are not allowed to associate with convicted felons.

Clearly, the NYPD does not understand that Roger Stone was pardoned by President Trump in 2020 for all 7 of his felony charges.

14 Year NYPD Officer Sal Greco.

“Roger was a victim of a corrupt and illegal Witch Hunt, one which will go down as the greatest political crime in history. He can sleep well at night!” President Trump wrote in a post after pardoning Stone for all convictions.

“Stone is technically no longer a felon,” said Ryan.  “He was pardoned by President Trump. Apparently, the NYPD does not respect a Presidential Pardon, a power granted to the President in Article 2 of United States Constitution. Especially if it was a pardon issued by President Trump.”

Greco has been accused of hanging out with Stone on Jan. 6 and being photographed outside the Willard InterContinental Hotel with Stone and a few members of the Oath Keepers. He is also accused of working as Stone’s security, although there is no record of payment to Greco for such services.

Greco’s internal NYPD charges include “conduct prejudicial to the good order and efficiency of the department”.

This past Wednesday, an NYPD Internal Affairs officer took the stand for the majority of the day. His testimony predominantly consisted of presenting the judge with dozens of photos taken from social media of Greco in the presence of Roger Stone, as well as members of the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers on January 6th and other events he attended.

A piece of evidence in the case against Greco is a statement from FBI informant Joshua James, an Oath Keeper who is cooperating with the government in its ongoing investigation into January 6th. James cooperation is described as “a major win for the Justice Department” as the witch hunt continues to convict as many Trump supporters as possible. According to the NYPD, James described Greco as “part of Stone’s security team”.

“James’ testimony is not credible,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Everyone knows that if you work with the Feds you will say anything they ask of you in exchange for a lenient sentence.”

** Please help Sal Greco HERE.

According to Stone, Greco is a hero who is being persecuted by the NYPD in a two-tiered justice system. (See his full statement here.)

“The entire case appears to be one of ‘Guilt By Association’”, said Stone. “Sal Greco is a hero. Here is is an officer with a fourteen year unblemished record of serving the people of New York in some one the most dangerous precincts in the country in the graveyard shift…and his repayment is to take away his pension that he has paid into for fourteen years?”

He continued:

He is essentially being considered for termination and loss of his pension simply because he as a supporter of President Trump and a friend of mine. He has never provided security for me, he is my friend. Yes, he was with me on January 5th. Neither one of us was at the Capitol on January 6th, nor do we know anything about it.”

Please help Sal Greco HERE.

Marq Claxton, director of the Black Law Enforcement Alliance, said the actions against Greco were “late but appropriate and necessary.”

“It is imperative that the department holds him accountable if any of his actions contributed to or supported the Jan. 6 insurrection or the organizers of the event,” said Claxton, a retired NYPD detective. “Because Capitol police officers were seriously injured and some died, the larger law enforcement community expects full accountability. P.O. Greco’s NYPD colleagues deserve assurances that his allegiance is to the rule of law and he can be trusted to operate accordingly.”

To set the record straight and correct the confused Mr. Claxton, no police offices were killed on January 6th. On the contrary, police officers killed protesters on January 6th.

“NYPD wants to fire a good cop with an unblemished record for befriending Roger Stone and being pictured with him on January 6th,” said Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “But then you have Capitol Police officers and DC Metro Police who killed Trump supporters on January 6th that are not being discipled! Talk about a two-tiered justice system even within the police forces.” 

“In the midst of a crime wave, we are spending precious police resources to investigate and try to prove that Officer Salvatore Greco in an unpaid capacity socialized with Trump Adviser and “No Longer A Felon” Roger Stone,” said Newsmax Host John Tabacco. “It is a complete waste of taxpayer funds that should be going to making New York City streets safe again.”

Stone also accused The New York Daily News of writting an unethical hit piece on his friend.  Stone says he sent The Daily News clear answers to their questions regarding Greco but they never used them in the story. 

“What I told them would totally-debunk the false narrative concocted in their fake news story,” said Stone. “The Daily News chose to be sneaky and dishonest in reporting on this.”

He continued:

“If we have learned nothing from the years we had with Donald Trump as president it is that things like fairness, due process, and truth are utter irrelevancies to the corporate and social media propagandists who act as mere mouthpieces for the Democrat party and its radical left-wing zealots. Now they are subjecting this dedicated officer of the law to their latest politically-motivated witch hunt, using cheap innuendo and ‘guilt by association” to potentially destroy the career of this patriot for the unforgivable sin of being my friend.”

Please help Sal Greco HERE.

This NYPD charge has a set precedent in its history. Mayor Eric Adams bragged in his own memoir book that when he was a police captain he provided security for Mike Tyson, a convicted felon. Adams was investigated by Internal Affairs but was not penalized by the NYPD. Will the same happen for Officer Sal Greco?

“Mayor Adams writes in his book that when he was a police captain he provided security for Mike Tyson, a convicted felon,” said Stone. “Now they are saying Mr. Greco provided security for me. That’s not even correct but he did associate with me. They argue I am a convicted felon. Well is there one standard or two? They investigated Adams- he was cleared. He went on to his career at NYPD- he went on to become Mayor. So why isn’t Greco being held to the same standard? Is there one standard or do we have a two tiered standard of justice?

“It is a known fact that police befriend convicted felons in order to get tips on the street,” said a police officer who asked to remain anonymous for fear of losing his job. “The line is blurred. It is not really a rule that is enforced as far as I know.”

Unless, of course, you are a vocal Trump supporter.

*We reached out to NYPD Internal Affairs for comment and have received no response. The next scheduled date of Greco’s hearing is March 29th. Greco is expected to take the stand. Please help Sal Greco HERE.


Cara Castronuova

Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram  @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character.  You can contact her via the website at or if you have any tips or would like to volunteer. Phil 4:13.

The Pundits Wanting to Risk Nuclear War Are Like the Worst Cold Warriors of Old


This article was originally published by Ryan McMacken at The Mises Institute. 

There is an active, influential, and well-paid minority of pundits and politicians in America who apparently believe that escalating conflict between nuclear powers—and even nuclear war itself—is not really that big a deal.

These, of course, are the sorts of people who fancy themselves “the adults in the room,” while people who proceed with prudence, caution, and regard for the rule of law are to be regarded as traitors, cowards, or Russian agents.

Consider, for example, Sean Hannity’s March 2 suggestion that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—which really means the United States—should attack a Russian tank column with “some of [NATO’s] fighter jets, or maybe they can use some drone strikes and take out the whole damn convoy.” For Hannity, this would not count as escalation because NATO could elect to not tell the Russians who carried out the attack, and then Moscow “won’t know who to hit back.”

Meanwhile, support for a “no-fly zone” has been one of the more dangerous avenues to escalation, since a no-fly zone would be a de facto declaration of war on Russia. Sen. Roger Wicker, for example, has said the US should “seriously consider” a no-fly zone. Florida congresswoman Maria Salazar supports a no-fly zone for the very profound reason that “freedom isn’t free.” (Fortunately, most members of Congress appear to recognize that a no-fly zone would mean World War III.)

And then there are the pundits who have outright treated the gravity of nuclear war with a lot of hand-waving. NBC’s chief foreign correspondent, Richard Engel, in an apparent reference to nuclear war, implied the US should risk everything in order to destroy a Russian convoy.


Sam Bowman, a senior fellow at the Adam Smith Institute, says that nuclear war “is worth risking” if it means making war on Russia.


Unfortunately, wildly irresponsible calls for assassinations and nuclear escalation are not new and are part of a long tradition that began during the Cold War. By this way of thinking, nuclear war is indeed “worth it” if it means “victory.”

Today, many of those calling for such things can be found on the center-left—such as Engel—or among self-described “neoliberals” like Bowman. Back during Cold War I, however, the most enthusiastic fans of nuclear war were found in the ranks of Buckleyite conservatives. In either case, the capricious attitude toward nuclear war illustrates the most troubling aspect of the “let the nukes fly” position: those who advocate for “risking it” think they (or some tiny minority of policymakers) ought to decide for the whole human race how many millions will be sacrificed in nuclear flames.

Cold Warriors for Nuclear War

It is now generally ignored that leaders of the conservative movement actively campaigned for initiating a nuclear war. William F. Buckley himself, for example, proposed that Western civilization be sacrificed in a nuclear war, if necessary, in order to incinerate the Russians.

In The JFK ConspiracyDavid Miller noted that many conservatives during the period appeared to have bloodlust:

President Kennedy’s Decision in 1962 to avoid another invasion of Cuba angered virtually every rightist in America….

In a column of November 10, 1962, William F. Buckley, Jr. called for a nuclear war against the Russians, arguing that “if ever a cause was just, this one is, for the enemy combined the ruthlessness and savagery of Genghis Khan with the fiendish efficiency of an IBM machine [Ah yes, that efficient Soviet Union!]…. Better the chance of being dead, than the certainty of being Red. And if we die? We die.”

Bill Buckley was far from the only American rightist to call for nuclear war in the early 1960s. William Schlamm, a John Birch Society member who had helped found National Review in the 1950s told a Cologne, Germany audience in 1960 that the West should be prepared to sacrifice 700,000,000 people in order to defeat Communism.

Clarence Manion, a conservative radio pundit of the time, proposed a pile of ten million corpses in the name of “winning” the Cold War:

I am tired of hearing an old man like [Nobel Prize chemist] Linus Pauling cry his fear of death in a nuclear war…. How long does he want to live anyway? If we must fall to Communism, I would rather it be over the remains of 10,000,000 charred bodies of which I would be proud to be one.

Better Dead than Red? Who Gets to Decide That for You?

Indeed, the possible extinction of humanity is no big deal if one truly believes that each person is “better dead than Red.” Ronald Hamowy, however, suggested that perhaps it was a bad idea to allow Buckley—or anyone else—to decide for all whether death is preferable to communism:

Mr. Buckley chooses to be dead rather than Red. So do I. But I insist that all men be allowed to make that decision for themselves. A nuclear holocaust will make it for them.

In support of Hamowy’s position, Murray Rothbard continues:

Anyone who wishes is entitled to make the personal decision of “better dead than Red” or “give me liberty or give me death.” What he is not entitled to do is to make these decisions for others, as the prowar policy of conservatism would do. What conservatives are really saying is: “Better them dead than Red,” and “give me liberty or give them death”—which are the battle cries not of noble heroes but of mass murderers.

Ultimately, the conservative movement began to pretend these opinions had never been expressed at all. As Rothbard explained:

The true guiding message of the Conservative Movement was enunciated clearly in a public anti-Communist rally years ago by the candid and fiery L. Brent Bozell: “To stamp out world Communism I would be willing to destroy the entire universe, even to the furthest star.” It doesn’t take a radical libertarian not to want to go the whole route, to dance the full dance, with Brent Bozell and the Conservative Movement, the theme of which is not “better dead than Red” but “better you—and you—and you dead than Red.”

Of course, today’s advocates for de facto nuclear war are coyer about it than the Buckleys and Manions of the past. They don’t come right out and say, “I’d rather incinerate half the world than live in a world where Russians conquered Mariupol!” They call for benign-sounding forms of escalation like “no-fly zones” or just “bombing a convoy.” Or the cryptic “Maybe we should risk everything.” Perhaps that’s progress from the bad old days of 1962. People who actually take nuclear war seriously, however, know that history has shown mobilizations and escalations have a long history of getting out of hand and leading to very bad things far beyond what many political leaders imagined was possible. As much as the pro escalation crowd pretends otherwise, the fact is that not every problem in the world can be solved with military action.



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Alabama AG Steve Marshall Makes Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Look Like a Fool When Asked Whether Biden Was President


Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall was interviewed by one of the dumbest Democrats in the Senate, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. 

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse questioned Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall (R-AL) about the January 6th attack on our nation’s Capitol and the 2020 Presidential Election.  Whitehouse looked over his glasses, trying to look smarter than he is, and asked the AG multiple questions.  This was embarrassing to watch.

Whitehouse looked like a fool as he questioned the Alabama AG.  Most of America knows the 2020 Election was stolen and Black Lives Matter destroyed the country in the Summer of 2020, the Summer of Love.  Yet, Democrats like Whitehouse think that talking about the setup on the Capitol on Jan 6 and the stolen election is somehow going to give Democrats some sort of political capital.

Whitehouse asked AG Marshall whether he believed Biden was President.  Marshall’s replies were excellent.  Clearly Whitehouse was no match for Marshall.

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Mediaite noted that the discussion went like this:

Whitehouse: “Is Joseph R. Biden of Delaware the duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States of America?”

Marshall: “He is the president of this country.”

Whitehouse: “Is he the duly elected and lawfully serving president of the United States?”

Marshall: “He is the president of our country.”

Whitehouse: “Are you answering that omitting the language ‘duly elected and lawfully serving’ purposefully?”

Marshall: “I’m answering the question. He is the president of the United States.”

Whitehouse: “And you have no view as to whether or not he was duly elected or is lawfully serving?”

Marshall: “I’m telling you he is the president of the United States.”

Crazy Whitehouse just looked over his glasses.

Epic! Candace Owens Calls Out New York Times — Uses their Own Words Against Them in Brutal Takedown


Candace Owens single-handedly destroyed The New York Times and used their own words against them after she called out “Ukraine being a corrupt country.”

A New York Times reporter sent an email to Candace Owens asking for comment regarding her stance on Ukraine.

“Received an email from The NYTimes asking for comment regarding me “advancing ideas that Ukraine is a corrupt country”—similar to Russian state TV,” Owens tweeted on Monday.

“I replied informing them that I actually got my ideas from the New York Times, and provided them links to their past articles,” she added.

TRENDING: President Trump Sues Hillary Clinton and Host of Others in RICO Suit Over Russia Collusion Hoax

The NYT accused Owens of advancing the idea that Ukraine was a corrupt country, which matched comments from Russian state media.

“We note that you advanced the idea that Ukraine was a corrupt country, which matched comments we’ve seen from Russian state media. I’m wondering if you have any context or further comment to add about this comparison?” the email from NYT said.

Candace Owens obliterated The New York Times in her response.

This had to hurt:

I am very confused by this e-mail. I learned about “the idea that Ukraine was a corrupt country” from the New York Times. You guys
have covered the corruption of Ukraine extensively, for years. As just one example, here is a piece from the NYT Editorial Board entitled, “Ukraine’s Unyielding Corruption”:

I educated myself about both the neo-nazi problem in Ukraine and the unyielding corruption by reading your newspaper, not Russian state media. Is there something specific I said that was different from what you guys have written in the past?

Owens’ sent another email to NYT citing their own report and from other left-wing media:

For more good measure – here are some more past articles written from reputable sources over the past few years about the corruption and neo-nazi problem in Ukraine, For clarity, are you now suggesting that what the western media covered extensively over the last few years is now just Russian propaganda? Are you suggesting all of these articles were sponsored by Russia state media? Again, I would love to provide you with a quote for your article, just want to be clear regarding what you mean when you say that I am advancing ideas that Ukraine was a corrupt country when in fact I got my ideas from your publication.

New York Times published their article but they did not include Candace Owens’ response to their email.

HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens


The ex-wife of Eric Greitens accused the former Missouri Governor of abuse during their nine-year marriage. Eric Greitens is currently fighting for full custody of their two children.

Eric Greitens responded to these disgusting accusations of physical abuse and coercive behavior completely fabricated and baseless.

The former Missouri governor is running for US Senate and is currently leading the race.  Of course, the RINOs in Missouri are solidly against him.

Sheena Greitens decided to drop the allegations this week with the GOP primary approaching on August 2nd.

TRENDING: President Trump Sues Hillary Clinton and Host of Others in RICO Suit Over Russia Collusion Hoax

Sheena thought it would be a good time to accuse her former husband of abuse right before his political comeback. Nothing fishy here!

Greitens told The Washington Times, “I am seeking full custody of my sons, and for their sake, I will continue to pray for their mother and hope that she gets the help that she needs.”

Eric Greitens also told The Gateway Pundit earlier this week that his ex-wife signed a custody agreement months ago following their divorce. She did not mention any abuse from her former husband in the signed documents during the battle for custody of their two sons.  The two boys spend the majority of their time with their father today. So why would she push these allegations today?

We now have more information on who was behind this latest attack on Eric Greitens.

According to a new report at, Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove had prior knowledge of this hit piece against Eric Greitens.

This is explosive information.


GOP establishment consultant Karl Rove had prior knowledge of contents of a now-public filing that Sheena Greitens, the ex-wife of former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, filed in a dispute over the parenting structure for their two boys, a top confidante of GOP mega-donors told Breitbart News exclusively. Rove, in response, issued a statement to Breitbart News denying the donor confidante’s account of events.

In addition, a top ally of Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell employs Sheena Greitens’s sister at three different political consulting firms…

…Not only did Rove have prior knowledge of the forthcoming accusations, the donor confidante said, but he offered that if the confidante would travel to Texas, Rove could set it up so the confidante could hear directly from her.

The confidante, Steve Hantler, confirmed the account on the record to Breitbart News when asked about it on Tuesday. Hantler is a well-known figure behind the scenes in the GOP donor community, and his credibility is clear. He rarely speaks on record with news outlets but is frequently involved in helping top conservative candidates and causes as well as serving as a go-between with GOP donors and candidates and groups.

Between 10 and 14 days before Sheena Greitens filed her complaint with the Boone County court in Missouri, Rove was on a call with Hantler in which Hantler says Rove explicitly stated that Eric Greitens’s ex-wife “is going to,” before the primary election, “make a statement or release something.”

Hantler has known Rove for decades—dating back to the 1990s—and describes Rove a close friend. He spoke to Breitbart News about this after the story came out earlier this week. He also told Greitens’ campaign for U.S. Senate about the call with Rove contemporaneously and before the filing was made, sources familiar with the matter told Breitbart News.

Hantler said in response to Rove during this phone call that he would call Sheena and ask her if it is true, and Rove replied “well, she won’t talk to you.”

“But, if you want to talk to her, I can set it up—fly down to Austin and the two of you will be able to talk,” Rove said, according to Hantler.

Rove does not deny that the call in question took place, but he does deny Hantler’s account of the call.

We reached out to Eric Greitens for comment.